When mapping a stormvogel pomdp without filling in all the observations, the stormpy model has incorrect observations.
When accessing these observations, you can get obscure errors like
IndexError: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 12) >= this->size() (which is 12)
When mapping a stormvogel pomdp without filling in all the observations, the stormpy model has incorrect observations. When accessing these observations, you can get obscure errors like
I believe the error lies in https://github.com/moves-rwth/stormvogel/blob/6eaaa7d1e6624aeb9e79683ba487f57f1b3e58ff/stormvogel/mapping.py#L211-L213 It assumes the dictionary is fully filled, even though it might not be.
My suggestion is to raise an exception in the mapping when this occurs.