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SRDF Python parser #8

Closed guihomework closed 9 years ago

guihomework commented 9 years ago

Dear developers,

I needed a SRDF python parser, to loop over the groups and joints and such (this is useful to generate new moveit config files from existing ones) I could not find an existing SRDF python parser, so the fastest and easiest solution was to derive from urdf_parser_py and and depend on its xml_reflection lib. The parser can be found there It also integrates a full srdf parsing test

Would it make sense to create a srdfdom_py similar to urdfdom_py integrating such a parser ?

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

Why not just use python bindings around the C++ code, to prevent discrepancies in the parser, increase speed, reduce maintenance, and code duplication?

guihomework commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your comment.

I agree with the remarks, however, I thought I would mimic what was done for the urdfdom upstream which contains a python parser in parallel of the c++ parser (and hence inherently probably has the same discrepancies you mention), even in the vivid branch ( Do you know the reason the python parser is kept in urdfdom then ?

I could give a try to use your idea, but I first need to learn how to use python c++ binding.

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

I try to avoid python at all costs (why make extra work off adding a python layer of complexity?) but some good examples are in this repo:

guihomework commented 9 years ago

I don't have strong reasons for which I chose python. I thought this was the most readable I could do but this gets far beyond what I expected when creating this parser.

Anyway, I like to learn things, so I started to create a wrap_python_model.cpp cpp-python binding to expose the public functions of the srdf parser to python. Getter functions are quite easy to expose, as they only rely on structures defined in srdfdom, but I obviously also need to expose the init functions in order to init the parser with data, and this is problematic.

Indeed every single init function of the srdf Model requires a urdf::ModelInterface which would need to be filled in python to be passed to the exposed function. However, to do that, the urdf::Model Interface class should be exposed to python too. There is no such thing in urdf, the urdf_parser_py is only an augmented xml object with parser consistency checks. Such an exposed ModelInterface class should live in the urdfdom_headers and I am not sure they want to expose this interface to python since they already have the urdf_parser_py.

The srdf cpp parser requires urdf to check urdf-srdf coherence which my srdf_parser_py did not do. I only had the model consistency checks.

by the way, from the time I spend on creating the python binding, I realized the effort maintaining the wrapper might be as much as maintaining the python parser. The binding would need maintenance on api changes on the cpp srdf and on new functions (due to srdf added tags), but the python parser would require maintenance only on the srdf structure change (added tags). Not really sure which is best.

In my application that requires srdf parsing, I might completely drop the srdf_parser_py and do a manual xml parsing, which would not rely on any srdf rules but parse raw xml. It is a pity but that could be a solution.

What do you think ?

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

Indeed every single init function of the srdf Model requires a urdf::ModelInterface which would need to be filled in python to be passed to the exposed function.

What if you just loaded the URDF within the C++, and instead offered init functions that could provide a robot_description parameter name for the rosparam server, a file path to the URDF, or an XML string? This seems like the best option to me.

I am not sure they want to expose this interface to python since they already have the urdf_parser_py.

I don't know for sure, but I'd say having a python wrapped URDF parser would be appreciated too. btw, there isn't much of a "they" anymore since the WG days.

I realized the effort maintaining the wrapper might be as much as maintaining the python parser. The binding would need maintenance on api changes on the cpp srdf and on new functions (due to srdf added tags), but the python parser would require maintenance only on the srdf structure change (added tags).

SRDF hasn't changed sine June 2013 and even if it did, its not clear to me why making the needed changes to the python wrapper would be very difficult? It would certainly provide consistency in implementation.

Again, I'm no python expert but making a proper wrapper seems like a worthwhile cause.

I would really appreciate @isucan's opinions on this.

guihomework commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your feedback.

You suggest to add some init functions in srdfdom that would not require the urdf to be pre-processed but process it internally. That could indeed simplify the wrapping.

I will wait for the opinion you also requested, before going in this direction.

Meanwhile I already modified my application to parse the srdf without the suggested parser, but integrating helper functions (which are then duplicate of what would be in a proper parser) to access the correct srdf elements I need.

isucan commented 9 years ago

URDF has its own python parser too, so to me either variant seems fine. I kind of prefer to have separate parsers (per language). The format is what matters, not the API itself. Of course, bindings are fine if it is easy to write them. If not, it makes sense to have a separate parser.

guihomework commented 9 years ago

@isucan thanks for your feedback.

I found python binding more complex than the python parser because of all the structures to be wrapped and passed, and the dependency to urdf structures (ModelInterface) that do not exist.

I derived the srdf_parser_py from the separate urdf parser you mention, even depending on its xml reflection python lib to reduce code duplication, and this issue I opened was to ask for a integration of this parser in the srdfdom project. You could integrate the code from the in the srdfdom or take it as a separate repository if you like.

Having code upstream is always safer.

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

I think using the same repo (srdfdom) is better. Could you prepare a pull request to it for review?

guihomework commented 9 years ago

I will work on that very soon.

mryellow commented 9 years ago

Not sure if this is me or not yet, but seeing thought it might fit here.

Debian jessie, no urdfdom ros package installed in src dir but system dep liburdfdom-dev instead.

catkin build

Could not find a package configuration file provided by "urdfdom_py" with
  any of the following names:


Is it that the "Use the system deps instead" approach hasn't flowed on to urdfdom_py? Not getting a hit with pkg-config on this name.

guihomework commented 9 years ago

Indeed, the latest PR adds a new package dependency to srdfdom. However urdfdom and urdfdom_py are different packages. The first one is indeed now a system package (referered as liburdfdom-dev), the second one is still released through ros via ros-indigo-urdfdom-py I tested on a trusty install without ros-indigo-urdfdom-py and the command rosdep check srdfdom indeed indicates System dependencies have not been satisified: apt ros-indigo-urdfdom-py So a command like rosdep install srdfdom will install the missing dependency and findpackage will then find the catkin package. Hope this helps.

mryellow commented 9 years ago

hmmm jessie doesn't have many packages pre-compiled.

How would one go about packaging up the urdf_parser_py code as a source install of ros-indigo-urdfdom-py with the final result being urdfdom_py exposed as a package? Wouldn't that also include urdfdom which should be distributed via the system dep? Do these packages need splitting?

The changelog at shows The packages in the urdfdom_py repository were released into, though I see no repo by that name.

mryellow commented 9 years ago

Sorted... installed from source, although srdfdom/package.xml was missing a depend for urdfdom_py.

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

the URDFDom issue you are referring to is from last year, and this PR/issue hasn't been released yet, so I think your issue is unrelated.

guihomework commented 9 years ago

@mryellow could you specify which depend to urdfdom_py is missing in srdfdom/package.xml ? I don't see the missing one (both build and run depend are there).

mryellow commented 9 years ago

You know what, looking through the commit history on it now and I couldn't say but it appears I've corrupted it at some stage. I was working on it a bit drained there, could have mistakenly made an earlier edit looking for urdfdom_py solutions.

Sorry for any noise, hopefully keywords help the next noob with an oddball mixed install looking for the correct packages on google.

guihomework commented 9 years ago

@davetcoleman or @isucan is there a possibility to release this change in indigo ? This adds a new feature but does not break existing code.

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

I think it should be released, yes. I can do it if @isucan is ok with it

isucan commented 9 years ago

+1 if we don't break API, we're good. Thanks! On Apr 16, 2015 19:58, "Dave Coleman" wrote:

I think it should be released, yes. I can do it if @isucan is ok with it

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guihomework commented 9 years ago

@davetcoleman how do I know when the release has been done (except from looking at the package content )? Should it be seen in the release tab of github with a 0.2.8 ?

guihomework commented 9 years ago

Dear @davetcoleman , @isucan is there a chance to get the python parser released for indigo- and jade- ?

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

i will after i get back from icra this week, unless @isucan wants to first

davetcoleman commented 9 years ago

I'm really sorry for the long delay