movim / movim_ynh

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Can't join image when writting new actuallity #29

Closed M5oul closed 6 years ago

src386 commented 8 years ago

Works for me with this :


Can you detail steps to reproduce please.

opensc12 commented 8 years ago

I can't add image from my local files, the attachment button is hidden, I think it's the same problem.

edhelas commented 8 years ago

Does your server supports HTTP Upload? Movim will only enable it in this case.

opensc12 commented 8 years ago

My server is a fresh install of Debian + Yunohost, and it use all params by default. Owncloud upload works fine from my browser. So there is something to add ?

src386 commented 8 years ago

Looks like a feature request for Yunohost.

tantic commented 7 years ago


I've got exactly the same issue, have you found the solution? I can upload an avatar but i don't have the attachment button to upload a file on the discussion screen. I tried to modify the movim.conf by adding the cors settings in the header but it didn't work. I also tried to add the directive client_max_body_size


src386 commented 7 years ago

Hello, This is related to the Metronome implementation in Yunohost, so there is nothing we can do for now...

tantic commented 7 years ago

Ok thanks, should i open an issue in yunohost project or is it already in the roadmap?

tantic commented 7 years ago

Ok i found this so it seems that there's a question about migrate from metronome to some other solution but with the problem of having the same functionalities and the migration of datas