moveit / moveit2_tutorials

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RVIZ 2 Unable to see Panda Robot model #155

Open scole02 opened 2 years ago

scole02 commented 2 years ago


Similiar to issue #108. Panda robot appears to load properly according to the logs/console, but the visual model does not appear in RVIZ.


Looking at the logs there is one Error that is displayed upon starting RVIZ: [rviz2-1] [ERROR] [1635056199.843327629] [moveit_ros_visualization.motion_planning_frame]: Action server: /recognize_objects not available

And another Error that is displayed after choosing the MotionPlanning DisplayType as referenced in Step 1 of the tutorial.: [move_group-4] [ERROR] [1635056172.626867175] [moveit.ros.occupancy_map_monitor] : No 3D sensor plugin(s) defined for octomap updates

Your environment

Steps to reproduce

Followed this tutorial before running the demo with: $ ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials rviz_tutorial:=true

Expected behaviour

Panda robot model mesh displays in rviz2 scene, after adding MotionPlanning display type as seen in the tutorial.

Backtrace or Console output

Console Output

vatanaksoytezer commented 2 years ago

Hi @scole02 thank you for reporting your issue. Did you follow the instructions:

Once you have the Motion Planning Plugin loaded, we can configure it. In the “Global Options” tab of the “Displays” subwindow, set the Fixed Frame field to /panda_link0
Now, you can start configuring the Plugin for your robot (the Panda in this case). Click on “MotionPlanning” within “Displays”.
Make sure the Robot Description field is set to robot_description.
Make sure the Planning Scene Topic field is set to /monitored_planning_scene. Click on topic name to expose topic-name drop-down.
Make sure the Trajectory Topic under Planned Path is set to /display_planned_path.
In Planning Request, change the Planning Group to panda_arm. You can also see this in the MotionPlanning panel in the bottom left.

Does running ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials brings up the robot for you?

scole02 commented 2 years ago

Hi @scole02 thank you for reporting your issue. Did you follow the instructions:

Once you have the Motion Planning Plugin loaded, we can configure it. In the “Global Options” tab of the “Displays” subwindow, set the Fixed Frame field to /panda_link0
Now, you can start configuring the Plugin for your robot (the Panda in this case). Click on “MotionPlanning” within “Displays”.
Make sure the Robot Description field is set to robot_description.
Make sure the Planning Scene Topic field is set to /monitored_planning_scene. Click on topic name to expose topic-name drop-down.
Make sure the Trajectory Topic under Planned Path is set to /display_planned_path.
In Planning Request, change the Planning Group to panda_arm. You can also see this in the MotionPlanning panel in the bottom left.

Does running ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials brings up the robot for you?

After following these steps and changing the planning request to "panda_arm", there is now a sphere with a bunch of different axes for rotation, but no mesh for the arm.


I also saw this log pop up indicating that not all the files are loaded for the panda?


vatanaksoytezer commented 2 years ago

I seemed to cannot reproduce this: Can you try:

ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials

without the rviz_tutorial:=true part?

scole02 commented 2 years ago

I seemed to cannot reproduce this: Can you try:

ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials

without the rviz_tutorial:=true part?

The same behavior is observed with or without the rviz_tutorial:=true

scole02 commented 2 years ago

I tried rebuilding the moveit2_tutorials repo using colcon as I did before and noticed that there are a bunch of cmake warnings about paths not existing. However all the packages seem to build properly and finish without error. It appears that the panda parts and description are mentioned here, not sure if this part of the problem?

Console Trace

vatanaksoytezer commented 2 years ago

I tried rebuilding the moveit2_tutorials repo using colcon as I did before and noticed that there are a bunch of cmake warnings about paths not existing. However all the packages seem to build properly and finish without error. It appears that the panda parts and description are mentioned here, not sure if this part of the problem?

I am pretty sure that's not the problem. It's just a colcon warning after a rebuild. I am guessing this might be a Windows / Rviz issue? Did you try anything other than MoveIt and able to see robots in Rviz?

dpiet commented 2 years ago

@vatanaksoytezer I'm also experiencing this issue again with the latest foxy branch. I've made sure to purge all moveit released packages and updated my ros-foxy packages and still the same issue. I'm also on WSL2. I'll try other mesh display examples to rule out a GUI issue.

vatanaksoytezer commented 2 years ago

@vatanaksoytezer I'm also experiencing this issue again with the latest foxy branch. I've made sure to purge all moveit released packages and updated my ros-foxy packages and still the same issue. I'm also on WSL2. I'll try other mesh display examples to rule out a GUI issue.

@dpiet Yes, please try to display anything else, to rule out Windows GUI issues. Can you also share your logs so that I can look for errors?

dpiet commented 2 years ago

@vatanaksoytezer I am able to see a robot model mesh via: ros2 launch dummy_robot_bringup then opening rviz2 and adding a RobotModel display with /robot_description topic and changing fixed frame to world. So I don't think the problem is related to anything inherent in the WSL2 environment setup. Here is a log output of the demo launch

dpiet commented 2 years ago

Hi @vatanaksoytezer any thoughts on this lingering issue? Can you confirm you can reproduce?

vatanaksoytezer commented 2 years ago

Hi @dpiet thanks for the ping. Sorry for the delays, somehow missed this because of all the notifications. I can't reproduce this in any of my environments (release docker, source docker, local (Ubuntu 20.04) release, local source). And I don't have a clue from the log. I'll try to ping some folks to see if they can reproduce / help.

rhaschke commented 2 years ago

This seems to be a rviz issue, not a MoveIt issue. Are you able to see any mesh in rviz? Did you try some of the marker tutorials, for example? Which environment do you use? Locale settings?

dpiet commented 2 years ago

@rhaschke I had run ros2 launch dummy_robot_bringup successfully. This is on updated WSL2 running Ubuntu 20.04. Are you aware of any rviz issues in this environment?

vatanaksoytezer commented 2 years ago

@dpiet I suspect the problem might be with the meshes. dummy_robot does not contain any meshes so that doesn't cancel any possiblity. I would suggest trying to spawn a robot with meshes (ie: turtlebot3) and eliminate the possibility. I have tried to control panda recently in Windows WSL and Ubuntu 20.04 using moveit docker images without any issues.

rhaschke commented 2 years ago

I have seen several issues reports for WSL2 recently. Maybe they had an update, which broke something? I don't have a WSL2 system at hand for testing.

dpiet commented 2 years ago

This seems to be the related reported issue: I'm not OP, but the fact this can't be reproduced on various build systems and the reported issue, it appears to be a bug with rviz and/or WSL directly.

farukomeraydin commented 1 year ago

Hello, I had a similar problem. I am on Ubuntu 22.04, I am using ROS2 Humble. Check here: [(] This should solve your problem.