Open Tommaso2025 opened 3 months ago
Hello @Yadunund I know you are very capable with ROS2. I have recently started using it from ROS1. If you may help with this issue that would be great.
Hi @Tommaso2025, appreciate the ping but I'm not sure how much I can help here. My recommendation would be to reference the moveit_config defined in the rolling
branch in this repo which should be setup to work with moveit2
If i were to guess the issue is either with the SRDF generated by moveit_setup_assistant where the arm is not setup as a serial manupulator or the name of the kinematic chain as defined in the SRDF does not match the name defined in the kinematics.yaml file.
I have made a panda_arm moveit2 package with the moveit2 setup assistant with URDF,SRDF,kinematics.yaml etc. I have a separated package that contains the kinematics solver and a third package with the node to execute the SearchPositionIK method, in order to do so I have made a file to launch the node and provide the info relative to URDF,SRDF and kinematics.yaml file. I am first making a test using the kdl_kinematics_plugin as separated ik solver. Here can be found the 3 packages:
The problem occurs when I try to launch the I get this output: tommaso@tommaso-HP-Pavilion-Sleekbook-15-PC:~$ ros2 launch ik_test_package [INFO] [ik_test_node_2-1]: process started with pid [13620] [ik_test_node_2-1] [WARN] [1724345988.971389292] [rcl.logging_rosout]: Publisher already registered for provided node name. If this is due to multiple nodes with the same name then all logs for that logger name will go out over the existing publisher. As soon as any node with that name is destructed it will unregister the publisher, preventing any further logs for that name from being published on the rosout topic. [ik_test_node_2-1] [INFO] [1724345989.033957106] [ik_test_node_2.moveit.ros.rdf_loader]: Loaded robot model in 0.0580907 seconds [ik_test_node_2-1] [INFO] [1724345989.034030122] [ik_test_node_2.moveit.core.robot_model]: Loading robot model 'panda'... [ik_test_node_2-1] [WARN] [1724345989.053568498] [ik_test_node_2.moveit.ros.robot_model_loader]: No kinematics plugins defined. Fill and load kinematics.yaml! [ik_test_node_2-1] [INFO] [1724345989.053754905] [ik_test_node_2]: Kinematics solver: kdl_kinematics/KDLKinematics [ik_test_node_2-1] [INFO] [1724345989.053868353] [ik_test_node_2]: Search resolution: 0.005000 [ik_test_node_2-1] [INFO] [1724345989.053903741] [ik_test_node_2]: Timeout: 0.005000 [ik_test_node_2-1] [ERROR] [1724345989.054092898] [moveit_kdl_kinematics.kdl_kinematics]: Could not initialize chain object [ik_test_node_2-1] [ERROR] [1724345989.054152753] [ik_test_node_2]: Failed to initialize the IK solver. [ERROR] [ik_test_node_2-1]: process has died [pid 13620, exit code 1, cmd '/home/tommaso/ros2_ws_6/install/ik_test_package/lib/ik_test_package/ik_test_node_2 --ros-args -r __node:=ik_test_node_2 --params-file /tmp/launch_params_12nts91s --params-file /tmp/launch_params_71zyrod4 --params-file /tmp/launch_params_gborfe1v'].
My main concerns are 2 [WARN] messages, can anyone help me to solve them?