moveit / moveit2

:robot: MoveIt for ROS 2
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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GSOC 2024: MuJoCo ROS/MoveIt integration #2841

Open sangteak601 opened 1 month ago

sangteak601 commented 1 month ago

Hi all,

I will work on integrating MuJoCo simulation with ROS2 and MoveIt2 for GSOC. The project description can be found here

The goals and milestones of the project will be as follows:

peterdavidfagan commented 1 month ago

Hi @sangteak601,

It is great that you are participating in GSoC and working on this project. I was a past participant of GSoC with MoveIt, in general its a great experience, I hope you have a great time.

I wished to post here as I have had the need to work on the topic of integrating mujoco with ROS as part of my workflow for performing robotics research. To this end I create the following package: One aspect of this package that I find very useful is the integration of mujoco's interactive viewer.

I am very interested in the work you will be completing and would also be keen to align my workflows/packages with your ros2_control integration (right now I leverage topic_based_ros2_control). Looking forward to seeing the progress you make and if you ever want to chat about any of the details of what I have done to date on this topic I would be happy to discuss.

Just seeing your progress already cool stuff:

gavanderhoorn commented 1 month ago

It's ROS 1, AFAIK, but @rhaschke's team/colleagues have been working on: ubi-agni/mujoco_ros_pkgs.

peterdavidfagan commented 1 month ago

+1 on @gavanderhoorn's comment, @rhaschke's teams work is really nice on this. Also maybe it came up already in meetings as @sjahr mentioned this to me in the past but there is also the following integration work:

sangteak601 commented 1 week ago

Hi @peterdavidfagan and @gavanderhoorn, Thanks for your interest in my GSOC project and for sharing other relevant repos. It’s good to know there are some workarounds on this topic. They all look very useful! My work will be updated on my personal repo ( If you’re interested, please check it out for progress.