moveit / moveit_commander

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core dump whenever exiting Python MoveIt script #15

Closed pirobot closed 8 years ago

pirobot commented 10 years ago

I am using the Python moveit_commander API (ROS Hydro Debian install and Ubuntu 12.04). My scripts run fine but they always exit with the following core dump message:

python: /usr/include/boost/thread/pthread/pthread_mutex_scoped_lock.hpp:26: boost::pthread::pthread_mutex_scoped_lock::pthread_mutex_scoped_lock(pthread_mutex_t*): Assertion `!pthread_mutex_lock(m)' failed.

Aborted (core dumped)

Is this something I should worry about?

pirobot commented 10 years ago

I discovered that if I add the following line to the end of my script, the error goes away:

acornacorn commented 10 years ago

This is an annoying bug and we need to fix it, but I think it is benign and you can ignore it for now.

pirobot commented 10 years ago

OK, thanks!

AzureViolin commented 10 years ago

Hi, Acorn, How's things going now? I rebuilt Moveit from source recently and still got this bug even when I run tutorial roslaunch pr2_moveit_tutorials move_group_interface_tutorial

cmaestre commented 10 years ago

Hi! I am just having the same problem in CPP when using MoveGroup (for example, moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroup group("right_arm"));

As this makes my program to be killed when exiting I cannot use Valgrind to seek for memory leaks. Any solutions?

e1000i commented 10 years ago

@cmaestre I'm started to notice this same problem in cpp this week. But as commander package is not invoked when using cpp interfaces. In order to avoid mixing things and keep them clear we should report the problem to the moveit_core package,there is where cpp interfaces resides.

I did not report it yet because i was thinking it could be unrelated to moveit and I had no time to furder investaget it. If you discarted other origins pleas report there the issue, i will try to add some more information to your publication there.

cmaestre commented 10 years ago


I already found this problem reported and open here:

Best Carlos

On 1 August 2014 10:52, Emili Boronat Roselló wrote:

@cmaestre I'm started to notice this same problem in cpp this week. But as commander package is not invoked when using cpp interfaces. In order to avoid mixing things and keep them clear we should report the problem to the moveit_core package,there is where cpp interfaces resides.

I did not report it yet because i was thinking it could be unrelated to moveit and I had no time to furder investaget it. If you discarted other origins pleas report there the issue, i will try to add some more information to your publication there.

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v4hn commented 8 years ago

I don't see this issue anymore in current indigo-devel. as well as move_group_interface_tutorial terminate without errors. I'll therefore close this issue. If anyone experiences the problem again, feel free to open a new request with an updated test case.