moveit / moveit2

:robot: MoveIt for ROS 2
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Bullet collision checking not working #2824

Open MatthijsBurgh opened 2 months ago

MatthijsBurgh commented 2 months ago


When I configure moveit to use Bullet collision detection, it already thinks my start state is in collision, while the same robot state with FCL doesn't think it is collision

# moveit_cpp.yaml
collision_detector: Bullet

I am using moveit_py. Besides the log mentioned below., I don't get any other logs. I have event tried a local build of moveit_py, so I could add the --log-level moveit.core.collision_detection_bullet:=debug args. But it doesn't provided me with any informative logs.

Your environment

Steps to reproduce

Expected behaviour

Valid collision checking

Actual behaviour

Thinks it is in collision, while it is not.

Backtrace or Console output

PlanningRequestAdapter 'CheckStartStateCollision' failed, because 'Start state in collision.'. Aborting planning pipeline.
sjahr commented 3 weeks ago

@MatthijsBurgh Thanks for reporting this. Do you have a setup available that could be used to reproduce the issue?

MatthijsBurgh commented 2 weeks ago

@sjahr sorry for the late response. I don't any easy setup for to test, sorry. I am using a TechMan robot, the robot description and moveit config can be found here. I am using the TM14 robot.You should change the moveit_cpp.yaml config to use bullet. Like the code snippet at the start of this issue.