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move2 support #4

Open cleemansen opened 6 months ago

cleemansen commented 6 months ago

Map from/to move2::move_loc

move2::move_loc requirements:

  1. crs (same as for move1::moveStack)
  2. tzone (same as for move1::moveStack)
  3. timeColName: the column name for the time component (timestamp) is variable in move2::move_loc
  4. trackIdColName: the column name for the track ID is variable in move2::move_loc
cleemansen commented 6 months ago

A first version of the mapper was published by #3 and released by v2.0.0.

Missing part:

currently all the information associated to the tracks (e.g. taxon, sex, age) is not passed on when translating the data from move2::move2_loc to the MovingPandas.TrajectoryCollection I/O type. We are working on a solution.

This will be solved in a next version

cleemansen commented 6 months ago