moveit / panda_moveit_config

The Panda robot is the flagship MoveIt integration robot
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How to use Moveit on FR3 #124

Closed BolunDai0216 closed 1 year ago

BolunDai0216 commented 1 year ago


I was wondering if it would be possible to point me to some resources that show how to use moveit on a real robot. I did not see franka_control.launch used in the other launch files.

Thanks in advance!

rhaschke commented 1 year ago

You use MoveIt in exactly the same fashion on a real robot, a Gazebo simulation, or the even simpler rviz-only simulation. Just tell MoveIt which robot controllers to use for actuation. A corresponding tutorial can be found here:

rhaschke commented 1 year ago

franka_control.launch is used in franka_control.launch of this package: