/* Returns the balance of the newly created coin for an account /
const getBalance = async (accountAddress: AccountAddress, coinTypeAddress: AccountAddress) =>
coinType: ${coinTypeAddress.toString()}::moon_coin::MoonCoin,
async function main() {
// Create two accounts, Alice and Bob
const alice = Account.generate();
const bob = Account.generate();
As the title mentioned. After I changed networks, I couldn't deploy anymore
`/ eslint-disable no-console / / eslint-disable max-len /
import { Account, AccountAddress, Aptos, AptosConfig, Network, NetworkToNetworkName } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk"; import { compilePackage, getPackageBytesToPublish } from "./utils";
module that can be found in this folder~/aptos-ts-sdk/examples/typescript
pnpm run your_coin
*/const MOON_COINS_TO_MINT = 100; const MOON_COINS_TO_TRANSFER = 100;
// Set up the client const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.CUSTOM, fullnode: "https://aptos.testnet.porto.movementlabs.xyz/v1", faucet: "https://faucet.testnet.porto.move
mentnetwork.xyz/", indexer: "https://indexer.testnet.porto.movementnetwork.xyz/v1/graphql", }); const aptos = new Aptos(config);
/* Register the receiver account to receive transfers for the new coin. / async function registerCoin(receiver: Account, coinTypeAddress: AccountAddress): Promise {
const transaction = await aptos.transaction.build.simple({
sender: receiver.accountAddress,
data: {
function: "0x1::managed_coin::register",
typeArguments: [
], functionArguments: [], }, });const senderAuthenticator = aptos.transaction.sign({ signer: receiver, transaction }); const pendingTxn = await aptos.transaction.submit.simple({ transaction, senderAuthenticator });
return pendingTxn.hash; }
/* Transfer the newly created coin to a specified receiver address / async function transferCoin( sender: Account, receiverAddress: AccountAddress, amount: number | bigint, ): Promise {
const transaction = await aptos.transaction.build.simple({
sender: sender.accountAddress,
data: {
function: "0x1::aptos_account::transfer_coins",
typeArguments: [
], functionArguments: [receiverAddress, amount], }, });const senderAuthenticator = aptos.transaction.sign({ signer: sender, transaction }); const pendingTxn = await aptos.transaction.submit.simple({ transaction, senderAuthenticator });
return pendingTxn.hash; }
/* Mints amount of the newly created coin to a specified receiver address / async function mintCoin(minter: Account, receiverAddress: AccountAddress, amount: number): Promise {
const transaction = await aptos.transaction.build.simple({
sender: minter.accountAddress,
data: {
function: "0x1::managed_coin::mint",
typeArguments: [
], functionArguments: [receiverAddress, amount], }, });const senderAuthenticator = aptos.transaction.sign({ signer: minter, transaction }); const pendingTxn = await aptos.transaction.submit.simple({ transaction, senderAuthenticator });
return pendingTxn.hash; }
/* Returns the balance of the newly created coin for an account / const getBalance = async (accountAddress: AccountAddress, coinTypeAddress: AccountAddress) => aptos.getAccountCoinAmount({ accountAddress, coinType:
, });async function main() { // Create two accounts, Alice and Bob const alice = Account.generate(); const bob = Account.generate();
console.log("\n=== Addresses ==="); console.log(
Alice: ${alice.accountAddress.toString()}
); console.log(Bob: ${bob.accountAddress.toString()}
);// Fund alice account await aptos.fundAccount({ accountAddress: alice.accountAddress, amount: 100_000_000, });
// Please ensure you have the aptos CLI installed console.log("\n=== Compiling MoonCoin package locally ==="); compilePackage("move/moonCoin", "move/moonCoin/moonCoin.json", [{ name: "MoonCoin", address: alice.accountAddress }]);
const { metadataBytes, byteCode } = getPackageBytesToPublish("move/moonCoin/moonCoin.json");
\n=== Publishing MoonCoin package to ${aptos.config.network} network ===
);// Publish MoonCoin package to chain const transaction = await aptos.publishPackageTransaction({ account: alice.accountAddress, metadataBytes, moduleBytecode: byteCode, });
const pendingTransaction = await aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction({ signer: alice, transaction, });
Publish package transaction hash: ${pendingTransaction.hash}
); await aptos.waitForTransaction({ transactionHash: pendingTransaction.hash });console.log(
Bob's initial MoonCoin balance: ${await getBalance(bob.accountAddress, alice.accountAddress)}.
Alice mints herself ${MOON_COINS_TO_MINT} MoonCoin.
); const registerCoinTransactionHash = await registerCoin(alice, alice.accountAddress); await aptos.waitForTransaction({ transactionHash: registerCoinTransactionHash });const mintCoinTransactionHash = await mintCoin(alice, alice.accountAddress, MOON_COINS_TO_MINT); await aptos.waitForTransaction({ transactionHash: mintCoinTransactionHash });
Alice transfers ${MOON_COINS_TO_TRANSFER} MoonCoin to Bob.
); const transferCoinTransactionHash = await transferCoin(alice, bob.accountAddress, MOON_COINS_TO_TRANSFER); await aptos.waitForTransaction({ transactionHash: transferCoinTransactionHash }); console.log(Bob's updated MoonCoin balance: ${await getBalance(bob.accountAddress, alice.accountAddress)}.
); }main();`
/Users/mihkhoa/Documents/SMURF/aptos-ts-sdk/node_modules/.pnpm/got@11.8.6/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/index.js:1191 throw new RequestError(error.message, error, this); ^ RequestError: connect ETIMEDOUT at Request._makeRequest (/Users/mihkhoa/Documents/SMURF/aptos-ts-sdk/node_modules/.pnpm/got@11.8.6/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/index.js:1191:19) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async /Users/mihkhoa/Documents/SMURF/aptos-ts-sdk/node_modules/.pnpm/got@11.8.6/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/index.js:334:17 at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1607:16) { code: 'ETIMEDOUT', timings: undefined } error Command failed with exit code 1.