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[move-compiler][move-model] complete the lambda lifting part #931

Closed meng-xu-cs closed 1 year ago

meng-xu-cs commented 1 year ago

This is to piggyback compiler and prover support of translating move functions that are generated after lambda lifting.

The complete workflow of the verificaiton compilation will be like this:

  1. compile to expansion AST (short for E-AST), take a copy
  2. compile E-AST until inlining to get inlined AST (short for I-AST)
  3. extract functions generated out of lambda lifting, downgrade its AST into expansion AST. Add these new expansion AST to E-AST and call it E-AST'
  4. compile resumes from E-AST' and up until compiled units.

In this way, the lambda lifted functions will be recognized by move-model in later phases as if the developers write them in the code.

To take a concrete example, the following program will be converted to AST at the expansion level that is equilavent as if the developers write the two lambda-lifted functions in the source code:

module 0x42::Test {
    inline fun apply(v: u64, predicate: |u64| bool): bool {
        spec {
            assert v != 42;
            assert predicate(v);

    public fun test_apply(a1: u64, a2: u64) {
        apply(0, |v| v >= 0);
        apply(0, |v| v != a1 + a2);

After inlining and lambda-lifting:

module 0x42::Test {
    public fun test_apply(a1: u64, a2: u64) {
        /* inlined */
        spec {
            assert 0 != 42;
            assert test_apply_predicate_0(0);

        /* inlined */
        spec {
            assert 0 != 42;
            assert test_apply_predicate_1(0);

    /* generated */
    fun test_apply_predicate_0(v: u64): bool {
        v >= 0
    /* move-model will create spec fun automatically */

    /* generated */
    fun test_apply_predicate_1(v: u64, a1: u64, a2: u64): bool {
        v != a1 + a2
    /* move-model will create spec fun automatically */


Complete the inlining feature in spec world

This, combined with two previously landed PRs #879, #891 completes the support of inlining of inline specs (yes, a lot of inlining).

The compiler changes are mostly confined to two places:

The move-model changes are mostly for downgrading inlining AST (i.e., typing AST) to expansion AST and a slight modification of the compilation workflow (i.e., to include the enriched expansion AST).

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