moveit / moveit_ros

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removed mongo_ros from warehouse and update benchmarks calls #720

Closed acesso closed 7 years ago

acesso commented 7 years ago

Warehouse code on indigo-devel branch relies on warehouse_ros(indigo-devel) that still uses mongo_ros(deprecated since groovy). This update patch allow moveit to use jade-devel warehouse_ros that uses a connection handler instead of host:port pair.

Compiled and tested with catkin_make_isolated on a fedora 22 (4.4.13-200.fc22.x86_64) box, with warehouse_ros(jade-devel branch), since it uses a different branch for this the CI does not build correctly. not sure how to indicate the correct release level to CI.

davetcoleman commented 7 years ago

i was of the understanding indigo worked fine with mongo - it has been released for several years now in fact. the new changes to warehouse_ros were purposefully decided not to be backported to indigo AFAIK

rhaschke commented 7 years ago

i was of the understanding indigo worked fine with mongo - it has been released for several years now in fact. the new changes to warehouse_ros were purposefully decided not to be backported to indigo AFAIK

That was my understanding too.

mikeferguson commented 7 years ago

Yes, the intent was not to make these changes in Indigo (an LTS) as mongo_ros exists in all supported platforms.

v4hn commented 7 years ago

The indigo-devel branch of this repository does not require the mongo_ros package, but the indigo release of warehouse_ros. So this request is invalid. Confusion might arise because the indigo release of the warehouse_ros package still provides headers under the mongo_ros include prefix.

Closing as invalid.