movementlabsxyz / movement

The Movement Network is a Move-based L2 on Ethereum.
Apache License 2.0
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Connection Refused Error in `suzuka-full-node` After Rebuilding Docker-Compose Stack #245

Open wengych opened 1 month ago

wengych commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Following the updated documentation, I rebuilt the docker-compose stack and found error logs in the container suzuka-full-node as follows:

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Update to the latest documentation(ref #233 ).
  2. Rebuild the docker-compose stack.
  3. Run the command: docker compose –env-file .env -f docker/compose/suzuka-full-node/docker-compose.yml -f docker/compose/suzuka-full-node/docker-compose.setup-local.yml -f docker/compose/suzuka-full-node/docker-compose.celestia-local.yml logs suzuka-full-node -f
  4. See error in the logs.

Expected behavior The docker-compose stack should start successfully without any errors.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context Here are the detailed error logs from the suzuka-full-node container:

suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.423759Z  INFO maptos_opt_executor::executor::initialization: No ledger info found, bootstrapping DB.
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.494202Z  INFO maptos_opt_executor::executor::services: Starting maptos-opt-executor services at: ""
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.508801Z  INFO poem::server: listening addr=socket://
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.508816Z  INFO poem::server: server started
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.508824Z  INFO maptos_opt_executor::executor::indexer: Starting indexer gRPC with node config NodeConfig { admin_service: AdminServiceConfig { enabled: None, address: "", port: 9102, authentication_configs: [] }, api: ApiConfig { enabled: true, address:, tls_cert_path: None, tls_key_path: None, content_length_limit: None, failpoints_enabled: false, json_output_enabled: true, bcs_output_enabled: true, encode_submission_enabled: true, transaction_submission_enabled: true, transaction_simulation_enabled: true, max_submit_transaction_batch_size: 10, max_transactions_page_size: 100, max_block_transactions_page_size: 10000, max_events_page_size: 100, max_account_resources_page_size: 9999, max_account_modules_page_size: 9999, max_gas_view_function: 2000000, max_runtime_workers: None, runtime_worker_multiplier: 2, gas_estimation: GasEstimationConfig { enabled: true, static_override: None, full_block_txns: 250, low_block_history: 10, market_block_history: 30, aggressive_block_history: 120, cache_expiration_ms: 500 }, periodic_gas_estimation_ms: Some(30000), simulation_filter: Filter { rules: [] }, view_filter: Blocklist([]), periodic_function_stats_sec: Some(60), wait_by_hash_timeout_ms: 1000, wait_by_hash_poll_interval_ms: 20, wait_by_hash_max_active_connections: 100 }, base: BaseConfig { data_dir: "/opt/aptos/data", working_dir: None, role: validator, waypoint: None }, consensus: ConsensusConfig { max_network_channel_size: 1024, max_sending_block_txns: 8000, max_sending_block_unique_txns: 1900, max_sending_block_bytes: 3145728, max_sending_inline_txns: 100, max_sending_inline_bytes: 204800, max_receiving_block_txns: 10000, max_receiving_block_bytes: 6291456, max_pruned_blocks_in_mem: 100, mempool_executed_txn_timeout_ms: 1000, mempool_txn_pull_timeout_ms: 1000, round_initial_timeout_ms: 1500, round_timeout_backoff_exponent_base: 1.2, round_timeout_backoff_max_exponent: 6, safety_rules: SafetyRulesConfig { backend: InMemoryStorage, logger: LoggerConfig { chan_size: 10000, enable_backtrace: false, is_async: true, level: Info, enable_telemetry_remote_log: true, enable_telemetry_flush: true, telemetry_level: Error, tokio_console_port: None }, service: Local, test: None, network_timeout_ms: 30000, enable_cached_safety_data: true, initial_safety_rules_config: None }, sync_only: false, channel_size: 30, quorum_store_pull_timeout_ms: 400, quorum_store_poll_time_ms: 300, wait_for_full_blocks_above_pending_blocks: 100, wait_for_full_blocks_above_recent_fill_threshold: 1.1, intra_consensus_channel_buffer_size: 10, quorum_store: QuorumStoreConfig { channel_size: 1000, proof_timeout_ms: 10000, batch_generation_poll_interval_ms: 25, batch_generation_min_non_empty_interval_ms: 200, batch_generation_max_interval_ms: 250, sender_max_batch_txns: 250, sender_max_batch_bytes: 1048416, sender_max_num_batches: 20, sender_max_total_txns: 2000, sender_max_total_bytes: 4191104, receiver_max_batch_txns: 250, receiver_max_batch_bytes: 1048736, receiver_max_num_batches: 20, receiver_max_total_txns: 2000, receiver_max_total_bytes: 4194484, batch_request_num_peers: 5, batch_request_retry_limit: 10, batch_request_retry_interval_ms: 1000, batch_request_rpc_timeout_ms: 5000, batch_expiry_gap_when_init_usecs: 60000000, remote_batch_expiry_gap_when_init_usecs: 500000, memory_quota: 120000000, db_quota: 300000000, batch_quota: 300000, back_pressure: QuorumStoreBackPressureConfig { backlog_txn_limit_count: 12000, backlog_per_validator_batch_limit_count: 4, decrease_duration_ms: 1000, increase_duration_ms: 1000, decrease_fraction: 0.5, dynamic_min_txn_per_s: 160, dynamic_max_txn_per_s: 4000 }, num_workers_for_remote_batches: 10, batch_buckets: [0, 150, 300, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 100000, 1000000], allow_batches_without_pos_in_proposal: true }, vote_back_pressure_limit: 7, pipeline_backpressure: [PipelineBackpressureValues { back_pressure_pipeline_latency_limit_ms: 800, max_sending_block_txns_override: 8000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 5242880, backpressure_proposal_delay_ms: 100, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: None }, PipelineBackpressureValues { back_pressure_pipeline_latency_limit_ms: 1100, max_sending_block_txns_override: 8000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 5242880, backpressure_proposal_delay_ms: 200, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: None }, PipelineBackpressureValues { back_pressure_pipeline_latency_limit_ms: 1400, max_sending_block_txns_override: 2000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backpressure_proposal_delay_ms: 300, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: None }, PipelineBackpressureValues { back_pressure_pipeline_latency_limit_ms: 1700, max_sending_block_txns_override: 1000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backpressure_proposal_delay_ms: 400, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: None }, PipelineBackpressureValues { back_pressure_pipeline_latency_limit_ms: 2000, max_sending_block_txns_override: 1000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backpressure_proposal_delay_ms: 500, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: Some(400) }, PipelineBackpressureValues { back_pressure_pipeline_latency_limit_ms: 2300, max_sending_block_txns_override: 1000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backpressure_proposal_delay_ms: 500, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: Some(150) }, PipelineBackpressureValues { back_pressure_pipeline_latency_limit_ms: 2700, max_sending_block_txns_override: 1000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backpressure_proposal_delay_ms: 500, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: Some(50) }, PipelineBackpressureValues { back_pressure_pipeline_latency_limit_ms: 3100, max_sending_block_txns_override: 1000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backpressure_proposal_delay_ms: 500, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: Some(20) }, PipelineBackpressureValues { back_pressure_pipeline_latency_limit_ms: 3500, max_sending_block_txns_override: 1000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backpressure_proposal_delay_ms: 500, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: Some(5) }], window_for_chain_health: 100, chain_health_backoff: [ChainHealthBackoffValues { backoff_if_below_participating_voting_power_percentage: 80, max_sending_block_txns_override: 10000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 5242880, backoff_proposal_delay_ms: 150, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: None }, ChainHealthBackoffValues { backoff_if_below_participating_voting_power_percentage: 78, max_sending_block_txns_override: 2000, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backoff_proposal_delay_ms: 300, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: None }, ChainHealthBackoffValues { backoff_if_below_participating_voting_power_percentage: 76, max_sending_block_txns_override: 500, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backoff_proposal_delay_ms: 300, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: None }, ChainHealthBackoffValues { backoff_if_below_participating_voting_power_percentage: 74, max_sending_block_txns_override: 500, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backoff_proposal_delay_ms: 500, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: Some(100) }, ChainHealthBackoffValues { backoff_if_below_participating_voting_power_percentage: 72, max_sending_block_txns_override: 500, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backoff_proposal_delay_ms: 500, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: Some(25) }, ChainHealthBackoffValues { backoff_if_below_participating_voting_power_percentage: 70, max_sending_block_txns_override: 500, max_sending_block_bytes_override: 1048736, backoff_proposal_delay_ms: 500, max_txns_from_block_to_execute: Some(5) }], qc_aggregator_type: NoDelay, max_blocks_per_sending_request: 10, max_blocks_per_sending_request_quorum_store_override: 10, max_blocks_per_receiving_request: 10, max_blocks_per_receiving_request_quorum_store_override: 100, broadcast_vote: true, proof_cache_capacity: 10000, rand_rb_config: ReliableBroadcastConfig { backoff_policy_base_ms: 2, backoff_policy_factor: 100, backoff_policy_max_delay_ms: 10000, rpc_timeout_ms: 10000 } }, consensus_observer: ConsensusObserverConfig { observer_enabled: false, publisher_enabled: false, max_network_channel_size: 1000, max_parallel_serialization_tasks: 80, network_request_timeout_ms: 10000, garbage_collection_interval_ms: 60000, max_subscription_timeout_ms: 30000, max_synced_version_timeout_ms: 60000, peer_optimality_check_interval_ms: 60000, progress_check_interval_ms: 5000 }, dag_consensus: DagConsensusConfig { node_payload_config: DagPayloadConfig { max_sending_txns_per_round: 10000, max_sending_size_per_round_bytes: 10485760, max_receiving_txns_per_round: 11000, max_receiving_size_per_round_bytes: 20971520, payload_pull_max_poll_time_ms: 1000 }, rb_config: ReliableBroadcastConfig { backoff_policy_base_ms: 2, backoff_policy_factor: 50, backoff_policy_max_delay_ms: 3000, rpc_timeout_ms: 1000 }, fetcher_config: DagFetcherConfig { retry_interval_ms: 500, rpc_timeout_ms: 1000, min_concurrent_responders: 1, max_concurrent_responders: 4, max_concurrent_fetches: 4 }, round_state_config: DagRoundStateConfig { adaptive_responsive_minimum_wait_time_ms: 500 }, health_config: DagHealthConfig { chain_backoff_config: [], voter_pipeline_latency_limit_ms: 30000, pipeline_backpressure_config: [] }, quorum_store: QuorumStoreConfig { channel_size: 1000, proof_timeout_ms: 10000, batch_generation_poll_interval_ms: 25, batch_generation_min_non_empty_interval_ms: 200, batch_generation_max_interval_ms: 250, sender_max_batch_txns: 250, sender_max_batch_bytes: 1048416, sender_max_num_batches: 20, sender_max_total_txns: 2000, sender_max_total_bytes: 4191104, receiver_max_batch_txns: 250, receiver_max_batch_bytes: 1048736, receiver_max_num_batches: 20, receiver_max_total_txns: 2000, receiver_max_total_bytes: 4194484, batch_request_num_peers: 5, batch_request_retry_limit: 10, batch_request_retry_interval_ms: 1000, batch_request_rpc_timeout_ms: 5000, batch_expiry_gap_when_init_usecs: 60000000, remote_batch_expiry_gap_when_init_usecs: 500000, memory_quota: 120000000, db_quota: 300000000, batch_quota: 300000, back_pressure: QuorumStoreBackPressureConfig { backlog_txn_limit_count: 12000, backlog_per_validator_batch_limit_count: 4, decrease_duration_ms: 1000, increase_duration_ms: 1000, decrease_fraction: 0.5, dynamic_min_txn_per_s: 160, dynamic_max_txn_per_s: 4000 }, num_workers_for_remote_batches: 10, batch_buckets: [0, 150, 300, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 100000, 1000000], allow_batches_without_pos_in_proposal: true } }, dkg: DKGConfig { max_network_channel_size: 256 }, execution: ExecutionConfig { genesis: None, genesis_file_location: "" , failpoints: None, full_node_networks: [], indexer: IndexerConfig { enabled: true, postgres_uri: Some("postgresql://postgres:*@localhost:5432"), processor: Some("default_processor"), starting_version: None, skip_migrations: Some(false), check_chain_id: Some(false), batch_size: Some(8), fetch_tasks: Some(4), processor_tasks: Some(4), emit_every: Some(4), gap_lookback_versions: Some(4), ans_contract_address: None, nft_points_contract: None }, indexer_grpc: IndexerGrpcConfig { enabled: true, use_data_service_interface: true, address:, processor_task_count: 4, processor_batch_size: 4, output_batch_size: 4 }, indexer_table_info: IndexerTableInfoConfig { enabled: true, parser_task_count: 20, parser_batch_size: 1000, enable_expensive_logging: false }, inspection_service: InspectionServiceConfig { address: "", port: 9101, expose_configuration: false, expose_peer_information: true, expose_system_information: true }, jwk_consensus: JWKConsensusConfig { max_network_channel_size: 256 }, logger: LoggerConfig { chan_size: 10000, enable_backtrace: false, is_async: true, level: Info, enable_telemetry_remote_log: true, enable_telemetry_flush: true, telemetry_level: Error, tokio_console_port: None }, mempool: MempoolConfig { capacity: 2000000, capacity_bytes: 2147483648, capacity_per_user: 100, default_failovers: 1, enable_intelligent_peer_prioritization: true, max_broadcasts_per_peer: 20, max_network_channel_size: 1024, mempool_snapshot_interval_secs: 180, shared_mempool_ack_timeout_ms: 2000, shared_mempool_backoff_interval_ms: 30000, shared_mempool_batch_size: 300, shared_mempool_max_batch_bytes: 64880640, shared_mempool_max_concurrent_inbound_syncs: 4, shared_mempool_tick_interval_ms: 10, shared_mempool_peer_update_interval_ms: 1000, shared_mempool_priority_update_interval_secs: 600, shared_mempool_failover_delay_ms: 500, system_transaction_timeout_secs: 600, system_transaction_gc_interval_ms: 60000, broadcast_buckets: [0, 150, 300, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 100000, 1000000], eager_expire_threshold_ms: Some(10000), eager_expire_time_ms: 3000 }, netbench: None, node_startup: NodeStartupConfig { skip_config_optimizer: false, skip_config_sanitizer: false }, peer_monitoring_service: PeerMonitoringServiceConfig { enable_peer_monitoring_client: true, latency_monitoring: LatencyMonitoringConfig { latency_ping_interval_ms: 30000, latency_ping_timeout_ms: 20000, max_latency_ping_failures: 3, max_num_latency_pings_to_retain: 10 }, max_concurrent_requests: 1000, max_network_channel_size: 1000, max_num_response_bytes: 102400, max_request_jitter_ms: 1000, metadata_update_interval_ms: 5000, network_monitoring: NetworkMonitoringConfig { network_info_request_interval_ms: 60000, network_info_request_timeout_ms: 10000 }, node_monitoring: NodeMonitoringConfig { node_info_request_interval_ms: 20000, node_info_request_timeout_ms: 10000 }, peer_monitor_interval_usec: 1000000 }, randomness_override_seq_num: 0, state_sync: StateSyncConfig { data_streaming_service: DataStreamingServiceConfig { dynamic_prefetching: DynamicPrefetchingConfig { enable_dynamic_prefetching: true, initial_prefetching_value: 3, max_in_flight_subscription_requests: 9, max_prefetching_value: 30, min_prefetching_value: 3, prefetching_value_increase: 1, prefetching_value_decrease: 2, timeout_freeze_duration_secs: 30 }, enable_subscription_streaming: false, global_summary_refresh_interval_ms: 50, max_concurrent_requests: 6, max_concurrent_state_requests: 6, max_data_stream_channel_sizes: 50, max_notification_id_mappings: 300, max_num_consecutive_subscriptions: 45, max_pending_requests: 50, max_request_retry: 5, max_subscription_stream_lag_secs: 10, progress_check_interval_ms: 50 }, aptos_data_client: AptosDataClientConfig { data_poller_config: AptosDataPollerConfig { additional_polls_per_peer_bucket: 1, min_polls_per_second: 5, max_num_in_flight_priority_polls: 30, max_num_in_flight_regular_polls: 30, max_polls_per_second: 20, peer_bucket_size: 10, poll_loop_interval_ms: 100 }, data_multi_fetch_config: AptosDataMultiFetchConfig { enable_multi_fetch: true, additional_requests_per_peer_bucket: 1, min_peers_for_multi_fetch: 2, max_peers_for_multi_fetch: 3, multi_fetch_peer_bucket_size: 10 }, ignore_low_score_peers: true, latency_filtering_config: AptosLatencyFilteringConfig { latency_filtering_reduction_factor: 2, min_peer_ratio_for_latency_filtering: 5, min_peers_for_latency_filtering: 10 }, latency_monitor_loop_interval_ms: 100, max_epoch_chunk_size: 200, max_num_output_reductions: 0, max_optimistic_fetch_lag_secs: 20, max_response_timeout_ms: 60000, max_state_chunk_size: 4000, max_subscription_lag_secs: 20, max_transaction_chunk_size: 2000, max_transaction_output_chunk_size: 1000, optimistic_fetch_timeout_ms: 5000, response_timeout_ms: 10000, subscription_response_timeout_ms: 15000, use_compression: true }, state_sync_driver: StateSyncDriverConfig { bootstrapping_mode: ExecuteOrApplyFromGenesis, commit_notification_timeout_ms: 5000, continuous_syncing_mode: ExecuteTransactionsOrApplyOutputs, enable_auto_bootstrapping: false, fallback_to_output_syncing_secs: 180, progress_check_interval_ms: 100, max_connection_deadline_secs: 10, max_consecutive_stream_notifications: 10, max_num_stream_timeouts: 12, max_pending_data_chunks: 50, max_pending_mempool_notifications: 100, max_stream_wait_time_ms: 5000, num_versions_to_skip_snapshot_sync: 100000000 }, storage_service: StorageServiceConfig { max_epoch_chunk_size: 200, max_invalid_requests_per_peer: 500, max_lru_cache_size: 500, max_network_channel_size: 4000, max_network_chunk_bytes: 4194304, max_num_active_subscriptions: 30, max_optimistic_fetch_period_ms: 5000, max_state_chunk_size: 4000, max_subscription_period_ms: 30000, max_transaction_chunk_size: 2000, max_transaction_output_chunk_size: 1000, min_time_to_ignore_peers_
suzuka-full-node  | secs: 300, request_moderator_refresh_interval_ms: 1000, storage_summary_refresh_interval_ms: 100 } }, storage: StorageConfig { backup_service_address:, dir: "./.movement/maptos-storage", storage_pruner_config: PrunerConfig { ledger_pruner_config: LedgerPrunerConfig { enable: true, prune_window: 150000000, batch_size: 5000, user_pruning_window_offset: 200000 }, state_merkle_pruner_config: StateMerklePrunerConfig { enable: true, prune_window: 1000000, batch_size: 1000 }, epoch_snapshot_pruner_config: EpochSnapshotPrunerConfig { enable: true, prune_window: 80000000, batch_size: 1000 } }, data_dir: "./.movement/maptos-storage", buffered_state_target_items: 100000, max_num_nodes_per_lru_cache_shard: 8192, rocksdb_configs: RocksdbConfigs { ledger_db_config: RocksdbConfig { max_open_files: 5000, max_total_wal_size: 1073741824, max_background_jobs: 16, block_cache_size: 8388608, block_size: 4096, cache_index_and_filter_blocks: false }, state_merkle_db_config: RocksdbConfig { max_open_files: 5000, max_total_wal_size: 1073741824, max_background_jobs: 16, block_cache_size: 8388608, block_size: 4096, cache_index_and_filter_blocks: false }, state_kv_db_config: RocksdbConfig { max_open_files: 5000, max_total_wal_size: 1073741824, max_background_jobs: 16, block_cache_size: 8388608, block_size: 4096, cache_index_and_filter_blocks: false }, index_db_config: RocksdbConfig { max_open_files: 1000, max_total_wal_size: 1073741824, max_background_jobs: 16, block_cache_size: 8388608, block_size: 4096, cache_index_and_filter_blocks: false }, enable_storage_sharding: false }, enable_indexer: false, db_path_overrides: None }, validator_network: None, indexer_db_config: InternalIndexerDBConfig { enable_transaction: false, enable_event: false, enable_statekeys: false, batch_size: 10000 } }
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.556077Z  INFO maptos_fin_view::fin_view: Starting maptos-fin-view services at: ""
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.556841Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.556920Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.556922Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.557053Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.557070Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.557074Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.557138Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.557195Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.557221Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.557251Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.564980Z  INFO poem::server: listening addr=socket://
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.564990Z  INFO poem::server: server started
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.565033Z  INFO maptos_opt_executor::executor::execution: Rollover genesis: epoch: 1, round: 0, block_id: e0dd9d62, genesis timestamp 0
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.699407Z  INFO aptos_indexer_grpc_utils::counters: [Indexer Table Info] Processed batch successfully start_version=0 end_version=3 num_transactions=3 duration_in_secs=0.082029183 service_type="table_info_service" step="1"
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.700360Z  INFO aptos_indexer_grpc_utils::counters: [Indexer Table Info] Processed successfully start_version=0 end_version=2 num_transactions=3 duration_in_secs=0.173595681 service_type="table_info_service" step="2"
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.957195Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.957205Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.957214Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.957304Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.957336Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.957363Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.957391Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.957447Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.957507Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:01.957542Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:02.757749Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:02.757752Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:02.757752Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:02.757978Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:02.758045Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:02.758094Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:02.758128Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:02.758228Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:02.758268Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:02.758351Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:04.358345Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:04.358353Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:04.358353Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:04.358573Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:04.358633Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:04.358643Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:04.358757Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:04.358843Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:04.358930Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:04.358950Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:07.558906Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:07.558947Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:07.558947Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:07.559153Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:07.559191Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:07.559204Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:07.559362Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:07.559399Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:07.559472Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:07.559563Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.199217Z  INFO suzuka_full_node::partial: Block micros timestamp: 1721715373198840
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.246655Z  INFO suzuka_full_node::partial: Executed block: HashValue(81c718ab1cbcadeddc0e6424c05261ffcb5d6c1b30bf1ba775ad4ff406a693b8)
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.246676Z  INFO suzuka_full_node::partial: Skipping settlement
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.264994Z  INFO aptos_indexer_grpc_utils::counters: [Indexer Table Info] Processed batch successfully start_version=3 end_version=6 num_transactions=3 duration_in_secs=0.009103099 service_type="table_info_service" step="1"
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.266001Z  INFO aptos_indexer_grpc_utils::counters: [Indexer Table Info] Processed successfully start_version=3 end_version=5 num_transactions=3 duration_in_secs=11.565614849 service_type="table_info_service" step="2"
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.959385Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.959391Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.959391Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.959616Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.959635Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.959660Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.959819Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.959838Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.959870Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:13.960015Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:15.210238Z  INFO suzuka_full_node::partial: Block micros timestamp: 1721715375209841
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:15.249509Z  INFO suzuka_full_node::partial: Executed block: HashValue(5f23d38d83240324f7f2fc132c14834e01f621a3a9586473086d0b6d0089b361)
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:15.249542Z  INFO suzuka_full_node::partial: Skipping settlement
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:15.255904Z  INFO aptos_indexer_grpc_utils::counters: [Indexer Table Info] Processed batch successfully start_version=6 end_version=9 num_transactions=3 duration_in_secs=0.006038821 service_type="table_info_service" step="1"
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:15.256958Z  INFO aptos_indexer_grpc_utils::counters: [Indexer Table Info] Processed successfully start_version=6 end_version=8 num_transactions=3 duration_in_secs=1.990914348 service_type="table_info_service" step="2"
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:17.243183Z  INFO suzuka_full_node::partial: Block micros timestamp: 1721715377242718
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:17.285409Z  INFO suzuka_full_node::partial: Executed block: HashValue(abae107d0f392b31ec3c7d2b49d527bc7c4b3615f9f1085b88d8165aa6026195)
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:17.285450Z  INFO suzuka_full_node::partial: Skipping settlement
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:17.291731Z  INFO aptos_indexer_grpc_utils::counters: [Indexer Table Info] Processed batch successfully start_version=9 end_version=12 num_transactions=3 duration_in_secs=0.007100514 service_type="table_info_service" step="1"
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:17.292762Z  INFO aptos_indexer_grpc_utils::counters: [Indexer Table Info] Processed successfully start_version=9 end_version=11 num_transactions=3 duration_in_secs=2.03575946 service_type="table_info_service" step="2"
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:26.759867Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:26.759932Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:26.759939Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:26.760114Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:26.760194Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:26.760273Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:26.760338Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:26.760409Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:26.760530Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | 2024-07-23T06:16:26.760573Z ERROR r2d2: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
suzuka-full-node  |     Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
suzuka-full-node  |
suzuka-full-node  | thread 'indexer-79' panicked at /root/.cargo/git/checkouts/aptos-core-1668198cfadb05a3/b2f58ea/crates/indexer/src/
suzuka-full-node  | Failed to create connection pool: Error(Some("connection to server at \"localhost\" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused\n\tIs the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?\n"))
suzuka-full-node  | note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
wengych commented 1 month ago


andyjsbell commented 1 month ago

@wengych thanks for reporting this. As per we are not actively supporting the legacy indexer in which this bug is describing. We do however support the new Indexer API and you should be able to connect to the raw gRPC stream using grpcui -plaintext localhost:30734. This is the equivalent to the Transaction Streaming Service which means you would need to look at

zfy0701 commented 1 month ago

@wengych thanks for reporting this. As per we are not actively supporting the legacy indexer in which this bug is describing. We do however support the new Indexer API and you should be able to connect to the raw gRPC stream using grpcui -plaintext localhost:30734. This is the equivalent to the Transaction Streaming Service which means you would need to look at

Hi, thanks for the answer, however, this is not about indexer. We can't run a normal RPC node, and the above is the log when we run the fullnode according to the doc. If the indexer causes the error, could we just disable it

l-monninger commented 1 month ago

@zfy0701 We'll be putting in several updates to the indexer integration shortly, including one which will allow you to flag it out. The above can be ignored whilst running your full-node, however.