moveit / panda_moveit_config

The Panda robot is the flagship MoveIt integration robot
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Fix poses and update disabled collisons #93

Closed marcbone closed 2 years ago

marcbone commented 2 years ago

Currently, the interactive markers in Rviz are not visible when using moveit. To bring it back I disabled a few collisions (similar to what @rickstaa did in the noetic-branch), removed the "transport" pose, as this one is not reachable with the collision volumes. Also I changed the "extended" pose so that it does not violate the joint limits anymore.

As a result the interactive markers are now back.

rhaschke commented 2 years ago

I don't yet see how your changes are related to the fact that the interactive marker is not visible. For me, it is using the current melodic-devel branch. Did you switch the planning group to panda_arm?


rhaschke commented 2 years ago

I merged this into noetic-devel, which is the current WIP branch and will become the default for both Melodic and Noetic as soon as we fixed all issues. Please target changes to this branch.

Looking into the collision models in more detail, I was highly confused that many collision models seem to be associated with the wrong links. For example:

marcbone commented 2 years ago

I guess you are just using the demo.launch? I am using the panda_moveit.launch together with the real robot. Screenshot from 2021-11-02 08-29-42

So it seems that the demo.launch works, because of the static_transform_publisher, which is not necessary in my PR because, I made the virtual_joint "fixed"

rickstaa commented 2 years ago

@marcbone Thanks for your comment. I think the main point of @rhaschke comment was that we are planning to merge the noetic-devel branch into the melodic-devel branch when it is ready (you can ready about this decision here).

Is it maybe I should send you an update when the new melodic-devel branch is live? You can then check if the issue is still in there. Apart from that, we are also working with @emikafranka to create a fix for the coarse collision problem.

rhaschke commented 2 years ago

@marcbone, please use the noetic-devel branch for development and testing for now. There, the virtual joint is declared fixed already: