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Refactor to use Redux #13

Open movingobjects opened 6 years ago

movingobjects commented 6 years ago

Redux looks worthwhile to learn to me, even if not totally necessary for this app

movingobjects commented 6 years ago

Hmm, not sure exactly how this works/connects with Firebase 🤔

alexburner commented 6 years ago

Oh man I went climbing up the Redux&Firebase tree once

I still haven't come back

I think the two might be mutually exclusive, save for wrappers like

movingobjects commented 6 years ago

I might try out Redux on something even simpler first—I watched some of these videos and it seemed to make sense, but I haven't actually tried using it yet.

alexburner commented 6 years ago

Oo by the creator himself, very cool! I'm a fan of redux, we use it at work and are pretty happy with it. The one sticky bit: asynchronous data. There isn't one accepted solution... so many options:

This article has a decent overview of the above & more

But I wouldn't worry about it until you need to, definite fatigue land 😓

movingobjects commented 6 years ago

Well, at least glad to see my confusion is one that others have had. Lots of option indeed, and sad that none of them feel like the obvious Correct Choice.

I don't yet feel super comfortable with the asynchronous stuff in general. Probably best to gain my bearings a bit more before putting this all on the plate.

But, still interested in Redux. Those videos are great—Dan Abramov is a really great communicator.

alexburner commented 6 years ago

Yeah it's a bummer! The react/redux combo seems so accepted, feels odd there's not a consensus on the async handling. Especially because the web has so many async events/actions...

But yes, you are absolutely not alone.

I'll have to check those videos out (sidenote: I also wanna catch up on Coding Train videos, he's getting into machine learning now??)