moveit / moveit_ros

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Not able to control real robot using MoveIt! #655

Closed SaranKanag closed 8 years ago

SaranKanag commented 8 years ago

I am new to moveit and ROS. I have created moveit config package (set up assistant) for Schunk Lwa4p arm. But I am struggling to control real arm from moveit. Upon running 'moveit_planning_execution.launch' and clicking on Execute button in RViz, I got following errors:

[ INFO] [1458896804.810438377]: Waiting for operationmode service to become available \ [ERROR] [1458896804.974349026]: MoveitSimpleControllerManager: Action client not connected: arm/joint_trajectory_controller [ INFO] [1458896805.079746996]: Returned 0 controllers in list [ INFO] [1458896805.119044800]: Trajectory execution is managing controllers ... [ INFO] [1458896900.940527967]: Waiting for operationmode service to become available [ INFO] [1458896901.933728220]: Combined planning and execution request received for MoveGroup action. Forwarding to planning and execution pipeline. [ WARN] [1458896901.933887039]: Execution of motions should always start at the robot's current state. Ignoring the state supplied as start state in the motion planning request [ INFO] [1458896901.933944449]: Planning attempt 1 of at most 1 [ INFO] [1458896901.935989122]: No planner specified. Using default. [ INFO] [1458896901.936155554]: LBKPIECE1: Attempting to use default projection. [ INFO] [1458896901.938471980]: LBKPIECE1: Starting planning with 1 states already in datastructure [ INFO] [1458896901.941578311]: Waiting for operationmode service to become available [ INFO] [1458896902.432168629]: LBKPIECE1: Created 184 (87 start + 97 goal) states in 176 cells (86 start (86 on boundary) + 90 goal (90 on boundary)) [ INFO] [1458896902.434038979]: Solution found in 0.496061 seconds [ INFO] [1458896902.434911366]: SimpleSetup: Path simplification took 0.000396 seconds and changed from 167 to 2 states [ INFO] [1458896902.440256320]: Returned 0 controllers in list [ERROR] [1458896902.440616352]: Unable to identify any set of controllers that can actuate the specified joints: [ arm_1_joint arm_2_joint arm_3_joint arm_4_joint arm_5_joint arm_6_joint ] [ERROR] [1458896902.440879514]: Known controllers and their joints:

[ERROR] [1458896902.441217545]: Apparently trajectory initialization failed** [ INFO] [1458896902.942730273]: Waiting for operationmode service to become available

Following are the additional details:

  1. Planning in RViz was successful and it displayed the planned path.
  2. rostopic doesn't list the topics related to moveit_simple_controller_manager
  3. moveit_planning_execution.launch used: moveit_planning_execution.docx
  4. controllers.yaml used: controllers.docx

Please help me on how to resolve this and make moveit control my real robot. Thanks....

scottpaulin commented 8 years ago

It looks like your robot arm is supported in the Schunk package[1]. This package will have all of the controllers e.t.c. that you need to get going.


SaranKanag commented 8 years ago

Thanks scottpaulin. I made a change in controllers.yaml file and now it works fine.