mowatermelon / studyNode

Learning record
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

2018-11-28 #193

Open mowatermelon opened 5 years ago

mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


function fg(a) {
  a = a.replace(/,/gm, " ");
  a = a.replace(/([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])/gm, "$1 $2");
  a = a.replace(/([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])/gm, "$1 $2");
  a = a.replace(/([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])([^\s])/gm, "$1 $2");
  a = a.replace(/([^\s])([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])/gm, "$1 $2");
  a = a.replace(/([0-9])([+\-])/gm, "$1 $2");
  a = a.replace(/(\.[0-9]*)(\.)/gm, "$1 $2");
  a = a.replace(/([Aa](\s+[0-9]+){3})\s+([01])\s*([01])/gm, "$1 $3 $4 ");
  a = fg.IV(a);
  a = fg.trim(a);
  this.xP = new function (a) {
    this.MF = a.split(" ");
    this.reset = function () {
      this.ih = -1;
      this.Lt = this.Lw = "";
      this.start = new fg.Xf(0, 0);
      this.Mw = new fg.Xf(0, 0);
      this.ib = new fg.Xf(0, 0);
      this.ia = [];
      this.Ao = []
    this.cM = function () {
      return this.ih >= this.MF.length - 1
    this.wj = function () {
      return this.cM() ? o : this.MF[this.ih + 1].match(/^[A-Za-z]$/) != p
    this.rE = function () {
      switch (this.Lw) {
        case "m":
        case "l":
        case "h":
        case "v":
        case "c":
        case "s":
        case "q":
        case "t":
        case "a":
        case "z":
          return o
      return q
    this.IL = function () {
      return this.MF[this.ih]
    this.qj = function () {
      return parseFloat(this.IL())
    this.TY = function () {
      this.Lt = this.Lw;
      this.Lw = this.IL()
    this.ym = function () {
      return this.FY(new fg.Xf(this.qj(), this.qj()))
    this.zD = function () {
      var a = this.ym();
      return this.Mw = a
    }; = function () {
      var a = this.ym();
      return this.ib = a
    this.BL = function () {
      return "c" != this.Lt.toLowerCase() && "s" != this.Lt.toLowerCase() && "q" != this.Lt.toLowerCase() && "t" != this.Lt.toLowerCase() ? this.ib : new fg.Xf(2 * this.ib.x - this.Mw.x, 2 * this.ib.y - this.Mw.y)
    this.FY = function (a) {
      this.rE() && (a.x += this.ib.x, a.y += this.ib.y);
      return a
    this.aj = function (a, b, e) {
      e != p && (0 < this.Ao.length && this.Ao[this.Ao.length - 1] == p) && (this.Ao[this.Ao.length - 1] = Math.atan2(e.y - this.ia[this.ia.length - 1].y, e.x - this.ia[this.ia.length - 1].x));
      this.QB(a, b == p ? p : Math.atan2(a.y - b.y, a.x - b.x))
    this.QB = function (a, b) {
  this.$a = function () {
    return this.hi(p)
  this.hi = function (a) {
    var c = this.xP;
    var d = new fg.dP;
    for (a != p && a.beginPath(); !c.cM();) switch (c.TY(), c.Lw) {
      case "M":
      case "m":
        var e =;
        c.aj(e);, e.y);
        a != p && a.moveTo(e.x, e.y);
        for (c.start = c.ib; !c.wj();) e =, c.aj(e, c.start),, e.y), a != p && a.lineTo(e.x, e.y);
      case "L":
      case "l":
        for (; !c.wj();) {
          var f = c.ib,
            e =;
          c.aj(e, f);
, e.y);
          a != p && a.lineTo(e.x, e.y)
      case "H":
      case "h":
        for (; !c.wj();) e = new fg.Xf((c.rE() ? c.ib.x : 0) + c.qj(), c.ib.y), c.aj(e, c.ib), c.ib = e,, c.ib.y), a != p && a.lineTo(c.ib.x, c.ib.y);
      case "V":
      case "v":
        for (; !c.wj();) e = new fg.Xf(c.ib.x, (c.rE() ? c.ib.y : 0) + c.qj()), c.aj(e, c.ib), c.ib = e,, c.ib.y), a != p && a.lineTo(c.ib.x, c.ib.y);
      case "C":
      case "c":
        for (; !c.wj();) {
          var g = c.ib,
            f = c.ym(),
            i = c.zD(),
            e =;
          c.aj(e, i, f);
          d.PB(g.x, g.y, f.x, f.y, i.x, i.y, e.x, e.y);
          a != p && a.bezierCurveTo(f.x, f.y, i.x, i.y, e.x, e.y)
      case "S":
      case "s":
        for (; !c.wj();) g = c.ib, f = c.BL(), i = c.zD(), e =, c.aj(e, i, f), d.PB(g.x, g.y, f.x, f.y, i.x, i.y, e.x, e.y), a != p && a.bezierCurveTo(f.x, f.y, i.x, i.y, e.x, e.y);
      case "Q":
      case "q":
        for (; !c.wj();) g = c.ib, i = c.zD(), e =, c.aj(e, i, i), d.IJ(g.x, g.y, i.x, i.y, e.x, e.y), a != p && a.quadraticCurveTo(i.x, i.y, e.x, e.y);
      case "T":
      case "t":
        for (; !c.wj();) g = c.ib, i = c.BL(), c.Mw = i, e =, c.aj(e, i, i), d.IJ(g.x, g.y, i.x, i.y, e.x, e.y), a != p && a.quadraticCurveTo(i.x, i.y, e.x, e.y);
      case "A":
      case "a":
        for (; !c.wj();) {
          var g = c.ib,
            k = c.qj(),
            l = c.qj(),
            f = c.qj() * (Math.PI / 180),
            m = c.qj(),
            i = c.qj(),
            e =,
            n = new fg.Xf(Math.cos(f) * (g.x - e.x) / 2 + Math.sin(f) * (g.y - e.y) / 2, -Math.sin(f) * (g.x - e.x) / 2 + Math.cos(f) * (g.y - e.y) / 2),
            t = Math.pow(n.x, 2) / Math.pow(k, 2) + Math.pow(n.y, 2) / Math.pow(l, 2);
          1 < t && (k *= Math.sqrt(t), l *= Math.sqrt(t));
          m = (m == i ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt((Math.pow(k, 2) * Math.pow(l, 2) - Math.pow(k, 2) * Math.pow(n.y, 2) - Math.pow(l, 2) * Math.pow(n.x, 2)) / (Math.pow(k, 2) * Math.pow(n.y, 2) + Math.pow(l, 2) * Math.pow(n.x, 2)));
          isNaN(m) && (m = 0);
          var v = new fg.Xf(m * k * n.y / l, m * -l * n.x / k),
            g = new fg.Xf((g.x + e.x) / 2 + Math.cos(f) * v.x - Math.sin(f) * v.y, (g.y + e.y) / 2 + Math.sin(f) * v.x + Math.cos(f) * v.y),
            w = function (a, b) {
              return (a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1]) / (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a[0], 2) + Math.pow(a[1], 2)) * Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b[0], 2) + Math.pow(b[1], 2)))
            y = function (a, b) {
              return (a[0] * b[1] < a[1] * b[0] ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(w(a, b))
            m = y([1, 0], [(n.x - v.x) / k, (n.y - v.y) / l]),
            t = [(n.x - v.x) / k, (n.y - v.y) / l],
            v = [(-n.x - v.x) / k, (-n.y - v.y) / l],
            n = y(t, v); - 1 >= w(t, v) && (n = Math.PI);
          1 <= w(t, v) && (n = 0);
          t = 1 - i ? 1 : -1;
          v = m + t * (n / 2);
          c.QB(new fg.Xf(g.x + k * Math.cos(v), g.y + l * Math.sin(v)), v - t * Math.PI / 2);
          c.QB(e, v - t * Math.PI);
, e.y);
          a != p && (w = k > l ? k : l, e = k > l ? 1 : k / l, k = k > l ? l / k : 1, a.translate(g.x, g.y), a.rotate(f), a.scale(e, k), a.arc(0, 0, w, m, m + n, 1 - i), a.scale(1 / e, 1 / k), a.rotate(-f), a.translate(-g.x, -g.y))
      case "Z":
      case "z":
        a != p && a.closePath(), c.ib = c.start
    return d
fg.trim = function (a) {
  return a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
fg.IV = function (a) {
  return a.replace(/[\s\r\t\n]+/gm, " ")
fg.Xf = function (a, b) {
  this.x = a;
  this.y = b
fg.dP = function () {
  this.An = this.zn = this.Cj = this.Bj = Number.NaN;
  this.x = u("Bj");
  this.y = u("Cj");
  this.width = function () {
    return this.zn - this.Bj
  this.height = function () {
    return this.An - this.Cj
  }; = function (a, b) {
    if (a != p) {
      if (isNaN(this.Bj) || isNaN(this.zn)) this.zn = this.Bj = a;
      a < this.Bj && (this.Bj = a);
      a > this.zn && (this.zn = a)
    if (b != p) {
      if (isNaN(this.Cj) || isNaN(this.An)) this.An = this.Cj = b;
      b < this.Cj && (this.Cj = b);
      b > this.An && (this.An = b)
  this.UB = function (a) {, p)
  this.VB = function (a) {, a)
  this.IJ = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    c = a + 2 / 3 * (c - a);
    d = b + 2 / 3 * (d - b);
    this.PB(a, b, c, c + 1 / 3 * (e - a), d, d + 1 / 3 * (f - b), e, f)
  this.PB = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i) {
    var k = [a, b],
      l = [c, d],
      m = [e, f],
      n = [g, i];[0], k[1]);[0], n[1]);
    for (gg = 0; 1 >= gg; gg++)
      if (a = function (a) {
          return Math.pow(1 - a, 3) * k[gg] + 3 * Math.pow(1 - a, 2) * a * l[gg] + 3 * (1 - a) * Math.pow(a, 2) * m[gg] + Math.pow(a, 3) * n[gg]
        }, b = 6 * k[gg] - 12 * l[gg] + 6 * m[gg], c = -3 * k[gg] + 9 * l[gg] - 9 * m[gg] + 3 * n[gg], d = 3 * l[gg] - 3 * k[gg], 0 == c) 0 != b && (b = -d / b, 0 < b && 1 > b && (0 == gg && this.UB(a(b)), 1 == gg && this.VB(a(b))));
      else if (d = Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * d * c, !(0 > d) && (e = (-b + Math.sqrt(d)) / (2 * c), 0 < e && 1 > e && (0 == gg && this.UB(a(e)), 1 == gg && this.VB(a(e))), b = (-b - Math.sqrt(d)) / (2 * c), 0 < b && 1 > b)) 0 == gg && this.UB(a(b)), 1 == gg && this.VB(a(b))
  };, j);, j)
z.eP = fg;
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


x.cookie = x.cookie || {};
x.cookie.aI = function (a) {
  return RegExp('^[^\\x00-\\x20\\x7f\\(\\)<>@,;:\\\\\\"\\[\\]\\?=\\{\\}\\/\\u0080-\\uffff]+$').test(a)
x.cookie.zX = function (a) {
  return x.cookie.aI(a) && (a = RegExp("(^| )" + a + "=([^;]*)(;|$)").exec(document.cookie)) ? a[2] || p : p
x.cookie.get = function (a) {
  a = x.cookie.zX(a);
  return "string" == typeof a ? a = decodeURIComponent(a) : p
x.cookie.$N = function (a, b, c) {
  if (x.cookie.aI(a)) {
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      d = c.ah;
    "number" == typeof c.ah && (d = new Date, d.setTime(d.getTime() + c.ah));
    document.cookie = a + "=" + b + (c.path ? "; path=" + c.path : "") + (d ? "; expires=" + d.toGMTString() : "") + (c.domain ? "; domain=" + c.domain : "") + (c.IZ ? "; secure" : "")
x.cookie.set = function (a, b, c) {
  x.cookie.$N(a, encodeURIComponent(b), c)
x.cookie.remove = function (a, b) {
  b = b || {};
  b.ah = new Date(0);
  x.cookie.$N(a, "", b)
x.ot = function (a) {
  return /\d{11}/.test(a)
x.mY = function (a) {
  return /\d{4}/.test(a)
}; = function () {
  function a(a) {
    a = a.replace(/^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i, function (a, b, c, d) {
      return b + b + c + c + d + d
    return (a = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(a)) ? "rgb(" + parseInt(a[1], 16) + "," + parseInt(a[2], 16) + "," + parseInt(a[3], 16) + ")" : p
  var b = {
      aliceblue: "#f0f8ff",
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      azure: "#f0ffff",
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      bisque: "#ffe4c4",
      black: "#000000",
      blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd",
      blue: "#0000ff",
      blueviolet: "#8a2be2",
      brown: "#a52a2a",
      burlywood: "#deb887",
      cadetblue: "#5f9ea0",
      chartreuse: "#7fff00",
      chocolate: "#d2691e",
      coral: "#ff7f50",
      cornflowerblue: "#6495ed",
      cornsilk: "#fff8dc",
      crimson: "#dc143c",
      cyan: "#00ffff",
      darkblue: "#00008b",
      darkcyan: "#008b8b",
      darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b",
      darkgray: "#a9a9a9",
      darkgreen: "#006400",
      darkkhaki: "#bdb76b",
      darkmagenta: "#8b008b",
      darkolivegreen: "#556b2f",
      darkorange: "#ff8c00",
      darkorchid: "#9932cc",
      darkred: "#8b0000",
      darksalmon: "#e9967a",
      darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f",
      darkslateblue: "#483d8b",
      darkslategray: "#2f4f4f",
      darkturquoise: "#00ced1",
      darkviolet: "#9400d3",
      deeppink: "#ff1493",
      deepskyblue: "#00bfff",
      dimgray: "#696969",
      dodgerblue: "#1e90ff",
      firebrick: "#b22222",
      floralwhite: "#fffaf0",
      forestgreen: "#228b22",
      fuchsia: "#ff00ff",
      gainsboro: "#dcdcdc",
      ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff",
      gold: "#ffd700",
      goldenrod: "#daa520",
      gray: "#808080",
      green: "#008000",
      greenyellow: "#adff2f",
      honeydew: "#f0fff0",
      hotpink: "#ff69b4",
      "indianred ": "#cd5c5c",
      indigo: "#4b0082",
      ivory: "#fffff0",
      khaki: "#f0e68c",
      lavender: "#e6e6fa",
      lavenderblush: "#fff0f5",
      lawngreen: "#7cfc00",
      lemonchiffon: "#fffacd",
      lightblue: "#add8e6",
      lightcoral: "#f08080",
      lightcyan: "#e0ffff",
      lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2",
      lightgrey: "#d3d3d3",
      lightgreen: "#90ee90",
      lightpink: "#ffb6c1",
      lightsalmon: "#ffa07a",
      lightseagreen: "#20b2aa",
      lightskyblue: "#87cefa",
      lightslategray: "#778899",
      lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de",
      lightyellow: "#ffffe0",
      lime: "#00ff00",
      limegreen: "#32cd32",
      linen: "#faf0e6",
      magenta: "#ff00ff",
      maroon: "#800000",
      mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa",
      mediumblue: "#0000cd",
      mediumorchid: "#ba55d3",
      mediumpurple: "#9370d8",
      mediumseagreen: "#3cb371",
      mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee",
      mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a",
      mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc",
      mediumvioletred: "#c71585",
      midnightblue: "#191970",
      mintcream: "#f5fffa",
      mistyrose: "#ffe4e1",
      moccasin: "#ffe4b5",
      navajowhite: "#ffdead",
      navy: "#000080",
      oldlace: "#fdf5e6",
      olive: "#808000",
      olivedrab: "#6b8e23",
      orange: "#ffa500",
      orangered: "#ff4500",
      orchid: "#da70d6",
      palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa",
      palegreen: "#98fb98",
      paleturquoise: "#afeeee",
      palevioletred: "#d87093",
      papayawhip: "#ffefd5",
      peachpuff: "#ffdab9",
      peru: "#cd853f",
      pink: "#ffc0cb",
      plum: "#dda0dd",
      powderblue: "#b0e0e6",
      purple: "#800080",
      red: "#ff0000",
      rosybrown: "#bc8f8f",
      royalblue: "#4169e1",
      saddlebrown: "#8b4513",
      salmon: "#fa8072",
      sandybrown: "#f4a460",
      seagreen: "#2e8b57",
      seashell: "#fff5ee",
      sienna: "#a0522d",
      silver: "#c0c0c0",
      skyblue: "#87ceeb",
      slateblue: "#6a5acd",
      slategray: "#708090",
      snow: "#fffafa",
      springgreen: "#00ff7f",
      steelblue: "#4682b4",
      tan: "#d2b48c",
      teal: "#008080",
      thistle: "#d8bfd8",
      tomato: "#ff6347",
      turquoise: "#40e0d0",
      violet: "#ee82ee",
      wheat: "#f5deb3",
      white: "#ffffff",
      whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5",
      yellow: "#ffff00",
      yellowgreen: "#9acd32"
    c = {
      hex: /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$/,
      rgb: /rgb\(\s*(\d|\d\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\s*,\s*(\d|\d\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\s*,\s*(\d|\d\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\s*\)/,
      rgba: /rgba\(\s*(\d|\d\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\s*,\s*(\d|\d\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\s*,\s*(\d|\d\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\s*,\s*(0|1|0\.[1-9])\s*\)/
  return {
    PJ: function (a) {
      if (c.hex.test(a)) return a;
      if (c.rgb.test(a)) return a = a.match(c.rgb), "#" + ("0" + parseInt(a[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + parseInt(a[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + parseInt(a[3], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2);
      if (b[a]) return b[a]
    Z2: a,
    I1: function (a) {
      return c.hex.test(a) ? a : b[a] ? b[a] : "#000"
    rC: function (d, e) {
      e === j && (e = 1);
      if (c.rgba.test(d)) return d;
      "undefined" != typeof b[d.toLowerCase()] && (d = b[d.toLowerCase()]);
      c.hex.test(d) && (d = a(d));
      c.rgb.test(d) ? (d = d.replace(/rgb/g, "rgba"), d = d.replace(/\)/, "," + e + ")")) : d = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";
      return d
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


function Pg(a) {
  a && ( = "1px solid " +, =, = "0.5", = "Alpha(opacity=50);")

function Qg(a) {
  a && ( = "1px solid " +, =, = "1", = "")
x.object.extend(jb.prototype, {
  wf: function () {
    this.C && this.Ge(this.C)
  initialize: function (a) {, a);;
    var b = this;
    this.C.Nx() ? b.yA() : this.C.addEventListener("load", function () {
    x.M(this.B, "click", ma);
    x.M(this.B, "dblclick", ma);
    x.M(this.B, "mousewheel", ma);
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      a = window.event || a;
      2 == a.button && ma(a)
    window.addEventListener && this.B.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", function (a) {
    }, o);
    return this.B
  gr: function () {
    this.Oi || (this.Oi = o, this.zq = 1, this.Eb = 4, this.Za = p, this.On = this.Ef = this.Qh = -1, = = 1, this.Ra = {}, this.Pn = "", this.Dv = q)
  zH: function () {
    if (this.C) {
      var a = this.C.Oa - this.k.o0;
      return a < this.Qh ? this.Qh : a > this.Ef ? this.Ef : a
  Aa: function () {;
    var a = != q ? " BMap_ie" + : "",
      b = this.B;
    b.innerHTML = this.Uq();
    x.K.Ua(b, "BMap_omCtrl" + a);
    this.Ic = b.children[0].children[0];
    this.xI = this.Ic.children[0]; = this.Ic.children[1];
    this.rr =[0];
    this.Ja = b.children[1];
    this.Ae(this.k.size); = F.Yb
  Uq: da('<div class="BMap_omOutFrame"><div class="BMap_omInnFrame"><div class="BMap_omMapContainer"></div><div class="BMap_omViewMv"><div class="BMap_omViewInnFrame"><div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="BMap_omBtn"></div>'),
  ca: function () {
    var a = this;
    x.M(this.Ja, "click", function () {
    }); && x.M(this.Ja, "dblclick", function () {
    if (! || 6 < this.Ja.onmouseover = function () {
      x.K.Ua(a.Ja, "hover")
    }, this.Ja.onmouseout = function () {
      x.K.Tb(a.Ja, "hover")
    x.M(, "mousedown", function (b) {
      if (! || !(Db( && "true" ==
        if (b = window.event || b, 2 != b.button) return = "true", b = window.event || b, &&, = parseInt(Va(, = parseInt(Va(, = b.pageX || b.clientX, = b.pageY || b.clientY, = 0, = 0, a.cJ(F.Fd), ma(b), zb(b)
    x.M(document, "mousemove", function (b) {
      if ( && "true" == {
        var b = window.event || b,
          c = b.pageY || b.clientY; = + (b.pageX || b.clientX) -; = + c -; = 0; = 0;
        0 >= && ( = 3);
        0 >= && ( = 3); + >= a.Za.width && ( = -3); + >= a.Za.height && ( = -3); = + "px"; = + "px";
        if ((0 != || 0 != && ! {
 = o;
          var d = a.Za.offsetX +,
            e = a.Za.offsetY +;
          a.Za.Ke(d, e);
 = setInterval(function () {
            var b = != 0 ? > 0 ? = + 3 : = - 3 :,
              c = != 0 ? > 0 ? = + 3 : = - 3 :;
            a.Za.Ke(d + b, e + c)
          }, 30)
        0 == && 0 == && (clearInterval(, delete, = 0, = 0);
        return zb(b)
    x.M(document, "mouseup", function (b) {
      if ( && "true" == { = "";
        a.cJ(F.Yb); &&;
        if ( == && == return ma(b), zb(b);
        a.Pn = "dragView";
        a.Za.D.iD = q;
        a.C.R.Hc = o;
        if (Db( && Db( {
          var c = + parseInt( / 2 + 1,
            d = + parseInt( / 2 + 1;
          var e = a.Za.wb({
            x: c,
            y: d
          }, a.Za.Oa);
          a.C.R.Hc = q;
 == o && (clearInterval(, delete, = q);
          a.C.R.Hc = o;
          setTimeout(function () {
            a.C.R.Hc = q;
          }, 50);
          return zb(b)
  yA: function () {
    if (this.Dv != o) {
      var a = this,
        b = a.C;
      b.addEventListener("resize", function () {
        a.Za != p && a.Za.Vf(b.Ha()); != p && (, a.Or());
      if (this.k.Wa != q) {
        this.Ji || (b.addEventListener("loadcode", function () {
        }), b.addEventListener("moving", function () {
        }), b.addEventListener("moveend", function (b) {
        }), b.addEventListener("zoomend", function (b) {
        }), b.addEventListener("maptypechange", function () {
        }), this.Ji = o);
        var c = b.Ha();
        this.Qh = La.Zo();
        this.Ef = La.vm();
        this.On = this.zH();
        this.Za = new Ka(this.xI, {
          Ox: o
        this.Za.Dd(c, this.On); = new oc({
          point: b.Ha(),
          Tx: 1,
          yM: "#6688cc"
        this.Za.Ka(; = '<div class="BMap_omViewInnFrame"><div class="BMap_omViewMask"></div></div>';
        this.ZA =[0];
        c =;
        c.borderLeftColor = "#84b0df";
        c.borderTopColor = "#adcff4";
        c.borderRightColor = "#274b8b";
        c.borderBottomColor = "#274b8b";
        this.Za.addEventListener("dragend", function () {
          a.Pn = "dragMap";
        this.Za.addEventListener("moveend", function () {
        this.Za.addEventListener("mousedown", function (b) {
          a.Ra.Q0 = b.offsetX;
          a.Ra.R0 = b.offsetY
        this.Za.addEventListener("resize", function () {
          a.C && a.Za && a.Za.Vf(a.C.Ha());
        this.Dv = o
  cJ: function (a) { = a
  qc: function (a) {, a);
    if (this.C) {
      if ( {
        var b = this.C.width,
          c = this.C.height,
          d = this.k.size.width,
          e = this.k.size.height,
          f =,
          g =;
        this.k.Wa == q && (d = this.Cq, e = this.Bq);
        var i = this.B;
        switch (a) {
          case Ub:
   = "auto";
   = b - d - f + "px";
          case Vb:
   = "auto";
   = c - e - g + "px";
          case 3:
   = "auto", = "auto", = c - e - g + "px", = b - d - f + "px"
  qe: function () {
    this.qe.ko = o;
    this.k.Wa = !this.k.Wa;
    if (this.B) {
      var a = this.B,
        b = this.k.size.width,
        c = this.k.size.height,
        d = this.Cq,
        e = this.Bq,
        f = this;
      this.k.Wa ? (this.Dv == q && this.yA(), new qb({
        Gc: 40,
        duration: 120,
        jc: rb.QK,
        va: function (g) {
 = Math.ceil(b * g) + "px";
 = Math.ceil(c * g) + "px";
          if ( && ( = 3 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb ? parseInt( - e + "px" : "0", = 1 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb ? parseInt( - d + "px" : "0", 0 <= f.k.anchor && 3 >= f.k.anchor)) {
            if (3 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb) = f.C.height - parseInt( - + "px";
            if (1 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb) = f.C.width - parseInt( - + "px"
          f.dispatchEvent(new M("onviewchanging"))
        finish: function () {
          if (0 <= f.k.anchor && 3 >= f.k.anchor && {
            if (3 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb) = f.C.height - c - + "px";
            if (1 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb) = f.C.width - b - + "px"
          x.K.Tb(f.Ja, "BMap_omBtnClosed");
          var d = new M("onviewchanged");
          d.isOpen = f.k.Wa;
          f.qe.ko = q
      })) : (this.qe.yT =, this.qe.xT =, new qb({
        Gc: 25,
        duration: 120,
        jc: rb.aD,
        va: function (g) {
 = b - Math.ceil((b - d) * g) + "px";
 = c - Math.ceil((c - e) * g) + "px";
          if ( && ( = 3 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb ? parseInt( - e + "px" : "0", = 1 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb ? parseInt( - d + "px" : "0", 0 <= f.k.anchor && 3 >= f.k.anchor)) {
            if (3 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb) = f.C.height - parseInt( - + "px";
            if (1 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb) = f.C.width - parseInt( - + "px"
          f.dispatchEvent(new M("onviewchanging"))
        finish: function () {
          if ( && ( = "0", = "0", 0 <= f.k.anchor && 3 >= f.k.anchor)) {
            if (3 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb) = f.C.height - f.Bq - + "px";
            if (1 == f.Eb || 4 == f.Eb) = f.C.width - f.Cq - + "px"
          x.K.Ua(f.Ja, "BMap_omBtnClosed");
          var b = new M("onviewchanged");
          b.isOpen = f.k.Wa;
          f.qe.ko = q
    } else this.qe.ko = q
  Or: function () {
    if (this.C) {
      var a = this.C.Oa,
        b = this.C.wb({
          x: 0,
          y: 0
        }, a),
        a = this.C.wb({
          x: this.C.width,
          y: this.C.height
        }, a),
        c = this.Za.wb({
          x: 0,
          y: 0
        }, this.On),
        d = this.Za.wb({
          x: this.Za.width,
          y: this.Za.height
        }, this.On); = (a.lng - b.lng) / (d.lng - c.lng); = ( - / ( -;
      1 <= || 1 <= ? ( = "none", : (b = parseInt(this.Za.height), a = Math.round(parseInt(this.Za.width) *, c = Math.round(b *, this.C.oa() == Pa && (c = 0.35 * b),,, c), = "");
  vB: function () {
    if ( &&
      if (1 <= || 1 <= = "none";
      else {
        var a =; = ""; = a.width; = a.height;
        var b = parseInt(a.width) - 2,
          c = parseInt(a.height) - 2; = (0 > b ? 0 : b) + "px"; = (0 > c ? 0 : c) + "px"; =; =; = parseInt(a.left) + this.Za.offsetX + "px"; = parseInt( + this.Za.offsetY + "px"
  Ae: function (a) {
    a instanceof L || (a = new L(150, 150));
    var b = a.width,
      c = a.height,
      b = 0 < b ? b : 150,
      c = 0 < c ? c : 150;
    a.width = b;
    a.height = c;
    this.k.size = a;
    if (this.B)
      if (this.qe.ko == o) {
        var d = arguments,
          e = this;
        setTimeout(function () {
, a)
        }, 120)
      } else Rg(this.B, [b, c]), e = this, setTimeout(function () {
        e.Za && e.C && e.Za.Vf(e.C.Ha())
      }, 100), this.qc(this.k.anchor), this.dispatchEvent(new M("resize"))
  Xe: function (a) {
    a instanceof L && (, a), this.B && (0 != a.width || 0 != a.height ? x.K.Ua(this.B, "withOffset") : x.K.Tb(this.B, "withOffset")))
  mB: function () {
    if (this.Ic) {
      var a = this.k.size.width,
        b = this.k.size.height,
        c = this.k.padding,
        d = this.zq,
        e = 0,
        f = 0,
        g = 0,
        i = 0; = = = = "auto"; = = = = "auto";
      if (0 == && 0 == {
        switch (this.k.anchor) {
          case Tb:
   = "0px";
   = "0px";
          case Ub:
   = c + "px";
   = "0px";
          case Vb:
   = c + "px";
   = "0px";
          case 3:
   = c + "px", = c + "px"
        e = a - d;
        f = b - d;
        g = e - c - 2 * d;
        i = f - c - 2 * d; && "BackCompat" == document.compatMode && (e += 1, f += 1, g += 2, i += 2)
      } else = = = = c + "px", e = a - 2 * d, f = b - 2 * d, g = e - 2 * c - 2 * d, i = f - 2 * c - 2 * d, (0 != || 0 != && x.K.Ua(this.B, "withOffset"), && "BackCompat" == document.compatMode && (e += 2, f += 2, g += 2, i += 2);
      0 < e && 0 < f && Rg(this.B.children[0], [e, f]);
      0 < g && 0 < i && Rg(this.Ic, [g, i]);
      x.K.Tb(this.Ja, "BMap_omBtnClosed");
      this.k.Wa || ( = this.Cq + "px", = this.Bq + "px", && (this.qe.yT =, this.qe.xT =, = "0", = "0"), x.K.Ua(this.Ja, "BMap_omBtnClosed"))
  eU: function () {
    var a = this.B;
    if (a) {
      var b = this.Eb;
      switch (this.k.anchor) {
        case Tb:
          this.Eb = 2;
        case Ub:
          this.Eb = 1;
        case Vb:
          this.Eb = 3;
        case 3:
          this.Eb = 4
      x.K.Tb(a, "quad" + b);
      x.K.Ua(a, "quad" + this.Eb)
  WI: function () {
    if ( {
      var a = this.Cq,
        b = this.Bq,
        c = this.k.size.width,
        d = this.k.size.height; = "auto"; = "auto"; = "auto"; = "auto";
      switch (this.Eb) {
        case 2:
 = "0px";
 = "0px";
        case 1:
 = c - a + "px";
 = "0px";
        case 4:
 = d - b + "px";
 = c - a + "px";
        case 3:
 = "0px", = d - b + "px"
    } else switch (this.Eb) {
      case 2: = "0"; = "0";
      case 1: = "0"; = "0";
      case 4: = "0"; = "0";
      case 3: = "0", = "0"
  fT: function () { &&
  mT: function () {
    switch (this.Pn) {
      case "dragMap":
        this.Pn = "";
      case "dragView": = "none";
        this.Za.ui(this.C.Ha(), {
          duration: 90
        this.Pn = "";
        this.Za && this.Za.ui(this.C.Ha(), {
          duration: 90
  yI: function () {
    if (this.Za) {
      var a = this;
      a.On = a.zH();
      setTimeout(function () {
        a.Za.Dd(a.C.Ha(), a.On);;
      }, 100)
  nT: function () {
    "dragMap" != this.Pn && (this.vB(), this.Za.D.iD = o)
  remove: function () {;
    this.Ja = this.rr = = this.ZA = = this.xI = this.Ic = p;
    this.Dv = q;
    this.Za = p
  Wa: function () {
    return !this.B ? q : this.k.Wa

function Rg(a, b) {
  var c =;
  c.width = b[0] + "px";
  c.height = b[1] + "px"
T(jf, {
  changeView: jf.qe,
  setAnchor: jf.qc,
  setSize: jf.Ae
x.object.extend(ib.prototype, {
  wf: function () {
    this.C && this.Ge(this.C)
  initialize: function (a) {, a);
    return this.B
  Mv: function () {
    this.sI = {
      us: [264E5, 132E5, 1056E4, 528E4, 264E4, 1056E3, 528E3, 264E3, 132E3, 105600, 52800, 26400, 10560, 5280, 2E3, 1E3, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5],
      metric: [1E7, 5E6, 2E6, 1E6, 5E5, 2E5, 1E5, 5E4, 25E3, 2E4, 1E4, 5E3, 2E3, 1E3, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1]
  ca: function (a) {
    var b = this;
    a.addEventListener("zoomend", function () {
    a.addEventListener("moveend", function () {
    a.addEventListener("maptypechange", function () {
  Aa: function () {;
    x.K.Ua(this.B, "BMap_scaleCtrl");
    this.B.innerHTML = this.Uq();
    this.TI = this.B.children[0];
  Uq: function () {
    var a = + "mapctrls.png";
    return '<div class="BMap_scaleTxt" unselectable="on"></div><div class="BMap_scaleBar BMap_scaleHBar"><img style="border:none" src="' + a + '"/></div><div class="BMap_scaleBar BMap_scaleLBar"><img style="border:none" src="' + a + '"/></div><div class="BMap_scaleBar BMap_scaleRBar"><img style="border:none" src="' + a + '"/></div>'
  Lk: function (a) {
    this.k.color = a + "";
    if (this.B) {
      this.B.children[0].style.backgroundColor = "transparent";
      this.B.children[0].style.color = a;
      for (var b = 1, c = this.B.children.length; b < c; b++) this.B.children[b].style.backgroundColor = a
  yF: function (a) { = this.Zh[a] && this.Zh[a].name ||;
    this.C &&
  $I: function (a, b) {
    this.TI.innerHTML = a + "&nbsp;" + b
  bw: function () {
    if (this.C && this.B) {
      var a = new H(this.C.Ha().lng, this.C.Ha().lat + 10),
        b = Math.abs(this.C.bc(this.C.Ha()).y - this.C.bc(a).y),
        a = S.Xo(this.C.Ha(), a) / b;
      if (!(0 == a || isNaN(a))) {
        var c = this.JQ(a,,
          a = 0,
          b = this.Zh[].$L;
        var d = this.sI[][this.C.fa() - 1],
          a = d / c,
          c = d >= b ? this.Zh[].GO : this.Zh[].FO;
        d >= b && (d = Math.round(d / b));
        this.$I(d, c);
        0 != Math.round(a) % 2 && 6 == && (a += 1); = Math.round(a) + "px";
        this.C.Jb == Pa && ( = 3 * Math.round(a) + "px", this.$I(3 * d, c))
  JQ: function (a, b) {
    b = b || "metric";
    return this.Zh[b] ? a * this.Zh[b].nK : a
T(kf, {
  setUnit: kf.yF
z.jz = [
  [-57, -179],
  [-45, -179]
z.jz.Py = function (a) {
  a = this[Number(a)];
  return a[0] + "px " + a[1] + "px"
var Sg = new String( + "images/mapctrls2d0.gif");
Sg.Py = function (a, b) {
  return "transparent url(" + this + ") no-repeat " + ("number" === typeof a ? a + "px " : "") + ("number" === typeof b ? b + "px " : "")
z.rG = {
    Ey: q
    qD: "B_NORMAL_MAP",
    Ey: o
    qD: "B_NORMAL_MAP",
    Ey: q
z.pP = {
}; = {
    text: "\u4e09\u7ef4",
    title: "\u663e\u793a\u4e09\u7ef4\u5730\u56fe",
    file: Sg,
    x: 0,
    y: -131,
    right: "0px"
    text: "\u536b\u661f",
    title: "\u663e\u793a\u536b\u661f\u5730\u56fe",
    file: Sg,
    x: 0,
    y: -177,
    right: "0px"
    text: "\u5730\u56fe",
    title: "\u663e\u793a\u666e\u901a\u5730\u56fe",
    file: Sg,
    x: 0,
    y: -221,
    right: "0px"
z.nG = o;
x.extend(kb.prototype, {
  wf: function () {
    this.C && this.Ge(this.C)
  initialize: function (a) {
    this.HS();, a);;;
    switch (this.k.type) {
      case 1:
      case 2:
        this.Rf = {};
    2 !== this.k.type &&;
    return this.B
  HS: function () {
    this.Df = [
      [Sa, Ya, o]
    ]; = [];
    this.qv = []
  LQ: function () {
    for (var a =, b = 0; b < a.length; b++)[b])) || this.TQ(a[b], b);
    for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++)[b])) && this.RQ(a[b], b);
    a =[0]; = "3px 0 0 3px";
    b =[ - 1]; = "1px solid #8ba4dc"; = a == b ? "3px" : "0 3px 3px 0"; = "nowrap"; = "pointer"
  kr: function (a) {
    for (var b = 0; b <; b++)
      if ([b] == a) return o;
    return q
  ll: function (a) {
    for (var b = 0; b < this.Df.length; b++)
      if (this.Df[b][0] == a) return this.Df[b][1];
    return p
  FH: function (a) {
    for (var b = 0; b < this.Df.length; b++)
      if (this.Df[b][0] == a) return this.Df[b][2];
    return q
  TQ: function (a, b) {
    var c = this,
      d = K("div");
    var e =;
    e.boxShadow = "2px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)";
    e.borderLeft = "1px solid #8ba4dc";
    e.borderTop = "1px solid #8ba4dc";
    e.borderBottom = "1px solid #8ba4dc";
    e.background = "white";
    e.padding = "2px 6px";
    e.font = "12px " + F.fontFamily;
    e.lineHeight = "1.3em";
    e.textAlign = "center";
    e.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
    d.innerHTML = a.getName();
    d.title =;
    d.onclick = function () {
    e = K("div");
    var f =; ? f.styleFloat = "left" : f.cssFloat = "left";
    e.appendChild(d);[b] = e;[b + 1] ? this.B.insertBefore(e,[b + 1]) : this.B.appendChild(e)
  RQ: function (a, b) {
    var c = this.ll(a),
      d = this.gA(c),
      e =[d],
      f = this;
    e.onmouseover = function () {
      if ((f.C.oa() == c || f.C.oa() == a) && this.ql) this.xd && (clearTimeout(this.xd), this.xd = p), this.ql &&
    e.onmouseout = function () {
      var a = this;
      this.xd && (clearTimeout(this.xd), this.xd = p);
      this.xd = setTimeout(function () {
        a.ql && x.K.U(a.ql)
      }, 1E3)
    e.onmousedown = function () {
      this.xd && (clearTimeout(this.xd), this.xd = p);
      this.ql &&
    e.Gq = a;
    var g = K("div");
    labelContainerStyle =;
    labelContainerStyle.position = "absolute"; =[d].offsetHeight + "px";
    var i = this.yD();
    if (1 == this.TR()) i == Tb || i == Vb ? labelContainerStyle.left = "0" : labelContainerStyle.right = "0";
    else if (0 == d || d != - 1) {
      for (var k = i = 0; k < d;)[k] && (i +=[k].offsetWidth), k++;
      labelContainerStyle.left = i + "px"
    } else labelContainerStyle.right = "0";
    labelContainerStyle.zIndex = "-1";
    labelContainerStyle.display = "none";
    d = this.FH(a) ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
    g.innerHTML = '<div title="' + + '" style="border-right:1px solid #8ba4dc;border-bottom:1px solid #8ba4dc;border-left:1px solid #8ba4dc;background:white;font:12px ' + F.fontFamily + ';padding:0 8px 0 6px;line-height:1.6em;box-shadow:2px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)"><span ' + d + '" class="BMap_checkbox"></span><label style="vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer;">' + (a.k.zE || a.getName()) + "</label></div>";
    g.onclick = function () {
    g.onmouseover = function (a) {
      e.xd && (clearTimeout(e.xd), e.xd = p);;
    g.onmouseout = function () {
      var a = this;
      e.xd && (clearTimeout(e.xd), e.xd = p);
      e.xd = setTimeout(function () {
        a && x.K.U(a)
      }, 1E3)
    e.Lg = this.qv[b] = g;
    e.ql = g
  MQ: function () {
    var a = K("div");
    a.title = "\u66f4\u6539\u5730\u56fe\u7c7b\u578b";
    var b =;
    b.font = "bold 12px/1.5em " + F.fontFamily;
    b.background = "#fff";
    b.boxShadow = "2px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)";
    b.padding = "0 6px";
    b.border = "1px solid #8ba4dc";
    a.innerHTML = '<span style="float:right;font-family:' + F.fontFamily + '">\u25bc</span>' + this.C.oa().getName(); = a;
    b = K("div");
    dropDownStyle =;
    dropDownStyle.position = "relative";
    dropDownStyle.zIndex = "-1";
    dropDownStyle.background = "#fff";
    dropDownStyle.display = "none";
    dropDownStyle.borderLeft = dropDownStyle.borderRight = dropDownStyle.borderBottom = "1px solid #8ba4dc";
    for (var c =, d = 0; d < c.length; d++)[d])) || this.UQ(c[d], d, b);
    d = K("div"); = "1px solid rgb(220, 220, 220)"; = "1px 4px";
    for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++)[d])) && this.SQ(c[d], d, b); = "85px"; = "nowrap"; = "pointer";
    this.B.appendChild(b); = b;
    a.onclick = function () {
      this.Af && (clearTimeout(this.Af), this.Af = p); && ( = "none" == ? "" : "none")
    a.onmouseout = function () {
      this.Af && (clearTimeout(this.Af), this.Af = p);
      var a = this;
      this.Af = setTimeout(function () { && x.K.U(
      }, 1E3)
    b.onmouseover = function () {
      a.Af && (clearTimeout(a.Af), a.Af = p);
    b.onmouseout = function () {
      a.Af && (clearTimeout(a.Af), a.Af = p);
      a.Af = setTimeout(function () { && x.K.U(
      }, 1E3)
  UQ: function (a, b, c) {
    var d = K("div");
    var e =;
    e.color = "#000";
    e.font = "12px/1.6em " + F.fontFamily;
    e.background = "#fff";
    e.padding = "1px 6px";
    8 > && (e.zoom = "1");
    d.innerHTML = a.getName();
    d.title =;
    var f = this;
    d.onclick = function () {
    c.appendChild(d);[b] = d
  SQ: function (a, b, c) {
    var d = K("div");
    var e =;
    e.font = "12px/1.6em " + F.fontFamily;
    e.padding = "1px 0 1px 4px";
    e.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
    d.title =;
    d.innerHTML = "<span " + (this.FH(a) ? 'checked="checked"' : "") + ' class="BMap_checkbox"></span><label style="vertical-align:middle;cursor:pointer">' + (a.k.zE || a.getName()) + "</label>";
    var f = this;
    d.onclick = function () {
    this.qv[b] = d;
    b =[this.gA(this.ll(a))];
    b.Gq = a;
    b.Lg = d
  NQ: function (a) {
    function b(a) {
    var c =,
      d = {
        top: "2px",
        cursor: "pointer",
        width: "47px",
        height: "49px",
        zIndex: "800",
        display: "inline-block",
        position: "absolute",
        fontSize: "12px",
        border: "1px solid " + c.kq,
        backgroundColor: "#fff"
      e = {
        width: "41px",
        height: "43px",
        position: "absolute",
        margin: "2px",
        border: "1px solid " + c.kq
      c = {
        position: "absolute",
        top: "27px",
        width: "41px",
        height: "16px",
        backgroundColor: c.kq,
        opacity: "0.5",
        filter: "Alpha(opacity=50);"
      f = {
        position: "absolute",
        top: "29px",
        width: "41px",
        color: "white",
        textAlign: "center",
        lineHeight: "12px"
    0 < && 8 >= && (f.lineHeight = "15px");
    x.extend(, {
      cursor: "pointer",
      top: "10px",
      width: "120px",
      height: "60px"
    }); = "url(" + + "blank.gif)";
    var g = K("div"); = g;
    x.extend(, {
      position: "absolute",
      width: "71px",
      height: "21px",
      border: "1px solid #999",
      fontSize: "12px",
      bottom: "-26px",
      right: "-1px",
      backgroundColor: "white",
      display: "none"
    var i = K("span");
    i.Fz = q;
    this.C && "undefined" !== typeof this.C.Zn && (i.Fz = !!this.C.Zn);
    var k = z.jz[1];
    g.Ez = i;
    x.extend(, {
      background: Sg.Py(k[0], k[1]),
      width: "11px",
      height: "11px",
      position: "absolute",
      cssFloat: "left",
      top: "5px",
      left: "4px"
    i = K("span");
    i.innerHTML = "\u663e\u793a\u8def\u7f51";
    x.extend(, {
      position: "absolute",
      top: "4px",
      marginLeft: "18px"
    i.onmouseover = b;
    i.onmouseout = b;
    g.onmouseover = b;
    g.onmouseout = b;
    for (var l, m, n, t = this.k.$V, v = 0, w = t.length; v < w; ++v) g = t[v], k =[g], i = K("span"), i.title = k.title, i.ef = g, x.extend(, k), x.extend(, d), n = K("span"), i.Fh = n, x.extend(, c), n.onmouseover = b, n.onmouseout = b, m = K("span"), i.Yn = m, x.extend(, e), l = Sg.Py(k.x, k.y), = l, l = K("span"), i.Bz = l, l.innerHTML = k.text, x.extend(, f), i.appendChild(m), m.appendChild(n), m.appendChild(l), l.onmouseover = b, this.B.appendChild(i), this.Rf[g] = i;
    i = p;
    this.EA === o ? this.dO("B_DIMENSIONAL_MAP") : this.EA === q && this.QL("B_DIMENSIONAL_MAP");
    return this.B
  iQ: function (a) {
    function b(g) {
      if (g !== p) {
        var g = window.event || g,
          g = || g.srcElement,
          i = p;
        g.ef ? i = g : g.parentNode.ef ? i = g.parentNode : g.parentNode.parentNode.ef && (i = g.parentNode.parentNode);
        "B_NORMAL_MAP" === i.ef ? (Qg(d.B_SATELLITE_MAP), Pg(d.B_DIMENSIONAL_MAP)) : "B_DIMENSIONAL_MAP" === i.ef && (Qg(d.B_SATELLITE_MAP), Pg(d.B_NORMAL_MAP))
      if (this.ef) {
        var g = this.ef,
          i = z.rG[g],
          m = d[g],
          n = d[i.qD],
          t = d[i.mF];
        e.aR = m;
        e.nH = n;
        e.Hl = t; = "none";
        m.tB = o;
        m.onmouseover = p; = ""; = f ? "62px" : "-54px"; = 99;
        t.tB = q;
        t.onmouseover = p;
        t.onmouseover = function () {
        t.onmouseout = p;
        t.onmouseout = function (a) {
          a = window.event || a;
          a = a.relatedTarget || a.toElement;
          a !== t && (a !== t.Bz && a !== t.Fh && a !== t.Yn) && Pg(t)
        x.M(t, "click", function () {
, p)
        }); = ""; = "4px"; = 100;
        n.tB = q;
        n.Hl = t;
        n.onmouseout = p;
        n.onmouseout = function (a) {
          a = window.event || a;
          a = a.relatedTarget || a.toElement;
          a !== n && (a !== n.Bz && a !== n.Fh && a !== n.Yn) && Pg(n)
        var v = n.onmouseover = p;
        n.onmouseover = function (b) {
          b = window.event || b;
          b = b.relatedTarget || b.fromElement;
          b === t || (b === n || b === n.Yn || b === n.Fh) || (v !== p && (clearTimeout(v), v = p), v = setTimeout(function () {
            if (e.vv && !e.Oj) {
              if (z.nG) new qb({
                duration: 200,
                jc: rb.aD,
                va: function (b) {
                  var c = x.$(e).offsetLeft + 60,
                    d = a.Bb().width / 2;
                  if (c - d >= 0) = Math.round(b * 58) + 4 + "px";
                  else {
                    f = q;
           = -Math.round(b * 58) + 4 + "px"
                finish: function () {
                  e.Oj = o
              else {
       = offsetX - centerX >= 0 ? "62px" : "-62px";
                e.Oj = o
              c.dispatchEvent(new M("onSecondShow"))
          }, 100), e.vv = o, Qg(n))
        }; = i.Ey ? "" : "none";
        "B_SATELLITE_MAP" == g && ("undefined" === typeof c.C.Zn ? c.My(o) : c.My(!!c.C.Zn));
        e.vv = q
    var c = this,
      d = this.Rf,
      e = this.B;
    e.Oj = q;
    var f = o,
    for (g in c.Rf)(function (a) {
      x.M(a, "click", function () {, p)
    x.M(e, "mouseover", function (a) {
      a = window.event || a;
      c.ZH(a.relatedTarget || a.toElement, o) || c.dispatchEvent(new M("onmouseover"))
    var i = p;
    x.M(e, "mouseout", function (a) {
      e.Hl && (a = window.event || a, c.ZH(a.relatedTarget || a.toElement, o) || (c.dispatchEvent(new M("onmouseout")), i !== p && (clearTimeout(i), i = p), i = setTimeout(function () {
        if (!e.vv) {
          if (z.nG) new qb({
            duration: 200,
            jc: rb.aD,
            va: function (a) {
     = f ? Math.round((1 - a) * 58) + 4 + "px" : -Math.round((1 - a) * 58) + 4 + "px"
            finish: function () {
              e.Oj = q
          else {
   = f ? "4px" : "-4px";
            e.Oj = q
          c.dispatchEvent(new M("onSecondHide"));
      }, 600), e.vv = q))
    }); = function () {
    a.addEventListener("onmaptypechange", function () {
      2 == c.k.type && (,[], p), = f ? (c.B.Oj ? 62 : 4) + "px" : (c.B.Oj ? -54 : 4) + "px")
    this.ST = function () {[], p);
      var a = this.B.Hl,
        c = this.B.nH; = "4px";
      this.B.Oj = q
  My: function (a) {
    var b = this.C; = b.Zn = a; = z.jz.Py(a);
    var c = new M("onchangehybirdmapmode");
    c.pY = a;
    b.Zn = a;
    c.pY ? b.zg(Sa) : b.zg(Ya);
  BU: function (a) {
    if (this.C.Jb.getName() != this.KH(a).getName()) {
      var b = 0;
      "" !== this.C.Xb && (b = 1);
      var c = new M("onbeforesetmaptype");
      c.dL = b;
      c.Jb = a;
      c.f2 = this.C.Jb;
      this.k.AW && (b || a != Pa) &&
  select: function (a) {
    if (a != j) {
      a instanceof Uc && (a =;
      var b = this.Rf[a];
      b.tB = o;
  remove: function () {
    for (var a = this.Rf, b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; ++b) a[b] = p;
  vk: function () {
    var a = parseInt(;
    mapType = this.B.aR.ef;
    z.rG[mapType].Ey && (a += Math.abs(parseInt(;
    return a
  R2: function () {
    return parseInt(
  QL: function (a) {
    if ((a = this.Rf[a]) && = "hidden"
  dO: function (a) {
    if ((a = this.Rf[a]) && = "visible"
  bM: function (a) {
    var b = this.Rf[a];
    b || ba("Invalid Map Type:" + a);
    return "visible" ===
  a3: function () {
    this.Qa ||;
    this.bM("B_DIMENSIONAL_MAP") && (this.QL("B_DIMENSIONAL_MAP"), this.EA = q)
  p4: function () {
    this.Qa ||;
    this.bM("B_DIMENSIONAL_MAP") || (this.dO("B_DIMENSIONAL_MAP"), this.EA = o)
  ZH: function (a, b) {
    var b = b || o,
    for (c in this.Rf) {
      var d = this.Rf[c];
      if (a === d || (a == d.Yn || a === d.Fh || a === d.Bz) || b && a === this.B) return o
    return q
  br: function () {
    for (var a in
      if (this.C.Jb.getName() ==[a].text) return a
  KH: function (a) {
    return z.pP[a]
  TR: function () {
    for (var a = 0, b = 0; b <; b++)[b] && a++;
    return a
  gA: function (a) {
    for (var b = 0; b <; b++)
      if ([b] == a) return b;
    return -1
  iv: function (a) {
    for (var b = 0; b < this.Df.length; b++) {
      if (this.Df[b][0] == a && this.C.oa() == a &&[b][1])) return this.Df[b][1];
      if (this.Df[b][1] == a) {
        var c = this.qv[this.gA(this.Df[b][0])];
        if (c)
          if (c = c.getElementsByTagName("span")[0], "" == c.checked) {
            ia.K.Tb(c, "checked");
          } else return this.Df[b][0]
    return a
  MI: function (a) {
    a =;
    a.background = "#8ea8e0";
    a.color = "#fff";
    a.fontWeight = "bold"
  QT: function (a) {
    a =;
    a.background = "#fff";
    a.color = "#000";
    a.fontWeight = ""
  ca: function () {
    var a = this;
    a.C.addEventListener("onmaptypechange", function () {
  yb: function () {
    if (2 !== this.k.type) switch (this.k.type) {
      case 1:
  nR: function () {
    for (var a = this.C.oa(), b = 0; b <; b++) {
      var c = p;
      if ([b])
        if (a ==[b]) this.MI([b].children[0]),[b].Gq &&[b].Lg && (c =[b].Lg.getElementsByTagName("span")[0], c.checked = "", ia.K.Tb(c, "checked"));
        else if ([b].Gq == a) {
        var d =[b].Lg,
          c = d.getElementsByTagName("span")[0];
        d && (c.checked = "checked", ia.K.Ua(c, "checked"))
      } else this.QT([b].children[0]),[b].Lg && (x.K.U([b].Lg), clearTimeout([b].xd),[b].xd = p)
  oR: function () {
    for (var a = this.C.oa(), b = q, c = q, d = 0; d <; d++) {
      var e = p;
      if (a ==[d] &&[d]) {
        if (b = o, = '<span style="float:right;font-family:' + F.fontFamily + '">\u25bc</span>' + this.C.oa().getName(), (e =[d]) && e.Gq && e.Lg), e = e.Lg.getElementsByTagName("span")[0], e.checked = "", ia.K.Tb(e, "checked")
      } else if ([d] &&[d].Gq == a) {
        if (c = o, = '<span style="float:right;font-family:' + F.fontFamily + '">\u25bc</span>' + this.ll(a).getName(), e =[d].Lg), e = e.getElementsByTagName("span")[0], e.checked = "checked", ia.K.Ua(e, "checked")
      } else[d] && (e =[d].Lg) && x.K.U(e)
    }!b && !c && ( = '<span style="float:right;font-family:' + F.fontFamily + '">\u25bc</span>' + this.C.oa().getName())
  remove: function () { = this.qv = []; = p;
x.extend($b.prototype, {
  wf: function () {
    this.C && this.Ge(this.C)
  initialize: function (a) {, a);
    x.M(this.B, "click", ma);
    x.M(this.B, "dblclick", ma);
    x.M(this.B, "mousewheel", ma);
    x.M(this.B, "mouseup", function (a) {
      a = window.event || a;
      2 == a.button && ma(a)
    window.addEventListener && this.B.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", function (a) {
    }, o);
    this.Cf = 1;
    this.HA = q;
    return this.B
  Aa: function () {
    var a = K("div");
    a.innerHTML = '<span style="position:relative;top:33px;">\u5168\u666f</span>';
    a.title = "\u8fdb\u5165\u5168\u666f";
    var b =;
    b.width = "49px";
    b.height = "51px";
    b.color = "#565656";
    b.background = 'url("' + + 'st-control.png") no-repeat 0 0';
    b.position = "absolute";
    b.cursor = "pointer";
    b.fontFamily = "arial,sans-serif";
    b.fontSize = "13px";
    b.textAlign = "center";
    b.WebkitBoxShadow = b.tP = b.mV = "0px 0px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)";
    this.B = a;
    a = this.Qg = K("div");
    b =;
    b.position = "absolute";
    b.width = "24px";
    b.height = "41px";
    b.cursor = "pointer";
    b.backgroundImage = 'url("' + + 'st-scout.png")';
    b.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
    b.backgroundPosition = "-24px 0";
    b.overflow = "hidden";
    b.display = "none";
    6 == && (b.background = "", a.innerHTML = "<div style=\"position:absolute;left:-24px;top:0;width:24px;height:41px;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + + "st-scout.png')\"></div>");
    a = this.Td = K("div");
    b =;
    b.position = "absolute";
    b.width = "112px";
    b.height = "119px";
    b.backgroundImage = 'url("' + + 'st-infowindow.gif")';
    b.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
    b.backgroundPosition = "0 0";
    b.display = "none";
    b.cursor = "pointer";
    b = this.Xi = K("img");
    b.src = + "st-noresult.png"; = "100px"; = "75px"; = = "6px"; = "absolute";
    b = this.Vi = K("div"); = "absolute"; = "85px"; = "arial,sans-serif"; = "13px"; = "6px";
  ca: function () {
    var a = this;
    Ua() && (x.M(this.B, "mouseover", function () {
      a.HA = o;
    }), x.M(this.B, "mouseout", function () {
      a.HA = q;
    x.M(this.B, "click", function () {
      a.Qi ? a.Jz() : a.oT()
    x.M(document, "mousemove", function (b) {
      if (a.Qi) {
        var b = window.event || b,
          c = yb(a.C.Va),
          b = new R((b.pageX || b.clientX) - c.left, (b.pageY || b.clientY) -,
          d = a.C.wb(b);
        if ( != "" && Ua()) {
 = "";
 = ""
        } = b.x - 12 + "px"; = b.y - 41 - 2 + "px";
        a.EI = a.Jh;
        a.Jh = b;
        if (a.EI) {
          b = b.x - a.EI.x;
          if (b > 0) {
   = "-48px 0";
            if ( == 6) a.Qg.children[0].style.left = "-48px"
          } else if (b < 0) {
   = "0 0";
            if ( == 6) a.Qg.children[0].style.left = "0"
        a.Cf = a.Jh.y < 170 ? 2 : 1;
        if (a.Jh.x < 66) a.Cf = 3;
        if (a.Jh.x > a.C.Bb().width - 56 - 10) a.Cf = 4;
        b = a.Cf == 1 || a.Cf == 2 ? 112 : 126;
        c = a.Cf == 1 || a.Cf == 2 ? 119 : 105;
        if (a.Cf == 1 || a.Cf == 2) {
 = a.Jh.x - Math.round(b / 2) + "px";
          if (a.Cf == 1) {
   = a.Jh.y - c - 42 + "px";
   = "0 0";
   = "6px";
   = "";
   = "85px";
   = ""
          } else {
   = a.Jh.y + 2 + "px";
   = "-112px 0";
   = "";
   = "6px";
   = "";
   = "85px"
 = "112px";
 = "119px";
 = "6px";
 = "0"
        if (a.Cf == 3 || a.Cf == 4) {
 = a.Jh.y - Math.round(c / 2) - 20 + "px";
          if (a.Cf == 3) {
   = a.Jh.x + 12 + "px";
   = "0 -119px";
   = "20px";
   = "14px"
          } else {
   = a.Jh.x - 12 - b + "px";
   = "-126px -119px";
   = "6px";
   = "0"
 = "126px";
 = "105px"
        } = 'url("' + + 'st-infowindow.gif")';
        if (a.Xv) {
          a.Xv = p
        a.Xv = setTimeout(function () {
          a.P0 = d;
 = "-24px 0";
          if ( == 6) a.Qg.children[0].style.left = "-24px";
          a.CI.pj(d, function (b) {
            if (b) {
              a.Qz =;
              a.Xi.src = "" + + "&pos=0_0&z=0";
              a.Vi.innerHTML = b.description
            } else {
              a.Qz = p;
              a.Xi.src = + "st-noresult.png";
              a.Vi.innerHTML = ""
        }, 200)
    this.C.addEventListener("click", function (b) {
      if (a.Qi && G()) {
        var c = this.wm();
        a.CI.pj(b.point, function (b) {
          if (b) {
      } else if (a.Qi && a.Qz) {
        c = this.wm();
  cw: function () {
    var a =;
    this.Qi ? (a.backgroundPosition = "-49px 0", a.color = "#fff") : this.HA ? (a.backgroundPosition = "-49px 0", a.color = "#fff") : (a.backgroundPosition = "0 0", a.color = "#565656")
  oT: function () {
    this.Qi || (this.Qi = o, this.C.Vg(this.BI), Ua() && (this.zT = this.C.D.Yb, this.AT = this.C.D.Fd, this.C.setDefaultCursor("pointer"), this.C.setDraggingCursor("pointer")));
  Jz: function () {
    this.Qi && (this.C.wh(this.BI), Ua() && ( = "none", = "none", this.C.setDefaultCursor(this.zT), this.C.setDraggingCursor(this.AT)), this.Qi = q);
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


x.extend(Xb.prototype, {
  wf: function () {
    this.C && this.Ge(this.C)
  initialize: function (a) {, a);
    return this.B
  ca: function (a) {
    var b = this;
    a.addEventListener("load", function () {
    a.addEventListener("moveend", function () {
    a.addEventListener("zoomend", function () {
    a.addEventListener("maptypechange", function () {
      b.B && ( = b.C.oa().Bm())
  Aa: function () {;
    x.K.Ua(this.B, "BMap_cpyCtrl");
    var a =;
    a.cursor = "default";
    a.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
    a.MozUserSelect = "none";
    a.color = this.C.oa().Bm();
    a.background = "none";
    a.font = "11px/15px " + F.fontFamily;
  ro: function () {
    if (this.C && this.B && 0 != this.dc.length)
      for (var a = 0, b = this.dc.length; a < b; a++) {
        var c = this.C.wb({
            x: 0,
            y: 0
          d = this.C.wb({
            x: this.C.width,
            y: this.C.height
          c = new db(c, d);
        if (this.dc[a].bounds && c.kt(this.dc[a].bounds) == p) {
          if (this.B)
            for (d = 0; d < this.B.children.length; d++)
              if (this.B.children[d].getAttribute("_cid") == this.dc[a].id && "none" != this.B.children[d].style.display) {
                this.B.children[d].style.display = "none";
        } else if (this.B) {
          for (var c = q, d = 0, e = this.B.children.length; d < e; d++)
            if (this.B.children[d].getAttribute("_cid") == this.dc[a].id) {
              c = o;
              this.B.children[d].style.display = "inline";
              this.B.children[d].innerHTML != this.dc[a].content && (this.B.children[d].innerHTML = this.dc[a].content);
            } c || this.Uq(this.dc[a])
  rw: function (a) {
    if (a && Wa( && !isNaN( {
      var b = {
          bounds: p,
          content: ""
      for (c in a) b[c] = a[c];
      if (a =
        for (var d in b) a[d] = b[d];
      else this.dc.push(b);
  sm: function (a) {
    for (var b = 0, c = this.dc.length; b < c; b++)
      if (this.dc[b].id == a) return this.dc[b]
  FD: u("dc"),
  bF: function (a) {
    for (var b, c = 0, d = this.dc.length; c < d; c++) this.dc[c].id == a && (b = this.dc.splice(c, 1), c--, d = this.dc.length);
    (a = this.Id(a)) && a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a);;
    return b
  Uq: function (a) {
    this.B && (this.B.innerHTML += "<span _cid='" + + "'>" + a.content + "</span>")
  Id: function (a) {
    var b =;
    if (Db(a)) {
      if (b)
        for (var c = 0, d = b.children.length; c < d; c++)
          if (b.children[c].getAttribute("_cid") == a) return b.children[c]
    } else return b
T(lf, {
  removeCopyright: lf.bF,
  getCopyrightCollection: lf.FD
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


qb.prototype.cancel = ha(1, function () {
  this.Wr && clearTimeout(this.Wr);
  this.Yz = this.Nu;
  this.xy = 0
z.We(function (a) {
  if (!a.D || !a.D.Ox) {
    a.Nx() ? Cf(a) : a.addEventListener("load", function () {
    a.Xg = "\u4e2d\u56fd"; = "1";
    var b = {
      kD: o,
      cb: function () {
        b.kD && (b.kD = q, setTimeout(function () {
        }, 500))
      Pg: function () {
        var c = a.Hd(),
          d = a.fa(),
          e = S.zb(,
          c = S.zb(;
        cd.cb(function (c) {
          9E3 <= c.current_city.code && 9378 >= c.current_city.code && ( = "\u53f0\u6e7e\u7701");
          2E4 <= c.current_city.code && 20499 >= c.current_city.code && ( = "\u65b0\u52a0\u5761");
          20500 <= c.current_city.code && 25999 >= c.current_city.code && ( = "\u6cf0\u56fd");
          26E3 <= c.current_city.code && 29999 >= c.current_city.code && ( = "\u65e5\u672c");
          3E4 <= c.current_city.code && 30999 >= c.current_city.code && ( = "\u97e9\u56fd");
          31E3 <= c.current_city.code && 37E3 >= c.current_city.code && ( = "\u4e9a\u592a");
          46609 <= c.current_city.code && 52505 >= c.current_city.code && ( = "\u6b27\u6d32");
          39509 <= c.current_city.code && 53500 >= c.current_city.code && ( = "\u5357\u7f8e\u6d32");
          54E3 <= c.current_city.code && 7E4 >= c.current_city.code && ( = "\u5317\u7f8e\u6d32");
          54003 === c.current_city.code && (60731 <= c.current_city.code && 61123 >= c.current_city.code) && ( = "\u7f8e\u56fd");
          if (54015 === c.current_city.code || 57970 <= c.current_city.code && 60223 >= c.current_city.code) = "\u52a0\u62ff\u5927";
          if (54025 === c.current_city.code || 54338 <= c.current_city.code && 57374 >= c.current_city.code) = "\u58a8\u897f\u54e5";
          b.kD = o;
          if (c && c.current_city) {
            var d =,
              e = c.current_city.code;
            e !== && a.dispatchEvent("citychange", {
              name: d,
              code: e
            a.Xg = d;
   = c.current_city.code;
            G() || Df(a)
        }, {
          qt: "cen",
          b: e.lng + "," + + ";" + c.lng + "," +,
          l: d
        }, "", "", o)
    a.addEventListener("load", function () {
    a.addEventListener("moveend", function () {
    a.addEventListener("zoomend", function () {

function Cf(a) {
  if (!a.R.KV) {
    a.R.KV = o;
    if (!a.Nw) {
      var b = new L(2, 2);
      G() && (b.width = 72, b.height = 0);
      var c = new Xb({
        offset: b,
        printable: o
      a.Nw = c
    G() || (Df(a), a.addEventListener("maptypechange", function () {
    var d = new Ef;
    d.k = {
      yg: o
    a.addEventListener("resize", function () {
      if (this.Bb().width >= 300 && a.Bb().height >= 100) {;
      } else {
        c.Xe(new L(4, 2))
    300 <= a.Bb().width && 100 <= a.Bb().height && a.D.EY ? : (d.U(), c.Xe(new L(4, 2)))

function Df(a) {
  if (!a.Nw) {
    var b = new L(2, 2);
    G() && (b.width = 72, b.height = 0);
    b = new Xb({
      offset: b,
      printable: o
    a.Nw = b
  var c = a.Xg || "\u4e2d\u56fd",
    b = a.oa(),
    d = "\u5e38\u5dde\u5e02 \u5357\u660c\u5e02 \u4e4c\u9c81\u6728\u9f50\u5e02 \u65e0\u9521\u5e02 \u798f\u5dde\u5e02 \u6cc9\u5dde\u5e02 \u73e0\u6d77\u5e02 \u8d35\u9633\u5e02".split(" "),
    e = "\u5317\u4eac\u5e02 \u4e0a\u6d77\u5e02 \u5e7f\u5dde\u5e02 \u6df1\u5733\u5e02 \u5b81\u6ce2\u5e02 \u77f3\u5bb6\u5e84\u5e02 \u6c88\u9633\u5e02 \u957f\u6625\u5e02 \u9752\u5c9b\u5e02 \u6e29\u5dde\u5e02 \u53f0\u5dde\u5e02 \u91d1\u534e\u5e02 \u4f5b\u5c71\u5e02 \u4e2d\u5c71\u5e02 \u6606\u660e\u5e02 \u5357\u5b81\u5e02 \u82cf\u5dde\u5e02 \u897f\u5b89\u5e02 \u6d4e\u5357\u5e02 \u90d1\u5dde\u5e02 \u5408\u80a5\u5e02 \u547c\u548c\u6d69\u7279\u5e02 \u676d\u5dde\u5e02 \u6210\u90fd\u5e02 \u6b66\u6c49\u5e02 \u957f\u6c99\u5e02 \u5929\u6d25\u5e02 \u5357\u4eac\u5e02 \u91cd\u5e86\u5e02 \u5927\u8fde\u5e02 \u4e1c\u839e\u5e02 \u53a6\u95e8\u5e02".split(" "),
    f = ["\u9999\u6e2f\u7279\u522b\u884c\u653f\u533a"],
  for (g in d)
    if (d[g] === c) {
      var i = o;
    } for (g in e)
    if (e[g] === c) break;
  for (g in f)
    if (f[g] === c) {
      var k = o;
    } if ("\u53f0\u6e7e\u7701" === c) var l = o;
  if ("\u65b0\u52a0\u5761" === c) var m = o;
  if ("\u65e5\u672c" === c) var n = o;
  if ("\u97e9\u56fd" === c) var t = o;
  if ("\u6cf0\u56fd" === c) var v = o;
  if ("\u4e9a\u592a" === c) var w = o;
  if ("\u6b27\u6d32" === c) var y = o;
  if ("\u5357\u7f8e\u6d32" === c) var B = o;
  if ("\u5317\u7f8e\u6d32" === c) var A = o;
  if ("\u7f8e\u56fd" === c) var E = o;
  if ("\u52a0\u62ff\u5927" === c) var C = o;
  if ("\u58a8\u897f\u54e5" === c) var D = o;
  g = ["&copy;&nbsp;2018 Baidu - GS(2016)2089\u53f7 - \u7532\u6d4b\u8d44\u5b571100930 - \u4eacICP\u8bc1030173\u53f7 - Data &copy; "];
  c = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.701961)";
  9 >= a.fa() ? g = ["&copy;&nbsp;2018 Baidu - GS(2016)2089\u53f7 - \u7532\u6d4b\u8d44\u5b571100930 - \u4eacICP\u8bc1030173\u53f7 - Data &copy; "] : l ? g = ["&copy;&nbsp;2018 Baidu - GS(2016)2089\u53f7 - \u7532\u6d4b\u8d44\u5b571100930 - \u4eacICP\u8bc1030173\u53f7 - Data &copy; "] : n || t ? g = ["&copy;&nbsp;2018 Baidu - GS(2016)2089\u53f7 - \u7532\u6d4b\u8d44\u5b571100930 - \u4eacICP\u8bc1030173\u53f7 - Data &copy; "] : m || v ? g = ["&copy;&nbsp;2018 Baidu - GS(2016)2089\u53f7 - \u7532\u6d4b\u8d44\u5b571100930 - \u4eacICP\u8bc1030173\u53f7 - Data &copy; "] : w ? g = ["&copy;&nbsp;2018 Baidu - GS(2016)2089\u53f7 - \u7532\u6d4b\u8d44\u5b571100930 - \u4eacICP\u8bc1030173\u53f7 - Data &copy; "] : y ? g = ["&copy;&nbsp;2018 Baidu - GS(2016)2089\u53f7 - \u7532\u6d4b\u8d44\u5b571100930 - \u4eacICP\u8bc1030173\u53f7 - Data &copy; "] : B ? g = ["&copy;&nbsp;2018 Baidu - GS(2016)2089\u53f7 - \u7532\u6d4b\u8d44\u5b571100930 - \u4eacICP\u8bc1030173\u53f7 - Data &copy; "] : A && (g = ["&copy;&nbsp;2018 Baidu - GS(2016)2089\u53f7 - \u7532\u6d4b\u8d44\u5b571100930 - \u4eacICP\u8bc1030173\u53f7 - Data &copy; "]);
  if (9 >= a.fa()) {
    g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">OpenStreetMap</a>');
    g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">HERE</a>');
    if (b === Ya || b === Sa) g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">ESO</a>'), c = "rgba(0,0,0,.7)";
    b === Pa && (g.push(' &amp; <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#fff;font-size: 11px;">\u90fd\u5e02\u5708</a>'), c = "none")
  } else if (n || t) g.push('<a target="_blank" href="">OpenStreetMap</a>');
  else if (m || v) g.push('<a target="_blank" href="">HERE</a>');
  else if (w) g.push('<a target="_blank" href="">HERE</a>'), g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">Mapbox</a>');
  else if (y) g.push('<a target="_blank" href="">OpenStreetMap</a>'), g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">Mapbox</a>');
  else if (B) g.push('<a target="_blank" href="">OpenStreetMap</a>'), g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">Mapbox</a>');
  else if (E || D || C) g.push('<a target="_blank" href="">HERE</a>'), g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">Mapbox</a>');
  else if (A) g.push('<a target="_blank" href="">OpenStreetMap</a>'), g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">Mapbox</a>');
  else {
    i && g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">PalmCity</a>');
    k && g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">MapKing</a>');
    l && (g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">HERE</a>'), g.push(' &amp; <a target="_blank" href="">\u6a02\u5ba2LocalKing</a>'));
    if (b === Ya || b === Sa) c = "rgba(0,0,0,.7)";
    b === Pa && (g.push(' &amp; <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#fff;font-size: 11px;">\u90fd\u5e02\u5708</a>'), c = "none")
  g.unshift('<span style="background: ' + c + ';padding: 0px 1px;line-height: 16px;display: inline;height: 16px;">');
  g = g.join("");{
    id: 1,
    content: g

function Ef() {
  this.defaultAnchor = Vb;
  this.defaultOffset = new L(1, 20);
  G() && (this.defaultOffset = new L(1, 1));
  this.xz = 30;
  this.Cu = + (G() ? "copyright_logo_s.png" : "copyright_logo.png")
Ef.prototype = new Sb;
Ef.prototype.initialize = function (a) {
  this.C = a;
  var b = K("div"); = "32px";
  var c = K("a", {
    title: "\u5230\u767e\u5ea6\u5730\u56fe\u67e5\u770b\u6b64\u533a\u57df",
    target: "_blank",
    href: ""
  }); = "none";
  c.innerHTML = 6 === ? "<div style='cursor:pointer;width:77px;height:32px;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=" + this.Cu + ")'></div>" : "<img style='border:none;width:77px;height:32px' src='" + this.Cu + "' />";
  G() && (1 < window.devicePixelRatio && (this.Cu = + "copyright_logo_hd.png"), = "25px", c.href = "", c.innerHTML = "<img style='border:none;width:68px;height:25px' src='" + this.Cu + "' />");
  return b
x.extend(Ka.prototype, {
  yb: function () {
  ca: function () {
    var a = this; = function () {
      var b = a.Bb();
      if (a.width != b.width || a.height != b.height) {
        var c = new L(a.width, a.height),
          d = new M("onbeforeresize");
        d.size = c;
        a.dispatchEvent(d); - a.width) / 2, (b.height - a.height) / 2); = (a.width = b.width) + "px"; = (a.height = b.height) + "px";
        c = new M("onresize");
        c.size = b;
        b = parseInt( || 0;
        c = parseInt( || 0;
        0 != a.Ta && (a.offsetX != b || a.offsetY != c) && a.Ke(b, c)
    a.D.Is && !a.R.Zl && (a.R.Zl = setInterval(, 80));
    G() || (x.M(, "mouseover", function (b) {
      a.dispatchEvent(new M("onmouseover"))
    }), x.M(, "mouseout", function (b) {
      a.dispatchEvent(new M("onmouseout"))
  Ke: function (a, b, c, d) {
    if (!isNaN(a) && !isNaN(b) && !(this.offsetX == a && this.offsetY == b)) {
      var e = this.oa(),
        f = e.k.$a,
        g = this.offsetY - b,
        e = e.yc(this.Oa),
        i =,
        k = new H(i.lng + (this.offsetX - a) * e, - (this.offsetY - b) * e); - this.height / 2 * e <= f.Xd && 0 <= g && (b = f.Xd + this.height / 2 * e, b = this.offsetY - ( - b) / e); + this.height / 2 * e > f.Vd && 0 > g && (b = f.Vd - this.height / 2 * e, b = this.offsetY - ( - b) / e); - a, this.offsetY - b, c);
      a = Math.round(a);
      b = Math.round(b);
      this.offsetX = a;
      this.offsetY = b; = a + "px"; = b + "px"; = -a + "px"; = -b + "px";
      d != q && this.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoving"))
  ui: function (a, b) {
    if (a instanceof H) {
      var c = this.bc(a),
        d = Math.round(this.width / 2),
        e = Math.round(this.height / 2),
        b = b || {};
      Math.abs(d - c.x) > this.width || Math.abs(e - c.y) > this.height || b.noAnimation ? this.AI(d - c.x, e - c.y, a) : this.Bl(d - c.x, e - c.y, {
        duration: b.duration
  AI: function (a, b, c) {
    var d = this.R;
    d.Hc != o && (d.mb && d.mb.stop(), this.dispatchEvent(new M("onmovestart")), this.Ke(this.offsetX + a, this.offsetY + b, c), this.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend")))
  wg: function (a, b, c) {
    a = Math.round(a) || 0;
    b = Math.round(b) || 0;
    c = c || {};
    Math.abs(a) <= this.width && Math.abs(b) <= this.height && !c.noAnimation ? this.Bl(a, b) : this.AI(a, b)
  Bl: function (a, b, c) {
    if (this.R.Hc != o) {
      c = c || {};
      this.dispatchEvent(new M("onmovestart"));
      var d = this,
        e = d.R;
      e.ny = d.offsetX;
      e.m = d.offsetY;
      e.KF && e.KF.cancel();
      e.mb && e.mb.stop();
      e.KF = new qb({
        Gc: c.Gc || d.D.Gc,
        duration: c.duration || d.D.LU,
        jc: c.jc || rb.PK,
        va: function (c) {
          (this.FF = d.R.Hc) || d.Ke(e.ny + Math.ceil(a * c), e.m + Math.ceil(b * c))
        finish: function () {
          d.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend"));
          d.R.KF = q;
          d.R.zi == o && (d.R.zi = q, 0 != && d.fb())
  KX: function (a, b) {
    var c = this.oa();
    if ("object" != typeof c) return p;
    c = 256 * c.yc(b);
    a = S.zb(a);
    return {
      uy: parseInt(a.lng / c),
      Kw: parseInt( / c),
      tg: b
T(Se, {
  panTo: Se.ui,
  panBy: Se.wg
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


var Xg = 0,
  Yg = 1,
  Zg = 2,
  Jh, Kh = p;
Ta = function (a) { = a;
  this.TE = this.Iw = p;
  this.Eo = {};
  this.GY = 8; = [];
  this.r_ = 4;
  this.CF = "";
  this.Qk = = this.fe = this.ze = this.Qm = p; = this.lp = "";
  this.Ny = p;
  this.oi = 0;
  this.pE = q;
  this.pN = p; = this.ZK = ""; = new pc( + "spotmkrs.png", new L(18, 18), {
    anchor: new L(9, 9),
    imageOffset: new L(0, 0),
    infoWindowOffset: new L(10, 0)
Kh = Ta.prototype;
Kh.eY = function () {
  var a = this;
  a.Wa = o;
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 1E3);
  setInterval(function () {
    a.pE = q
  }, 300)
Kh.I4 = da(q);
Kh.bind = function () {
Kh.kV = function () {
  var a = this,
    b =;
  b.addEventListener("vectorchanged", function (c, d) {
    d.isvector ? a.close() : b.D.lj == o &&
Kh.IY = function (a) {
  var b =;
  if (this.Wa)
    if (10 > b.fa());
    else if (this.hC(), a && a.point)
    if (this.oi && (this.pN = a.point), this.pE = o, 1 != this.oi && ( &&, this.fe && this.fe.U(), this.Kd && this.Kd.U()), a = b.KX(a.point, b.fa()), && a.Kw && = + "_" + + "_" + a.Kw, this.Eo[ + "_" + + "_" + a.Kw] ? this.CF != && this.HG( : this.KZ({
      y: a.Kw
Kh.HG = function (a) {
  var b =;
  if (b.oa() != La && b.oa() != Sa), this.Ak();
  else if (b = a.split("_"), b = b[0] + "_" + b[1] + "_" + b[2], this.Eo[b]) {;
    this.TE = this.KJ(this.Eo[b][a] ? this.Eo[b][a] : [], "MAP_CLICK_POI");
    this.CF = a;
    for (var a = -1, c = 0, d =; c < d; c++)
      if (b ==[c]) {
        a = c;
      } 0 <= a && (, 1),
Kh.KJ = function (a, b) {
  for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
    var d = a[c],
      e = d.m,
      f = d.v,
      g = new gb(e, {
        offsets: [f[3], f[2], f[3], f[2]]
    g.v = f;
    g.m = e;
    g.o = d.o;
    g.Bh = d.Bh;, b)
  return o
Kh.iV = function () {
  var a = this;"mousemove", function (b) {
Kh.DV = function (a) {
  if (10 >
    for (var b = 0, c = a.spots.length; b < c; b++) {
      if (a.spots[b].o) {[b].o);
    } else this.Ny && this.lC(this.Ny)
Kh.lC = function (a) {
  var b =;
  !(10 > b.fa()) && a && (this.oi = 0, this.Qk && (b.R.ob && b.R.ob.close(), this.ti = a, this.NZ(this.Qk)))
Kh.NZ = function (a) {
  if (a) {
    var b = this;
    cd.cb(function (c) {
      b.$R(a, c)
    }, {
      qt: "inf",
      uid: a,
      operate: "mapclick",
      clicktype: "tile"
Kh.$R = function (a, b) {
  var c = this,
    d =;
  if (b && b.content) {
    var e = b.content,
      f = e.pano || 0;
    O.vb(e.geo, o);
    if (!g) var g = {};
    g.isFromMPC = o;
    var i = e.addr,
      g = e.street_id || "";
    if (1 == e.poiType || 3 == e.poiType) i = O.unique(i.split(";")).join("; ");
    var k =;
    k && (k = k.replace(/,/g, ", "));
    var l = K("div", {
        style: "font-size:12px;padding:5px 0;overflow:hidden;*zoom:1;"
      m = q;
    f && (360 > ? m = o : (f = [], f.push("<div class='panoInfoBox' id='panoInfoBox' title='" + + "\u5916\u666f' title='\u67e5\u770b\u5168\u666f' >"), f.push("<img filter = 'pano_thumnail_img' class='pano_thumnail_img' width=323 height=101 border='0' alt='" + + "\u5916\u666f' src='" + (z.url.proto + z.url.domain.pano[0] + "/pr/?qt=poiprv&uid=" + g + "&width=323&height=101&quality=80&fovx=200") + "' id='pano_" + a + "'/>"), f.push("<div filter = 'panoInfoBoxTitleBg' class='panoInfoBoxTitleBg'></div><a href='javascript:void(0)' filter='panoInfoBoxTitleContent' class='panoInfoBoxTitleContent' >\u8fdb\u5165\u5168\u666f&gt;&gt;</a>"), f.push("</div>"), l.innerHTML = f.join("")));
    i && (f = K("p", {
      style: "padding:0;margin:0;line-height:18px;font-size:12px;color:#4d4d4d;"
    }), f.innerHTML = "\u5730\u5740\uff1a" + i, l.appendChild(f));
    k && (i = K("p", {
      style: "padding:0;margin:0;line-height:18px;font-size:12px;color:#4d4d4d;"
    }), i.innerHTML = "\u7535\u8bdd\uff1a" + k, l.appendChild(i));
    e.tag && (k = K("p", {
      style: "padding:0;margin:0;line-height:18px;font-size:12px;color:#4d4d4d;color:#7f7f7f;"
    }), k.innerHTML = "\u6807\u7b7e\uff1a" + e.tag, l.appendChild(k));
    var k = "" + a + "&output=html&source=jsapi&operate=mapclick&clicktype=tile",
      i = "<div style='height:26px;' id='detailDiv'><a  filter='detailInfo' href='" + k + "' target='_blank' style='font-size:14px;color:#4d4d4d;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;' onmouseover='\"underline\";\"#3d6dcc\"' onmouseout ='\"none\";\"#4d4d4d\"'>" + + "</a>",
      n = new sc(l, {
        width: 322,
        enableSearchTool: o,
        title: i + ("<a  filter='detailLink' href='" + k + "' target='_blank' style='font-size:12px;color:#3d6dcc;margin-left:5px;text-decoration:none;' onmouseover='\"underline\"' onmouseout ='\"none\"'>\u8be6\u60c5&raquo;</a>") + "</div>",
        enableParano: m
    m && (n.street_id = g);
    n.addEventListener("open", function () {
      var a = x.$("panoInfoBox");
      if (a) {
        var b = e.street_id || "";
        Ob(function () {
        }, a, "pano_thumnail_img|panoInfoBoxTitleBg|panoInfoBoxTitleContent")
      a = x.$("detailDiv");
      Ob(function () {
      }, a, "detailInfo")
    n.addEventListener("close", function () { &&;
      c.fe && c.fe.U();
      c.Kd && c.Kd.U(); &&;
      Jh = c.ti = p;
      n.removeEventListener("close", arguments.callee)
    c.ti ? (c.ti.Ob(n), Jh || (Jh = c.Qk + "|" + (c.lp ? c.lp : : c.ze || (g = O.vb(e.geo, o).point, c.lp && (l = Lh.blank, L(l.x, l.y)), l = Mh[l.W], L(l.a, l.ab)), L(l.a / 2, l.ab / 2))), c.ze = new U(g, {
      zIndexFixed: o
    }), d.Ka(c.ze), c.ze.addEventListener("click", function () {
      Jh = c.Qk + "|" + (c.lp ? c.lp :;
    }), c.ze.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
    }), c.ze.Ob(n)); &&;
    c.fe && c.fe.U();
    c.Kd && c.Kd.U()
Kh.Fq = function (a) {
  var b = z.rg("pano", "scape/")[0],
    c = this,
    d = (new Date).getTime(),
    e = "Pano" + d;
  z[e] = function (a) {
    var b =,
      a = a.content[0];
      heading: a.poiinfo.Dir,
      pitch: a.poiinfo.Pitch
  d = (new Date).getTime();
  oa(b + ("?qt=poi&udt=20131021&uid=" + a + "&t=" + d + "&fn=BMap." + e), q)
Kh.LY = function (a) {
  var b =;
  if (!(10 > b.fa())) {
    var c = a.spots;
    if (c && !(1 > c.length || "MAP_CLICK_POI" != c[0].tag)) {
      var d = this,
        e = p,
        f = p,
        g = 0;
      d.ti && d.ti === d.ze ? (e = d.Qm, f = d.fe, g = 2) : (e = d.ze, f =, g = 1);
      if (!b.R.ob || !(b.R.ob.Wa() == o && Jh && c[0].Bh.uid == Jh.split("|")[0])) {
        var i = Lh.blank; = "blank";
        var k = Mh[i.W]; L(k.a, k.ab)); L(k.a / 2, k.ab / 2)); L(i.x, i.y));
        k = c[0].Bh.XL ? c[0].Bh.XL : c[0].m;
        e && ? (e.U(), e.ta(k), e.Vb(,, d.Qk = c[0].Bh.uid) : (e = new U(k, {
          zIndexFixed: o,
          baseZIndex: 3E6
        }), d.Qk = c[0].Bh.uid, b.Ka(e), 1 == g ? d.ze = e : d.Qm = e, e.addEventListener("click", function () {
          d.lp =;
          Jh = d.Qk + "|" +;
        }), e.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
        i = [{
          backgroundColor: "#FFFFE1",
          borderColor: "#8C8C8C",
          color: "#4D4D4D"
        }, {
          backgroundColor: "#F0F7FF",
          borderColor: "#7AA3CC",
          color: "#224B73"
        d.Ny = e;
        f && ? (f.U(), c[0] ? (d.oi = 1,[0], a = d.nx(k, 1, {
          x: Math.abs(c[0].v[0]) + 6,
          y: -9
        }), f.ta(a), f.Ld(i[1]), : (d.oi = 2,"\u70b9\u51fb\u53ef\u67e5\u770b\u8be6\u60c5"), f.Ld(i[0]), d.sO(f))) : c[0] ? (d.oi = 1, a = d.nx(k, 1, {
          x: Math.abs(c[0].v[0]) + 6,
          y: -9
        }), f = new tc(c[0], {
          position: a
        }), b.Ka(f), 1 == g ? = f : d.fe = f, f.Ld(i[1])) : (d.oi = 2, f = new tc("\u70b9\u51fb\u53ef\u67e5\u770b\u8be6\u60c5", {
          position: d.nx(a.point, 0)
        }), b.Ka(f), f.U(), 1 == g ? = f : d.fe = f, f.Ld(i[0]), d.sO(f))
Kh.sO = function (a) {
  var b = this;
  b.qn = setInterval(function () {
    b.pE || setTimeout(function () {
      if (2 == b.oi) {
        var c = b.nx(b.pN, 0);
    }, 500)
  }, 200)
Kh.nx = function (a, b, c) {
  var d =,
    a = d.bc(a);
  if (c) var e = c;
  else 0 == b ? e = {
    x: -1,
    y: 24
  } : 1 == b && (e = {
    x: 12,
    y: -9
  try {
    if (0 == b || 1 == b) return d.wb(new R(a.x + e.x, a.y + e.y))
  } catch (f) {}
Kh.KY = function () {
  var a =;
  if (!(10 > a.fa())) {
    this.oi = 0; &&;
    this.fe && this.fe.U();
    this.Kd && this.Kd.U();
    this.qn && clearInterval(this.qn);
    this.Ny = p;
    var b = this.Qm;
    if (b && && (!a.R.ob || a.R.ob.Wa() == q || !== b)) {
      if (this.ti && this.ti === b) return;
    }(b = this.ze) && && ((!a.R.ob || a.R.ob.Wa() == q || !== b) && !(this.ti && this.ti === b)) && b.U()
Kh.VM = function (a) {
  var b =;
  !(10 > b.fa()) && a && ( &&, this.fe && this.fe.U(), this.Kd && this.Kd.U(), this.ti !== a && !(b.R.ob && b.R.ob.Wa() == o) && (this.Qk = ""))
Kh.hV = function () {
  var a = this,
    b =;
  b.addEventListener("load", function () {
  b.addEventListener("moveend", function () {
  b.addEventListener("dragend", function () {
  b.addEventListener("zoomend", function () {
    if (!b.R.ob || b.R.ob.Wa() != o) a.ze && a.ze.U(), a.Qm && a.Qm.U(), &&, a.fe && a.fe.U(), a.Kd && a.Kd.U(), a.oi = 0, a.qn && clearInterval(a.qn);
  b.addEventListener("resize", function () {
Kh.Jn = function () {
  var a =;
  this.Wa && 10 > a.fa() && (, this.Iw || (this.Iw = this.KJ(Nh, "MAP_CLICK_CITY")))
Kh.KZ = function (a) {
  var b =,
    c =;
  if (a && this.ZK != a.xE + "_" + a.x + "_" + a.y) {
    this.ZK = a.xE + "_" + a.x + "_" + a.y;
    var d = [];
    d.push(z.url.proto + z.url.domain.TILE_ONLINE_URLS[Math.abs(a.x + a.y) % 3] + "/js/?qt=vtileQuest&styles=pl");
    d.push("&x=" + a.x + "&y=" + a.y + "&z=" + b.Oa + "&v=056&fn=MPC_Mgr." + c + ".getPoiData");
Kh.getPoiData = function (a) {
  var b = a.content[0],
    c =;
  if (!(0 < b.error_no || 1 > b.uids.length)) {
    for (var d = {}, a = q, e = [], f = 0, g = b.uids.length; f < g; f++) {
      var i = b.uids[f],
        k = (i.bound.xmax + i.bound.xmin) / 2,
        l = (i.bound.ymax + i.bound.ymin) / 2,
        m = c.bc(S.Ab(new H(i.bound.xmin, i.bound.ymin))),
        n = c.bc(S.Ab(new H(i.bound.xmax, i.bound.ymax))),
        m = [(m.x - n.x) / 2, (n.y - m.y) / 2, (n.x - m.x) / 2, (m.y - n.y) / 2];
        m: S.Ab(new H(k, l)),
        v: m,
        Bh: {
          name: ? : "",
          uid: i.uid,
          type: i.type,
          XL: i.icon ? S.Ab(new H(i.icon.x, i.icon.y)) : ""
        s4: "MAP_SPOT_INFO"
    } && == b.tileid && (a = o);
    d[b.tileid] = e;
    b = b.tileid.split("_");
    b = b[0] + "_" + b[1] + "_" + b[2];
    this.Eo[b] = d;; > this.GY && (d =, delete this.Eo[d], delete d);
    a && this.HG(
}; = function () {
  var a =;
  this.TE && (a.em("MAP_CLICK_POI"), this.TE = p, = this.CF = "")
Kh.hC = function () {
  var a =;
  this.Iw && (a.em("MAP_CLICK_CITY"), this.Iw = p)
Kh.Ak = function () {
  this.ze && this.ze.U();
  this.Qm && this.Qm.U(); &&;
  this.fe && this.fe.U();
  this.Kd && this.Kd.U();
  this.qn && clearInterval(this.qn)
Kh.Xq = function (a) {
  for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) b.push(a[c][1]), c < d - 1 && b.push(", ");
  return b.join("")
Kh.TU = function () {
  this.Kd || (this.Kd = new tc("shadow"),, this.Kd.Ld({
    backgroundColor: "#BEBEBE",
    borderColor: "#BEBEBE",
    color: "#BEBEBE",
    zIndex: -2E4
Kh.U2 = s();
Kh.w3 = function (a) {
  return Math.floor(parseInt(a, 10) / this.r_)
Kh.TB = function () {
  var a = this,
    b =;
  this.TA || (this.TA = function (b) {
  this.SA || (this.SA = function () {
  this.Iz || (this.Iz = function (b) {
  b.addEventListener("hotspotover", this.TA);
  b.addEventListener("hotspotout", this.SA);
  b.addEventListener("hotspotclick", this.Iz)
Kh.EN = function () {
  var a =;
  a.removeEventListener("hotspotover", this.TA);
  a.removeEventListener("hotspotout", this.SA);
  a.removeEventListener("hotspotclick", this.Iz)
Kh.jV = function () {
  var a =,
    b = this;
  a.addEventListener("onmaptypechange", function (a) {
    a = a.Jb;
    a != La && a != Sa ? (, b.Ak(), b.EN()) : b.TB()
}; = function () {
  this.Wa != o && (this.Wa = o, this.TB())
Kh.close = function () {
  this.Wa != q && (this.Wa = q,, this.hC(), this.Ak(), this.EN())
for (var Mh = [{
    a: 18,
    ab: 18
  }, {
    a: 20,
    ab: 20
  }, {
    a: 26,
    ab: 16
  }, {
    a: 15,
    ab: 15
  }, {
    a: 18,
    ab: 18
  }, {
    a: 24,
    ab: 24
  }, {
    a: 16,
    ab: 16
  }, {
    a: 20,
    ab: 20
  }, {
    a: 24,
    ab: 24
  }, {
    a: 5,
    ab: 5
  }, {
    a: 24,
    ab: 14
  }, {
    a: 34,
    ab: 16
  }, {
    a: 17,
    ab: 18
  }, {
    a: 21,
    ab: 22
  }, {
    a: 21,
    ab: 21
  }, {
    a: 23,
    ab: 23
  }, {
    a: 30,
    ab: 30
  }], Lh = {
    zhudijigou: {
      x: -195,
      y: 0,
      W: 0
    zhongyangjigou: {
      x: -178,
      y: -190,
      W: 0
    zhongxiaoxue: {
      x: -196,
      y: -190,
      W: 0
    zhongheyiyuan_1: {
      x: -214,
      y: -190,
      W: 0
    zhongcan: {
      x: -232,
      y: -190,
      W: 0
    zhongcan_a: {
      x: -232,
      y: -190,
      W: 0
    zhongcan_b: {
      x: -232,
      y: -190,
      W: 0
    zhongbiaoyanjing: {
      x: -250,
      y: -190,
      W: 0
    youzheng: {
      x: -160,
      y: -208,
      W: 0
    xiyidian: {
      x: -178,
      y: -208,
      W: 0
    xinwenchuban: {
      x: -196,
      y: -208,
      W: 0
    xican: {
      x: -214,
      y: -208,
      W: 0
    xiaoxue_loupan: {
      x: -232,
      y: -208,
      W: 0
    wenhuabangong: {
      x: -285,
      y: -18,
      W: 0
    yinyueting: {
      x: -160,
      y: -226,
      W: 0
    tushuyinxiang: {
      x: -178,
      y: -226,
      W: 0
    tiyuyongpin: {
      x: -196,
      y: -226,
      W: 0
    tiyu: {
      x: -214,
      y: -226,
      W: 0
    tingchecang: {
      x: -232,
      y: -226,
      W: 0
    shoupiaochu: {
      x: -250,
      y: -226,
      W: 0
    yinghang: {
      x: -160,
      y: -244,
      W: 0
    sheyingshexiang: {
      x: -178,
      y: -244,
      W: 0
    shangwudasha: {
      x: -196,
      y: -244,
      W: 0
    shangchang: {
      x: -214,
      y: -244,
      W: 0
    sewaijigou: {
      x: -267,
      y: -54,
      W: 0
    qita: {
      x: -250,
      y: -244,
      W: 0
    yaodian_yaofang: {
      x: -160,
      y: -262,
      W: 0
    qiche: {
      x: -178,
      y: -262,
      W: 0
    meirongmeifa: {
      x: -196,
      y: -262,
      W: 0
    lingmu: {
      x: -214,
      y: -262,
      W: 0
    lianshuokuaishujiudiann: {
      x: -232,
      y: -262,
      W: 0
    keyangjigou: {
      x: -250,
      y: -262,
      W: 0
    hill: {
      x: -160,
      y: -280,
      W: 0
    jiaotang: {
      x: -178,
      y: -280,
      W: 0
    jiayouzhan: {
      x: -196,
      y: -280,
      W: 0
    jiguandanwei: {
      x: -249,
      y: -90,
      W: 0
    jiuba: {
      x: -232,
      y: -280,
      W: 0
    kafeiting: {
      x: -250,
      y: -280,
      W: 0
    guji: {
      x: -160,
      y: -298,
      W: 0
    gouwuzhongxin: {
      x: -178,
      y: -298,
      W: 0
    gongyuan: {
      x: -196,
      y: -298,
      W: 0
    gongjianfajigou: {
      x: -249,
      y: -108,
      W: 0
    gongce: {
      x: -232,
      y: -298,
      W: 0
    gewuting: {
      x: -250,
      y: -298,
      W: 0
    gaodengjiaoyu: {
      x: -160,
      y: -316,
      W: 0
    gangkou_matou: {
      x: -178,
      y: -316,
      W: 0
    fengjing: {
      x: -196,
      y: -316,
      W: 0
    fangwuzhongjie: {
      x: -214,
      y: -316,
      W: 0
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      x: -232,
      y: -316,
      W: 0
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      x: -250,
      y: -316,
      W: 0
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      x: -160,
      y: -334,
      W: 0
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      x: -178,
      y: -334,
      W: 0
    dianxinyingyeting: {
      x: -196,
      y: -334,
      W: 0
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      x: -214,
      y: -334,
      W: 0
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      x: -232,
      y: -334,
      W: 0
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      x: -250,
      y: -334,
      W: 0
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      x: -160,
      y: -352,
      W: 0
    chaoshi: {
      x: -178,
      y: -352,
      W: 0
    changtuqichezhan: {
      x: -196,
      y: -352,
      W: 0
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      x: -214,
      y: -352,
      W: 0
    binguan: {
      x: -232,
      y: -352,
      W: 0
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      x: -250,
      y: -352,
      W: 0
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      x: -166,
      y: 0,
      W: 0
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      x: -167,
      y: -18,
      W: 1
    huochezhan: {
      x: -167,
      y: -40,
      W: 1
    tianam: {
      x: -164,
      y: -61,
      W: 2
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      x: -82,
      y: -289,
      W: 12
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      x: -124,
      y: -289,
      W: 13
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      x: -175,
      y: -90,
      W: 9
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      x: -8,
      y: 0,
      W: 3
    ditie_beijing_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: 0,
      W: 4
    ditie_beijing_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: 0,
      W: 5
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      x: -8,
      y: -23,
      W: 3
    ditie_shanghai_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -23,
      W: 4
    ditie_shanghai_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -23,
      W: 5
    ditie_guangzhou_0: {
      x: -8,
      y: -47,
      W: 3
    ditie_guangzhou_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -47,
      W: 4
    ditie_guangzhou_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -47,
      W: 5
    ditie_tianjin_0: {
      x: -8,
      y: -71,
      W: 3
    ditie_tianjin_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -71,
      W: 4
    ditie_tianjin_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -71,
      W: 5
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      x: -8,
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      W: 3
    ditie_shenzhen_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -95,
      W: 4
    ditie_shenzhen_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -95,
      W: 5
    ditie_xianggang_0: {
      x: -8,
      y: -120,
      W: 3
    ditie_xianggang_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -120,
      W: 4
    ditie_xianggang_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -120,
      W: 5
    ditie_nanjing_0: {
      x: -8,
      y: -142,
      W: 3
    ditie_nanjing_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -142,
      W: 4
    ditie_nanjing_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -142,
      W: 5
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      x: -8,
      y: -166,
      W: 3
    ditie_chongqing_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -166,
      W: 4
    ditie_chongqing_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -166,
      W: 5
    ditie_wuhan_0: {
      x: -8,
      y: -191,
      W: 3
    ditie_wuhan_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -191,
      W: 4
    ditie_wuhan_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -191,
      W: 5
    ditie_changchun_0: {
      x: -8,
      y: -214,
      W: 3
    ditie_changchun_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -214,
      W: 4
    ditie_changchun_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -214,
      W: 5
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      x: -8,
      y: -238,
      W: 3
    ditie_dalian_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -238,
      W: 4
    ditie_dalian_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -238,
      W: 5
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      x: -6,
      y: -316,
      W: 14
    ditie_chengdu_1: {
      x: -28,
      y: -316,
      W: 15
    ditie_chengdu_2: {
      x: -52,
      y: -316,
      W: 16
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      x: -8,
      y: -289,
      W: 3
    ditie_shenyang_1: {
      x: -27,
      y: -289,
      W: 4
    ditie_shenyang_2: {
      x: -51,
      y: -289,
      W: 5
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      x: -83,
      y: -1,
      W: 6
    trans_beijing_1: {
      x: -102,
      y: -1,
      W: 7
    trans_beijing_2: {
      x: -127,
      y: -1,
      W: 8
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      x: -83,
      y: -27,
      W: 6
    trans_shanghai_1: {
      x: -102,
      y: -27,
      W: 7
    trans_shanghai_2: {
      x: -127,
      y: -27,
      W: 8
    trans_guangzhou_0: {
      x: -83,
      y: -53,
      W: 6
    trans_guangzhou_1: {
      x: -102,
      y: -53,
      W: 7
    trans_guangzhou_2: {
      x: -127,
      y: -53,
      W: 8
    trans_tianjin_0: {
      x: -83,
      y: -79,
      W: 6
    trans_tianjin_1: {
      x: -102,
      y: -79,
      W: 7
    trans_tianjin_2: {
      x: -127,
      y: -79,
      W: 8
    trans_shenzhen_0: {
      x: -83,
      y: -105,
      W: 6
    trans_shenzhen_1: {
      x: -102,
      y: -105,
      W: 7
    trans_shenzhen_2: {
      x: -127,
      y: -105,
      W: 8
    trans_xianggang_0: {
      x: -83,
      y: -131,
      W: 6
    trans_xianggang_2: {
      x: -102,
      y: -131,
      W: 7
    trans_xianggang_3: {
      x: -127,
      y: -131,
      W: 8
    trans_nanjing_0: {
      x: -83,
      y: -157,
      W: 6
    trans_nanjing_1: {
      x: -102,
      y: -157,
      W: 7
    trans_nanjing_2: {
      x: -127,
      y: -157,
      W: 8
    trans_chongqing_0: {
      x: -83,
      y: -183,
      W: 6
    trans_chongqing_1: {
      x: -102,
      y: -183,
      W: 7
    trans_chongqing_2: {
      x: -127,
      y: -183,
      W: 8
    trans_wuhan_0: {
      x: -83,
      y: -209,
      W: 6
    trans_wuhan_1: {
      x: -102,
      y: -209,
      W: 7
    trans_wuhan_2: {
      x: -127,
      y: -209,
      W: 8
    trans_changchun_0: {
      x: -83,
      y: -235,
      W: 6
    trans_changchun_1: {
      x: -102,
      y: -235,
      W: 7
    trans_changchun_2: {
      x: -127,
      y: -235,
      W: 8
    trans_dalian_0: {
      x: -83,
      y: -261,
      W: 6
    trans_dalian_1: {
      x: -102,
      y: -261,
      W: 7
    trans_dalian_2: {
      x: -127,
      y: -261,
      W: 8
    gaosurukou: {
      x: -163,
      y: -131,
      W: 10
    gaosuchukou: {
      x: -163,
      y: -107,
      W: 10
    shoufeizhan: {
      x: -156,
      y: -153,
      W: 11
  }, X = [-5, -4, 4, 4], Nh = [{
    o: "\u5168\u56fd",
    m: new H(1.199957122E7, 4112219.88),
    v: [-19, -9, 15, 9],
    w: [3, 3]
  }, {
    o: "\u5317\u4eac\u5e02",
    m: new H(12990903, 4825899),
    v: [-6, -4, 5, 6],
    w: [4, 4]
  }, {
    o: "\u5317\u4eac\u5e02",
    m: new H(12960183, 4824235),
    v: [-6, -6, 6, 6],
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5929\u6d25\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.304829434E7, 4712296.83),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u77f3\u5bb6\u5e84\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.27478124E7, 4559586.74),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5510\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.315665616E7, 4785778.65),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u79e6\u7687\u5c9b\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.331489428E7, 4829754.58),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u90af\u90f8\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.274620545E7, 4360272.57),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u90a2\u53f0\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.274749344E7, 4423803.15),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4fdd\u5b9a\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.28543128E7, 4677428.01),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5f20\u5bb6\u53e3\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.279008463E7, 4959101.33),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u627f\u5fb7\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.313032691E7, 4981742.46),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6ca7\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.30072937E7, 4596691.7),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5eca\u574a\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.299258176E7, 4769905.8),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8861\u6c34\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.288017593E7, 4516789.37),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u592a\u539f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.252907701E7, 4535262.32),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5927\u540c\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.261336427E7, 4850167.42),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9633\u6cc9\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.264459126E7, 4533525.33),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u957f\u6cbb\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.25931022E7, 4302896.69),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u664b\u57ce\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.256346095E7, 4206462.32),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6714\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.251682783E7, 4742810.65),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u664b\u4e2d\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.255228326E7, 4509774.55),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8fd0\u57ce\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.235808371E7, 4143552.84),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5ffb\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.255078132E7, 4612328.73),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e34\u6c7e\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.241495146E7, 4288092.81),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5415\u6881\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.237335426E7, 4486213.29),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u547c\u548c\u6d69\u7279\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.243971997E7, 4961446.57),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5305\u5934\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.222832364E7, 4934673.82),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e4c\u6d77\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.189243044E7, 4793517.95),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8d64\u5cf0\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.323554733E7, 5171648.96),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u901a\u8fbd\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.361147247E7, 5377912.47),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9102\u5c14\u591a\u65af\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.224841002E7, 4812809.03),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u547c\u4f26\u8d1d\u5c14\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.333315354E7, 6279368.64),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5df4\u5f66\u6dd6\u5c14\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.195525708E7, 4947259.83),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e4c\u5170\u5bdf\u5e03\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.259485229E7, 4984078.08),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5174\u5b89\u76df",
    m: new H(1.358886567E7, 5762892.65),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9521\u6797\u90ed\u52d2\u76df",
    m: new H(1.291922601E7, 5426155.97),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u963f\u62c9\u5584\u76df",
    m: new H(1.177053341E7, 4674264.08),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6c88\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.374036603E7, 5103661.8),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5927\u8fde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.353897373E7, 4683025.5),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u978d\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.369251369E7, 5000950.08),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u629a\u987a\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.379938803E7, 5114977.65),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u672c\u6eaa\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.377864321E7, 5028229.05),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e39\u4e1c\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.384731338E7, 4857753.87),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9526\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(13485599, 4998700.1),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8425\u53e3\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.360800602E7, 4936051.67),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u961c\u65b0\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.354506745E7, 5136335.54),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8fbd\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.371241685E7, 5024584.95),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u76d8\u9526\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.358987645E7, 5002667.8),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u94c1\u5cad\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.378727479E7, 5175928.41),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u671d\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.340929734E7, 5069601.1),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u846b\u82a6\u5c9b\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.345225378E7, 4942439.12),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u957f\u6625\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.395169647E7, 5407899.41),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5409\u6797\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.408831069E7, 5411361.75),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u56db\u5e73\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.384344811E7, 5308670.02),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8fbd\u6e90\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.393179056E7, 5266534.49),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u901a\u5316\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.402045802E7, 5092482.52),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u767d\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.407431642E7, 5124029.48),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u677e\u539f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.389631929E7, 5614174.46),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u767d\u57ce\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.367521901E7, 5689684.01),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5ef6\u8fb9\u671d\u9c9c\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.441776373E7, 5266998.98),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u54c8\u5c14\u6ee8\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.408650136E7, 5722186.15),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9f50\u9f50\u54c8\u5c14\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.37952823E7, 5969334.56),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9e21\u897f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.458080782E7, 5638827.82),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9e64\u5c97\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.450560155E7, 5968656.02),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u53cc\u9e2d\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.460142765E7, 5854241.34),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5927\u5e86\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.392732491E7, 5844873.47),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4f0a\u6625\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.435040278E7, 6030712.32),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4f73\u6728\u65af\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.450805986E7, 5878973.81),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e03\u53f0\u6cb3\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.458408167E7, 5713695.85),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7261\u4e39\u6c5f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.443006301E7, 5527661.89),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9ed1\u6cb3\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.419624334E7, 6457183.7),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7ee5\u5316\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.413493747E7, 5855417.31),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5927\u5174\u5b89\u5cad\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(1.383893581E7, 6763930.17),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e0a\u6d77\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.35231485E7, 3641129.98),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5357\u4eac\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.322439822E7, 3749110.08),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u65e0\u9521\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.339293301E7, 3684625.08),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5f90\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.304658292E7, 4040227.55),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5e38\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.335631214E7, 3716455.43),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u82cf\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.342436752E7, 3650025.6),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5357\u901a\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.345867166E7, 3738891.76),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8fde\u4e91\u6e2f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.327258831E7, 4085285.7),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6dee\u5b89\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.324961418E7, 3953528.85),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u76d0\u57ce\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.337721562E7, 3919501.88),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u626c\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.329391759E7, 3792837.54),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9547\u6c5f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.329874933E7, 3767384.26),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6cf0\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.335064059E7, 3800783.56),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5bbf\u8fc1\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.316723796E7, 4000367.15),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u676d\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.33805214E7, 3509725.46),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b81\u6ce2\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.353171719E7, 3466700.47),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6e29\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.343705661E7, 3228862.38),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5609\u5174\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.344251601E7, 3578433.26),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6e56\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.336888217E7, 3597591.37),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7ecd\u5174\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.342353439E7, 3483350.89),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u91d1\u534e\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.331996271E7, 3365440.15),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8862\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.323381451E7, 3347380.57),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u821f\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.360498413E7, 3480848.35),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u53f0\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.351735559E7, 3311823.54),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e3d\u6c34\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.335063445E7, 3288178.9),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5408\u80a5\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.305046054E7, 3720544.86),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u829c\u6e56\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.317946498E7, 3655185.37),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u868c\u57e0\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.306849369E7, 3861457.33),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6dee\u5357\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.302555953E7, 3823189.84),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9a6c\u978d\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.319275845E7, 3701721.87),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6dee\u5317\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.300279748E7, 3999425.85),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u94dc\u9675\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.311655618E7, 3603277.27),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b89\u5e86\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.303162375E7, 3550019.08),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9ec4\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.317427886E7, 3446439.23),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6ec1\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.317183794E7, 3780786.48),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u961c\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.289321516E7, 3858085.78),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5bbf\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.30212317E7, 3958276.71),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5de2\u6e56\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.312385159E7, 3691564.79),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u516d\u5b89\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.297019874E7, 3707970.37),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4eb3\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.288949748E7, 3985791.77),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6c60\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.30798748E7, 3567450.98),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5ba3\u57ce\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.322101886E7, 3603632.56),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u798f\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.328071393E7, 2989935.97),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u53a6\u95e8\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.314651306E7, 2794855.77),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8386\u7530\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.324873885E7, 2913804.66),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e09\u660e\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.309639979E7, 3013435.8),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6cc9\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.320191012E7, 2846954.45),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6f33\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.30972994E7, 2798905.67),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5357\u5e73\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.31563519E7, 3060177),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9f99\u5ca9\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.302904754E7, 2870546.66),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b81\u5fb7\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.330647299E7, 3063294.93),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5357\u660c\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.291001755E7, 3308071.83),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u666f\u5fb7\u9547\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.304548805E7, 3394401.41),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u840d\u4e61\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.267515981E7, 3182197.09),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e5d\u6c5f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.291408497E7, 3445118.73),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u65b0\u4f59\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.279332028E7, 3206680.44),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9e70\u6f6d\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.303295225E7, 3262112.41),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8d63\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.279518535E7, 2959890.57),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5409\u5b89\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.280188497E7, 3118790.33),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b9c\u6625\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.273693492E7, 3206538.71),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u629a\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(12953213, 3222556.21),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e0a\u9976\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.313388004E7, 3285299.92),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6d4e\u5357\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.302458137E7, 4367507.59),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9752\u5c9b\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.340183129E7, 4285182.82),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6dc4\u535a\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.31426863E7, 4388052.83),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u67a3\u5e84\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.306127478E7, 4114277.91),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e1c\u8425\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.321165635E7, 4474393.79),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u70df\u53f0\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.352035299E7, 4478575.49),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6f4d\u574a\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.326587888E7, 4373424.04),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6d4e\u5b81\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.297932404E7, 4196136.66),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6cf0\u5b89\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.303498861E7, 4303535.5),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5a01\u6d77\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.359563129E7, 4485000.06),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u65e5\u7167\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.330710951E7, 4195766.38),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u83b1\u829c\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.310045667E7, 4305551.29),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e34\u6c82\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.317546245E7, 4147217.21),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5fb7\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.294762204E7, 4476813.41),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u804a\u57ce\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.291231075E7, 4338690.92),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6ee8\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.31345846E7, 4466450.28),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u83cf\u6cfd\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.285603348E7, 4171820.25),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u90d1\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.264866361E7, 4105852.45),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5f00\u5c01\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.272550083E7, 4112517.32),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6d1b\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.251908239E7, 4088441.36),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5e73\u9876\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.261439072E7, 3969016.16),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b89\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.273504336E7, 4289478.97),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9e64\u58c1\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.27118028E7, 4262428.36),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u65b0\u4e61\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.268305211E7, 4179998.27),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7126\u4f5c\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.260690819E7, 4169148.29),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6fee\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.280622838E7, 4243123.16),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8bb8\u660c\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.267484133E7, 4010264.96),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6f2f\u6cb3\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.269314311E7, 3949716.47),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e09\u95e8\u5ce1\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.237984112E7, 4110225.01),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5357\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.252747532E7, 3871404.82),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5546\u4e18\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.287511484E7, 4065382.71),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4fe1\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.269893502E7, 3757290.11),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5468\u53e3\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.27640208E7, 3955188.99),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9a7b\u9a6c\u5e97\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.26952599E7, 3870201.61),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6b66\u6c49\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.272455882E7, 3558883.15),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9ec4\u77f3\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.280683116E7, 3508246.06),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5341\u5830\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.233381983E7, 3826557.97),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b9c\u660c\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.238926478E7, 3571550.15),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8944\u6a0a\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.248580442E7, 3744176.48),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8346\u95e8\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.24908312E7, 3615936.83),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b5d\u611f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.268197645E7, 3601581.31),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8346\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.24953132E7, 3525594.67),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9ec4\u5188\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.278872731E7, 3541014.86),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u54b8\u5b81\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.272713679E7, 3462404.52),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u968f\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.262253173E7, 3700874.41),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6069\u65bd\u571f\u5bb6\u65cf\u82d7\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.218903267E7, 3517579.64),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4ed9\u6843\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.263056786E7, 3529164.83),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6f5c\u6c5f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.256873544E7, 3534321.2),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5929\u95e8\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.259844393E7, 3567930.91),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u795e\u519c\u67b6\u6797\u533a",
    m: new H(1.23212052E7, 3707164.42),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u957f\u6c99\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.257234748E7, 3258455.64),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u682a\u6d32\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.259492763E7, 3207920.8),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6e58\u6f6d\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.257361587E7, 3208214.06),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8861\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.25323004E7, 3091412.15),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u90b5\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.240939043E7, 3134535.06),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5cb3\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(12594102, 3400788.63),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5e38\u5fb7\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.243507912E7, 3359523.26),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5f20\u5bb6\u754c\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.229944266E7, 3370126.24),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u76ca\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.250817766E7, 3299123.14),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u90f4\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.258158251E7, 2952694.08),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6c38\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.242566251E7, 3032983.5),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6000\u5316\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.22457125E7, 3174098.87),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5a04\u5e95\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.246803765E7, 3191557.89),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6e58\u897f\u571f\u5bb6\u65cf\u82d7\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.221698361E7, 3268959.39),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5e7f\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.260930783E7, 2631271.83),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u97f6\u5173\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.264644631E7, 2835068.76),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6df1\u5733\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.268919896E7, 2569212.32),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6c55\u5934\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.298983615E7, 2658196.76),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4f5b\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.259351942E7, 2618810.41),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6c5f\u95e8\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.258907706E7, 2565305.02),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6e5b\u6c5f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.228601939E7, 2409244.55),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8302\u540d\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.234899961E7, 2455913.03),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8087\u5e86\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.252044564E7, 2621563.68),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u60e0\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.273769287E7, 2629228.47),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6885\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.292755225E7, 2771587.26),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6c55\u5c3e\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.284440979E7, 2590115.95),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6cb3\u6e90\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.276927156E7, 2705584.51),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9633\u6c5f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.246669444E7, 2479195.46),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6e05\u8fdc\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.258621367E7, 2698112.83),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e1c\u839e\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.266361776E7, 2618331.04),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e2d\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.262365308E7, 2557824.08),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6f6e\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.298326614E7, 2695080.32),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u63ed\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.29554097E7, 2682130.11),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e91\u6d6e\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.247360714E7, 2605655.19),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5357\u5b81\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.206357678E7, 2594028.7),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u67f3\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.218092228E7, 2776089.56),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6842\u6797\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.227827601E7, 2891719.35),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u68a7\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.238836717E7, 2673421.13),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5317\u6d77\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.214803492E7, 2434259.23),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9632\u57ce\u6e2f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.206275824E7, 2458819.91),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u94a6\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.209618474E7, 2493766.85),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8d35\u6e2f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.220111842E7, 2628719.18),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7389\u6797\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.226430972E7, 2572247.58),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u767e\u8272\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.186950163E7, 2724850.41),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8d3a\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.242050604E7, 2785419.69),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6cb3\u6c60\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.203293245E7, 2820780.9),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6765\u5bbe\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.215949606E7, 2706113.22),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5d07\u5de6\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.195283116E7, 2541092.75),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6d77\u53e3\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.228340323E7, 2262634.65),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e09\u4e9a\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.219159361E7, 2054280.47),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e94\u6307\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.21922034E7, 2115118.31),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u743c\u6d77\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.229883941E7, 2171833.78),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u510b\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.219933474E7, 2202719.22),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6587\u660c\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.233475447E7, 2205345.6),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e07\u5b81\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.228968886E7, 2117494.22),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e1c\u65b9\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.209493819E7, 2153087.07),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b9a\u5b89\u53bf",
    m: new H(1.228188148E7, 2223659.92),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5c6f\u660c\u53bf",
    m: new H(1.225750859E7, 2183877.5),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6f84\u8fc8\u53bf",
    m: new H(1.224679354E7, 2228213.81),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e34\u9ad8\u53bf",
    m: new H(1.163568384E7, 3284342.89),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u767d\u6c99\u9ece\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u53bf",
    m: new H(1.427215715E7, 5044605.41),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u660c\u6c5f\u9ece\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u53bf",
    m: new H(1.427215715E7, 5044605.41),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e50\u4e1c\u9ece\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u53bf",
    m: new H(1.427215715E7, 5044605.41),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9675\u6c34\u9ece\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u53bf",
    m: new H(1.427215715E7, 5044605.41),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4fdd\u4ead\u9ece\u65cf\u82d7\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u53bf",
    m: new H(1.427215715E7, 5044605.41),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u743c\u4e2d\u9ece\u65cf\u82d7\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u53bf",
    m: new H(1.427215715E7, 5044605.41),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u91cd\u5e86\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.184984638E7, 3437582.53),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6210\u90fd\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.158524888E7, 3567151.84),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u81ea\u8d21\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.166471081E7, 3398518.18),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6500\u679d\u82b1\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.132399544E7, 3052819.58),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6cf8\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.173866293E7, 3339244.88),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5fb7\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.162232681E7, 3627742.01),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7ef5\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.165370954E7, 3671830.29),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5e7f\u5143\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.178330189E7, 3798266.61),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9042\u5b81\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.175261568E7, 3550145.61),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5185\u6c5f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.169593316E7, 3429168.69),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e50\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.155195965E7, 3425604.02),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5357\u5145\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.181303976E7, 3590300.79),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7709\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.156121596E7, 3492381.09),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b9c\u5bbe\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.16496864E7, 3324145.29),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5e7f\u5b89\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.187120628E7, 3541167.9),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8fbe\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.196462416E7, 3639026.15),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u96c5\u5b89\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.146823433E7, 3480224.33),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5df4\u4e2d\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.188364069E7, 3723597.18),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8d44\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.164804568E7, 3499522.66),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u963f\u575d\u85cf\u65cf\u7f8c\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.13805074E7, 3728228.76),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7518\u5b5c\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.135132558E7, 3489245.11),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u51c9\u5c71\u5f5d\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.138524665E7, 3214579.77),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8d35\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.187051966E7, 3060500.8),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u516d\u76d8\u6c34\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.167058944E7, 3054081.9),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9075\u4e49\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.190392155E7, 3195127.87),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b89\u987a\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.179486899E7, 3012140.6),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u94dc\u4ec1\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(1.215250778E7, 3190837.66),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9ed4\u897f\u5357\u5e03\u4f9d\u65cf\u82d7\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.167900108E7, 2869017.96),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6bd5\u8282\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(1.172103141E7, 3142281.31),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9ed4\u4e1c\u5357\u82d7\u65cf\u4f97\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.202055046E7, 3053190.16),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9ed4\u5357\u5e03\u4f9d\u65cf\u82d7\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.197016471E7, 3012312.19),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6606\u660e\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.14354367E7, 2863224.69),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u66f2\u9756\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.155538253E7, 2918266.01),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7389\u6eaa\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.141628645E7, 2779261.88),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4fdd\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.103962837E7, 2872619.83),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u662d\u901a\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.154639116E7, 3146685.98),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e3d\u6c5f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.115836761E7, 3089380.29),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e34\u6ca7\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.114163522E7, 2721813.79),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u695a\u96c4\u5f5d\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.130289047E7, 2863837.49),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7ea2\u6cb3\u54c8\u5c3c\u65cf\u5f5d\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.13805074E7, 3740772.75),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6587\u5c71\u58ee\u65cf\u82d7\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.160607041E7, 2660260.24),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u666e\u6d31\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.124081051E7, 2589692.16),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u897f\u53cc\u7248\u7eb3\u50a3\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.122158475E7, 2496986.94),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5927\u7406\u767d\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.116259344E7, 2932487.29),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5fb7\u5b8f\u50a3\u65cf\u666f\u9887\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.097526362E7, 2789037.62),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6012\u6c5f\u5088\u50f3\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.100507724E7, 2963098.98),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u8fea\u5e86\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.109972407E7, 3206846.47),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u62c9\u8428\u5e02",
    m: new H(10143520, 3437204.04),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u660c\u90fd\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(1.08186096E7, 3629569.73),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5c71\u5357\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(1.021725503E7, 3384053.82),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u65e5\u5580\u5219\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(9895060.53, 3389319.88),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u90a3\u66f2\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(1.024898914E7, 3672743.64),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u963f\u91cc\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(9033914.88, 3534099.27),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6797\u829d\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(1.050495382E7, 3440916.27),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u897f\u5b89\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.212685248E7, 4041048.13),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u94dc\u5ddd\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.212856149E7, 4126022.53),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b9d\u9e21\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.192768136E7, 4054988.15),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u54b8\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.210235668E7, 4049604.29),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6e2d\u5357\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.219149518E7, 4072416.28),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5ef6\u5b89\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.218921144E7, 4356570.08),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6c49\u4e2d\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.191463981E7, 3881566.87),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6986\u6797\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.221646444E7, 4593874.99),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b89\u5eb7\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.213775212E7, 3831579.1),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5546\u6d1b\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.223875885E7, 3988163.54),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5170\u5dde\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.155916065E7, 4284481.62),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5609\u5cea\u5173\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.094239153E7, 4806166.82),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u91d1\u660c\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.137633355E7, 4627477.91),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u767d\u94f6\u5e02",
    m: new H(11593403, 4350996.94),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5929\u6c34\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.177010649E7, 4083646.7),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6b66\u5a01\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.14264471E7, 4544105.57),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5f20\u6396\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.118285571E7, 4684858.01),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5e73\u51c9\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.187473404E7, 4213583.82),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9152\u6cc9\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.096513556E7, 4801282.37),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5e86\u9633\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.198249448E7, 4240364.21),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5b9a\u897f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.164777893E7, 4218809.12),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9647\u5357\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.168075314E7, 3925419.77),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e34\u590f\u56de\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.149023588E7, 4221664.83),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7518\u5357\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.145697069E7, 4137705.18),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u897f\u5b81\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.133042455E7, 4360836.12),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6d77\u4e1c\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(1.136772454E7, 4345818.22),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6d77\u5317\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.123307971E7, 4407698.25),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9ec4\u5357\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.136701869E7, 4210804.21),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6d77\u5357\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.120187652E7, 4315364.9),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u679c\u6d1b\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.116006336E7, 4068657.46),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u7389\u6811\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.080074697E7, 3875570.18),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6d77\u897f\u8499\u53e4\u65cf\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(1.081693601E7, 4468024.21),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u94f6\u5ddd\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.183289883E7, 4616373.5),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u77f3\u5634\u5c71\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.184171118E7, 4698078.16),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5434\u5fe0\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.182282987E7, 4553415.21),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u56fa\u539f\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.182773154E7, 4278231.51),
    v: X,
    w: [8, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e2d\u536b\u5e02",
    m: new H(1.17087377E7, 4485946.9),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e4c\u9c81\u6728\u9f50\u5e02",
    m: new H(9753667.88, 5409369.63),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u514b\u62c9\u739b\u4f9d\u5e02",
    m: new H(9450655.5, 5683311.14),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5410\u9c81\u756a\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(9929119.54, 5277242.75),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u54c8\u5bc6\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(1.041095095E7, 5256019.72),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u660c\u5409\u56de\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(9719944.71, 5438088.99),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u535a\u5c14\u5854\u62c9\u8499\u53e4\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(9137172.41, 5576651.41),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5df4\u97f3\u90ed\u695e\u8499\u53e4\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(9590451.71, 5097890.07),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u963f\u514b\u82cf\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(8935351.95, 5009761.4),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(8459954.24, 4762722.83),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u548c\u7530\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(8898707.07, 4429816.8),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4f0a\u7281\u54c8\u8428\u514b\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde",
    m: new H(9054161.44, 5423973.33),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u5854\u57ce\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(9238596.44, 5870707.55),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u963f\u52d2\u6cf0\u5730\u533a",
    m: new H(9812358.95, 6050881.84),
    v: X,
    w: [7, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u77f3\u6cb3\u5b50\u5e02",
    m: new H(9583272.07, 5483579.8),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u963f\u62c9\u5c14\u5e02",
    m: new H(9049687.77, 4918103.23),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u56fe\u6728\u8212\u514b\u5e02",
    m: new H(8802730.81, 4819584.88),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u4e94\u5bb6\u6e20\u5e02",
    m: new H(9746120.75, 5462086.91),
    v: X,
    w: [9, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u9999\u6e2f\u7279\u522b\u884c\u653f\u533a",
    m: new H(1.271433369E7, 2538103.92),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }, {
    o: "\u6fb3\u95e8\u7279\u522b\u884c\u653f\u533a",
    m: new H(1.264258348E7, 2514883.38),
    v: X,
    w: [5, 9]
  }], gg = 0, Oh = Nh.length; gg < Oh; gg++) Nh[gg].m = S.Ab(Nh[gg].m);
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


function ig(a, b) {
  0 < a.Yf.length ? a.Yf[a.Yf.length - 1].k.finish = b : a.k.finish = b
x.extend(eb.prototype, {
  initialize: function (a) { = a;
    this.Hj();; &&, this);,;
    if (this.V) return =, this.Qa || x.K.U(this.V), this.V
  ca: function () {
    function a(a, b) {
      var f = a.srcElement ||,
        g = a.clientX || a.pageX,
        i = a.clientY || a.pageY;
      if (a && b && g && i && f) {
        var f = x.K.ha(c.Va),
          k = Ab();
        b.pixel = b.jb = new R(g - f.left + k[1], i - + k[0]);
        b.point = c.wb(b.jb)
      return b
    if (this.V) {
      var b = this,
        c =;
      x.M(this.V, "mouseover", function (c) {
        b.hl || b.dispatchEvent(a(c, la(new M("onmouseover"), c)))
      x.M(this.V, "mouseout", function (c) {
        b.hl || b.dispatchEvent(a(c, la(new M("onmouseout"), c)))
      b.z.hf && (x.M(this.V, "touchstart", function (a) { = new R(a.changedTouches[0].clientX, a.changedTouches[0].clientY)
      }), x.M(this.V, "touchend", function (c) {
        var e = $a(),
          f = new R(c.changedTouches[0].clientX, c.changedTouches[0].clientY);
        10 < Math.abs(f.x - || 10 < Math.abs(f.y - ? = p : (b.dispatchEvent(a(c, la(new M("onclick"), c))), e - b.gH < && b.dispatchEvent(a(c, la(new M("ondblclick"), c))), b.gH = e)
      }), G() || x.M(this.V, "click", function (c) {
        for (var e = c.srcElement ||; e;) {
          if (e === b.V) {
            (!(b instanceof U) || b instanceof U && (!b.LA || b.LA && b.ha().nb(b.LA))) && b.dispatchEvent(a(c, la(new M("onclick"), c)));
          } else if ( && && e === break;
          e = e.parentNode
      }), x.M(this.V, "dblclick", function (c) {
        b.dispatchEvent(a(c, la(new M("ondblclick"), c)));
      }), (!x.da.Se || 4 > x.da.Se) && x.M(this.V, "contextmenu", function (c) {
        b.dispatchEvent(a(c, la(new M("onrightclick"), c)))
      x.M(this.V, "mousedown", function (c) {
        if (b instanceof U) b.LA = b.ha();
        b.dispatchEvent(a(c, la(new M("onmousedown"), c)))
      x.M(this.V, "mouseup", function (c) {
        b.dispatchEvent(a(c, la(new M("onmouseup"), c)));
        x.da.Se >= 4 && (c.button === 2 && b.z.hf) && b.dispatchEvent(a(c, la(new M("onrightclick"), c)))
  U: function () {
    this.Qa !== q && (this.Qa = q,, this.Cb && ( && === this) && this.Wc())
  show: function () {
    this.Qa !== o && (this.Qa = o,
  RN: function (a) {
    if (a)
      for (var b in a) typeof this.z[b] === typeof a[b] && (this.z[b] = a[b])
  Yt: function (a) {
    this.zIndex = a;
  Pl: function () {
    var a;
    Db(this.zIndex) ? a = this.zIndex : (a = 0, && this.ha() && (a = this.ha() ? this.ha().lat : 0, a = jc.Dm(a) + (this.z.YJ || 0)));
    this.V && ( = a)
  wo: function (a) { = a; && a.ra(, this)
  Ep: function () {; = p
T(Ye, {
  hide: Ye.U,
  addContextMenu: Ye.wo,
  removeContextMenu: Ye.Ep
U.Ju = jc.Dm(-90) + 1E6;
U.mG = U.Ju + 1E6;
U.PR = function (a) {
  if (U.$u[a]) return U.$u[a];
  var b = U.$u[a] = ["BMap_" + Math.round(1E4 * Math.random()), "BMap_" + Math.round(1E4 * Math.random())],
    c = Ec[a],
    d = U.wU;
  d || (d = U.wU = K("style", {
    type: "text/css"
  }), document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(d));
  d.textContent += U.vH(c.Fm, b[0]) + U.vH(c.Zt, b[1]);
  return U.$u[a]
U.vH = function (a, b) {
  var c = ["@-webkit-keyframes " + b + " {\\n"];
  x.kc.Gb(a, function (a) {
    c.push(100 *, "% { ");
    c.push("-webkit-transform: translate(", a.translate[0], "px,", a.translate[1], "px); ");
    c.push("-webkit-animation-timing-function: ", a.hc, "; ");
  return c.join("")
U.UP = function (a, b) {
  if (!U.Kh && (U.Kh = K("img", {
      src: + "drag_cross.png",
      width: 13,
      height: 9
    }), = "absolute", 6 == {
    delete U.Kh;
    var c = (U.Kh = K("div")).style;
    c.position = "absolute";
    c.width = "13px";
    c.height = "9px";
    c.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod=image,src="' + + 'drag_cross.png")'
  c =;
  c.left = a.width - 6 + "px"; = a.height - 5 + "px";
U.IT = function () {
  U.Kh && U.Kh.parentNode && U.Kh.parentNode.removeChild(U.Kh)
U.$u = [];
U.NG = function () { = ""
x.extend(U.prototype, {
  initialize: function (a) {;, a);
    this.Qa || x.K.U(this.Bc);
    this.z.label && this.Uu && this.z.label.addEventListener("remove", this.Uu);
    return this.V
  gr: function () {
    this.Oi || (this.Oi = o, this.Yc = this.Bc = this.Md = this.V = p, = q)
  Hj: function () {
    var a =;
    this.V = xb(a.GE, this.gT());
    this.Bc = xb(a.LM, this.ZS()); =
  gT: function () {
    var a = ['<span class="BMap_Marker BMap_noprint" unselectable="on" '];
    a.push(this.z.title ? 'title="' + this.z.title + '"' : '"');
    a.push(' style="position:absolute;padding:0;margin:0;border:0;width:0;height:0;-moz-user-select:none;');
    a.push(this.z.hf ? "cursor:pointer;" : "");
    a.push("background:url(" + + "blank.gif);");
    a.push("width:" + this.z.uj.size.width + "px;");
    a.push("height:" + this.z.uj.size.height + "px;");
    return a.join("")
  ZS: function () {
    var a = ['<span class="BMap_Marker" unselectable="on" '];
    return a.join("")
  kU: function () {
    var a = ['<span unselectable="on" '];
    return a.join("")
  draw: function () {
    if (this.V) {
      var a = this.jS(); = a[0].x + "px"; = a[0].y + "px";
      this.Bc && ( = a[0].x + "px", = a[0].y + "px");
      this.Md && ( = a[1].x + "px", = a[1].y + "px");
      this.Cb != p && this.Cb.Wa() && this.Cb.ta();
  jS: function () {
    var a = || new L(0, 0),
      b = this.z.uj.anchor || new L(0, 0),
      c =,
      b = [new R(c.x + a.width - b.width, c.y + a.height - b.height)];
    if (this.z.Ok) {
      var d = this.z.Ok.anchor || new L(0, 0);
      b[1] = new R(c.x + a.width - d.width, c.y + a.height - d.height)
    return b
  yb: function () { ? (this.V = this.initialize(, this.xq && (this.dn(this.xq), delete this.xq)) : delete this.xq
  remove: function () {
    this.Bc && this.Bc.parentNode && this.Bc.parentNode.removeChild(this.Bc);
    this.Md && this.Md.parentNode && this.Md.parentNode.removeChild(this.Md);
    this.Cb && ( && === this) && (this.Wc(), this.Cb = p); = this.Yc = this.Md = this.Bc = p;
    if (this.z.label) {
      var a = this.z.label;
      a.removeEventListener("remove", this.Uu);
      a.V = p;
      this.z.label = p
  U: function () {;
    this.V && x.K.U(this.V);
    this.Bc && x.K.U(this.Bc);
    this.Md && x.K.U(this.Md)
  show: function () {;
    this.V &&;
    this.Bc &&;
    this.Md &&
  Vb: function (a) {
    if (a instanceof pc || a instanceof qc)
      if (this.z.uj = a, && this.V && this.Bc) {
        try {
          this.Yc && (this.Bc.removeChild(this.Yc), this.Yc = p), = a.size.width + "px", = a.size.height + "px"
        } catch (b) {}
        if (this.z.uj) {
          var c = this.Yc = K(a instanceof pc ? "div" : "canvas"),
            d =;
          d.position = "absolute";
          d.padding = d.margin = "0";
          d.width = a.size.width + "px";
          d.height = a.size.height + "px";
          d.overflow = "hidden";
          a instanceof qc ? (c.width = a.size.width, c.height = a.size.height, a.yb(c)) : (c.innerHTML = jg(a), c.gL = q);
  Cy: function (a) {
    if (a instanceof pc && (this.z.Ok = a, && this.V && this.Bc)) {
      this.Md || (this.Md = xb(, this.kU()));
      try { && (this.Md.removeChild(, = p), = a.size.width + "px", = a.size.height + "px"
      } catch (b) {}
      if (this.z.Ok) {
        var c = = K("div"),
          d =;
        d.position = "absolute";
        d.padding = d.margin = "0";
        d.width = a.size.width + "px";
        d.height = a.size.height + "px";
        d.overflow = "hidden";
        c.innerHTML = jg(a);
        c.gL = q;
  fn: function (a) {
    if (a && a instanceof tc) {
      var b = this;
      I.load("marker", function () {
      }, o)
  dU: function (a) {
    if (a instanceof tc) {
      this.z.label = a;
      var b = this;
      this.z.label.Ji || (this.z.label.Ji = o, this.Uu = function () {
        b.z.label = p
      }, this.z.label.addEventListener("remove", this.Uu));
      if ( {
        a.V ? this.Bc.appendChild(a.V) : (a.V = xb(this.V,, =;
        var c =;
        c.left = + "px"; = + "px";
  xA: function () {
    function a(a, b) {
      b.pixel = b.jb = a.jb;
      b.point = b.point = a.point;
      return b

    function b(a) {
      var b = a.clientX,
        c = a.clientY;
      a.changedTouches && (b = a.changedTouches[0].clientX, c = a.changedTouches[0].clientY);
      return new R(b, c)
    if (this.V && !this.V.Ji) {
      this.V.Ji = o;
      var c =,
        d = this,
        e = 0,
        f = 0,
        g = 0,
        i = {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
      this.Ds = function (a) {
        if (d.z.Hb && 2 != a.button) {
 = o;
          var i = c.bc(d.point),
            m = b(a);
          e = m.x - i.x;
          f = m.y - i.y;
          g = $a();
 && && ( = d);
          x.M(, "mousemove", d.ij);
          x.M(, "mouseup", d.hj);
          x.M(, "touchmove", d.ij);
          x.M(, "touchend", d.hj);
          d.V && d.V.setCapture && d.V.setCapture();
 = d.z.Fd;
          "touchstart" == a.type && ma(a)
      this.ij = function (g) {
        if ( && (g = b(g), i = g = new R(g.x - e, g.y - f), d.Wz = g, d.z.IN && 15 < g.x && g.x < - 15 && 30 < g.y && g.y < - 15 || !d.z.IN)) {
          var l =,
            m = {
              jb: g,
              point: l
          d.Cl = d.Dl = 0;
          if (20 >= g.x || g.x >= - 20 || 50 >= g.y || g.y >= - 10) {
            if (20 >= g.x ? d.Cl = 8 : g.x >= - 20 && (d.Cl = -8), 50 >= g.y ? d.Dl = 8 : g.y >= - 10 && (d.Dl = -8), !d.Fe) d.Fe = setInterval(function () {
              c.wg(d.Cl, d.Dl, {
                noAnimation: o
              var a = c.wb(d.Wz);
            }, 30)
          } else d.Fe && (clearInterval(d.Fe), d.Fe = p), d.ta(l);
          d.hl || (d.dispatchEvent(a(m, new M("ondragstart"))), d.hl = o, d.z.BN && (d.dn(3), U.UP(d.z.uj.anchor, d.Bc)));
          d.dispatchEvent(a(m, new M("ondragging")))
      this.hj = function () {
        d.V && d.V.releaseCapture && d.V.releaseCapture(); = q; && && ( = p);, "mousemove", d.ij);, "mouseup", d.hj);, "touchmove", d.ij);, "touchend", d.hj);
        e = f = 0;
        d.Fe && (clearInterval(d.Fe), d.Fe = p);
        if (100 <= $a() - g && (2 < i.x || 2 < i.y)) d.hl = q, d.dispatchEvent(a({
          point: d.ha()
        }, new M("ondragend"))), d.z.BN && (d.dn(4), U.IT()), i.x = i.y = 0;
        d.V && ( = d.z.hf ? "pointer" : "")
      x.M(this.V, "mousedown", this.Ds);
      x.M(this.V, "touchstart", this.Ds)
  ta: function (a) {
    a instanceof H && (this.point = this.z.point = new H(a.lng,, this.draw())
  Pl: function () {
    var a; == o ? a = U.mG : this.z.tE == o ? a = U.Ju + (this.IG || 0) : Db(this.zIndex) ? a = this.zIndex : (a = 0, && this.ha() && (a = jc.Dm(this.ha().lat) + this.z.YJ));
    this.V && ( = a);
    this.Bc && ( = a)
  yi: function (a, b) {
    this.z.tE = !!a;
    a && (this.IG = b || 0);
  Cc: function (a) {
    this.z.title = a + "";
    this.V && (this.V.title = this.z.title)
  Xe: function (a) {
    a instanceof L && ( = a, this.ta(this.ha()))
  dn: function (a) {
    var b = this;
    I.load("markeranimation", function () {
    }, o)
  bU: function (a) {
    if (this.Yc) {
      this.BQ(a != p);
      var b = Ec[a];
      b && (b = b ? b.options.KO : q, !G() || b ? this.yR(a) : this.xR(a))
  BQ: function (a) {
    if (a) {
      if (this.Ij && (this.Ij.stop(), this.Ij = p), = = "0px", = = "0px"
    } else if (this.Ij) {
      var b = this;
      ig(this.Ij, function () {
        b.Ij = p
  xR: function (a) {
    var b = Ec[a],
      a = U.PR(a);
    this.XI(this.Yc, a[0], b);
    this.XI(, a[1], b)
  ZG: function (a) {
    a && ( = "",, "webkitAnimationEnd", U.NG))
  XI: function (a, b, c) {
    a && (x.M(a, "webkitAnimationEnd", U.NG), = b + " " + c.options.duration + "ms" + (c.options.loop == sb ? " infinite" : ""))
  yR: function (a) {
    var b =,
      c = q,
      d; && (c = o, d =;
    var e = Ec[a],
      f = this,
      g = e.Fm.length,
      i = e.options.duration,
      k = f.Ij = new qb({
        duration: 0,
        Ko: sb
      l = e.Fm,
      m = e.Zt; = l[0].translate[1] + "px";
    c && (d.left = m[0].translate[0] + "px", = m[0].translate[1] + "px");
    for (var n = 1; n < g; n++)(function () {
      function a() {}
      var b = [l[n].translate[0] - l[n - 1].translate[0], l[n].translate[1] - l[n - 1].translate[1]],
        d = [l[n - 1].translate[0], l[n - 1].translate[1]];
      if (c) var y = [m[n].translate[0] - m[n - 1].translate[0], m[n].translate[1] - m[n - 1].translate[1]],
        B = [m[n - 1].translate[0], m[n - 1].translate[1]];
      var A = rb[l[n - 1].hc];
      n == g - 1 && (a = e.options.loop != sb ? function () {
        f.Ij = p
      } : function () {
      k.add(new qb({
        duration: (e.Fm[n].ac - l[n - 1].ac) * i,
        Gc: 40,
        Ko: sb,
        jc: A,
        va: function (a) {
          if (f.Yc) = d[1] + Math.round(a * b[1]) + "px";
          if (c && {
   = B[0] + Math.round(a * y[0]) + "px";
   = B[1] + Math.round(a * y[1]) + "px"
        finish: a
  Qp: function (a) {
    if (a && (this.z.rotation = a, && this.V && this.Bc)) try {
      if (this.Yc) {
        var b =;
        b.webkitTransform = "rotate(" + this.z.rotation + "deg)";
        b.NY = "rotate(" + this.z.rotation + "deg)";
        b.transform = "rotate(" + this.z.rotation + "deg)";
        var c = Math.cos(this.z.rotation / 180 * Math.PI),
          d = -Math.sin(this.z.rotation / 180 * Math.PI),
          e = Math.sin(this.z.rotation / 180 * Math.PI),
          f = Math.cos(this.z.rotation / 180 * Math.PI);
        b.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand',M11=" + c + ",M12= " + d + ",M21= " + e + ",M22=" + f + ")";
        b.PY = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand',M11=" + c + ",M12= " + d + ",M21= " + e + ",M22=" + f + ")";
        b.P4 = "bottom 50%";
        b.OY = "bottom 50%";
        b.T_ = "bottom 50%"
      } && (b =, b.webkitTransform = "rotate(" + this.z.rotation + "deg)", b.NY = "rotate(" + this.z.rotation + "deg)", b.transform = "rotate(" + this.z.rotation + "deg)", c = Math.cos(this.z.rotation / 180 * Math.PI), d = -Math.sin(this.z.rotation / 180 * Math.PI), e = Math.sin(this.z.rotation / 180 * Math.PI), f = Math.cos(this.z.rotation / 180 * Math.PI), b.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand',M11=" + c + ",M12= " + d + ",M21= " + e + ",M22=" + f + ")", b.PY = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand',M11=" + c + ",M12= " + d + ",M21= " + e + ",M22=" + f + ")", b.G0 = "bottom 50%", b.OY = "bottom 50%", b.T_ = "bottom 50%")
    } catch (g) {}
T(Ze, {
  setIcon: Ze.Vb,
  setPosition: Ze.ta,
  setOffset: Ze.Xe,
  setLabel: Ze.fn,
  setTitle: Ze.Cc,
  setTop: Ze.yi,
  setAnimation: Ze.dn,
  setShadow: Ze.Cy,
  hide: Ze.U,
  remove: Ze.remove,
  setRotation: Ze.Qp,
  getRotation: Ze.CL

function jg(a) {
  var b = "",
    b = "",
    c = a.imageUrl,
    d = a.imageOffset,
    e = a.imageSize;
  6 == && 0 < c.toLowerCase().indexOf(".png") ? (b = ["<div"], a.printImageUrl && b.push(' class="BMap_noprint"'), b.push(' style="width: 1px; height: 1px;'), b.push("; left:" + d.width + "px"), b.push("; top:" + d.height + "px"), b.push("; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod=image,src='" + c + "')"), b.push('; position:absolute;"></div>'), a.printImageUrl && (b.push('<img class="BMap_noscreen" style="display: block; border:none;margin-left:' + d.width + "px;"), b.push("margin-top:" + d.height + 'px;" src="' + a.printImageUrl + '" />'))) : (b = ['<img src="', c, '" style="display: block; border:none;margin-left:' + d.width + "px", "; margin-top:" + d.height + "px", "; "], e && b.push("; width:" + e.width + "px; height:" + e.height + "px;"), b.push('" />'));
  return b = b.join("")
x.extend(tc.prototype, {
  Hj: function () {
    var a = this.z,
      b = this.content,
      c = K("label", {
        "class": "BMapLabel",
        unselectable: "on"
    a.title && (c.title = a.title);
    var d =;
    d.position = "absolute";
    d.MozUserSelect = "none";
    0 == a.width || "auto" == a.width ? d.display = "inline" : (d.width = a.width + "px", d.display = "block", d.overflow = "hidden");
    "true" == a.hf ? d.cursor = "pointer" : || (d.cursor = "inherit");
    c.innerHTML = b;;
    this.V = c;
    return c
  ta: function (a) {
    a instanceof H && ! && (this.point = this.z.position = new H(a.lng,, this.draw())
  draw: function () {
    if (this.V && this.ha() && ! {
      var a = || new L(0, 0),
        b =; = b.x + a.width + "px"; = b.y + a.height + "px";
  yb: function () { && ! && (this.V = this.initialize(, this.draw())
  ad: function (a) {
    this.content = a;
    this.V && (this.V.innerHTML = a)
  uF: function (a) {
    0 <= a && 1 >= a && (this.z.opacity = a);
    if (this.V) {
      var b =;
      b.opacity = a;
      b.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * a + ")"
  Xe: function (a) {
    a instanceof L && ( = new L(a.width, a.height), && this.V ? ( = a.width + "px", = a.height + "px") : this.draw())
  Ld: function (a) {
    a = a || {};
    this.z.Wp = x.extend(this.z.Wp, a);
    if (this.V)
      for (var b in a) try {[b] = a[b]
      } catch (c) {}
  Cc: function (a) {
    this.z.title = a + "";
    this.V && (this.V.title = this.z.title)
T($e, {
  setStyle: $e.Ld,
  setContent: $,
  setPosition: $e.ta,
  setOffset: $e.Xe,
  setTitle: $e.Cc
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


var Cg = 256,
  Dg = 32;

function Eg() {
  this.B = p
var Fg;
z.We(function (a) {
  if (!a.D.Ox) {
    var b = new Eg;
    b.B = a.Va.lastChild;
    a.R.p0 = b
}); = function (a) {
  a = ['<div id=zoomer style="position:absolute;z-index:0;top:0px;left:0px;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;cursor:' + a + '">'];
  a.push('<div class="BMap_zoomer" style="top:0;left:0;"></div>');
  a.push('<div class="BMap_zoomer" style="top:0;right:0;"></div>');
  a.push('<div class="BMap_zoomer" style="bottom:0;left:0;"></div>');
  a.push('<div class="BMap_zoomer" style="bottom:0;right:0;"></div>');
  return a.join("")
Eg.prototype.action = function (a, b) {
  if (!Fg) {
    var c = this.B;
    if (c) {
      var d = 4 / 3,
        e = Math.ceil((b ? 60 : 120) / 2),
        f = Math.max(15, e / d),
        g =;
      g.width = 2 * e + "px";
      g.height = 2 * f + "px";
      g.visibility = "visible";
      c = c.children;
      b ? (c[0].style.backgroundPosition = "0 0", c[1].style.backgroundPosition = "-7px 0", c[2].style.backgroundPosition = "0 -7px", c[3].style.backgroundPosition = "-7px -7px") : (c[0].style.backgroundPosition = "-7px -7px", c[1].style.backgroundPosition = "0 -7px", c[2].style.backgroundPosition = "-7px 0", c[3].style.backgroundPosition = "0 0");
      var c = p,
        i = a.x - e,
        k = a.y - f;
      if (!isNaN(i) && !isNaN(k)) {
        g.left = i + "px"; = k + "px";
        var l = Math.ceil((b ? 120 : 60) / 2),
          m = Math.max(15, l / d),
          l = l - e,
          m = Math.ceil(m - f),
          n =;
        Fg && Fg.end();
        Fg = new qb({
          Gc: 20,
          duration: 240,
          jc: rb.bD,
          Ko: 100,
          va: function (a) {
            if (!(a < 0.1)) {
              var b = Math.ceil(l * a),
                a = Math.ceil(m * a);
              n.width = (e + b) * 2 + "px";
              n.height = (f + a) * 2 + "px";
              n.left = i - b + "px";
     = k - a + "px"
          finish: function () {
            Fg = q;
            setTimeout(function () {
              g.visibility = "hidden"
            }, 300)
z.We(function (a) {
  function b(a) {
    if (f.D.Ro) {
      var b = new M("ondeepzoommousewheel");
      c(a, la(b, a));, b);

  function c(a, b) {
    var c = a.srcElement ||,
      d = a.offsetX || a.layerX || 0,
      e = a.offsetY || a.layerY || 0,
      g = p,
      i = p;
    1 !== c.nodeType && (c = c.parentNode);
    for (; c && c !== f.Va;) { && (x.lang.Kc( instanceof eb && (g = x.lang.Kc(, x.lang.Kc( instanceof sc && (i = x.lang.Kc(;
      if (!(0 === c.clientWidth && 0 === c.clientHeight && c.offsetParent && "TD" === c.offsetParent.nodeName) && "" !== c.namespaceURI) d += c.offsetLeft || 0, e += c.offsetTop || 0;
      else if ("" === c.namespaceURI && z.hq) {
        var y = z.hq.Ss(f).gf;
        if (-1 < navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") && "svg" !== c.tagName) {
          if (c = x.lang.Kc( c = c.Hd(), d += f.bc(, e += f.bc(;
        if (39 <= x.da.Se || 51 <= x.da.Gw) d = a.layerX || 0, e = a.layerY || 0;
        if (y && !(window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window)) d += parseFloat( + f.offsetX, e += parseFloat( + f.offsetY;
        if (y && ((window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) && "svg" === c.nodeName.toLowerCase()) && ! d += parseFloat( + f.offsetX, e += parseFloat( + f.offsetY;
        if ((9 <= || -1 < navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("trident")) && "svg" !== c.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
          d += f.offsetX;
          e += f.offsetY;
        if (! break
      c = c.offsetParent
    if ((65 <= x.da.Gw || 60 <= x.da.Se) && "ondeepzoommousewheel" === b.type) {
      d = a.clientX + window.scrollX;
      e = a.clientY + window.scrollY;
      for (c = f.La(); c;) d -= c.offsetLeft, e -= c.offsetTop, c = c.offsetParent
    b.offsetX = d;
    b.offsetY = e;
    b.pixel = b.jb = new R(d, e);
    b.point = b.point = f.wb(b.jb);
    b.overlay = = g;
    b.domEvent = a;
    b.Cb = i;
    return b

  function d(a) {
    var b = f.R,
      d = !b.$x && !b.ay;
    if (b.ty) clearTimeout(b.ty), b.ty = p, d && (f.dispatchEvent(c(a, la(new M("onrightclick"), a))), f.Ta |= Cg, f.dispatchEvent(c(a, la(new M("onrightdblclick"), a))), f.Ta ^= Cg);
    else {
      d && f.dispatchEvent(c(a, la(new M("onrightclick"), a)));
      var e = c(a, la(new M("onrightclickex"), a));
      b.ty = setTimeout(function () {
        b.ty = p;
        d && f.dispatchEvent(e)
      }, f.D.kC)

  function e(a) {
    if (f.D.Ro) {
      var b = f.R;
      b.mb && (b.mb.stop(), b.mb = p, setTimeout(function () {
        f.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend"))
      }, 1));
      f.Ta |= Dg;
      a = window.event || a;
      f.Lc = f.Oa;
      b = new M("onmousewheel");
      b.Zp = 0 <= a.wheelDelta || 0 > a.detail;
      var d = new Date;
      b.Zp === o && f.Oa === f.oa().vm() || b.Zp === q && f.Oa === f.oa().Zo() || 220 > d - g ? f.Ta ^= Dg : (g = d, c(a, la(b, a)), f.dispatchEvent(b), f.Ta ^= Dg, a.returnValue = q);
  var f = a;
  f.vY = a.Wb();
  a.Va.I3 = da(q);
  x.M(f.platform, "mousemove", function (a) {
    0 === f.Ta && f.dispatchEvent(c(a, la(new M("onmousemove"), a)))
  x.M(f.platform, "mousedown", function (a) {
    if (f.D.iD) {
      a = window.event || a; || zb(a);
      var b = f.R;
      b.Hc = o;
      var d = a.srcElement ||;
      b.mb && (b.mb.stop(), b.mb = p, f.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend"))); = a.clientX || a.pageX || 0;
      for (b.ou = a.clientY || a.pageY || 0; d && d !== f.Va;) {
        if (x.K.ct(d, "BMap_Marker")) {
          b.Hc = q;
          var e = x.lang.Kc(;
          if (e instanceof U && e.z.hf === o || e.z.Hb === o) return
        d = d.parentNode
      } && &&;
      f.dispatchEvent(c(a, la(new M("onmousedown"), a)));
      f.D.Hb && (!(f.Ta & 8) && 2 !== a.button) && (b.xp =, b.Ek = b.ou, b.ny = f.offsetX, b.m = f.offsetY, f.Ta |= 8, = 0 === f.R.Qe.length ? f.D.Fd : "pointer")
  x.M(document, "mousemove", function (a) {
    var a = window.event || a,
      b = f.R,
      d = a.clientX || a.pageX || 0,
      e = a.clientY || a.pageY || 0;
    if ( || b.ou) b.$x = d -, b.ay = e - b.ou;
    var g = $a(),
      i = 40 < g - b.sM;
    if (!(18 > g - b.sp) && (i && (b.sM = g), b.sp = g, f.Ta & 8 && f.D.Hb)) {
      var w =;
      w.cursor.replace(/"|\s/g, "") !== f.D.Fd && (w.cursor = f.D.Fd);
      b.Yj || (f.dispatchEvent(c(a, la(new M("ondragstart"), a))), f.dispatchEvent(new M("onmovestart")), b.SC = new R(d, e), b.TC = g);
      0 === b.xp && (0 === b.Ek && f.R.n3) && (b.xp = d, b.Ek = e, b.ny = f.offsetX, b.m = f.offsetY);
      if (0 !== d - b.xp || 0 !== e - b.Ek) f.R.Yj = o, f.dispatchEvent(c(a, la(new M("ondragging"), a))), f.Ke(b.ny + d - b.xp, b.m + e - b.Ek, p, i)
  x.M(document, "mouseup", function (a) { && &&;
    var b = f.R;
    b.R3 && f.d2(o);
    var a = window.event || a,
      d = a.clientX || a.pageX,
      e = a.clientY || a.pageY;
    if (f.Ta & 8 && f.D.Hb) {
      f.Ta ^= 8; = 0 === b.Qe.length ? f.D.Yb : "pointer";
      if (f.R.Yj) {
        var g = c(a, la(new M("ondragend"), a));
        Gg(f, new R(d, e))
      b.Yj = q
    b.Hc = q;
    2 === a.button && ( = p, b.ou = p, b.$x = 0, b.ay = 0);
    f.dispatchEvent(c(a, la(new M("onmouseup"), a)))
  4 <= x.da.Se ? (x.M(f.Va, "mouseup", function (a) {
    2 === a.button && d(a)
  }), x.M(f.Va, "contextmenu", function (a) {
    f.D.SK || na(a)
  })) : x.M(f.Va, "contextmenu", function (a) {
    f.D.SK || na(a)
  var g = new Date,
  a.D.TK && (i = new Hg(a), a.O1 = i);
  if ( && 9 >= || f.vY) i = p;
  x.M(f.Va, "mousewheel", i ? b : e);
  window.addEventListener && f.Va.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", i ? b : e, q);
  x.M(f.platform, "click", function (a) {
    var b = new M("onclick"),
      d = new M("onclickex"),
      e = f.R;
    c(a, la(b, a));
    c(a, la(d, a));
    if (!f.Ta) {
      var g = !e.$x && !e.ay;
      g && f.dispatchEvent(b);
      if (!e.Mi) e.Mi = setTimeout(function () {
        e.Mi = p;
        g && f.dispatchEvent(d)
      }, f.D.kC)
    } = p;
    e.ou = p;
    e.$x = 0;
    e.ay = 0
  x.M(f.platform, "dblclick", function (a) {
    if (!f.Ta) {
      f.Ta = f.Ta | Cg; && f.dispatchEvent(c(a, la(new M("onclick"), a)));
      var b = f.R;
      if (b.Mi) {
        b.Mi = p
      f.dispatchEvent(c(a, la(new M("ondblclick"), a)));
      f.Ta = f.Ta ^ Cg
  x.M(document, "mousedown", function (b) {
    var b = window.event || b,
      b = b.srcElement ||,
      c = f.R;
    c.cC = c.cC ? x.K.contains(a.Va, b) : x.K.contains(a.platform, b)

function Gg(a, b) {
  if ( {
    var c = a.R,
      d = $a();
    if (100 < d - c.sp) a.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend")), c.Yj = q;
    else {
      var e = c.SC,
        f = [0 < b.x - e.x ? 1 : -1, 0 < b.y - e.y ? 1 : -1],
        d = Bb(e, b) / ((d - c.TC) / 1E3) / 2,
        g = d / 1.8,
        i = 0.4 * g * d / 1E3,
        k = Math.abs(e.x - b.x),
        l = 0,
        m = 0;
      0 === Math.abs(e.y - b.y) ? l = k : (e = Math.abs(e.x - b.x) / Math.abs(e.y - b.y), m = Math.round(Math.sqrt(i * i / (1 + e * e))), l = Math.round(e * m)); - 1 === f[0] && (l = -l); - 1 === f[1] && (m = -m);
      c.mb && (c.mb.stop(), c.mb = p, a.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend")));
      var n = d / 1E3,
        t = a.offsetX,
        v = a.offsetY,
        w = q;
      c.mb = new qb({
        duration: g,
        Gc: 30,
        jc: function (a) {
          a = a * n / 1.8;
          return n * a - 0.9 * a * a
        va: function (b) {
          b = b * 3.6 / (n * n);
          w = !w;
          a.Ke(t + Math.round(b * l), v + Math.round(b * m), p, w)
        finish: function () {
          c.mb = p;
          a.Ke(t + Math.round(l), v + Math.round(m));
          a.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend"))
        Et: function (b) {
          c.mb = p;
          b = b * 3.6 / (n * n);
          a.Ke(t + Math.round(b * l), v + Math.round(b * m));
          setTimeout(function () {
            a.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend"))
          }, 1)
  } else a.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend"))

function Hg(a) { = a;
  this.eb = a.eb;
  this.HV = Ig();
  this.Od = 0;
  this.XE = 1;
  this.WE = this.Yg = p;
  this.IE = 1;
  this.JE = -1;
  this.mE = q;
  this.$b = 19;
  this.gc = 3;
  this.vM = 0;
  this.Fk = "";
  this.jt = q;
  this.AE = this.uM = 0;
var Jg = Hg.prototype;
Jg.YB = function () {
  var a = this,
    b =;
  a.$b = b.D.$b || 19;
  a.gc = b.D.gc || 3;
  b.addEventListener("onmaptypechange", function () {
    a.$b = b.D.$b || 19;
    a.gc = b.D.gc || 3
Jg.g0 = function (a) {
  var b = this,
    c =,
    d = c.R;
  b.$b = c.D.$b || 19;
  b.gc = c.D.gc || 3;
  d.mb && (d.mb.stop(), d.mb = p, c.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend")));
  var e = Math.floor(a.domEvent.timeStamp),
    f = e - this.vM,
    g = 0 <= a.domEvent.wheelDelta,
    d = Math.abs(a.domEvent.wheelDelta),
    i = Math.abs(a.domEvent.deltaY);
  100 < f && (this.jt = q, this.Fk = Kg(d, i, a.P1), this.Od = 0, this.yN = p);
  "padScroll" === this.Fk && (0 === i && 0 === f && this.jt === q) && (this.jt = o);
  if (0 !== f) {
    this.vM = e;
    if ("padScroll" === this.Fk && 40 > f) {
      b.Od = g ? b.Od + 0.13 : b.Od - 0.16;
      var e = a.domEvent.wheelDelta - this.uM,
        f = e - this.AE,
        k = this.AE;
      this.AE = e;
      this.uM = a.domEvent.wheelDelta;
      this.tM = g;
      if ("boolean" === typeof this.tM && g !== this.tM || "padScroll" === this.Fk && 3 === d && !isNaN(f) && 50 < Math.abs(e - k)) b.Wk && (b.Wk.stop(), b.Wk = p);
      else if (0 !== this.yN)
        if (0 > e && 0 < k || 0 < e && 0 > k) 5 > i && (this.jt = q);
        else return
    this.yN = this.Od;
    d = a.domEvent.wheelDelta / 120 || -a.domEvent.detail / 3;
    0 === d && x.da.Se && (d = -a.domEvent.deltaY);
    if (0 !== d && (d = Math.ceil(Math.abs(d)) * (0 <= d ? 1 : -1), "padPinch" === this.Fk && (d = a.domEvent.deltaY), i = 0 < d ? 1 : -1, c = c.fa(), 0 > i && (b.IE = -1), 0 < i && (b.JE = 1), e = b.gc, !(c >= b.$b && 0 < i && 1 === b.IE || c <= e && 0 > i && -1 === b.JE))) {
      "mouseWheel" !== this.Fk && (d *= 0.6);
      b.Od += d;
      "mouseWheel" === this.Fk && (b.Od = b.xM(b.Od));
      var l = new R(a.jb.x, a.jb.y);
      if ("mouseWheel" !== this.Fk) {
        if (!b.Wk && !b.Be && !(0 === b.Od || b.jt === o)) b.Be = setTimeout(function () {
          var a = Math.abs(b.Od),
            a = Math.round(a);
          b.Od = g ? a : -a;
          b.Od = b.xM(b.Od);
          b.Od !== 0 && b.YO(l, b.Od);
          b.Be = p
        }, 30)
      } else b.Wk && (b.Wk.stop(), b.Wk = p), b.Be && clearTimeout(b.Be), b.Be = setTimeout(function () {
        b.YO(l, b.Od);
        b.Be = p
      }, 25)
Jg.xM = function (a) {
  var b = this.gc,
    c = this.$b,
    d =,
    a = Math.min(Math.max(a, -3), 3);
  d + a > c ? a = c - d : d + a < b && (a = b - d);
  return a
Jg.YO = function (a, b) {
  var c = new L(0, 0),
    d = this,
    e =,
    f = d.eb,
    g = Math.pow(2, b),
    i = d.XE,
    k, l = e.width,
    m = e.height,
    n = (a.x - l / 2) / l,
    t = (a.y - m / 2) / m,
    v = f.Rb,
    w =,
    y, B, A = d.HV;
  d.mE || (d.mE = o, e.dispatchEvent(new M("onzoomstart")));
  e.od && x.K.U(e.od); = "hidden";
  f.ld && ( = "hidden"); = "hidden";
  if (!d.Yg) {
    w[A] || (w[A] = "translate3d(0,0,0)");
    var E = d.WE;
    E && (E.parentNode && E.parentNode.removeChild(E), d.WE = p);
    d.WE = d.Yg = v.cloneNode(o);
    e.platform.insertBefore(d.Yg, e.platform.firstChild)
  w.visibility = "hidden";
  var C =;
  d.Wk = new qb({
    Gc: 60,
    duration: e.D.Qo ? 400 : 1,
    jc: rb.Gs,
    va: function (a) {
      if (b > 0) {
        k = i + a * (g - i);
        y = -l * (k - 1) * n - c.width * a;
        B = -m * (k - 1) * t - c.height * a
      } else {
        k = i - a * (i - g);
        y = l * (1 - k) * n;
        B = m * (1 - k) * t
      C[A] = "translate3d(" + y + "px, " + B + "px, 0) scale(" + k + ")";
      d.XE = k
    finish: function () {
      var c = e.fa(),
        c = Math.round(c + b);
      e.Lc = e.Oa;
      e.Oa = c;
      var c = f.iA(a),
        g = e.oa().yc(e.fa()); = new H(c.lng + (e.width / 2 - a.x) * g, - (e.height / 2 - a.y) * g);
      e.Oe =, e.Xb);
      w.visibility = "";
      e.od && ( && < 8 || document.compatMode === "BackCompat" ? : setTimeout(function () {
      }, 100)); = ""; = "";
      e.dispatchEvent(new M("onzoomend"));
      d.Od = 0;
      d.XE = 1;
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 100);
      d.Wk = p;
      d.IE = 1;
      d.JE = -1;
      d.mE = q
Jg.FN = function () {
  this.Yg && (Lc(this.Yg), this.Yg.parentNode && (this.Yg.parentNode.removeChild(this.Yg), this.Yg.innerHTML = "", this.Yg = p))

function Ig() {
  var a = "transform",
    b = document.createElement("div"),
    c = ["Webkit", "Moz", "O", "ms"],
    d = c.length,
    e = "",
    b =;
  a in b && (e = a);
  for (a = a.replace(/^[a-z]/, function (a) {
      return a.toUpperCase()
    }); d--;) {
    var f = c[d] + a;
    if (f in b) {
      e = f;
  return e

function Kg(a, b, c) {
  var d = "mouseWheel";
  if (120 === a && 1 > b) d = "padPinch";
  else if (!isNaN(a) && (10 > a || 120 !== a) && 0 === b % 1) d = "padScroll";
  x.da.Se && 0 === c && (d = "padScroll");
  x.da.iF && 12 === a && (d = "mouseWheel");
  return d
z.We(function (a) {
  x.M(document, "keydown", function (b) {
    a.R.zi == o && (a.R.zi = q);
    if (a.D.bx && a.R.cC) switch (b = window.event || b, b.keyCode || b.which) {
      case 43:
      case 189:
      case 109:
        a.R.Hc = o;
        a.dispatchEvent(new M("onminuspress"));
      case 43:
      case 61:
      case 187:
      case 107:
        a.R.Hc = o;
        a.dispatchEvent(new M("onpluspress"));
      case 33:
        a.R.Hc = q;
        a.R.zi = o;
        a.wg(0, Math.round(0.8 * a.height));
      case 34:
        a.R.Hc = q;
        a.R.zi = o;
        a.wg(0, -Math.round(0.8 * a.height));
      case 35:
        a.R.Hc = q;
        a.R.zi = o;
        a.wg(-Math.round(0.8 * a.width), 0);
      case 36:
        a.R.Hc = q;
        a.R.zi = o;
        a.wg(Math.round(0.8 * a.width), 0);
      case 37:
        a.R.Hc = o; |= 1;
      case 38:
        a.R.Hc = o; |= 2;
      case 39:
        a.R.Hc = o; |= 4;
      case 40:
        a.R.Hc = o, |= 8, a.fb(), na(b)
  x.M(document, "keyup", function (b) {
    if (a.D.bx) switch (b = window.event || b, b.keyCode || b.which) {
      case 37: &= -2;
        0 != && a.fb();
      case 38: &= -3;
        0 != && a.fb();
      case 39: &= -5;
        0 != && a.fb();
      case 40: &= -9, 0 != && a.fb()
    a.R.Hc = q
  Ka.prototype.fb = function () {
    if (!this.fb.dy || !(this.fb.KA == && this.R.zi == o)) {
      var a = this,
        c =;
      a.fb.KA = c;
      a.fb.Mx = 30;
      a.fb.duration = 999;
      a.fb.jf = a.fb.kf = 0;
      c & 1 && (a.fb.jf = 1);
      c & 2 && (a.fb.kf = 1);
      c & 4 && (a.fb.jf = -1);
      c & 8 && (a.fb.kf = -1);
      c & 1 && c & 4 && (a.fb.jf = 0);
      c & 2 && c & 8 && (a.fb.kf = 0);
      if (!a.fb.dy) {
        a.fb.dy = o;
        a.fb.time = $a();
        a.fb.fV = a.fb.time;
        a.dispatchEvent(new M("onmovestart"));
        var d = new qb({
          Gc: a.fb.Mx,
          duration: a.fb.duration,
          jc: rb.AM,
          va: function () {
            var c = a.fb,
              f =;
            if (a.fb.KA != f) {
              a.fb.KA = f;
              if (f & 1) c.jf = 1;
              if (f & 2) c.kf = 1;
              if (f & 4) c.jf = -1;
              if (f & 8) c.kf = -1;
              if (f & 1 && f & 4) c.jf = 0;
              if (f & 2 && f & 8) c.kf = 0
            if (a.R.zi == o) {
              c.jf = 0;
              c.kf = 0
            var f = $a(),
              g = Math.pow((f - c.fV) / c.duration, 2);
            if (! {
              c.dy = q;
              d.FF = o;
              a.fb.time = $a();
              setTimeout(function () {
                a.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend"))
              }, 40)
            var i = f - c.time,
              k = c.jf * i * g >= 0 ? Math.ceil(c.jf * i * g) : Math.floor(c.jf * i * g),
              g = c.kf * i * g >= 0 ? Math.ceil(c.kf * i * g) : Math.floor(c.kf * i * g);
            if (k != 0 && g != 0) {
              k = Math.round(k * 0.7);
              g = Math.round(g * 0.7)
            c.time = f;
            a.Ke(a.offsetX + k, a.offsetY + g)
          finish: function () {
            a.fb.time = $a();
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, a.fb.Mx)
  Ka.prototype.PG = function () {
    var a = this,
      c = a.fb;
    a.R.zi && (c.jf = 0, c.kf = 0);
    if ( {
      var d = $a(),
        e = d - c.time,
        f = Math.ceil(c.jf * e),
        e = Math.ceil(c.kf * e);
      c.time = d;
      a.Ke(a.offsetX + f, a.offsetY + e);
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, c.Mx)
    } else c.dy = q, a.dispatchEvent(new M("onmoveend"))
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


var Tg = new L(23, 25),
  Ug = new L(9, 25),
  Vg = new L(9, 0);
V.RU = function (a, b, c, d) {
  var e = Wg(b);
  if (e && !(0 > c || 9 < c)) {
    b = p;
    e = new U(e);
    if (G()) {
      var f = function () {
          return new pc( + "markers_hd.png", new L(22, 31), {
            anchor: new L(11, 31),
            imageOffset: new L(0, -32 * c),
            imageSize: new L(85, 477),
            infoWindowAnchor: new L(11, 0)
        b = f(),
        f = f();
      f.St(new L(-28, -32 * c));
      e.dE = b;
      e.WL = f
    } else b = new pc( + "markers.png", Tg, {
      anchor: Ug,
      imageOffset: new L(0, -25 * c),
      infoWindowAnchor: Vg
    d && e.Cc(d);
    return e
V.ow = function (a, b, c) {
  if (b = Wg(b)) {
    var b = new U(b),
      d = p;
    G() ? (d = new pc( + "markers_hd.png", new L(21, 31), {
      anchor: Ug,
      imageOffset: new L(-29, -320),
      imageSize: new L(85, 477),
      infoWindowAnchor: Vg
    }), b.dE = d) : d = new pc( + "markers.png", Tg, {
      anchor: Ug,
      imageOffset: new L(0, -250),
      infoWindowAnchor: Vg
    c && b.Cc(c);
    return b
V.QU = function (a, b, c) {
  if (b = Wg(b)) {
    var b = new U(b),
      d = p;
    if (G()) {
      var e = function () {
          return new pc( + "markers_hd.png", new L(21, 31), {
            anchor: Ug,
            imageOffset: new L(0, -383),
            imageSize: new L(85, 477),
            infoWindowAnchor: Vg
        d = e(),
        e = e();
      e.St(new L(-29, -352));
      b.dE = d;
      b.WL = e
    } else d = new pc( + "markers.png", Tg, {
      anchor: Ug,
      imageOffset: new L(0, -300),
      infoWindowAnchor: Vg
    c && b.Cc(c);
    return b

function Wg(a) {
  var b = [],
    b = p;
  if (a instanceof H) b = a;
  else {
    if ("string" == typeof a) {
      b = x.trim(a).split(",");
      if (2 > b.length) return;
      b[0] = parseFloat(x.trim(b[0]));
      b[1] = parseFloat(x.trim(b[1]))
    } else if (b = a.slice(0), 2 > b.length) return;
    b = new H(b[0], b[1])
  return b
V.VV = function (a) {
  var b = a.title,
    c = a.$r,
    d = a.C_,
    e = a.fW,
    a = a.UE || 0;
  if (!b) return p;
  var f = b;
  1 == a ? f += "-\u516c\u4ea4\u8f66\u7ad9" : 3 == a && (f += "-\u5730\u94c1\u7ad9");
  var g = 13;
  e && (g = 10);
  f.replace(/[\u0100-\uffff]/g, "##").length > 2 * g + 1 && (f = f.substring(0, g) + "&#8230");
  b = "<p style='width:210px;font:bold 14px/16px " + F.fontFamily + ";margin:0;color:#cc5522;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden' title='" + b + "'>" + f;
  e && (b += "<a target='_blank' href='" + e + "' style='margin-left:5px;font-size:12px;color:#3d6dcc;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;'>\u8be6\u60c5\u00bb</a>");
  b += "</p>";
  e = [];
  e.push("<div style='font:12px " + F.fontFamily + ";margin-top:10px'>");
  if (c) {
    f = "\u5730\u5740\uff1a";
    if (1 == a || 3 == a) f = "\u8f66\u6b21\uff1a";
    e.push('<table cellspacing="0" style="overflow:hidden;table-layout:fixed;width:100%;font:12px ' + F.fontFamily + '" >');
    e.push('<tr><td style="vertical-align:top;width:38px;white-space:nowrap;word-break:keep-all">' + f + '&nbsp;</td><td style="line-height:16px">');
    e.push(c + "&nbsp;</td></tr>");
    d && e.push('<tr><td style="vertical-align:top;">\u7535\u8bdd\uff1a</td><td>' + d + "</td></tr>");
  } else d && (e.push('<table cellspacing="0" style="table-layout:fixed;width:100%;font:12px ' + F.fontFamily + '">'), e.push('<tr><td style="vertical-align:top;width:36px;white-space:nowrap;word-break:keep-all">\u7535\u8bdd\uff1a</td><td>' + d + "</td></tr></table>"));
  return new sc(e.join(""), {
    title: b,
    height: 0,
    width: 230,
    margin: [10, 10, 20, 10]
V.xo = function (a, b, c, d) {
  if (b = Wg(b)) return d = new U(b, {
    icon: G() ? new pc( + "dest_mkr.png", new L(29, 34), {
      anchor: new L(14, 32),
      imageSize: new L(94, 41),
      imageOffset: new L(-29 * d, 0),
      infoWindowAnchor: new L(14, 0)
    }) : new pc( + "dest_markers.png", new L(42, 34), {
      anchor: new L(14, 32),
      imageOffset: new L(0, -34 * d),
      infoWindowAnchor: new L(14, 0)
    baseZIndex: 35E5,
    draggingCursor: "pointer"
  }), a.Ka(d), c && d.Cc(c), d
V.yo = function (a, b) {
  return V.Tl(a, b, bd)
V.EP = [{
  stroke: 6,
  color: "#0030ff",
  opacity: 0.45,
  style: "solid"
}, {
  stroke: 5,
  color: "#00bd00",
  opacity: 0.95,
  style: "solid"
}, {
  stroke: 5,
  color: "#ffac00",
  opacity: 0.95,
  style: "solid"
}, {
  stroke: 5,
  color: "#f41c0d",
  opacity: 0.95,
  style: "solid"
V.DP = [{
  stroke: 6,
  color: "#0030ff",
  opacity: 0.45,
  style: "solid"
}, {
  stroke: 6,
  color: "#0030ff",
  opacity: 0.45,
  style: "solid"
}, {
  stroke: 4,
  color: "#30a208",
  opacity: 0.55,
  style: "dashed"
}, {
  stroke: 5,
  color: "#0030ff",
  opacity: 0.45,
  style: "solid"
}, {
  stroke: 4,
  color: "#ff0103",
  opacity: 0.65,
  style: "dashed"
}, {
  stroke: 5,
  color: "#ff0103",
  opacity: 0.65,
  style: "solid"
V.JJ = function (a, b, c) {
  var d = V.EP;
  "undefined" == typeof c && (c = 0);
  if (d[c]) return d = d[c], b = new Cc(b, {
    strokeWeight: d.stroke,
    strokeColor: d.color,
    strokeOpacity: d.opacity,
    clickable: q
  }), a.Ka(b), b.p1 = c, b
V.Tl = function (a, b, c) {
  var d = V.DP;
  "undefined" == typeof c && (c = 0);
  if (d[c]) {
    var e = d[c],
      d = new Cc(b, {
        strokeWeight: e.stroke,
        strokeColor: e.color,
        strokeOpacity: e.opacity,
        clickable: q
    d.j1 = c;
    c == bd && (b = new Cc(b, {
      strokeWeight: e.stroke - 2,
      strokeColor: "#fff",
      strokeOpacity: 0.3,
      clickable: q
    }), d.aB = b, a.Ka(b));
    return d
V.Ow = function (a) {
  var b = a.content,
    c = a.Rw,
    d =,
    e =,
    f = a.C3,
    a = a.WX,
    g = ["<div style='font:12px " + F.fontFamily + "'>"];
  b && g.push("<div style='margin:10px 1em 24px 0'>" + b + "</div>");
  a || g.push(V.MW(d, c));
  b = new sc(g.join(""), {
    title: "",
    height: 0,
    width: 220,
    margin: [10, 10, 20, 10]
  if (a) return b;
  b.addEventListener("open", function () {
    var a = G() ? "touchend" : "click";
    x.Dc("trans_prev") && x.M(x.Dc("trans_prev"), a, function () {
      e && "function" == typeof e && e(c - 1, f)
    x.Dc("trans_next") && x.M(x.Dc("trans_next"), a, function () {
      e && "function" == typeof e && e(c + 1, f)
  return b
V.MW = function (a, b) {
  var c = [];
  c.push('<table id="trans_nav" width="99%" cols="2" style="background:#eaf2ff;font:12px ' + F.fontFamily + '"><tbody><tr>');
  c.push('<td nowrap="nowrap" width="50%" align="left">');
  0 == b ? c.push('<span unselectable="on" style="color:#9c9d99;-moz-user-select:none" >\u4e0a\u4e00\u6b65</span>') : c.push('<a id="trans_prev" style="color:#7777cc;-moz-user-select:none" href="javascript:void(0)">\u4e0a\u4e00\u6b65</a>');
  c.push('<td nowrap="nowrap" width="50%" align="right">');
  b == a + 1 ? c.push('<span unselectable="on" style="color:#9c9d99;-moz-user-select:none" >\u4e0b\u4e00\u6b65</span>') : c.push('<a style="color:#7777cc" id="trans_next" href="javascript:void(0)">\u4e0b\u4e00\u6b65</a>');
  return c.join("")
V.LJ = function (a, b, c, d) {
  if (b = Wg(b)) {
    c = c || 0;
    if (G()) c = new pc( + "dest_mkr.png", new L(20, 20), {
      imageSize: new L(94, 41),
      imageOffset: new L(-59, -21 * c),
      infoWindowAnchor: new L(10, 0)
    else {
      var e = -55;
      1 == c && (e = -76);
      c = new pc( + "trans_icons.png", new L(21, 21), {
        imageOffset: new L(0, e),
        infoWindowAnchor: new L(10, 0)
    c = new U(b, {
      icon: c
    d && c.Cc(d);
    return c
V.Us = function (a) {
  return a && a.Ma && ?[0] : p
V.UU = function (a, b, c) {
  b = new U(b, {
    icon: new pc(Jd.vU, new L(11, 11))
  c && b.Cc(c);
  return b
V.GJ = function (a, b) {
  var c = new U(b, {
    icon: new pc( + "drag.png", new L(11, 11)),
    draggingCursor: "pointer"
  return c
V.MJ = function (a, b, c) {
  b = new U(b, {
    icon: new pc( + "way-points.png", new L(36, 40), {
      imageOffset: new L(-11 + -36 * c, -35)
    draggingCursor: "pointer",
    offset: new L(5, -20)
  return b
V.uK = function () {
  var a = new tc("\u62d6\u52a8\u4ee5\u66f4\u6539\u8def\u7ebf", {
    offset: new L(30, -10)
    border: "solid 1px gray",
    padding: "2px",
    whiteSpace: "nowrap",
    background: "#fff"
  return a
V.YW = function (a, b) {
  if (a && b) return Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + Math.pow(a.y - b.y, 2)))
V.SU = function (a, b, c, d) {
  var e = {
      type: "RouteAddrMarker"
    a = Wg(a),
    e = e || {};
  e.type = e.type || "normal";
  if (a && !("undefined" == typeof b || 0 > b || 9 < b && "child" !== e.type || 39 < b && "child" === e.type)) {
    var f;
    f = + "markers_new.png";
    var g = 0;
    "RouteAddrMarker" == e.type && (g = -F.aG);
    g = new pc(f, F.cG, {
      offset: F.cP,
      imageOffset: new L(-F.bG * b, g),
      infoWindowOffset: F.ZF
    f = b + 1;
    b = new U(a, {
      icon: g,
      zIndexFixed: o,
      baseZIndex: 25E5 - 100 * b
    b.N1 = {
      type: e.type
    b.l1 = f;
    c && b.Cc(c);
    return b
W.Sc = 1; = 2;
W.Bn = 3;
W.zu = 4;
W.Au = 5;
W.yu = 6;
W.xu = 7;
W.hG = 8;
W.gG = 9;
W.Nh = function (a, b) {
  return a ? z.wp + "?s=" + encodeURIComponent("inf&uid=" + a + "&c=" + b) + "&i=0&sr=1" : ""
W.eS = function (a) {
  return !a ? -1 : "string" == typeof a ? 2 : a instanceof H ? 1 : a instanceof Ka ? 0 : "number" == typeof a ? 3 : -1
x.extend(W.prototype, {
  Ig: function (a, b) {
    var c = W.eS(a.src);
    if (-1 != c) {
      var d = this;
      if (3 == c) b && b(a.src);
      else if (2 == c) a.wC == c && a.xC == a.src && ? b && b( : (a.wC = c, a.xC = a.src, cd.cb(function (a) {
        a && (a.result && 2 == a.result.type) && ( = a.content.code, b && b(
      }, {
        qt: "cur",
        wd: a.src
      else {
        var e, f = 18;
        0 == c ? a.src.Nx() ? (e = a.src.Ha(), f = a.src.fa()) : a.src.addEventListener("load", function () {
          d.Ig(a, b)
        }) : e = a.src;
        c == a.wC && a.xC.nb(e) && ? b && b( : (0 == c && (e = S.zb(e)), 1 == c && (e = S.zb(e)), a.wC = c, a.xC = new H(e.lng,, cd.cb(function (a) {
          if (a && a.result && a.result.type == 4) {
   = a.content ? a.content.uid : 1;
            b && b(
        }, {
          qt: "cen",
          b: e.lng + "," + + ";" + e.lng + "," +,
          l: f
  sb: function (a) {
    "number" == typeof a ? this.Bd = a : delete this.Bd
  Sa: function (a, b, c) {
    var d;
    d = "undefined" === typeof b ? 4 : b.xr && b.xr.length ? 1 : "[object Object]" === && "[object Object]" === ? 3 : 2;
    switch (a) {
      case W.Sc:
        (a = this.k.fy) && a(b, d);
        (a = this.k.iN) && a(b, c);
      case W.zu:
        (a = this.k.NE) && a(b, c);
      case W.Bn:
        (a = this.k.hN) && a(b, c);
      case W.Au:
        (a = this.k.kN) && a(b, c);
      case W.yu:
        (a = this.k.gN) && a(b, c);
      case W.xu:
        (a = this.k.fN) && a(b, c);
      case W.hG:
        (a = this.k.dN) && a(b, c);
      case W.gG:
        (a = this.k.cN) && a(b, c)
var Xg = 0,
  Yg = 1,
  Zg = 2;
O.unique = function (a) {
  for (var b = [], c = {}, d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) c[a[d]] || (c[a[d]] = o, b.push(a[d]));
  return b
O.gx = function (a, b) {
  if (b) var c = Math.min(b.width / 1100, b.height / 660),
    a = Math.round(a + Math.log(c) / Math.log(2));
  1 > a && (a = 1);
  18 < a && (a = 18);
  return a
O.vb = function (a, b) {
  if ("string" == typeof a && a) {
    var c = a.split("|"),
      d, e, f;
    if (1 == c.length) d = $g(a);
    else if (d = $g(c[2]), e = $g(c[0]), f = $g(c[1]), !b) return d;
    c = {
      type: d.QW
    if (b) switch (c.type) {
      case Zg:
        e = new H(d.Gd[0][0], d.Gd[0][1]);
        e = S.Ab(e);
        c.point = e;
        c.ia = [e];
      case Yg:
        c.ia = [];
        d = d.Gd[0];
        for (var g = 0, i = d.length - 1; g < i; g += 2) {
          var k = new H(d[g], d[g + 1]),
            k = S.Ab(k);
        e = new H(e.Gd[0][0], e.Gd[0][1]);
        f = new H(f.Gd[0][0], f.Gd[0][1]);
        e = S.Ab(e);
        f = S.Ab(f);
        c.$a = new db(e, f)
    return c
O.rN = function (a) {
  var b;
  b ? 0.25 > b ? b = 0 : 0.25 < b && 1 > b ? b = 1 : 32 < b && (b = 32) : b = 0;
  var c = a.split("|");
  if (1 == c.length) {
    var d = $g(c[0]);
    return {
      type: d.type,
      bound: "",
      ia: d.Gd.join(",")
  if (1 < c.length) {
    for (var e = a.split(";.="), a = [], f = [], g = 0, i = e.length, c = 0; c < i; c++) {
      g = e[c];
      1 < i && (0 == c && (g += ";"), 0 < c && c < i - 1 && (g = ".=" + g + ";"), c == i - 1 && (g = ".=" + g));
      var g = g.split("|"),
        d = $g(g[0]),
        k = $g(g[1]);
      d = $g(g[2]);
      g = d.type;
      d = d.Gd.join(",");
      d = O.dZ(d);
      0 < b && (d = O.eZ(d, b));
    1 >= i && (f = f.join(";"));
    if (2 == i) {
      b = (f[0] + ";" + f[1]).split(";");
      e = [];
      for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++) f = new H(b[c].split(",")[0], b[c].split(",")[1]), f = S.Ab(f), e.push(f);
      f = e
    return {
      type: g,
      bound: a.join(";"),
      ia: f
O.zL = function (a) {
  var b = [],
    b = p;
  if ("Point" == a.toString()) b = a;
  else {
    if ("string" == typeof a) {
      b = ia.trim(a).split(",");
      if (2 > b.length) return;
      b[0] = parseFloat(ia.trim(b[0]));
      b[1] = parseFloat(ia.trim(b[1]))
    } else if (b = a.slice(0), 2 > b.length) return;
    b = new z.Xf(b[0], b[1])
  return b
O.fZ = function (a) {
  a = a.split(",");
  a = new H(a[0], a[1]);
  return S.Ab(a)
}; = {
  country: 4,
  province: 11,
  city: 12,
  w1: 13
var ah = ["=", ".", "-", "*"],
  bh = 8388608;

function $g(a) {
  var b;
  b = a.charAt(0);
  var c = -1;
  b == ah[1] ? c = Zg : b == ah[2] ? c = Yg : b == ah[3] && (c = Xg);
  b = c;
  for (var c = a.substr(1), d = 0, e = c.length, f = [], a = [], g = []; d < e;)
    if (c.charAt(d) == ah[0]) {
      if (13 > e - d) return 0;
      a: {
        for (var g = c.substr(d, 13), i = f, k = 0, l = 0, m = 0, n = 0; 6 > n; n++) {
          m = ch(g.substr(1 + n, 1));
          if (0 > m) {
            g = -1 - n;
            break a
          k += m << 6 * n;
          m = ch(g.substr(7 + n, 1));
          if (0 > m) {
            g = -7 - n;
            break a
          l += m << 6 * n
        i.push(k);i.push(l);g = 0
      if (0 > g) return 0;
      d += 13
    } else if (";" == c.charAt(d)) a.push(f.slice(0)), f.length = 0, ++d;
  else {
    if (8 > e - d) return 0;
    g = dh(c.substr(d, 8), f);
    if (0 > g) return 0;
    d += 8
  c = 0;
  for (d = a.length; c < d; c++) {
    e = 0;
    for (f = a[c].length; e < f; e++) a[c][e] /= 100
  return {
    QW: b,
    Gd: a

function dh(a, b) {
  var c = b.length;
  if (2 > c) return -1;
  for (var d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0; 4 > g; g++) {
    f = ch(a.substr(g, 1));
    if (0 > f) return -1 - g;
    d += f << 6 * g;
    f = ch(a.substr(4 + g, 1));
    if (0 > f) return -5 - g;
    e += f << 6 * g
  d > bh && (d = bh - d);
  e > bh && (e = bh - e);
  b.push(b[c - 2] + d);
  b.push(b[c - 1] + e);
  return 0

function ch(a) {
  var b = a.charCodeAt(0);
  return "A" <= a && "Z" >= a ? b - 65 : "a" <= a && "z" >= a ? 26 + b - 97 : "0" <= a && "9" >= a ? 52 + b - 48 : "+" == a ? 62 : "/" == a ? 63 : -1
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


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mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


var hg = {
  14: "m-0.00573,-10c-5.51975,0 -9.99427,4.47453 -9.99427,9.99428c0,5.51974 4.47452,9.99425 9.99427,9.99425c5.51972,0 9.99426,-4.47452 9.99426,-9.99425c0,-5.51975 -4.47453,-9.99428 -9.99426,-9.99428zm0,17.92491c-4.37412,0 -7.93132,-3.55788 -7.93132,-7.93063c0,-4.37345 3.5572,-7.93134 7.93132,-7.93134c4.37411,0 7.93062,3.55721 7.93062,7.93134c0,4.37412 -3.55789,7.93063 -7.93062,7.93063zm-0.00068,-15.4088c-0.38027,0 -0.68696,0.30807 -0.68696,0.68765l0,6.34078l-4.15752,1.81815c-0.34794,0.15266 -0.50611,0.55837 -0.35344,0.90632c0.11278,0.25787 0.36445,0.4119 0.6292,0.4119c0.09214,0 0.18635,-0.01857 0.27575,-0.05845l4.55635,-1.99279c0.00344,-0.00137 0.00619,-0.00275 0.00894,-0.00412l0.00275,-0.00138c0.01032,-0.00413 0.01581,-0.01376 0.02545,-0.01719c0.07151,-0.03576 0.13821,-0.07771 0.19185,-0.1341c0.02337,-0.02338 0.03644,-0.05364 0.05431,-0.08045c0.03301,-0.04401 0.06946,-0.08733 0.0894,-0.14028c0.0165,-0.04126 0.01787,-0.08596 0.02613,-0.12997c0.00894,-0.04469 0.02614,-0.08389 0.02614,-0.1286l0,-6.7905c0,-0.37889 -0.30807,-0.68697 -0.68833,-0.68697z",
  13: "m-0.00706,-9.5c-5.24281,0 -9.49294,4.25065 -9.49294,9.49294c0,5.24331 4.25014,9.49294 9.49294,9.49294c5.24281,0 9.49294,-4.24964 9.49294,-9.49294c0,-5.2423 -4.25013,-9.49294 -9.49294,-9.49294zm3.08857,3.85997c0.61044,0 1.10279,0.96873 1.10279,2.16271s-0.49384,2.1647 -1.10279,2.1647c-0.60844,0 -1.10228,-0.96873 -1.10228,-2.16372s0.49434,-2.16369 1.10228,-2.16369zm-6.28628,0c0.60844,0 1.10228,0.96873 1.10228,2.16271s-0.49284,2.1647 -1.10228,2.1647s-1.10277,-0.96873 -1.10277,-2.16372s0.49383,-2.16369 1.10277,-2.16369zm3.21167,12.16493c-1.87667,0 -3.63373,-1.14814 -5.14663,-3.14239c1.56571,1.02156 3.27993,1.59064 5.07786,1.59064c1.90905,0 3.72343,-0.63985 5.36539,-1.78497c-1.54429,2.11685 -3.35767,3.33672 -5.29662,3.33672l-0.00001,0z",
  12: "m9.27295,5.92958l-2.64443,-4.57961c-0.79727,-1.37992 -2.10131,-3.63983 -2.8986,-5.01973l-2.64441,-4.57858c-0.79782,-1.38093 -2.10186,-1.38093 -2.89913,0l-2.64335,4.57858c-0.79728,1.3799 -2.10188,3.63981 -2.89916,5.01973l-2.64387,4.57961c-0.79728,1.38101 -0.14472,2.50988 1.44983,2.50988l16.37221,0c1.59561,0 2.24711,-1.12887 1.45091,-2.50988l0,0zm-8.88166,0.70811l-1.56837,0l0,-1.50484l1.56837,0l0,1.50484zm-0.07527,-2.61447l-1.41621,0l-0.14044,-6.44231l1.68427,0l-0.12761,6.44231l0,0z",
  11: "m8.08295,-6.56414l-3.59319,0l0,-1.43586l-8.98155,0l0,1.43586l-3.59321,0c-1.0569,0 -1.915,0.85509 -1.915,1.91159l0,9.92258c0,1.05357 0.8581,1.91158 1.915,1.91158l16.16796,0c1.05692,0 1.91501,-0.85801 1.91501,-1.91158l0,-9.92258c0,-1.0565 -0.85809,-1.91159 -1.91501,-1.91159l0,0zm-8.08397,12.66884c-3.20143,0 -5.80643,-2.60031 -5.80643,-5.79596c0,-3.19569 2.605,-5.79891 5.80643,-5.79891s5.80789,2.60322 5.80789,5.79891c0,3.19565 -2.60794,5.79596 -5.80789,5.79596zm0,-9.6804c-2.15036,0 -3.89142,1.7394 -3.89142,3.88444c0,2.14503 1.74252,3.8844 3.89142,3.8844c2.1489,0 3.89141,-1.73937 3.89141,-3.8844c0,-2.14503 -1.74105,-3.88444 -3.89141,-3.88444z",
  10: "m0,-10c-0.20885,0 -0.39491,0.08583 -0.55177,0.24149c-0.15674,0.15536 -0.28646,0.37838 -0.39429,0.65665c-0.21586,0.55655 -0.34853,1.33844 -0.42114,2.27477c-0.07231,0.93446 -0.08474,2.02273 -0.05447,3.18765c-2.58175,1.05925 -7.81787,3.24648 -8.23854,3.73474c-0.56001,0.65029 -0.37908,1.3954 -0.15331,1.89002l8.608,-1.75235c0.18202,2.28374 0.4407,4.5455 0.66615,6.31771c-0.8418,0.24646 -2.41323,0.73303 -2.73754,1.03474c-0.4469,0.41562 -0.4469,1.75793 -0.4469,1.75793l3.52318,-0.28665c0.08286,0.57874 0.13486,0.9163 0.13486,0.9163l0.00511,0.03042l0.02778,0l0.06486,0l0.02778,0l0.00511,-0.03042c0,0 0.05185,-0.33756 0.13486,-0.9163l3.52424,0.28665c0,0 0,-1.34231 -0.44688,-1.75793c-0.32446,-0.30172 -1.89697,-0.7895 -2.73847,-1.0358c0.22484,-1.76681 0.4832,-4.02001 0.66507,-6.29634l8.50712,1.73203c0.22561,-0.49462 0.40765,-1.23973 -0.15237,-1.89002c-0.41538,-0.48221 -5.52504,-2.62071 -8.1386,-3.69423c0.03119,-1.17999 0.01971,-2.28285 -0.05353,-3.22816l0,-0.00233c-0.07263,-0.93523 -0.20545,-1.71635 -0.42114,-2.27244c-0.10784,-0.27827 -0.23634,-0.50114 -0.3932,-0.65665c-0.15689,-0.15567 -0.34293,-0.24149 -0.55195,-0.24149l0,0l0,0l0,0l0.00001,0l0,0l-0.00003,0.00001z",
  3: "m-10,0l10,-10l10,10l-10,10l-10,-10z",
  5: "M0,0 L-5,-15 0,-10 5,-15 z",
  6: "M0,0 L5,15 0,10 -5,15z",
  7: "M-5,-15 L0,0 5,-15",
  8: "M-5,15 L0,0 5,15",
  9: "m0,-24c-4.4183,0 -8,3.58167 -8,8c0,1.42102 0.3816,2.75 1.0312,3.90601c0.1079,0.19202 0.221,0.38098 0.3438,0.56299l6.625,11.53101l6.625,-11.53101c0.102,-0.151 0.19,-0.31097 0.281,-0.46899l0.063,-0.09399c0.649,-1.15601 1.031,-2.48499 1.031,-3.90601c0,-4.41833 -3.582,-8 -8,-8zm0,4c2.209,0 4,1.79089 4,4c0,2.20898 -1.791,4 -4,4c-2.2091,0 -4,-1.79102 -4,-4c0,-2.20911 1.7909,-4 4,-4z"
x.extend(qc.prototype, {
  Kn: function () {
    var a = this.lB;
    hg[a] && (a = hg[a]);
    switch (a) {
      case 1:
        var b = a = this.Pu(2),
          c =,
          d = this.Hi;
        this.size = new L(a, b);
        this.anchor = new L(a / 2 + d.width * c, b / 2 + d.height * c);
        this.path = 1;
      case 2:
        var a = this.Pu(4),
          b = this.Pu(2),
          d = this.Hi,
          e = ? :,
          c =;
        this.size = new L(a, b); = new L(Math.floor(-e / 2), Math.floor(-e / 2));
        this.anchor = new L(a / 2 + d.width * c, b / 2 + d.height * c);
        this.path = 2;
      case 4:
        b = a = this.Pu(20);
        d = this.Hi;
        c =;
        this.size = new L(a, b);
        this.anchor = new L(a / 2 + d.width * c, b / 2 + d.height * c);
        this.path = 4;
        var a = new z.eP(a),
          f = a.$a(),
          b = * Math.PI / 180,
          e = ? :,
          c =,
          d = this.Hi,
          g = new L(Math.floor(f.Bj * c - e / 2), Math.floor(f.Cj * c - e / 2)),
          c = {
            xO: new R(Math.floor(f.Bj * c - e / 2) - c * d.width, Math.floor(f.Cj * c - e / 2) - c * d.height),
            B1: new R(Math.floor(f.Bj * c - e / 2) - c * d.width, Math.ceil(f.An * c - e / 2) - c * d.height),
            A4: new R(Math.ceil(f.zn * c + e / 2) - c * d.width, Math.floor(f.Cj * c - e / 2) - c * d.height),
            C1: new R(Math.ceil(f.zn * c + e / 2) - c * d.width, Math.ceil(f.An * c + e / 2) - c * d.height)
          d = {},
          e = [],
          f = [],
        for (i in c) {
          var k = Math.cos(b) * c[i].x - Math.sin(b) * c[i].y,
            l = Math.sin(b) * c[i].x + Math.cos(b) * c[i].y;
          d[i] = new R(k, l);
        xmax = Math.max.apply(Math, e);
        ymax = Math.max.apply(Math, f);
        xmin = Math.min.apply(Math, e);
        ymin = Math.min.apply(Math, f);
        this.size = new L(Math.ceil(xmax - xmin), Math.ceil(ymax - ymin));
        this.anchor = new L(-xmin, -ymin); = new L(xmin - d.xO.x, ymin - d.xO.y);
        this.BA = new R(g.width, g.height);
        this.SI = b;
        this.path = a
  Pu: function (a) {
    return ? a * + % 3 + : a * + + % 2
  yb: function (a) {
    var b =;
    size = this.size; = a;
    a.getContext && a.getContext("2d") ? (a = this.Ih = a.getContext("2d"), a.fillStyle =,, a.strokeStyle =, : (a = new z.HP(a), a.fillStyle = {
    }, a.strokeStyle = {
    a.lineCap = "round";
    a.lineJoin = "round";
    a.lineWidth = || b; && a.translate(,;
    this.SI && a.rotate(this.SI);
    this.BA && a.translate(-this.BA.x, -this.BA.y);
    switch (this.path) {
      case 1:
        a.arc(size.width / 2, size.height / 2, b, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
      case 2:
        a.rect(0, 0, 4 * b, 2 * b);
      case 4:
        for (var c = size.width / 2, b = 10 * b, d = 2 * Math.PI / 10, e = 11; 0 != e; e--) {
          var f = b * (e % 2 + 1) / 2,
            g = d * e;
          a.lineTo(f * Math.sin(g) + c, f * Math.cos(g) + c)
        a.lineWidth /= b, a.scale(b, b), this.path.hi(a)
  setPath: function (a) {
    this.lB = a;
  setAnchor: function (a) {
    this.Hi = = a;
  setRotation: function (a) { = a;
  setScale: function (a) { = a;
  setStrokeWeight: function (a) { = a;
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


function Ff() {
  this.Cd = this.Ip = this.vp = this.Lj = p;
  this.qE = q; = p
}, jc, "MobileInfoWindow");
x.extend(Ff.prototype, {
  initialize: function (a) {
    this.C = a; = document.createElement("div"); = "iw"; = "position:absolute; line-height:28px; text-align:center; border:0px;";
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    this.Ip.className = "iw_r";
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    this.Cd = this.kk.getElementsByTagName("DIV")[0]; = "block"; = "block";
  bind: function () {
    var a = this;
    x.M(a.vp, "click", function (b) {
    x.M(a.Ip, "click", function (b) {
    x.M(a.kk, "click", function (a) {
    x.Gb("touchstart touchmove touchend gesturestart gesturechange mousedown mouseout mouseover click mousewheel keydown selectstart".split(" "), function (b) {
      x.M(a.kk, b, ma);
      x.M(a.vp, b, ma);
      x.M(a.Ip, b, ma)
  ZI: s(),
  OI: s(),
  ha: function () {
    return new H(this.iI.lng,
  ta: s(),
  Wa: u("qE"),
  U: function () {
    x.K.U(this.V); = "none";
    this.qE = q
  show: function (a) {
    a && (this.point = a);; = "block";
    this.qE = o;
    this.C.R.ob = this
  XZ: function () {
    var a = this.C,
      b = this.Uh,
      c = this.Lj.offsetWidth,
      d = this.Lj.offsetHeight,
      e = a.Bb(),
      c = c / 2 + 16,
      d = d / 2 + 78;
    if (this.Uh) {
      var f = new R(0, 0);
      b.x < c ? f.x = c - b.x : e.width - b.x - 8 < c && (f.x = e.width - b.x - 8 - c);
      b.y < d ? f.y = d - b.y : 60 > e.height - b.y && (f.y = e.height - b.y - 60);
      0 == f.x && 0 == f.y || a.wg(f.x, f.y)
  switchTo: function (a) {
    this.Uh = a.point;
    this.ef =;
    this.gk = a.uid;
    this.Zj =;
    this.tT = parseInt(;
    this.uT = parseInt(;
    this.iI = this.C.wb(this.Uh);;
  b4: function () {
    this.Lj.className = "iw_rt";;
  vZ: function () {
    this.kk.setAttribute("href", "" + this.gk + "&output=html&source=jsapi&operate=mapclick&clicktype=vector");
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    this.Cd.innerHTML = "<div class='iw_poir'><div class='crl_ar' style='white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis;overflow:hidden;'>" + this.ef + "</div></div>";
  TN: function () {
    var a = this;
    a.gE || (a.gE = setTimeout(function () {
      a.gE = p
    }, 100))
  S4: function () {
    var a = $("popList");
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  H1: function () {
    this.Cd.innerHTML = ""
  draw: function () {
    if (this.Uh) {
      var a = this.Uh,
        b = a.y; = a.x - 98 - this.tT + "px"; = b - 62 - this.uT + "px"
  m3: function () {
    Ua() && (location.href = "" + this.gk);
    G() && (location.href = "" + this.gk)
  SY: function () {
    var a = this.C.fa(),
      a = Math.pow(2, 18 - a),
      b = this.C.Bb(),
      c =,
      a = "" + this.xY({
        nb_x: c.lng + a * (this.Uh.x - b.width / 2),
        nb_y: - a * (this.Uh.y - b.height / 2),
        center_name: this.ef,
        from: "searchnearby"
      });, "_blank")
  AY: function () {
    var a = this.C.Xg,
      b = this.C.Wb() ? "&operate=vectorclick" : "&operate=mapclick",
      a = z.wc + "direction?origin=\u6211\u7684\u4f4d\u7f6e&destination=" + this.ef + "&mode=navigation&output=html&src=jsapi" + b + "&region=" + a;
    Qa("navlinkmobile");, "_blank")
  xY: function (a) {
    if (!a) return "";
    var b = [],
    for (c in a) b.push(c + "=" + encodeURIComponent(a[c]));
    return b.join("&")
z.uG = Ff;

window.cZ = function (a) {
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    a[b][7] = [g, i, k, l]
  return a
z.Db = {
  $K: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
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      b = b - 2,
      c = c - 3,
      d = d + 4,
      e = e + 4;;
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    a.lineTo(b + d, c + e - g);
    a.arc(b + d - g, c + e - g, g, 0, Math.PI / 2, q);
    a.lineTo(b + g, c + e);
    a.arc(b + g, c + e - g, g, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI, q);
    a.lineTo(b, c + g);
    a.arc(b + g, c + g, g, Math.PI, 3 * Math.PI / 2, q);
  YC: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, k) {
    6 > b.length || (d = d * Math.PI / 180, e = e * Math.PI / 180, this.gR(a, b, c, d, e, f, i, k), this.uR(a, b, c, d, e, g, i, k))
  gR: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i) {
    a.strokeStyle = g;
    a.lineWidth = i;
    a.fillStyle = f;
    f = 0;
    for (g = b.length; f < g; f += 2) {
      var i = b[f],
        k = b[f + 1],
        l = b[f + 2],
        m = b[f + 3],
        n = 0,
        t = 0,
        v = 0,
        w = 0;
      a.moveTo(i, k);
      a.lineTo(l, m);
      0 <= d && 0 <= e ? (n = l + c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), v = i + c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), t = m + c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e)), w = k + c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e))) : 0 <= d && 0 >= e ? (n = l + c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), v = i + c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), t = m - c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e)), w = k - c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e))) : 0 >= d && 0 <= e ? (n = l - c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), v = i - c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), t = m + c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e)), w = k + c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e))) : (n = l - c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), v = i - c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), t = m - c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e)), w = k - c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e)));
      a.lineTo(n, t);
      a.lineTo(v, w);
  uR: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i) {
    var k = 0,
      l = 0;
    0 <= d && 0 <= e ? (k = c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), l = -c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e))) : 0 <= d && 0 >= e ? (k = c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), l = c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e))) : 0 >= d && 0 <= e ? (k = -c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), l = -c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e))) : (k = -c * Math.sin(Math.abs(d)), l = c * Math.sin(Math.abs(e)));
    a.moveTo(b[0] + k, b[1] - l);
    c = 2;
    for (d = b.length; c < d; c += 2) a.lineTo(b[c] + k, b[c + 1] - l);
    a.strokeStyle = g;
    a.lineWidth = i;
    a.fillStyle = f;
  aC: function (a, b, c) {
    var c = 3.5 * Math.pow(c, 0.8),
      d = b[1] - a[1],
      e = b[0] - a[0],
      f = 1.8 * Math.sqrt(e * e + d * d),
      a = b[0] + e / f * c,
      f = b[1] + d / f * c,
      d = Math.atan2(d, e) + Math.PI,
      e = [-1, -1],
      g = [-1, -1];
    e[0] = a + c * Math.cos(d - 0.6);
    e[1] = f + c * Math.sin(d - 0.6);
    g[0] = a + c * Math.cos(d + 0.6);
    g[1] = f + c * Math.sin(d + 0.6);
    return [e, g, b]
  LK: function (a, b, c) {
    var d = b.length;
    if (2 < d) {
      var e = 0,
        f = 0;
      a.moveTo(b[0], b[1]);
      switch (d) {
        case 4:
          c = this.aC([b[0], b[1]], [b[2], b[3]], c);
          e = b[2];
          f = b[3];
          a.lineTo(e, f);
        case 6:
          var c = this.aC([b[2], b[3]], [b[4], b[5]], c),
            d = (b[0] + b[2]) / 2,
            g = (b[1] + b[3]) / 2,
            i = (b[2] + b[4]) / 2,
            k = (b[3] + b[5]) / 2,
            e = b[4],
            f = b[5];
          a.bezierCurveTo(d, g, i, k, e, f);
          c = this.aC([b[2], b[3]], [b[d - 2], b[d - 1]], c), e = b[d - 2], f = b[d - 1], a.bezierCurveTo(b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5], e, f)
      b = c[0];
      d = c[1];
      c = c[2];
      a.moveTo(e, f);
      a.lineTo(b[0], b[1]);
      a.lineTo(d[0], d[1]);
      a.lineTo(c[0], c[1]);
  uW: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, k) {
    a.lineWidth = d;
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        l = b[d + 3] - g,
        m = 0 !== i ? l / i : 0 < l ? 1E15 : -1E15,
        l = Math.sqrt(i * i + l * l),
        n = c;
      for (a.moveTo(k, g); 0.1 <= l;) {
        n > l && (n = l);
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  sW: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, k) {
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      v = b[n + 1],
      w = b[n + 2],
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            J = c * (w - t) / A,
            P = c * (y - v) / A,
            N = C == k ? 0 : 1,
            Q = t + g * (w - t) / A,
            A = v + g * (y - v) / A;
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            a.strokeStyle = f;
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              for (n = 0; n < m.length; n++) a.lineTo(m[1], B[1]);
              a.lineTo(t, v)
            a.lineTo(Q, A);
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          v = 0 == D % 2 && C == k || 0 != D % 2 && C == i;
          g = c - E;
          m[n] = Q + J * t;
          B[n] = A + P * t;
          f = v ? k : i
        } else g -= A, m[++n] = w, B[++n] = y;
        d == l - 2 && 0 != E && (a.beginPath(), a.strokeStyle = f, a.moveTo(m, B), a.lineTo(w, y), a.stroke())
  ue: function (a) {
    a >>>= 0;
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    return a & 2 ? "italic" : ""
  eM: function (a) {
    return !!(a & 16)
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  ox: function (a) {
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x.extend(Fc.prototype, {
  YP: function () {
  Ux: function (a) {;
    this.loaded || (this.Kx(), this.XH(o), this.loaded = o);
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  ra: function () {
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  Vg: function (a) {
    var b = this,
      c =,
      a =;
    if (c instanceof bb) a && !c.Im && (c.ra(, this.ld), c.Im = o);
    else if (c.Ch &&, c.qp) {
      for (a = 0; a < b.Bg.length; a++)
        if (b.Bg[a] === c) return;
      I.load("vector", function () {
        c.ra(, b.ld);
      }, o)
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      for (a = 0; a < b.Wf.length; a++)
        if (b.Wf[a] === c) return;
      c.ra(, this.yl); && b.Tf()
  wh: function (a) {
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      b =;
    if (a instanceof bb) b && a.Im && (a.remove(), a.Im = q);
    else if (a.Ch &&, a.qp) {
      for (var c = 0, b = this.Bg.length; c < b; c++) a === this.Bg[c] && this.Bg.splice(c, 1);
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        d =;
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        var e = c.split("-")[1];
        e === + "" && delete d[c]
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      c = 0;
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  JY: function (a) {
    var b =;
    if (b.D.Ro) {
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  AK: function (a) {
    var b =;
    if (b.D.gD) {
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        d = 1,
        e = c,
        f = new L(0, 0);
      "onrightdblclick" === a.type && (d = -1, e = new R(b.width / 2, b.height / 2));
      a = b.Wn(b.Oa + d);
      a.pD ? 1 === d && (c = b.wb(c), b.ui(c)) : (b.dispatchEvent(new M("onzoomstart")), b.Lc = b.Oa, b.Oa = a.zoom, 1 === d && ( = this.iA(c), b.Oe =, b.Xb), d = 0.5 * (b.oa().yc(b.Lc) / b.oa().yc(a.zoom)), f.width = c.x - Math.round(b.width / 2) * d, f.height = c.y - Math.round(b.height / 2) * d), this.zoom(e, f));
      G() && (b = && b.U()
  qM: function (a) {
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  iA: function (a) {
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      c =,
      d = b.oa().yc(b.Lc);
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  zoom: function (a, b) {
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      e = d.Oa,
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      e = d.D,
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    c.ld && ( = "hidden");
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      g = d.Oa - d.Lc;
    c.Lq ? 0 < d.Oa - d.Lc ? c.Lq++ : c.Lq-- : c.Lq = g;
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      n =,
      t =;
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        y = n.children[v].style; = parseInt( || 0;
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      w.kf = ( - l) * g - ( - l);
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      y.display = "block"
    n.lT = parseInt(;
    n.pT = parseInt(;
    this.$h && (this.$h.stop(), this.$h = p);
    this.$h = new qb({
      Gc: 20,
      duration: e.Qo ? e.q0 : 1,
      jc: rb.bD,
      va: function (a) {
        if (!(a < 0.1)) {
          for (var b = m.length - 1; b > -1; b--) {
            var c = m[b];
            if (n.children[b]) {
              var d = n.children[b].style;
     = Math.round( + c.kf * a) + "px";
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   = n.pT - k * a + "px"
      finish: function () {
        d.od && ( && < 8 || document.compatMode === "BackCompat" ? : setTimeout(function () {

        }, 100)); = ""; = "";
        delete c.Lq;
        d.dispatchEvent(new M("onzoomend"));
        setTimeout(function () {
          if (c.ld) = "";
        }, 10);
        n = p;
        c.$h = p
  zg: function () {
    var a = this,
      b =;
    b.addEventListener("tilesloaded", function () {
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 200);
      b.removeEventListener("tilesloaded", arguments.callee)
    for (var c in this.Hx([c]);
    for (c in this.Hx([c]);
    c = this.Mm;
    for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) c[d].remove();
    delete this.Rb;
    this.Mm = []; = = {};
  mU: function (a) {
    var b =,
      a = a || q;
    if ( && !this.$h && (, = p, = a ? this.xb.cloneNode(o) : this.Rb.cloneNode(o));
    else if (a) { = this.xb.cloneNode();
      for (var a = this.xb.childNodes, c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) {
        var e = a[c].cloneNode(o); = "none";
        e.getContext("2d").drawImage(a[c], 0, 0);
    } else = this.Rb.cloneNode(o);
    a =;
    c =;
    c.display = "";
    c.zIndex -= 100;
    b.platform.insertBefore(a, b.platform.firstChild)
  Fv: function () { && (Lc(, && (, = "", = p))
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago

BMap_tile_pp5s2s (紧跟上一楼)


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    1124: [1, "biaopai_shengdao", [5, "", 9, -1, 0, -1]],
    1125: [1, "biaopai_shengdao", [5, "", 9, -1, 0, -1]],
    1126: [1, "biaopai_shengdao", [5, "", 9, -1, 0, -1]],
    1127: [1, "biaopai_xiandao", [5, "", 9, 1835888127, 0, -1]],
    1128: [1, "biaopai_xiandao", [5, "", 9, 1835888127, 0, -1]],
    1129: [1, "biaopai_xiandao", [5, "", 9, 1835888127, 0, -1]],
    113: [2, -593543425, 4, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1130: [1, "biaopai_xiandao", [5, "", 9, 1835888127, 0, -1]],
    1131: [1, "biaopai_gaosu1", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1132: [1, "biaopai_gaosu1", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1133: [1, "biaopai_gaosu1", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1134: [1, "biaopai_gaosu1", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1135: [1, "biaopai_gaosu1", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1136: [1, "biaopai_gaosu1", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1137: [1, "biaopai_gaosu2", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1138: [1, "biaopai_gaosu2", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1139: [1, "biaopai_gaosu2", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    114: [2, -593543425, 6, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1140: [1, "biaopai_gaosu2", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1141: [1, "biaopai_gaosu2", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1142: [1, "biaopai_gaosu2", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    1143: [5, "", 10, 255, 16, -1],
    1144: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    1145: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    1146: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    1147: [5, "", 12, 255, 16, -1],
    1148: [5, "", 12, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1149: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    115: [2, -593543425, 10, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1150: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1151: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1152: [5, "", 14, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1153: [5, "", 12, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1154: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1155: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1156: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1157: [5, "", 14, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1158: [5, "", 11, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1159: [5, "", 12, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    116: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1160: [5, "", 13, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1161: [5, "", 13, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1162: [5, "", 13, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1163: [5, "", 14, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1164: [5, "", 11, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1165: [5, "", 12, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1166: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1167: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1168: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1169: [5, "", 14, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    117: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1170: [5, "", 12, 2117931775, 16, -20748801],
    1171: [5, "", 12, 2117931775, 16, -20748801],
    1172: [5, "", 14, 2117931775, 16, -20748801],
    1173: [5, "", 14, 2117931775, 16, -20748801],
    1174: [5, "", 14, 2117931775, 16, -20748801],
    1175: [5, "", 15, 2117931775, 16, -20748801],
    1176: [5, "", 11, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1177: [5, "", 11, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1178: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1179: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    118: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1180: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1181: [5, "", 14, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1182: [5, "", 10, 255, 16, -1],
    1183: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    1184: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    1185: [5, "", 12, 255, 16, -1],
    1186: [5, "", 12, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1187: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1188: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1189: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    119: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1190: [5, "", 14, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1191: [5, "", 12, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1192: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1193: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1194: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1195: [5, "", 14, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1196: [5, "", 11, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1197: [5, "", 12, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1198: [5, "", 13, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1199: [5, "", 13, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    12: [2, -1067009, 4, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    120: [2, -559393793, 4, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1200: [5, "", 13, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1201: [5, "", 14, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1202: [5, "", 12, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1203: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1204: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1205: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1206: [5, "", 14, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1207: [5, "", 11, 255551231, 16, -1],
    1208: [5, "", 11, 255551231, 16, -1],
    1209: [5, "", 11, 255551231, 16, -1],
    121: [2, -559393793, 6, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1210: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    1211: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    1212: [5, "", 12, 255, 16, -1],
    1213: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1214: [5, "", 14, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1215: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1216: [5, "", 14, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1217: [5, "", 13, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1218: [5, "", 14, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1219: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    122: [2, -559393793, 10, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1220: [5, "", 14, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1221: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    1222: [5, "", 12, 255, 16, -1],
    1223: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1224: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1225: [5, "", 14, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1226: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1227: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1228: [5, "", 14, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1229: [5, "", 13, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    123: [2, -303174145, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    1230: [5, "", 13, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1231: [5, "", 14, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1232: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1233: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1234: [5, "", 14, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1235: [5, "", 12, 1613110527, 16, -224504833],
    1236: [5, "", 12, 1613110527, 16, -224504833],
    1237: [5, "", 14, 1613110527, 16, -224504833],
    1238: [5, "", 12, -1856301825, 16, -3905793],
    1239: [5, "", 12, -1856301825, 16, -3905793],
    124: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    1240: [5, "", 14, -1856301825, 16, -3905793],
    1241: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    1242: [5, "", 12, 255, 16, -1],
    1243: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1244: [5, "", 14, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1245: [5, "", 13, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1246: [5, "", 14, -1806167297, 16, -16928257],
    1247: [5, "", 13, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1248: [5, "", 14, -1789324545, 16, -559873],
    1249: [5, "", 13, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    125: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    1250: [5, "", 14, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    1251: [2, 89, 1.5, 0, 0, [], 0, 1],
    1252: [2, -1802201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1253: [2, -1802201857, 3, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1254: [2, -1802201857, 5, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1255: [2, -1, 1.5, 0, 2, [10, 11], 1, 0],
    1256: [2, -1, 2.5, 0, 2, [15, 16], 1, 0],
    1257: [2, -1, 4.5, 0, 2, [25, 26], 1, 0],
    1258: [2, -129, 3, 2, 2, [9, 2], 1, 0],
    1259: [2, -129, 3, 2, 2, [9, 2], 1, 0],
    126: [2, -758265345, 4, 2, 2, [1, 6], 1, 0],
    1260: [2, -129, 3, 2, 2, [9, 2], 1, 0],
    1261: [2, -2038003969, 1, 2, 2, [7, 4], 1, 0],
    1262: [2, 1852731135, 1, 2, 2, [7, 4], 1, 0],
    1263: [2, 1852731135, 1, 2, 2, [7, 4], 1, 0],
    1264: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1265: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1266: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1267: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1268: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1269: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    127: [2, -758265345, 5, 2, 2, [1, 6], 1, 0],
    1270: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1271: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1272: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1273: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1274: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1275: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1276: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1277: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1278: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1279: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    128: [2, -758265345, 7, 2, 2, [1, 10], 1, 0],
    1280: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1281: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1282: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1283: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1284: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1285: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1286: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1287: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1288: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1289: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    129: [2, -758265345, 7, 2, 2, [1, 6], 1, 0],
    1290: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1291: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1292: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1293: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1294: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1295: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1296: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1297: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1298: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1299: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    13: [2, -1297845761, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    130: [2, -303174145, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    1300: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1301: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1302: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1303: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1304: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1305: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1306: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1307: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1308: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1309: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    131: [2, -454761217, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    1310: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1311: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1312: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1313: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1314: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1315: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1316: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1317: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1318: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1319: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    132: [2, -454761217, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    1320: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1321: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1322: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1323: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1324: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1325: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1326: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1327: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1328: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1329: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    133: [2, -758265345, 6, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    1330: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1331: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1332: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1333: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1334: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1335: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1336: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1337: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1338: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1339: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    134: [2, -758265345, 8, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    1340: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1341: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1342: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1343: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1344: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1345: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1346: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1347: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1348: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1349: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    135: [2, -758265345, 10, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    1350: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1351: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1352: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1353: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1354: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1355: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1356: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1357: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1358: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1359: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    136: [2, -758265345, 10, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    1360: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1361: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1362: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1363: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1364: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1365: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1366: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1367: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1368: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1369: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    137: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    1370: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1371: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1372: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1373: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1374: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1375: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1376: [2, -481736193, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1377: [2, -481736193, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1378: [2, -481736193, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1379: [2, -481736193, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    138: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    1380: [2, -481736448, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1381: [2, -481736448, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1382: [2, -481736448, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1383: [2, 224369151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1384: [2, 224369151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1385: [2, 224369151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1386: [2, 224369151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1387: [2, 224368896, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1388: [2, 224368896, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1389: [2, 224368896, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    139: [2, -455423489, 4, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    1390: [2, 1304012031, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1391: [2, 1304012031, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1392: [2, 1304012031, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1393: [2, 1304012031, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1394: [2, 1304011776, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1395: [2, 1304011776, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1396: [2, 1304011776, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1397: [2, -864374273, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1398: [2, -864374273, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1399: [2, -864374273, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    14: [2, -1297845761, 2, 2, 2, [8, 8], 1, 0],
    140: [2, -455423489, 4, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    1400: [2, -864374273, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1401: [2, -864374528, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1402: [2, -864374528, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1403: [2, -864374528, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1404: [2, -1332988673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1405: [2, -1332988673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1406: [2, -1332988673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1407: [2, -1332988673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1408: [2, -1332988928, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1409: [2, -1332988928, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    141: [2, -843149313, 6, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    1410: [2, -1332988928, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1411: [2, 882914559, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1412: [2, 882914559, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1413: [2, 882914559, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1414: [2, 882914559, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1415: [2, 882914304, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1416: [2, 882914304, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1417: [2, 882914304, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1418: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1419: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    142: [2, -843149313, 6, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    1420: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1421: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1422: [2, 1806911232, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1423: [2, 1806911232, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1424: [2, 1806911232, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1425: [2, 27450111, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1426: [2, 27450111, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1427: [2, 27450111, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1428: [2, 27450111, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1429: [2, 27449856, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    143: [2, -843149313, 8, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    1430: [2, 27449856, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1431: [2, 27449856, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1432: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1433: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1434: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1435: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1436: [2, -105309952, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1437: [2, -105309952, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1438: [2, -105309952, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1439: [2, -1721303041, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    144: [2, -843149313, 10, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    1440: [2, -1721303041, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1441: [2, -1721303041, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1442: [2, -1721303041, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1443: [2, -1721303296, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1444: [2, -1721303296, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1445: [2, -1721303296, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1446: [2, 2119794687, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1447: [2, 2119794687, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1448: [2, 2119794687, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1449: [2, 2119794687, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    145: [2, -843149313, 14, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    1450: [2, 2119794432, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1451: [2, 2119794432, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1452: [2, 2119794432, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1453: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1454: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1455: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1456: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1457: [2, -701218560, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1458: [2, -701218560, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1459: [2, -701218560, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    146: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    1460: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1461: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1462: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1463: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1464: [2, -4508928, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1465: [2, -4508928, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1466: [2, -4508928, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1467: [2, -1287151105, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1468: [2, -1287151105, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1469: [2, -1287151105, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    147: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    1470: [2, -1287151105, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1471: [2, -1287151360, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1472: [2, -1287151360, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1473: [2, -1287151360, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1474: [2, 1304012031, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1475: [2, 1304012031, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1476: [2, 1304012031, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1477: [2, 1304012031, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1478: [2, 1304011776, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1479: [2, 1304011776, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    148: [2, -455423489, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    1480: [2, 1304011776, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1481: [2, -1721025025, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1482: [2, -1721025025, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1483: [2, -1721025025, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1484: [2, -1721025025, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1485: [2, -1721025280, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1486: [2, -1721025280, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1487: [2, -1721025280, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1488: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1489: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    149: [2, -455423489, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    1490: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1491: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1492: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1493: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1494: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1495: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1496: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1497: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1498: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1499: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    15: [2, -1297845761, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    150: [2, -843149313, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    1500: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1501: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1502: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1503: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1504: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1505: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1506: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1507: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1508: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1509: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    151: [2, -843149313, 6, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    1510: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1511: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1512: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1513: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1514: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1515: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1516: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1517: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1518: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1519: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    152: [2, -843149313, 8, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    1520: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1521: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1522: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1523: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1524: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1525: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1526: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1527: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1528: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1529: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    153: [2, -843149313, 10, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    1530: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1531: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1532: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1533: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1534: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1535: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1536: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1537: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1538: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1539: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    154: [2, -843149313, 14, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    1540: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1541: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1542: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1543: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1544: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1545: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1546: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1547: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1548: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1549: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    155: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    1550: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1551: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1552: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1553: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1554: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1555: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1556: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1557: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1558: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1559: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    156: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    1560: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1561: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1562: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1563: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1564: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1565: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1566: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1567: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1568: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1569: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    157: [2, -237677057, 5, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    1570: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1571: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1572: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1573: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1574: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1575: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1576: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1577: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1578: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1579: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    158: [2, -237677057, 6, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    1580: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1581: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1582: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1583: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1584: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1585: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1586: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1587: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1588: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1589: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    159: [2, -237677057, 8, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    1590: [2, -701218560, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1591: [2, -701218560, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1592: [2, -701218560, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1593: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1594: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1595: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1596: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1597: [2, 751052544, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1598: [2, 751052544, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1599: [2, 751052544, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    16: [2, -858993409, 1, 2, 2, [6, 3], 1, 0],
    160: [2, -237677057, 10, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    1600: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1601: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1602: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1603: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1604: [2, -105309952, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1605: [2, -105309952, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1606: [2, -105309952, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1607: [2, 2118632191, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1608: [2, 2118632191, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1609: [2, 2118632191, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    161: [2, -237677057, 12, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    1610: [2, 2118632191, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1611: [2, 2118631936, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1612: [2, 2118631936, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1613: [2, 2118631936, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1614: [2, -536826881, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1615: [2, -536826881, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1616: [2, -536826881, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1617: [2, -536826881, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1618: [2, -536827136, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1619: [2, -536827136, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    162: [2, -237677057, 16, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    1620: [2, -536827136, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1621: [2, -13408513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1622: [2, -13408513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1623: [2, -13408513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1624: [2, -13408513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1625: [2, -13408768, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1626: [2, -13408768, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1627: [2, -13408768, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1628: [2, -8453889, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1629: [2, -8453889, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    163: [2, -237677057, 16, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    1630: [2, -8453889, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1631: [2, -8453889, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1632: [2, -8454144, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1633: [2, -8454144, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1634: [2, -8454144, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1635: [2, 9159679, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1636: [2, 9159679, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1637: [2, 9159679, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1638: [2, 9159679, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1639: [2, 9159424, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    164: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1640: [2, 9159424, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1641: [2, 9159424, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1642: [2, -2118007041, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1643: [2, -2118007041, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1644: [2, -2118007041, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1645: [2, -2118007041, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1646: [2, -2118007296, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1647: [2, -2118007296, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1648: [2, -2118007296, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1649: [2, -944778241, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    165: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1650: [2, -944778241, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1651: [2, -944778241, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1652: [2, -944778241, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1653: [2, -944778496, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1654: [2, -944778496, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1655: [2, -944778496, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1656: [2, -1725026561, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1657: [2, -1725026561, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1658: [2, -1725026561, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1659: [2, -1725026561, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    166: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1660: [2, -1725026816, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1661: [2, -1725026816, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1662: [2, -1725026816, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1663: [2, -493832449, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1664: [2, -493832449, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1665: [2, -493832449, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1666: [2, -493832449, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1667: [2, -493832704, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1668: [2, -493832704, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1669: [2, -493832704, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    167: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1670: [2, 2119794687, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1671: [2, 2119794687, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1672: [2, 2119794687, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1673: [2, 2119794687, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1674: [2, 2119794432, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1675: [2, 2119794432, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1676: [2, 2119794432, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1677: [2, -519764481, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1678: [2, -519764481, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1679: [2, -519764481, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    168: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1680: [2, -519764481, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1681: [2, -519764736, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1682: [2, -519764736, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1683: [2, -519764736, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1684: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1685: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1686: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1687: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1688: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1689: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    169: [2, -559393793, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1690: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1691: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1692: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1693: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1694: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1695: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1696: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1697: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1698: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1699: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    17: [2, 1936946175, 1, 2, 2, [6, 3], 1, 0],
    170: [2, -559393793, 12, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1700: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1701: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1702: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1703: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1704: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1705: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1706: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1707: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1708: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1709: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    171: [2, -559393793, 14, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1710: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1711: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1712: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1713: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1714: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1715: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1716: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1717: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1718: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1719: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    172: [2, -559393793, 18, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1720: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1721: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1722: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1723: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1724: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1725: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1726: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1727: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1728: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1729: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    173: [2, -559393793, 18, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1730: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1731: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1732: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1733: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1734: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1735: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1736: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1737: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1738: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1739: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    174: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1740: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1741: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1742: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1743: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1744: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1745: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1746: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1747: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1748: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1749: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    175: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1750: [2, -105309697, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1751: [2, -105309952, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1752: [2, -105309952, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1753: [2, -105309952, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1754: [2, 491577855, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1755: [2, 491577855, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1756: [2, 491577855, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1757: [2, 491577855, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1758: [2, 491577600, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1759: [2, 491577600, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    176: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1760: [2, 491577600, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1761: [2, -312199681, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1762: [2, -312199681, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1763: [2, -312199681, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1764: [2, -312199681, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1765: [2, -312199936, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1766: [2, -312199936, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1767: [2, -312199936, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1768: [2, -312199681, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1769: [2, -312199681, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    177: [2, -559393793, 7, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1770: [2, -312199681, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1771: [2, -312199681, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1772: [2, -312199936, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1773: [2, -312199936, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1774: [2, -312199936, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1775: [2, 10027263, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1776: [2, 10027263, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1777: [2, 10027263, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1778: [2, 10027263, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1779: [2, 10027008, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    178: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1780: [2, 10027008, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1781: [2, 10027008, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1782: [2, -872362753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1783: [2, -872362753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1784: [2, -872362753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1785: [2, -872362753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1786: [2, -872363008, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1787: [2, -872363008, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1788: [2, -872363008, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1789: [2, 10004223, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    179: [2, -559393793, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1790: [2, 10004223, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1791: [2, 10004223, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1792: [2, 10004223, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1793: [2, 10003968, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1794: [2, 10003968, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1795: [2, 10003968, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1796: [2, -1261683201, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1797: [2, -1261683201, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1798: [2, -1261683201, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1799: [2, -1261683201, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    18: [2, 1936946175, 1, 2, 2, [6, 3], 1, 0],
    180: [2, -559393793, 15, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1800: [2, -1261683456, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1801: [2, -1261683456, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1802: [2, -1261683456, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1803: [2, 1283424255, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1804: [2, 1283424255, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1805: [2, 1283424255, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1806: [2, 1283424255, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1807: [2, 1283424E3, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1808: [2, 1283424E3, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1809: [2, 1283424E3, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    181: [2, -559393793, 17, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1810: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1811: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1812: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1813: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1814: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1815: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1816: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1817: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1818: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1819: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    182: [2, -559393793, 19, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1820: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1821: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1822: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1823: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1824: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1825: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1826: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1827: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1828: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1829: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    183: [2, -559393793, 19, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1830: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1831: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1832: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1833: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1834: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1835: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1836: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1837: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1838: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1839: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    184: [2, -593543425, 4, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1840: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1841: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1842: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1843: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1844: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1845: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1846: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1847: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1848: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1849: [2, 751052544, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    185: [2, -593543425, 4, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1850: [2, 751052544, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1851: [2, 751052544, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1852: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1853: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1854: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1855: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1856: [2, -4508928, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1857: [2, -4508928, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1858: [2, -4508928, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1859: [2, 1030606079, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    186: [2, -593543425, 5, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1860: [2, 1030606079, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1861: [2, 1030606079, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1862: [2, 1030606079, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1863: [2, 1030605824, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1864: [2, 1030605824, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1865: [2, 1030605824, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1866: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1867: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1868: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1869: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    187: [2, -593543425, 6, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1870: [2, -701218560, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1871: [2, -701218560, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1872: [2, -701218560, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1873: [2, 1816959487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1874: [2, 1816959487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1875: [2, 1816959487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1876: [2, 1816959487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1877: [2, 1816959232, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1878: [2, 1816959232, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1879: [2, 1816959232, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    188: [2, -593543425, 7, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1880: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1881: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1882: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1883: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1884: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1885: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1886: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1887: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1888: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1889: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    189: [2, -593543425, 9, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1890: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1891: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1892: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1893: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1894: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1895: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1896: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1897: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1898: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0]
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago

BMap_tile_pp5s2s (紧跟上一楼)


let tempObj = {
1899: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    19: [2, -858993409, 1, 2, 2, [6, 3], 1, 0],
    190: [2, -593543425, 14, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1900: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1901: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1902: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1903: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1904: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1905: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1906: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1907: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1908: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1909: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    191: [2, -593543425, 16, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1910: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1911: [2, 751052799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1912: [2, 751052544, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1913: [2, 751052544, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1914: [2, 751052544, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1915: [2, 1232784639, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1916: [2, 1232784639, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1917: [2, 1232784639, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1918: [2, 1232784639, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1919: [2, 1232784384, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    192: [2, -593543425, 20, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1920: [2, 1232784384, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1921: [2, 1232784384, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1922: [2, -701152513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1923: [2, -701152513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1924: [2, -701152513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1925: [2, -701152513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1926: [2, -701152768, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1927: [2, -701152768, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1928: [2, -701152768, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1929: [2, -261847809, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    193: [2, -593543425, 20, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1930: [2, -261847809, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1931: [2, -261847809, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1932: [2, -261847809, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1933: [2, -261848064, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1934: [2, -261848064, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1935: [2, -261848064, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1936: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1937: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1938: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1939: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    194: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1940: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1941: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1942: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1943: [2, -867020033, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1944: [2, -867020033, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1945: [2, -867020033, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1946: [2, -867020033, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1947: [2, -867020288, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1948: [2, -867020288, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1949: [2, -867020288, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    195: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1950: [2, -748541441, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1951: [2, -748541441, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1952: [2, -748541441, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1953: [2, -748541441, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1954: [2, -748541696, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1955: [2, -748541696, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1956: [2, -748541696, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1957: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1958: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1959: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    196: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1960: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1961: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1962: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1963: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1964: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1965: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1966: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1967: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1968: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1969: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    197: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1970: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1971: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1972: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1973: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1974: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1975: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1976: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1977: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1978: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1979: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    198: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1980: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1981: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1982: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1983: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1984: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1985: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1986: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1987: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1988: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1989: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    199: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    1990: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1991: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1992: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1993: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1994: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1995: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1996: [2, -701218560, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1997: [2, -701218560, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1998: [2, -701218560, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    1999: [2, -372571905, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2: [3, -168562433, []],
    20: [2, 1936946175, 1, 2, 2, [6, 3], 1, 0],
    200: [2, -559393793, 12, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    2E3: [2, -372571905, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2001: [2, -372571905, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2002: [2, -372571905, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2003: [2, -372572160, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2004: [2, -372572160, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2005: [2, -372572160, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2006: [2, 92056319, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2007: [2, 92056319, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2008: [2, 92056319, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2009: [2, 92056319, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    201: [2, -559393793, 16, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    2010: [2, 92056064, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2011: [2, 92056064, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2012: [2, 92056064, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2013: [2, 119573247, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2014: [2, 119573247, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2015: [2, 119573247, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2016: [2, 119573247, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2017: [2, 119572992, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2018: [2, 119572992, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2019: [2, 119572992, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    202: [2, -559393793, 18, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    2020: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2021: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2022: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2023: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2024: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2025: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2026: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2027: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2028: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2029: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    203: [2, -559393793, 18, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    2030: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2031: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2032: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2033: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2034: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2035: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2036: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2037: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2038: [2, 6736896, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2039: [2, 6736896, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    204: [2, -303174145, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2040: [2, 6736896, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2041: [2, -308492289, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2042: [2, -308492289, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2043: [2, -308492289, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2044: [2, -308492289, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2045: [2, -308492544, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2046: [2, -308492544, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2047: [2, -308492544, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2048: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2049: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    205: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2050: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2051: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2052: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2053: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2054: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2055: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2056: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2057: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2058: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2059: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    206: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2060: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2061: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2062: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2063: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2064: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2065: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2066: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2067: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2068: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2069: [2, 1555621375, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    207: [2, -758265345, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2070: [2, 1555621375, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2071: [2, 1555621375, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2072: [2, 1555621375, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2073: [2, 1555621120, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2074: [2, 1555621120, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2075: [2, 1555621120, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2076: [2, 1555621375, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2077: [2, 1555621375, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2078: [2, 1555621375, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2079: [2, 1555621375, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    208: [2, -758265345, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2080: [2, 1555621120, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2081: [2, 1555621120, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2082: [2, 1555621120, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2083: [2, -701152513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2084: [2, -701152513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2085: [2, -701152513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2086: [2, -701152513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2087: [2, -701152768, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2088: [2, -701152768, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2089: [2, -701152768, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    209: [2, -758265345, 7, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2090: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2091: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2092: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2093: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2094: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2095: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2096: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2097: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2098: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2099: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    21: [2, 1936946175, 1, 2, 2, [6, 3], 1, 0],
    210: [2, -758265345, 7, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2100: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2101: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2102: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2103: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2104: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2105: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2106: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2107: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2108: [2, 6736896, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2109: [2, 6736896, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    211: [2, -303174145, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2110: [2, 6736896, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2111: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2112: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2113: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2114: [2, 6737151, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2115: [2, 6736896, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2116: [2, 6736896, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2117: [2, 6736896, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2118: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2119: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    212: [2, -454761217, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2120: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2121: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2122: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2123: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2124: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2125: [2, 8912127, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2126: [2, 8912127, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2127: [2, 8912127, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2128: [2, 8912127, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2129: [2, 8911872, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    213: [2, -454761217, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2130: [2, 8911872, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2131: [2, 8911872, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2132: [2, -328597249, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2133: [2, -328597249, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2134: [2, -328597249, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2135: [2, -328597249, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2136: [2, -328597504, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2137: [2, -328597504, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2138: [2, -328597504, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2139: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    214: [2, -758265345, 6, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2140: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2141: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2142: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2143: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2144: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2145: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2146: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2147: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2148: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2149: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    215: [2, -758265345, 8, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2150: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2151: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2152: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2153: [2, -1261683201, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2154: [2, -1261683201, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2155: [2, -1261683201, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2156: [2, -1261683201, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2157: [2, -1261683456, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2158: [2, -1261683456, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2159: [2, -1261683456, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    216: [2, -758265345, 10, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2160: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2161: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2162: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2163: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2164: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2165: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2166: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2167: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2168: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2169: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    217: [2, -758265345, 10, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2170: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2171: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2172: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2173: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2174: [2, -481736193, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2175: [2, -481736193, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2176: [2, -481736193, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2177: [2, -481736193, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2178: [2, -481736448, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2179: [2, -481736448, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    218: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2180: [2, -481736448, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2181: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2182: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2183: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2184: [2, -4508673, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2185: [2, -4508928, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2186: [2, -4508928, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2187: [2, -4508928, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2188: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2189: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    219: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2190: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2191: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2192: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2193: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2194: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2195: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2196: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2197: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2198: [2, -701218305, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2199: [2, -701218560, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    22: [2, -858993409, 1, 2, 2, [6, 3], 1, 0],
    220: [2, -455423489, 4, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2200: [2, -701218560, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2201: [2, -701218560, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2202: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2203: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2204: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2205: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2206: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2207: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2208: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2209: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    221: [2, -455423489, 6, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2210: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2211: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2212: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2213: [2, 1806911232, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2214: [2, 1806911232, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2215: [2, 1806911232, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2216: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2217: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2218: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2219: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    222: [2, -843149313, 6, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2220: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2221: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2222: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2223: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2224: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2225: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2226: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2227: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2228: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2229: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    223: [2, -843149313, 6, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2230: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2231: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2232: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2233: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2234: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2235: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2236: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2237: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2238: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2239: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    224: [2, -843149313, 8, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2240: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2241: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2242: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2243: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2244: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2245: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2246: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2247: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2248: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2249: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    225: [2, -843149313, 10, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2250: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2251: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2252: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2253: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2254: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2255: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2256: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2257: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2258: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2259: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    226: [2, -843149313, 14, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2260: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2261: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2262: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2263: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2264: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2265: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2266: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2267: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2268: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2269: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    227: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2270: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2271: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2272: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2273: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2274: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2275: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2276: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2277: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2278: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2279: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    228: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2280: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2281: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2282: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2283: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2284: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2285: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2286: [2, -813057025, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2287: [2, -813057025, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2288: [2, -813057025, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2289: [2, -813057025, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    229: [2, -455423489, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2290: [2, -813057280, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2291: [2, -813057280, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2292: [2, -813057280, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2293: [2, -375840513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2294: [2, -375840513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2295: [2, -375840513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2296: [2, -375840513, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2297: [2, -375840768, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2298: [2, -375840768, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2299: [2, -375840768, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    23: [2, 1936946175, 1, 2, 2, [6, 3], 1, 0],
    230: [2, -455423489, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2300: [2, 1385155839, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2301: [2, 1385155839, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2302: [2, 1385155839, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2303: [2, 1385155839, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2304: [2, 1385155584, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2305: [2, 1385155584, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2306: [2, 1385155584, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2307: [2, 731590655, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2308: [2, 731590655, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2309: [2, 731590655, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    231: [2, -843149313, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2310: [2, 731590655, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2311: [2, 731590400, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2312: [2, 731590400, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2313: [2, 731590400, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2314: [2, 8421631, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2315: [2, 8421631, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2316: [2, 8421631, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2317: [2, 8421631, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2318: [2, 8421376, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2319: [2, 8421376, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    232: [2, -843149313, 6, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2320: [2, 8421376, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2321: [2, -633391617, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2322: [2, -633391617, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2323: [2, -633391617, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2324: [2, -633391617, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2325: [2, -633391872, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2326: [2, -633391872, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2327: [2, -633391872, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2328: [2, -1638519809, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2329: [2, -1638519809, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    233: [2, -843149313, 8, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2330: [2, -1638519809, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2331: [2, -1638519809, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2332: [2, -1638520064, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2333: [2, -1638520064, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2334: [2, -1638520064, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2335: [2, -1725003777, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2336: [2, -1725003777, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2337: [2, -1725003777, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2338: [2, -1725003777, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2339: [2, -1725004032, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    234: [2, -843149313, 10, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2340: [2, -1725004032, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2341: [2, -1725004032, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2342: [2, 2025713407, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2343: [2, 2025713407, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2344: [2, 2025713407, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2345: [2, 2025713407, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2346: [2, 2025713152, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2347: [2, 2025713152, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2348: [2, 2025713152, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2349: [2, -1854622465, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    235: [2, -843149313, 14, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2350: [2, -1854622465, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2351: [2, -1854622465, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2352: [2, -1854622465, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2353: [2, -1854622720, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2354: [2, -1854622720, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2355: [2, -1854622720, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2356: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2357: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2358: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2359: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    236: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    2360: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2361: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2362: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2363: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2364: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2365: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2366: [2, 1806911487, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2367: [2, 1806911232, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2368: [2, 1806911232, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2369: [2, 1806911232, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    237: [2, -237677057, 4, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    2370: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2371: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2372: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2373: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2374: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2375: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2376: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2377: [2, 1031180799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2378: [2, 1031180799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2379: [2, 1031180799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    238: [2, -237677057, 4, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    2380: [2, 1031180799, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2381: [2, 1031180544, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2382: [2, 1031180544, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2383: [2, 1031180544, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2384: [5, "", 11, 1212696831, 16, -1],
    2385: [5, "", 11, 1212696831, 16, -1],
    2386: [5, "", 12, 1212696831, 16, -1],
    2387: [5, "", 14, 1212696831, 16, -1],
    2388: [5, "", 11, -535291649, 16, -1],
    2389: [5, "", 11, -535291649, 16, -1],
    239: [2, -237677057, 6, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    2390: [5, "", 12, -535291649, 16, -1],
    2391: [5, "", 14, -535291649, 16, -1],
    2392: [5, "", 11, 224369151, 16, -1],
    2393: [5, "", 11, 224369151, 16, -1],
    2394: [5, "", 12, 224369151, 16, -1],
    2395: [5, "", 14, 224369151, 16, -1],
    2396: [5, "", 11, 10124543, 16, -1],
    2397: [5, "", 11, 10124543, 16, -1],
    2398: [5, "", 12, 10124543, 16, -1],
    2399: [5, "", 14, 10124543, 16, -1],
    24: [2, 1936946175, 1, 2, 2, [6, 3], 1, 0],
    240: [2, -237677057, 6, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    2400: [5, "", 11, -838812673, 16, -1],
    2401: [5, "", 11, -838812673, 16, -1],
    2402: [5, "", 12, -838812673, 16, -1],
    2403: [5, "", 14, -838812673, 16, -1],
    2404: [5, "", 11, -1720245249, 16, -1],
    2405: [5, "", 11, -1720245249, 16, -1],
    2406: [5, "", 12, -1720245249, 16, -1],
    2407: [5, "", 14, -1720245249, 16, -1],
    2408: [5, "", 11, 561521151, 16, -1],
    2409: [5, "", 11, 561521151, 16, -1],
    241: [2, -237677057, 8, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    2410: [5, "", 12, 561521151, 16, -1],
    2411: [5, "", 14, 561521151, 16, -1],
    2412: [5, "", 11, 1300247551, 16, -1],
    2413: [5, "", 11, 1300247551, 16, -1],
    2414: [5, "", 12, 1300247551, 16, -1],
    2415: [5, "", 14, 1300247551, 16, -1],
    2416: [5, "", 11, 7906815, 16, -1],
    2417: [5, "", 11, 7906815, 16, -1],
    2418: [5, "", 12, 7906815, 16, -1],
    2419: [5, "", 14, 7906815, 16, -1],
    242: [2, -237677057, 12, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    2420: [5, "", 11, -1286012673, 16, -1],
    2421: [5, "", 11, -1286012673, 16, -1],
    2422: [5, "", 12, -1286012673, 16, -1],
    2423: [5, "", 14, -1286012673, 16, -1],
    2424: [5, "", 11, 855677439, 16, -1],
    2425: [5, "", 11, 855677439, 16, -1],
    2426: [5, "", 12, 855677439, 16, -1],
    2427: [5, "", 14, 855677439, 16, -1],
    2428: [5, "", 11, 1647338495, 16, -1],
    2429: [5, "", 11, 1647338495, 16, -1],
    243: [2, -237677057, 14, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    2430: [5, "", 12, 1647338495, 16, -1],
    2431: [5, "", 14, 1647338495, 16, -1],
    2432: [5, "", 11, -535291649, 16, -1],
    2433: [5, "", 11, -535291649, 16, -1],
    2434: [5, "", 12, -535291649, 16, -1],
    2435: [5, "", 14, -535291649, 16, -1],
    2436: [5, "", 11, -862574081, 16, -1],
    2437: [5, "", 11, -862574081, 16, -1],
    2438: [5, "", 12, -862574081, 16, -1],
    2439: [5, "", 14, -862574081, 16, -1],
    244: [2, -237677057, 18, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    2440: [5, "", 11, -2144111617, 16, -1],
    2441: [5, "", 11, -2144111617, 16, -1],
    2442: [5, "", 12, -2144111617, 16, -1],
    2443: [5, "", 14, -2144111617, 16, -1],
    2444: [5, "", 11, 10124543, 16, -1],
    2445: [5, "", 11, 10124543, 16, -1],
    2446: [5, "", 12, 10124543, 16, -1],
    2447: [5, "", 14, 10124543, 16, -1],
    2448: [5, "", 11, 1715939839, 16, -1],
    2449: [5, "", 11, 1715939839, 16, -1],
    245: [2, -237677057, 18, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    2450: [5, "", 12, 1715939839, 16, -1],
    2451: [5, "", 14, 1715939839, 16, -1],
    2452: [5, "", 11, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2453: [5, "", 11, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2454: [5, "", 12, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2455: [5, "", 14, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2456: [5, "", 11, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2457: [5, "", 11, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2458: [5, "", 12, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2459: [5, "", 14, 26673407, 16, -1],
    246: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2460: [5, "", 11, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2461: [5, "", 11, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2462: [5, "", 12, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2463: [5, "", 14, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2464: [5, "", 11, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2465: [5, "", 11, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2466: [5, "", 12, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2467: [5, "", 14, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2468: [5, "", 11, 1593890303, 16, -1],
    2469: [5, "", 11, 1593890303, 16, -1],
    247: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2470: [5, "", 12, 1593890303, 16, -1],
    2471: [5, "", 14, 1593890303, 16, -1],
    2472: [5, "", 11, -1543471617, 16, -1],
    2473: [5, "", 11, -1543471617, 16, -1],
    2474: [5, "", 12, -1543471617, 16, -1],
    2475: [5, "", 14, -1543471617, 16, -1],
    2476: [5, "", 11, -553614337, 16, -1],
    2477: [5, "", 11, -553614337, 16, -1],
    2478: [5, "", 12, -553614337, 16, -1],
    2479: [5, "", 14, -553614337, 16, -1],
    248: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2480: [5, "", 11, -865730305, 16, -1],
    2481: [5, "", 11, -865730305, 16, -1],
    2482: [5, "", 12, -865730305, 16, -1],
    2483: [5, "", 14, -865730305, 16, -1],
    2484: [5, "", 11, 9159679, 16, -1],
    2485: [5, "", 11, 9159679, 16, -1],
    2486: [5, "", 12, 9159679, 16, -1],
    2487: [5, "", 14, 9159679, 16, -1],
    2488: [5, "", 11, 8687615, 16, -1],
    2489: [5, "", 11, 8687615, 16, -1],
    249: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2490: [5, "", 12, 8687615, 16, -1],
    2491: [5, "", 14, 8687615, 16, -1],
    2492: [5, "", 11, 1850573055, 16, -1],
    2493: [5, "", 11, 1850573055, 16, -1],
    2494: [5, "", 12, 1850573055, 16, -1],
    2495: [5, "", 14, 1850573055, 16, -1],
    2496: [5, "", 11, 1711276287, 16, -1],
    2497: [5, "", 11, 1711276287, 16, -1],
    2498: [5, "", 12, 1711276287, 16, -1],
    2499: [5, "", 14, 1711276287, 16, -1],
    25: [1, "world_capital", []],
    250: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2500: [5, "", 11, -1185051905, 16, -1],
    2501: [5, "", 11, -1185051905, 16, -1],
    2502: [5, "", 12, -1185051905, 16, -1],
    2503: [5, "", 14, -1185051905, 16, -1],
    2504: [5, "", 11, 1934783743, 16, -1],
    2505: [5, "", 11, 1934783743, 16, -1],
    2506: [5, "", 12, 1934783743, 16, -1],
    2507: [5, "", 14, 1934783743, 16, -1],
    2508: [5, "", 11, -519764481, 16, -1],
    2509: [5, "", 11, -519764481, 16, -1],
    251: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2510: [5, "", 12, -519764481, 16, -1],
    2511: [5, "", 14, -519764481, 16, -1],
    2512: [5, "", 11, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2513: [5, "", 11, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2514: [5, "", 12, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2515: [5, "", 14, -1048379137, 16, -1],
    2516: [5, "", 11, 491577855, 16, -1],
    2517: [5, "", 11, 491577855, 16, -1],
    2518: [5, "", 12, 491577855, 16, -1],
    2519: [5, "", 14, 491577855, 16, -1],
    252: [2, -559393793, 12, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2520: [5, "", 11, -482737921, 16, -1],
    2521: [5, "", 11, -482737921, 16, -1],
    2522: [5, "", 12, -482737921, 16, -1],
    2523: [5, "", 14, -482737921, 16, -1],
    2524: [5, "", 11, -482737921, 16, -1],
    2525: [5, "", 11, -482737921, 16, -1],
    2526: [5, "", 12, -482737921, 16, -1],
    2527: [5, "", 14, -482737921, 16, -1],
    2528: [5, "", 11, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2529: [5, "", 11, 26673407, 16, -1],
    253: [2, -559393793, 14, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2530: [5, "", 12, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2531: [5, "", 14, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2532: [5, "", 11, -1728013825, 16, -1],
    2533: [5, "", 11, -1728013825, 16, -1],
    2534: [5, "", 12, -1728013825, 16, -1],
    2535: [5, "", 14, -1728013825, 16, -1],
    2536: [5, "", 11, 10004223, 16, -1],
    2537: [5, "", 11, 10004223, 16, -1],
    2538: [5, "", 12, 10004223, 16, -1],
    2539: [5, "", 14, 10004223, 16, -1],
    254: [2, -559393793, 18, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2540: [5, "", 11, 1937781759, 16, -1],
    2541: [5, "", 11, 1937781759, 16, -1],
    2542: [5, "", 12, 1937781759, 16, -1],
    2543: [5, "", 14, 1937781759, 16, -1],
    2544: [5, "", 11, 776752383, 16, -1],
    2545: [5, "", 11, 776752383, 16, -1],
    2546: [5, "", 12, 776752383, 16, -1],
    2547: [5, "", 14, 776752383, 16, -1],
    2548: [5, "", 11, 1937781759, 16, -1],
    2549: [5, "", 11, 1937781759, 16, -1],
    255: [2, -559393793, 18, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    2550: [5, "", 12, 1937781759, 16, -1],
    2551: [5, "", 14, 1937781759, 16, -1],
    2552: [5, "", 11, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2553: [5, "", 11, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2554: [5, "", 12, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2555: [5, "", 14, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2556: [5, "", 11, -862574081, 16, -1],
    2557: [5, "", 11, -862574081, 16, -1],
    2558: [5, "", 12, -862574081, 16, -1],
    2559: [5, "", 14, -862574081, 16, -1],
    256: [2, -303174145, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2560: [5, "", 11, 524786175, 16, -1],
    2561: [5, "", 11, 524786175, 16, -1],
    2562: [5, "", 12, 524786175, 16, -1],
    2563: [5, "", 14, 524786175, 16, -1],
    2564: [5, "", 11, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2565: [5, "", 11, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2566: [5, "", 12, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2567: [5, "", 14, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2568: [5, "", 11, 1816959487, 16, -1],
    2569: [5, "", 11, 1816959487, 16, -1],
    257: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2570: [5, "", 12, 1816959487, 16, -1],
    2571: [5, "", 14, 1816959487, 16, -1],
    2572: [5, "", 11, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2573: [5, "", 11, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2574: [5, "", 12, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2575: [5, "", 14, 26673407, 16, -1],
    2576: [5, "", 11, 912241407, 16, -1],
    2577: [5, "", 11, 912241407, 16, -1],
    2578: [5, "", 12, 912241407, 16, -1],
    2579: [5, "", 14, 912241407, 16, -1],
    258: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2580: [5, "", 11, -871099137, 16, -1],
    2581: [5, "", 11, -871099137, 16, -1],
    2582: [5, "", 12, -871099137, 16, -1],
    2583: [5, "", 14, -871099137, 16, -1],
    2584: [5, "", 11, -261847809, 16, -1],
    2585: [5, "", 11, -261847809, 16, -1],
    2586: [5, "", 12, -261847809, 16, -1],
    2587: [5, "", 14, -261847809, 16, -1],
    2588: [5, "", 11, -1725026561, 16, -1],
    2589: [5, "", 11, -1725026561, 16, -1],
    259: [2, -758265345, 6, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2590: [5, "", 12, -1725026561, 16, -1],
    2591: [5, "", 14, -1725026561, 16, -1],
    2592: [5, "", 11, -1405023233, 16, -1],
    2593: [5, "", 11, -1405023233, 16, -1],
    2594: [5, "", 12, -1405023233, 16, -1],
    2595: [5, "", 14, -1405023233, 16, -1],
    2596: [5, "", 11, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2597: [5, "", 11, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2598: [5, "", 12, -436207361, 16, -1],
    2599: [5, "", 14, -436207361, 16, -1],
    26: [1, "world1_capital", []],
    260: [2, -758265345, 8, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2600: [5, "", 11, -540933889, 16, -1],
    2601: [5, "", 11, -540933889, 16, -1],
    2602: [5, "", 12, -540933889, 16, -1],
    2603: [5, "", 14, -540933889, 16, -1],
    2604: [5, "", 11, 92056319, 16, -1],
    2605: [5, "", 11, 92056319, 16, -1],
    2606: [5, "", 12, 92056319, 16, -1],
    2607: [5, "", 14, 92056319, 16, -1],
    2608: [5, "", 11, 119573247, 16, -1],
    2609: [5, "", 11, 119573247, 16, -1],
    261: [2, -758265345, 12, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2610: [5, "", 12, 119573247, 16, -1],
    2611: [5, "", 14, 119573247, 16, -1],
    2612: [5, "", 11, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2613: [5, "", 11, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2614: [5, "", 12, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2615: [5, "", 14, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2616: [5, "", 11, -813979393, 16, -1],
    2617: [5, "", 11, -813979393, 16, -1],
    2618: [5, "", 12, -813979393, 16, -1],
    2619: [5, "", 14, -813979393, 16, -1],
    262: [2, -758265345, 12, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    2620: [5, "", 11, 10085887, 16, -1],
    2621: [5, "", 11, 10085887, 16, -1],
    2622: [5, "", 12, 10085887, 16, -1],
    2623: [5, "", 14, 10085887, 16, -1],
    2624: [5, "", 11, 10085887, 16, -1],
    2625: [5, "", 11, 10085887, 16, -1],
    2626: [5, "", 12, 10085887, 16, -1],
    2627: [5, "", 14, 10085887, 16, -1],
    2628: [5, "", 11, -1725026561, 16, -1],
    2629: [5, "", 11, -1725026561, 16, -1],
    263: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2630: [5, "", 12, -1725026561, 16, -1],
    2631: [5, "", 14, -1725026561, 16, -1],
    2632: [5, "", 11, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2633: [5, "", 11, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2634: [5, "", 12, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2635: [5, "", 14, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2636: [5, "", 11, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2637: [5, "", 11, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2638: [5, "", 12, 5614335, 16, -1],
    2639: [5, "", 14, 5614335, 16, -1],
    264: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    2640: [5, "", 11, 8912127, 16, -1],
    2641: [5, "", 11, 8912127, 16, -1],
    2642: [5, "", 12, 8912127, 16, -1],
    2643: [5, "", 14, 8912127, 16, -1],
    2644: [5, "", 11, -328597249, 16, -1],
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    2661: [5, "", 11, 1300247551, 16, -1],
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    2681: [5, "", 11, 8490239, 16, -1],
    2682: [5, "", 12, 8490239, 16, -1],
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    2697: [5, "", 11, 679987967, 16, -1],
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    2703: [5, "", 14, 2101851135, 16, -1],
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    2705: [5, "", 11, 1300247551, 16, -1],
    2706: [5, "", 12, 1300247551, 16, -1],
    2707: [5, "", 14, 1300247551, 16, -1],
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    2709: [5, "", 11, 1031180799, 16, -1],
    271: [2, -843149313, 12, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
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    2715: [1, "ditie_zaijian_00", []],
    2716: [1, "ditie_zaijian_00", []],
    2717: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2718: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2719: [1, "ditie_zaijian_00", []],
    272: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2720: [1, "ditie_zaijian_00", []],
    2721: [1, "ditie_zaijian_00", []],
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    2723: [1, "ditie_beijing_01", []],
    2724: [1, "ditie_beijing_0", []],
    2725: [1, "ditie_beijing_1", []],
    2726: [1, "ditie_beijing_2", []],
    2727: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2728: [1, "trans_beijing_01", []],
    2729: [1, "trans_beijing_0", []],
    273: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2730: [1, "trans_beijing_1", []],
    2731: [1, "trans_beijing_2", []],
    2732: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
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    2735: [1, "ditie_shanghai_1", []],
    2736: [1, "ditie_shanghai_2", []],
    2737: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2738: [1, "trans_shanghai_01", []],
    2739: [1, "trans_shanghai_0", []],
    274: [2, -455423489, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2740: [1, "trans_shanghai_1", []],
    2741: [1, "trans_shanghai_2", []],
    2742: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2743: [1, "ditie_guangzhou_01", []],
    2744: [1, "ditie_guangzhou_0", []],
    2745: [1, "ditie_guangzhou_1", []],
    2746: [1, "ditie_guangzhou_2", []],
    2747: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2748: [1, "trans_guangzhou_01", []],
    2749: [1, "trans_guangzhou_0", []],
    275: [2, -455423489, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2750: [1, "trans_guangzhou_1", []],
    2751: [1, "trans_guangzhou_2", []],
    2752: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2753: [1, "ditie_shenzhen_g", []],
    2754: [1, "ditie_shenzhen_g0", []],
    2755: [1, "ditie_shenzhen_g1", []],
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    2757: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2758: [1, "ditie_shenzhen_01", []],
    2759: [1, "ditie_shenzhen_0", []],
    276: [2, -843149313, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2760: [1, "ditie_shenzhen_1", []],
    2761: [1, "ditie_shenzhen_2", []],
    2762: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2763: [1, "trans_shenzhen_01", []],
    2764: [1, "trans_shenzhen_0", []],
    2765: [1, "trans_shenzhen_1", []],
    2766: [1, "trans_shenzhen_2", []],
    2767: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2768: [1, "ditie_guangzhou_01", []],
    2769: [1, "ditie_guangzhou_0", []],
    277: [2, -843149313, 5, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2770: [1, "ditie_guangzhou_1", []],
    2771: [1, "ditie_guangzhou_2", []],
    2772: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2773: [1, "ditie_chongqing_01", []],
    2774: [1, "ditie_chongqing_0", []],
    2775: [1, "ditie_chongqing_1", []],
    2776: [1, "ditie_chongqing_2", []],
    2777: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2778: [1, "trans_chongqing_01", []],
    2779: [1, "trans_chongqing_0", []],
    278: [2, -843149313, 6, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2780: [1, "trans_chongqing_1", []],
    2781: [1, "trans_chongqing_2", []],
    2782: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2783: [1, "ditie_xian_01", []],
    2784: [1, "ditie_xian_0", []],
    2785: [1, "ditie_xian_1", []],
    2786: [1, "ditie_xian_2", []],
    2787: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2788: [1, "ditie_tianjin_01", []],
    2789: [1, "ditie_tianjin_0", []],
    279: [2, -843149313, 8, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    2790: [1, "ditie_tianjin_1", []],
    2791: [1, "ditie_tianjin_2", []],
    2792: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2793: [1, "trans_tianjin_01", []],
    2794: [1, "trans_tianjin_0", []],
    2795: [1, "trans_tianjin_1", []],
    2796: [1, "trans_tianjin_2", []],
    2797: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2798: [1, "ditie_wuhan_01", []]

window.Fb= Object.assign(window.Fb,tempObj );
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago

BMap_tile_pp5s2s (紧跟上一楼)


let tempObj = {
2799: [1, "ditie_wuhan_0", []],
    28: [5, "", 20, 912759295, 2, -1],
    280: [2, -843149313, 12, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
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    2801: [1, "ditie_wuhan_2", []],
    2802: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    2803: [1, "trans_wuhan_01", []],
    2804: [1, "trans_wuhan_0", []],
    2805: [1, "trans_wuhan_1", []],
    2806: [1, "trans_wuhan_2", []],
    2807: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
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    2809: [1, "ditie_nanjing_0", []],
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    2811: [1, "ditie_nanjing_2", []],
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    2817: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
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    2995: [1, "s_r_2a", []],
    2996: [1, "s_r_2a", []],
    2997: [1, "s_r_2b", []],
    2998: [1, "s_r_2b", []],
    2999: [1, "s_r_2c", []],
    3: [3, -168562433, []],
    30: [5, "", 11, 858993663, 16, -1],
    300: [2, -559393793, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    3E3: [1, "s_r_2c", []],
    3001: [1, "s_r_3", []],
    3002: [1, "s_r_3", []],
    3003: [1, "3A", []],
    3004: [1, "3A", []],
    3005: [1, "3B", []],
    3006: [1, "3B", []],
    3007: [1, "s_r_4", []],
    3008: [1, "s_r_4", []],
    3009: [1, "s_r_4a", []],
    301: [2, -303174145, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3010: [1, "s_r_4a", []],
    3011: [1, "s_r_4b", []],
    3012: [1, "s_r_4b", []],
    3013: [1, "s_r_5", []],
    3014: [1, "s_r_5", []],
    3015: [1, "s_r_6", []],
    3016: [1, "s_r_6", []],
    3017: [1, "s_r_7", []],
    3018: [1, "s_r_7", []],
    3019: [1, "s_r_8", []],
    302: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3020: [1, "s_r_8", []],
    3021: [1, "s_r_9", []],
    3022: [1, "s_r_9", []],
    3023: [1, "s_r_10", []],
    3024: [1, "s_r_10", []],
    3025: [1, "s_r_11", []],
    3026: [1, "s_r_11", []],
    3027: [1, "s_r_12", []],
    3028: [1, "s_r_12", []],
    3029: [1, "s_r_13", []],
    303: [2, -454761217, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3030: [1, "s_r_13", []],
    3031: [1, "s_r_14", []],
    3032: [1, "s_r_14", []],
    3033: [1, "s_r_15", []],
    3034: [1, "s_r_15", []],
    3035: [1, "s_r_16", []],
    3036: [1, "s_r_16", []],
    3037: [1, "s_r_17", []],
    3038: [1, "s_r_17", []],
    3039: [1, "s_r_18", []],
    304: [2, -758265345, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3040: [1, "s_r_18", []],
    3041: [1, "s_r_19", []],
    3042: [1, "s_r_19", []],
    3043: [1, "s_r_20", []],
    3044: [1, "s_r_20", []],
    3045: [1, "s_r_a", []],
    3046: [1, "s_r_a", []],
    3047: [1, "s_r_a1", []],
    3048: [1, "s_r_a1", []],
    3049: [1, "s_r_a2", []],
    305: [2, -758265345, 7, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3050: [1, "s_r_a2", []],
    3051: [1, "s_r_a3", []],
    3052: [1, "s_r_a3", []],
    3053: [1, "s_r_a4", []],
    3054: [1, "s_r_a4", []],
    3055: [1, "s_r_a5", []],
    3056: [1, "s_r_a5", []],
    3057: [1, "s_r_b", []],
    3058: [1, "s_r_b", []],
    3059: [1, "s_r_b1", []],
    306: [2, -758265345, 9, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3060: [1, "s_r_b1", []],
    3061: [1, "s_r_b2", []],
    3062: [1, "s_r_b2", []],
    3063: [1, "s_r_b3", []],
    3064: [1, "s_r_b3", []],
    3065: [1, "s_r_b4", []],
    3066: [1, "s_r_b4", []],
    3067: [1, "s_r_b5", []],
    3068: [1, "s_r_b5", []],
    3069: [1, "s_r_b6", []],
    307: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3070: [1, "s_r_b6", []],
    3071: [1, "s_r_c", []],
    3072: [1, "s_r_c", []],
    3073: [1, "s_r_c1", []],
    3074: [1, "s_r_c1", []],
    3075: [1, "s_r_c2", []],
    3076: [1, "s_r_c2", []],
    3077: [1, "s_r_c3", []],
    3078: [1, "s_r_c3", []],
    3079: [1, "s_r_c4", []],
    308: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3080: [1, "s_r_c4", []],
    3081: [1, "s_r_c5", []],
    3082: [1, "s_r_c5", []],
    3083: [1, "s_r_d", []],
    3084: [1, "s_r_d", []],
    3085: [1, "s_r_d1", []],
    3086: [1, "s_r_d1", []],
    3087: [1, "s_r_d2", []],
    3088: [1, "s_r_d2", []],
    3089: [1, "s_r_d3", []],
    309: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3090: [1, "s_r_d3", []],
    3091: [1, "s_r_d4", []],
    3092: [1, "s_r_d4", []],
    3093: [1, "s_r_d5", []],
    3094: [1, "s_r_d5", []],
    3095: [1, "s_r_d6", []],
    3096: [1, "s_r_d6", []],
    3097: [1, "s_r_e", []],
    3098: [1, "s_r_e", []],
    3099: [1, "s_r_e1", []],
    31: [2, -859992065, 3, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    310: [2, -843149313, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3100: [1, "s_r_e1", []],
    3101: [1, "s_r_e2", []],
    3102: [1, "s_r_e2", []],
    3103: [1, "s_r_e3", []],
    3104: [1, "s_r_e3", []],
    3105: [1, "s_r_e4", []],
    3106: [1, "s_r_e4", []],
    3107: [1, "s_r_f", []],
    3108: [1, "s_r_f", []],
    3109: [1, "s_r_f1", []],
    311: [2, -843149313, 4, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3110: [1, "s_r_f1", []],
    3111: [1, "s_r_f2", []],
    3112: [1, "s_r_f2", []],
    3113: [1, "s_r_g", []],
    3114: [1, "s_r_g", []],
    3115: [1, "s_r_g1", []],
    3116: [1, "s_r_g1", []],
    3117: [1, "s_r_g2", []],
    3118: [1, "s_r_g2", []],
    3119: [1, "s_r_h", []],
    312: [2, -843149313, 5, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3120: [1, "s_r_h", []],
    3121: [1, "s_r_h1", []],
    3122: [1, "s_r_h1", []],
    3123: [1, "s_r_i", []],
    3124: [1, "s_r_i", []],
    3125: [1, "s_r_j", []],
    3126: [1, "s_r_j", []],
    3127: [1, "s_r_j1", []],
    3128: [1, "s_r_j1", []],
    3129: [1, "s_r_j2", []],
    313: [2, -843149313, 7, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3130: [1, "s_r_j2", []],
    3131: [1, "s_r_j3", []],
    3132: [1, "s_r_j3", []],
    3133: [1, "s_r_j4", []],
    3134: [1, "s_r_j4", []],
    3135: [1, "s_r_j5", []],
    3136: [1, "s_r_j5", []],
    3137: [1, "s_r_j6", []],
    3138: [1, "s_r_j6", []],
    3139: [1, "s_r_k", []],
    314: [2, -843149313, 9, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3140: [1, "s_r_k", []],
    3141: [1, "s_r_l1", []],
    3142: [1, "s_r_l1", []],
    3143: [1, "s_r_l3", []],
    3144: [1, "s_r_l3", []],
    3145: [1, "s_r_l4", []],
    3146: [1, "s_r_l4", []],
    3147: [1, "s_r_l5", []],
    3148: [1, "s_r_l5", []],
    3149: [1, "s_r_l6", []],
    315: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3150: [1, "s_r_l6", []],
    3151: [1, "s_r_n1", []],
    3152: [1, "s_r_n1", []],
    3153: [1, "s_r_n2", []],
    3154: [1, "s_r_n2", []],
    3155: [1, "s_r_n4", []],
    3156: [1, "s_r_n4", []],
    3157: [1, "s_r_n5", []],
    3158: [1, "s_r_n5", []],
    3159: [1, "s_r_p1", []],
    316: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3160: [1, "s_r_p1", []],
    3161: [1, "s_r_p2", []],
    3162: [1, "s_r_p2", []],
    3163: [1, "s_r_p3", []],
    3164: [1, "s_r_p3", []],
    3165: [1, "s_r_chu", []],
    3166: [1, "s_r_chu", []],
    3167: [1, "s_g_a", []],
    3168: [1, "s_g_a", []],
    3169: [1, "s_g_b", []],
    317: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3170: [1, "s_g_b", []],
    3171: [3, -858993409, [2, -858993409, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3172: [3, -1042499073, [2, -1042499073, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3173: [3, -1042499073, [2, -1042499073, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3174: [3, -1042499073, [2, -1042499073, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3175: [3, -1042499073, [2, -1042499073, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3176: [3, -1042499073, [2, -1042499073, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3177: [3, -1042499073, [2, -1042499073, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3178: [3, -1042499073, [2, -1042499073, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3179: [3, -1042499073, [2, -1042499073, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    318: [2, -843149313, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3180: [3, -1042499073, [2, -1042499073, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3181: [3, -168562433, []],
    3182: [3, -269554945, [2, -269554945, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3183: [3, -1480531713, [2, -1480531713, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3184: [3, -1480531713, [2, -1480531713, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3185: [3, -1480531713, [2, -1480531713, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    3186: [3, -1717987034, []],
    3187: [4, -572662273, -101190401, 0.2, [2, -808464385, 1, 0, 1, [], 0, 0], 2, 8],
    3188: [4, -572662273, -101190401, 0.4, [2, -808464385, 1, 0, 1, [], 0, 0], 2, 8],
    3189: [3, -1717987034, []],
    319: [2, -843149313, 5, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3190: [4, -572662273, -101190401, 0.2, [2, -808464385, 1, 0, 1, [], 0, 0], 2, 8],
    3191: [4, -572662273, -101190401, 0.4, [2, -808464385, 1, 0, 1, [], 0, 0], 2, 8],
    3192: [3, -286467073, []],
    3193: [3, -438120449, []],
    3194: [3, -85662465, []],
    3195: [3, -252119297, []],
    3196: [3, -438120449, []],
    3197: [3, -438120449, []],
    3198: [3, -337057537, []],
    3199: [3, -455090177, []],
    32: [2, -643879937, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    320: [2, -843149313, 6, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3200: [3, -118101249, []],
    3201: [3, -1194931457, []],
    3202: [1, "shoudu", []],
    3203: [1, "feijichang", []],
    3204: [1, "feijichang_T", []],
    3205: [1, "atm", []],
    3206: [1, "atm", []],
    3207: [1, "yinghang", []],
    3208: [1, "yinghang", []],
    3209: [1, "yinghang", []],
    321: [2, -843149313, 8, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3210: [1, "zhongguoyinhang", []],
    3211: [1, "zhongguoyinhang", []],
    3212: [1, "zhongguoyinhang", []],
    3213: [1, "zhongguoyinhang", []],
    3214: [1, "gongshangyinhang", []],
    3215: [1, "gongshangyinhang", []],
    3216: [1, "gongshangyinhang", []],
    3217: [1, "gongshangyinhang", []],
    3218: [1, "jiansheyinhang", []],
    3219: [1, "jiansheyinhang", []],
    322: [2, -843149313, 10, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3220: [1, "jiansheyinhang", []],
    3221: [1, "jiansheyinhang", []],
    3222: [1, "nongyeyinhang", []],
    3223: [1, "nongyeyinhang", []],
    3224: [1, "nongyeyinhang", []],
    3225: [1, "nongyeyinhang", []],
    3226: [1, "zhaoshangyinhang", []],
    3227: [1, "zhaoshangyinhang", []],
    3228: [1, "zhaoshangyinhang", []],
    3229: [1, "zhaoshangyinhang", []],
    323: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3230: [1, "jiaotonyinhang", []],
    3231: [1, "jiaotonyinhang", []],
    3232: [1, "jiaotonyinhang", []],
    3233: [1, "jiaotonyinhang", []],
    3234: [1, "zhongxinyinhang", []],
    3235: [1, "zhongxinyinhang", []],
    3236: [1, "zhongxinyinhang", []],
    3237: [1, "zhongxinyinhang", []],
    3238: [1, "minshengyinhang", []],
    3239: [1, "minshengyinhang", []],
    324: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3240: [1, "minshengyinhang", []],
    3241: [1, "minshengyinhang", []],
    3242: [1, "guangdayinhang", []],
    3243: [1, "guangdayinhang", []],
    3244: [1, "guangdayinhang", []],
    3245: [1, "guangdayinhang", []],
    3246: [1, "huaxiayinhang", []],
    3247: [1, "huaxiayinhang", []],
    3248: [1, "huaxiayinhang", []],
    3249: [1, "huaxiayinhang", []],
    325: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3250: [1, "shangyeyinhang", []],
    3251: [1, "shangyeyinhang", []],
    3252: [1, "shangyeyinhang", []],
    3253: [1, "shangyeyinhang", []],
    3254: [1, "youzhengchuxuyinhang", []],
    3255: [1, "youzhengchuxuyinhang", []],
    3256: [1, "youzhengchuxuyinhang", []],
    3257: [1, "youzhengchuxuyinhang", []],
    3258: [1, "jiuba", []],
    3259: [1, "jiuba", []],
    326: [2, -237677057, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3260: [1, "jiuba", []],
    3261: [1, "jiuba", []],
    3262: [1, "meirongmeifa", []],
    3263: [1, "meirongmeifa", []],
    3264: [1, "meirongmeifa", []],
    3265: [1, "tushuyinxiang", []],
    3266: [1, "tushuyinxiang", []],
    3267: [1, "tushuyinxiang", []],
    3268: [1, "tushuyinxiang", []],
    3269: [1, "shangwudasha", []],
    327: [2, -237677057, 5, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3270: [1, "shangwudasha", []],
    3271: [1, "shangwudasha", []],
    3272: [1, "shangwudasha", []],
    3273: [1, "shangwudasha", []],
    3274: [1, "shangwudasha", []],
    3275: [1, "shangwudasha_T", []],
    3276: [1, "shangwudasha_T", []],
    3277: [1, "shangwudasha_T", []],
    3278: [1, "shangwudasha_T", []],
    3279: [1, "shangwudasha_T", []],
    328: [2, -237677057, 6, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3280: [1, "shangwudasha_T", []],
    3281: [1, "tingchecang", []],
    3282: [1, "tingchecang", []],
    3283: [1, "qiche", []],
    3284: [1, "qiche", []],
    3285: [1, "qiche", []],
    3286: [1, "jiaotang", []],
    3287: [1, "jiaotang", []],
    3288: [1, "jiaotang", []],
    3289: [1, "jiaotang", []],
    329: [2, -237677057, 8, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3290: [1, "jiaotang", []],
    3291: [1, "jiaotang", []],
    3292: [1, "dianyingyuan", []],
    3293: [1, "dianyingyuan", []],
    3294: [1, "dianyingyuan", []],
    3295: [1, "dianyingyuan", []],
    3296: [1, "yinyueting", []],
    3297: [1, "yinyueting", []],
    3298: [1, "yinyueting", []],
    3299: [1, "yinyueting", []],
    33: [2, -661320961, 3, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    330: [2, -237677057, 10, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3300: [1, "gewuting", []],
    3301: [1, "gewuting", []],
    3302: [1, "gewuting", []],
    3303: [1, "chazhuo", []],
    3304: [1, "chazhuo", []],
    3305: [1, "chazhuo", []],
    3306: [1, "chazhuo", []],
    3307: [1, "gaosurukou", []],
    3308: [1, "gaosuchukou", []],
    3309: [1, "jiayouzhan", []],
    331: [2, -593543425, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3310: [1, "jiayouzhan", []],
    3311: [1, "jiayouzhan", []],
    3312: [1, "zhongyangjigou", []],
    3313: [1, "zhongyangjigou", []],
    3314: [1, "zhongyangjigou", []],
    3315: [1, "zhongyangjigou", []],
    3316: [1, "zhongyangjigou", []],
    3317: [1, "zhongyangjigou", []],
    3318: [1, "zhongyangjigou_T", []],
    3319: [1, "zhongyangjigou_T", []],
    332: [2, -593543425, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3320: [1, "zhongyangjigou_T", []],
    3321: [1, "zhongyangjigou_T", []],
    3322: [1, "zhongyangjigou_T", []],
    3323: [1, "zhongyangjigou_T", []],
    3324: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu", []],
    3325: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu", []],
    3326: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu", []],
    3327: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu", []],
    3328: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu", []],
    3329: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu", []],
    333: [2, -593543425, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3330: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu_T", []],
    3331: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu_T", []],
    3332: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu_T", []],
    3333: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu_T", []],
    3334: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu_T", []],
    3335: [1, "gaodengjiaoyu_T", []],
    3336: [1, "hill", []],
    3337: [1, "hill", []],
    3338: [1, "hill", []],
    3339: [1, "hill", []],
    334: [2, -593543425, 4, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3340: [1, "hill", []],
    3341: [1, "hill", []],
    3342: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1", []],
    3343: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1", []],
    3344: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1", []],
    3345: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1", []],
    3346: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1", []],
    3347: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1", []],
    3348: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1_T", []],
    3349: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1_T", []],
    335: [2, -593543425, 5, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3350: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1_T", []],
    3351: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1_T", []],
    3352: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1_T", []],
    3353: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_1_T", []],
    3354: [1, "binguan", []],
    3355: [1, "binguan", []],
    3356: [1, "binguan", []],
    3357: [1, "binguan", []],
    3358: [1, "binguan", []],
    3359: [1, "binguan", []],
    336: [2, -593543425, 6, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3360: [1, "fangwuzhongjie", []],
    3361: [1, "fangwuzhongjie", []],
    3362: [1, "fangwuzhongjie", []],
    3363: [1, "keyangjigou", []],
    3364: [1, "keyangjigou", []],
    3365: [1, "keyangjigou", []],
    3366: [1, "keyangjigou", []],
    3367: [1, "keyangjigou", []],
    3368: [1, "keyangjigou", []],
    3369: [1, "qita", []],
    337: [2, -593543425, 8, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3370: [1, "qita", []],
    3371: [1, "qita", []],
    3372: [1, "qita", []],
    3373: [1, "qita", []],
    3374: [1, "qita", []],
    3375: [1, "xiyidian", []],
    3376: [1, "xiyidian", []],
    3377: [1, "xiyidian", []],
    3378: [1, "xiyidian", []],
    3379: [1, "changtuqichezhan", []],
    338: [2, -593543425, 10, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3380: [1, "changtuqichezhan", []],
    3381: [1, "changtuqichezhan", []],
    3382: [1, "changtuqichezhan", []],
    3383: [1, "changtuqichezhan", []],
    3384: [1, "changtuqichezhan", []],
    3385: [1, "changtuqichezhan_T", []],
    3386: [1, "changtuqichezhan_T", []],
    3387: [1, "changtuqichezhan_T", []],
    3388: [1, "changtuqichezhan_T", []],
    3389: [1, "changtuqichezhan_T", []],
    339: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3390: [1, "changtuqichezhan_T", []],
    3391: [1, "bowuguan", []],
    3392: [1, "bowuguan", []],
    3393: [1, "bowuguan", []],
    3394: [1, "bowuguan", []],
    3395: [1, "bowuguan", []],
    3396: [1, "bowuguan", []],
    3397: [1, "bowuguan_T", []],
    3398: [1, "bowuguan_T", []],
    3399: [1, "bowuguan_T", []],
    34: [2, -661320961, 3, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    340: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3400: [1, "bowuguan_T", []],
    3401: [1, "bowuguan_T", []],
    3402: [1, "bowuguan_T", []],
    3403: [1, "qita", []],
    3404: [1, "qita", []],
    3405: [1, "qita", []],
    3406: [1, "qita", []],
    3407: [1, "qita", []],
    3408: [1, "qita", []],
    3409: [1, "qita_T", []],
    341: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3410: [1, "qita_T", []],
    3411: [1, "qita_T", []],
    3412: [1, "qita_T", []],
    3413: [1, "qita_T", []],
    3414: [1, "qita_T", []],
    3415: [1, "gongyuan", []],
    3416: [1, "gongyuan", []],
    3417: [1, "gongyuan", []],
    3418: [1, "gongyuan", []],
    3419: [1, "gongyuan", []],
    342: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3420: [1, "gongyuan", []],
    3421: [1, "gongyuan_T", []],
    3422: [1, "gongyuan_T", []],
    3423: [1, "gongyuan_T", []],
    3424: [1, "gongyuan_T", []],
    3425: [1, "gongyuan_T", []],
    3426: [1, "gongyuan_T", []],
    3427: [1, "chongwudian", []],
    3428: [1, "chongwudian", []],
    3429: [1, "chongwudian", []],
    343: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3430: [1, "chongwudian", []],
    3431: [1, "yaodian_yaofang", []],
    3432: [1, "yaodian_yaofang", []],
    3433: [1, "yaodian_yaofang", []],
    3434: [1, "yaodian_yaofang", []],
    3435: [1, "sheyingshexiang", []],
    3436: [1, "sheyingshexiang", []],
    3437: [1, "sheyingshexiang", []],
    3438: [1, "sheyingshexiang", []],
    3439: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    344: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3440: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    3441: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    3442: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    3443: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    3444: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    3445: [1, "youzheng", []],
    3446: [1, "youzheng", []],
    3447: [1, "youzheng", []],
    3448: [1, "youzheng", []],
    3449: [1, "youzheng", []],
    345: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3450: [1, "zhongxiaoxue", []],
    3451: [1, "zhongxiaoxue", []],
    3452: [1, "zhongxiaoxue", []],
    3453: [1, "zhongxiaoxue", []],
    3454: [1, "zhongxiaoxue", []],
    3455: [1, "zhongxiaoxue", []],
    3456: [1, "zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    3457: [1, "zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    3458: [1, "zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    3459: [1, "zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    346: [2, -559393793, 10, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    3460: [1, "zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    3461: [1, "zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    3462: [1, "xinwenchuban", []],
    3463: [1, "xinwenchuban", []],
    3464: [1, "xinwenchuban", []],
    3465: [1, "xinwenchuban", []],
    3466: [1, "guji", []],
    3467: [1, "guji", []],
    3468: [1, "guji", []],
    3469: [1, "guji", []],
    347: [2, 1553057279, 1, 2, 2, [10, 11], 1, 0],
    3470: [1, "guji", []],
    3471: [1, "guji", []],
    3472: [1, "xiaoxue_loupan", []],
    3473: [1, "xiaoxue_loupan", []],
    3474: [1, "xiaoxue_loupan", []],
    3475: [1, "xiaoxue_loupan", []],
    3476: [1, "xiaoxue_loupan", []],
    3477: [1, "xiaoxue_loupan_T", []],
    3478: [1, "xiaoxue_loupan_T", []],
    3479: [1, "xiaoxue_loupan_T", []],
    348: [2, 1553057279, 1, 2, 2, [10, 11], 1, 0],
    3480: [1, "xiaoxue_loupan_T", []],
    3481: [1, "xiaoxue_loupan_T", []],
    3482: [1, "dujiachun", []],
    3483: [1, "dujiachun", []],
    3484: [1, "dujiachun", []],
    3485: [1, "dujiachun", []],
    3486: [1, "dujiachun", []],
    3487: [1, "dujiachun", []],
    3488: [1, "dujiachun_T", []],
    3489: [1, "dujiachun_T", []],
    349: [2, -303174145, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3490: [1, "dujiachun_T", []],
    3491: [1, "dujiachun_T", []],
    3492: [1, "dujiachun_T", []],
    3493: [1, "dujiachun_T", []],
    3494: [1, "zhongcan_b", []],
    3495: [1, "zhongcan_b", []],
    3496: [1, "zhongcan_b", []],
    3497: [1, "zhongcan_b", []],
    3498: [1, "fengjing", []],
    3499: [1, "fengjing", []],
    35: [2, -320235009, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    350: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3500: [1, "fengjing", []],
    3501: [1, "fengjing", []],
    3502: [1, "fengjing", []],
    3503: [1, "fengjing", []],
    3504: [1, "fengjing_T", []],
    3505: [1, "fengjing_T", []],
    3506: [1, "fengjing_T", []],
    3507: [1, "fengjing_T", []],
    3508: [1, "fengjing_T", []],
    3509: [1, "fengjing_T", []],
    351: [2, -454761217, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3510: [1, "tianam", []],
    3511: [1, "tianam", []],
    3512: [1, "tianam", []],
    3513: [1, "tianam", []],
    3514: [1, "gouwuzhongxin", []],
    3515: [1, "gouwuzhongxin", []],
    3516: [1, "gouwuzhongxin", []],
    3517: [1, "gouwuzhongxin", []],
    3518: [1, "gouwuzhongxin", []],
    3519: [1, "gouwuzhongxin_T", []],
    352: [2, -758265345, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3520: [1, "gouwuzhongxin_T", []],
    3521: [1, "gouwuzhongxin_T", []],
    3522: [1, "gouwuzhongxin_T", []],
    3523: [1, "gouwuzhongxin_T", []],
    3524: [1, "tiyuyongpin", []],
    3525: [1, "tiyuyongpin", []],
    3526: [1, "tiyuyongpin", []],
    3527: [1, "tiyuyongpin", []],
    3528: [1, "tiyu", []],
    3529: [1, "tiyu", []],
    353: [2, -758265345, 7, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3530: [1, "tiyu", []],
    3531: [1, "tiyu", []],
    3532: [1, "tiyu", []],
    3533: [1, "tiyu", []],
    3534: [1, "chaoshi", []],
    3535: [1, "chaoshi", []],
    3536: [1, "chaoshi", []],
    3537: [1, "chaoshi", []],
    3538: [1, "chaoshi", []],
    3539: [1, "dianxingongsi", []],
    354: [2, -758265345, 9, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3540: [1, "dianxingongsi", []],
    3541: [1, "dianxingongsi", []],
    3542: [1, "dianxingongsi", []],
    3543: [1, "dianxinyingyeting", []],
    3544: [1, "dianxinyingyeting", []],
    3545: [1, "dianxinyingyeting", []],
    3546: [1, "dianxinyingyeting", []],
    3547: [1, "dianxinyingyeting", []],
    3548: [1, "shoupiaochu", []],
    3549: [1, "shoupiaochu", []],
    355: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3550: [1, "shoupiaochu", []],
    3551: [1, "shoufeizhan", []],
    3552: [1, "lingmu", []],
    3553: [1, "lingmu", []],
    3554: [1, "lingmu", []],
    3555: [1, "lingmu", []],
    3556: [1, "lingmu", []],
    3557: [1, "lingmu", []],
    3558: [1, "honglvdeng", []],
    3559: [1, "huochezhan", []],
    356: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3560: [1, "huochezhan", []],
    3561: [1, "huochezhan", []],
    3562: [1, "huochezhan", []],
    3563: [1, "huochezhan", []],
    3564: [1, "huochezhan", []],
    3565: [1, "huochezhan_T", []],
    3566: [1, "huochezhan_T", []],
    3567: [1, "huochezhan_T", []],
    3568: [1, "huochezhan_T", []],
    3569: [1, "huochezhan_T", []],
    357: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3570: [1, "huochezhan_T", []],
    3571: [1, "dianshita", []],
    3572: [1, "dianshita", []],
    3573: [1, "dianshita", []],
    3574: [1, "dianshita", []],
    3575: [1, "dianshita", []],
    3576: [1, "dianshita", []],
    3577: [1, "dianshita_T", []],
    3578: [1, "dianshita_T", []],
    3579: [1, "dianshita_T", []],
    358: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3580: [1, "dianshita_T", []],
    3581: [1, "dianshita_T", []],
    3582: [1, "dianshita_T", []],
    3583: [1, "zhongbiaoyanjing", []],
    3584: [1, "zhongbiaoyanjing", []],
    3585: [1, "zhongbiaoyanjing", []],
    3586: [1, "zhongbiaoyanjing", []],
    3587: [1, "gongce", []],
    3588: [1, "gongce", []],
    3589: [1, "dongwuyuan", []],
    359: [2, -843149313, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3590: [1, "dongwuyuan", []],
    3591: [1, "dongwuyuan", []],
    3592: [1, "dongwuyuan", []],
    3593: [1, "dongwuyuan", []],
    3594: [1, "dongwuyuan", []],
    3595: [1, "dongwuyuan_T", []],
    3596: [1, "dongwuyuan_T", []],
    3597: [1, "dongwuyuan_T", []],
    3598: [1, "dongwuyuan_T", []],
    3599: [1, "dongwuyuan_T", []],
    36: [2, -320235009, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    360: [2, -843149313, 5, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3600: [1, "dongwuyuan_T", []],
    3601: [1, "busstop_2", []],
    3602: [1, "busstop_3", []],
    3603: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    3604: [1, "ditie_beijing_0", []],
    3605: [1, "ditie_beijing_1", []],
    3606: [1, "ditie_beijing_2", []],
    3607: [1, "s_b_a", []],
    3608: [1, "s_b_a", []],
    3609: [1, "jdn_qita", []],
    361: [2, -843149313, 6, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3610: [1, "jdn_qita", []],
    3611: [5, "", 13, 1683106815, 16, -118099713],
    3612: [5, "", 14, 1683106815, 16, -118099713],
    3613: [5, "", 16, 1683106815, 16, -118099713],
    3614: [5, "", 18, 1683106815, 16, -118099713],
    3615: [5, "", 15, -1872556801, 16, -151588865],
    3616: [5, "", 16, -1872556801, 16, -151588865],
    3617: [5, "", 17, -1872556801, 16, -151588865],
    3618: [5, "", 19, -1872556801, 16, -151588865],
    3619: [5, "", 13, -1841019649, 16, -101386753],
    362: [2, -843149313, 10, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3620: [5, "", 14, -1841019649, 16, -101386753],
    3621: [5, "", 16, -1841019649, 16, -101386753],
    3622: [5, "", 18, -1841019649, 16, -101386753],
    3623: [5, "", 13, 1113419263, 16, -302910465],
    3624: [5, "", 14, 1113419263, 16, -302910465],
    3625: [5, "", 16, 1113419263, 16, -302910465],
    3626: [5, "", 18, 1113419263, 16, -302910465],
    3627: [5, "", 13, -2124274945, 16, -1],
    3628: [5, "", 14, -2124274945, 16, -1],
    3629: [5, "", 16, -2124274945, 16, -1],
    363: [2, -843149313, 10, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3630: [5, "", 18, -2124274945, 16, -1],
    3631: [5, "", 12, 858993663, 16, -1],
    3632: [5, "", 12, -1, 20, -2122329601],
    3633: [5, "", 14, -1, 20, -2122329601],
    3634: [5, "", 12, 858993663, 16, -1],
    3635: [5, "", 12, -1, 20, 1301863935],
    3636: [5, "", 13, -1, 20, 1301863935],
    3637: [5, "", 11, 858993663, 16, -1],
    3638: [5, "", 11, 858993663, 16, -1],
    3639: [5, "", 12, 255, 16, -1],
    364: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3640: [5, "", 11, 1717960959, 16, -1],
    3641: [5, "", 11, 1717960959, 16, -1],
    3642: [5, "", 12, 1717960959, 16, -1],
    3643: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3644: [5, "", 11, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3645: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3646: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3647: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3648: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3649: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    365: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3650: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3651: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3652: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3653: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3654: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3655: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3656: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3657: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3658: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3659: [5, "", 15, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    366: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3660: [5, "", 15, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3661: [5, "", 15, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3662: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3663: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3664: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3665: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3666: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3667: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3668: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3669: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    367: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3670: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3671: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3672: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3673: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3674: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3675: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3676: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3677: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3678: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3679: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    368: [2, -843149313, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3680: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3681: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3682: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3683: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3684: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3685: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3686: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3687: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3688: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3689: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    369: [2, -843149313, 6, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3690: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3691: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3692: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3693: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3694: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3695: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3696: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3697: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3698: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433]

window.Fb= Object.assign(window.Fb,tempObj );
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago

BMap_tile_pp5s2s (紧跟上一楼)


let tempObj = {
3699: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    37: [2, -22785, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    370: [2, -843149313, 8, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3700: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3701: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3702: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3703: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3704: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3705: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3706: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3707: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3708: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3709: [5, "", 12, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    371: [2, -843149313, 10, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    3710: [5, "", 12, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3711: [5, "", 12, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3712: [5, "", 13, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3713: [5, "", 13, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3714: [5, "", 13, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3715: [5, "", 14, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3716: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3717: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3718: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3719: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    372: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3720: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3721: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3722: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3723: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3724: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3725: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3726: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3727: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3728: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3729: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    373: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3730: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3731: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3732: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3733: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3734: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3735: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3736: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3737: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3738: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3739: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    374: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3740: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3741: [5, "", 12, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3742: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3743: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3744: [5, "", 13, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3745: [5, "", 14, 757408511, 16, -168562433],
    3746: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3747: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3748: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3749: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    375: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3750: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3751: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3752: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3753: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3754: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3755: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3756: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3757: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3758: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3759: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    376: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3760: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3761: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3762: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3763: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3764: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3765: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3766: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3767: [5, "", 14, 255, 16, -1],
    3768: [5, "", 15, 255, 16, -1],
    3769: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    377: [2, -237677057, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3770: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3771: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3772: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3773: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3774: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3775: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3776: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3777: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3778: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3779: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    378: [2, -237677057, 6, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3780: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3781: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3782: [5, "", 1, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3783: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3784: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3785: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3786: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3787: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3788: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3789: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    379: [2, -237677057, 8, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    3790: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3791: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3792: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3793: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3794: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3795: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3796: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3797: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3798: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3799: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    38: [2, -2329857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    380: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    3800: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3801: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3802: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3803: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3804: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3805: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3806: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3807: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3808: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3809: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    381: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    3810: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3811: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3812: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3813: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3814: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3815: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3816: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3817: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3818: [5, "", 13, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3819: [5, "", 13, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    382: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    3820: [5, "", 13, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3821: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3822: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3823: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3824: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3825: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3826: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3827: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3828: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3829: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    383: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    3830: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3831: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3832: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3833: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3834: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3835: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3836: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3837: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3838: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3839: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    384: [2, -559393793, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    3840: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3841: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3842: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3843: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3844: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3845: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3846: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3847: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3848: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3849: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    385: [2, -559393793, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    3850: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3851: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3852: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3853: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3854: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3855: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3856: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3857: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3858: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3859: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    386: [2, -559393793, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    3860: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3861: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3862: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3863: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3864: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3865: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3866: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3867: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3868: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3869: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    387: [2, -559393793, 9, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    3870: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3871: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3872: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3873: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3874: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3875: [5, "", 11, 1815085311, 16, -665089],
    3876: [5, "", 12, 1815085311, 16, -665089],
    3877: [5, "", 13, 1815085311, 16, -665089],
    3878: [5, "", 14, 1815085311, 16, -665089],
    3879: [5, "", 15, 1815085311, 16, -665089],
    388: [2, -559393793, 9, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    3880: [5, "", 16, 1815085311, 16, -665089],
    3881: [5, "", 18, 1815085311, 16, -665089],
    3882: [5, "", 11, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3883: [5, "", 11, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3884: [5, "", 11, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3885: [5, "", 11, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3886: [5, "", 11, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3887: [5, "", 11, 1164654847, 16, -84215041],
    3888: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3889: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    389: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3890: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3891: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3892: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3893: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3894: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3895: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3896: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3897: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3898: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3899: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    39: [2, -3261953, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    390: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3900: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3901: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3902: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3903: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3904: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3905: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3906: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3907: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3908: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3909: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    391: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3910: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3911: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3912: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3913: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3914: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3915: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3916: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3917: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3918: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3919: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    392: [2, -101058049, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3920: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3921: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3922: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3923: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3924: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3925: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3926: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3927: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3928: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3929: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    393: [2, -101058049, 6, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    3930: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3931: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3932: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3933: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3934: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3935: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3936: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3937: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3938: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3939: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    394: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3940: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3941: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3942: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3943: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3944: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3945: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3946: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3947: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3948: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3949: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    395: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3950: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3951: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3952: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3953: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3954: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3955: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3956: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3957: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3958: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3959: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    396: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3960: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3961: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3962: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3963: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3964: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3965: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3966: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3967: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3968: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3969: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    397: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3970: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3971: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3972: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3973: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3974: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3975: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3976: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3977: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3978: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3979: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    398: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3980: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3981: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3982: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3983: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3984: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3985: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3986: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3987: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3988: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3989: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    399: [2, -16928257, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    3990: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3991: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3992: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3993: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3994: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3995: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3996: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3997: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3998: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    3999: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4: [3, -1497178369, [2, -1497178369, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    40: [2, -3977985, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    400: [2, -16928257, 5, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4E3: [5, "", 11, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    4001: [5, "", 12, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    4002: [5, "", 14, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    4003: [5, "", 16, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    4004: [5, "", 18, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    4005: [5, "", 20, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    4006: [5, "", 22, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    4007: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4008: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4009: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    401: [2, -16928257, 7, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4010: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4011: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4012: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4013: [5, "", 13, 35600895, 16, -1],
    4014: [5, "", 15, 35600895, 16, -1],
    4015: [5, "", 17, 35600895, 16, -1],
    4016: [5, "", 13, 994267903, 16, -1],
    4017: [5, "", 15, 994267903, 16, -1],
    4018: [5, "", 17, 994267903, 16, -1],
    4019: [5, "", 11, -2004779521, 16, -168562433],
    402: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4020: [5, "", 11, -2004779521, 16, -168562433],
    4021: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4022: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4023: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4024: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4025: [2, -261847809, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4026: [2, -261848064, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4027: [2, -261848064, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4028: [2, -261848064, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4029: [5, "", 11, -261847809, 16, -1],
    403: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4030: [5, "", 11, -261847809, 16, -1],
    4031: [5, "", 12, -261847809, 16, -1],
    4032: [5, "", 14, -261847809, 16, -1],
    4033: [2, -593543425, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4034: [2, -593543425, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4035: [2, -593543425, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4036: [2, -593543425, 9, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4037: [2, -593543425, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4038: [2, -593543425, 14, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4039: [2, -593543425, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    404: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4040: [2, -745436929, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4041: [2, -745436929, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4042: [2, -745436929, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4043: [2, -745436929, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4044: [2, -745437184, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4045: [2, -745437184, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4046: [2, -745437184, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4047: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4048: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4049: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    405: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4050: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4051: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4052: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4053: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4054: [5, "", 11, -1032492033, 16, -1],
    4055: [5, "", 11, -1032492033, 16, -1],
    4056: [5, "", 12, -1032492033, 16, -1],
    4057: [5, "", 14, -1032492033, 16, -1],
    4058: [2, -843149313, 8, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4059: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    406: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4060: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4061: [3, -1717987034, []],
    4062: [4, -572662273, -101190401, 0.2, [2, -808464385, 1, 0, 1, [], 0, 0], 2, 8],
    4063: [4, -572662273, -101190401, 0.2, [2, -808464385, 1, 0, 1, [], 0, 0], 2, 8],
    4064: [5, "", 14, 912759295, 2, -1],
    4065: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4066: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4067: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4068: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4069: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    407: [2, -16928257, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4070: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4071: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4072: [2, -617141249, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4073: [2, -617141249, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4074: [2, -617141249, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4075: [2, -617141249, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4076: [2, -617141504, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4077: [2, -617141504, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4078: [2, -617141504, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4079: [5, "", 11, -853074945, 16, -1],
    408: [2, -16928257, 5, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4080: [5, "", 11, -853074945, 16, -1],
    4081: [5, "", 12, -853074945, 16, -1],
    4082: [5, "", 14, -853074945, 16, -1],
    4083: [2, -559393793, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4084: [2, -237677057, 7, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4085: [2, -237677057, 8, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4086: [2, -2201857, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4087: [2, -559393793, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4088: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4089: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    409: [2, -16928257, 7, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4090: [2, -2201857, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4091: [2, -559393793, 8, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4092: [2, -843149313, 4, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4093: [2, -843149313, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4094: [2, -237677057, 5, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4095: [2, -559393793, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4096: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4097: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4098: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4099: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    41: [2, -3977985, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    410: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4100: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4101: [2, -559873, 2, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4102: [2, -843149313, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4103: [2, -237677057, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4104: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4105: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4106: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4107: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4108: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4109: [2, -559393793, 5, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    411: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4110: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4111: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4112: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4113: [2, -20748801, 5, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4114: [2, -593543425, 7, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4115: [2, -20748801, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4116: [2, -593543425, 5, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4117: [2, -593543425, 8, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4118: [2, -20748801, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4119: [5, "", 12, -1687872257, 16, -2201857],
    412: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4120: [5, "", 13, 2117931775, 16, -20748801],
    4121: [5, "", 13, 1432248831, 16, -639243777],
    4122: [5, "", 14, 1432248831, 16, -639243777],
    4123: [5, "", 16, 1432248831, 16, -639243777],
    4124: [5, "", 18, 1432248831, 16, -639243777],
    4125: [3, -572662273, [2, -572662273, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4127: [3, -286398977, [2, -286398977, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4128: [3, -481736193, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4129: [3, 224369151, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    413: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4130: [3, 1304012031, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4131: [3, -864374273, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4132: [3, -1332988673, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4133: [3, 882914559, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4134: [3, 1806911487, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4135: [3, 27450111, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4136: [3, -105309697, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4137: [3, -745436929, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4138: [3, -1721303041, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4139: [3, 2119794687, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    414: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4140: [3, -701218305, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4141: [3, -4508673, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4142: [3, -1287151105, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4143: [3, 1304012031, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4144: [3, -1721025025, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4145: [3, -701218356, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4146: [3, 751052748, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4147: [3, -105309748, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4148: [3, 2118632140, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4149: [3, -536826932, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    415: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4150: [3, -13408564, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4151: [3, -8453940, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4152: [3, 9159628, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4153: [3, -2118007092, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4154: [3, -944778292, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4155: [3, -1725026612, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4156: [3, -493832500, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4157: [3, 2119794636, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4158: [3, -519764532, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4159: [3, -105309748, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    416: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4160: [3, 491577804, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4161: [3, -312199732, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4162: [3, -312199732, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4163: [3, 10027212, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4164: [3, -872362804, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4165: [3, 10004172, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4166: [3, -1261683252, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4167: [3, 1283424204, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4168: [3, 751052748, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4169: [3, -4508724, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    417: [2, -559873, 6, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4170: [3, 1030606028, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4171: [3, -701218356, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4172: [3, 1816959436, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4173: [3, 751052748, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4174: [3, -701152564, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4175: [3, 1232784588, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4176: [3, -261847860, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4177: [3, -701218356, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4178: [3, -372571956, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4179: [3, 92056268, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    418: [2, -559873, 8, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4180: [3, 119573196, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4181: [3, 6737100, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4182: [3, -308492340, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4183: [3, 1555621324, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4184: [3, 1555621324, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4185: [3, -701152564, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4186: [3, 8912076, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4187: [3, -328597300, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4188: [3, 6737100, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4189: [3, 6737100, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    419: [2, -3905793, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4190: [3, -481736244, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4191: [3, -4508724, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4192: [3, -701218356, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4193: [3, 1806911436, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4194: [3, -1261683252, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4195: [3, -867020084, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4196: [3, -748541492, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4197: [3, -813057076, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4198: [3, -375840564, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4199: [3, 1385155788, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    42: [2, -3977985, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    420: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4200: [3, 731590604, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4201: [3, 8421580, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4202: [3, -633391668, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4203: [3, -1638519860, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4204: [3, -1725003828, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4205: [3, 2025713356, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4206: [3, -1854622516, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4207: [3, 1806911436, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4208: [3, 1031180748, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4209: [3, -617141300, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    421: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4210: [5, "", 11, -1583242753, 16, -101058049],
    4211: [5, "", 11, -1583242753, 16, -101058049],
    4212: [5, "", 11, -1583242753, 16, -101058049],
    4213: [5, "", 11, -1768515841, 16, -101058049],
    4214: [5, "", 11, -1768515841, 16, -101058049],
    4215: [5, "", 11, -2139062017, 16, -101058049],
    4216: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4217: [2, -758265345, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4218: [2, -758265345, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4219: [2, -758265345, 7, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    422: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4220: [2, -758265345, 7, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4221: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4222: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4223: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4224: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4225: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4226: [2, -454761217, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4227: [2, -758265345, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4228: [2, -758265345, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4229: [2, -758265345, 7, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    423: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4230: [1, "zhongcan_a", []],
    4231: [1, "zhongcan_a", []],
    4232: [1, "zhongcan_a", []],
    4233: [1, "zhongcan_a", []],
    4234: [1, "xican_a", []],
    4235: [1, "xican_a", []],
    4236: [1, "xican_a", []],
    4237: [1, "xican_a", []],
    4238: [1, "honglvdeng_T", []],
    4239: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_b", []],
    424: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4240: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_b", []],
    4241: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_b", []],
    4242: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_b", []],
    4243: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_b", []],
    4244: [1, "zhongheyiyuan_b", []],
    4245: [2, -1094795521, 6, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4246: [2, -1094795521, 8, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4247: [2, -1094795521, 10, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4248: [2, -1, 4, 0, 2, [2, 1], 1, 0],
    4249: [2, -1, 6, 0, 2, [3, 1], 1, 0],
    425: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4250: [2, -1, 8, 0, 2, [4, 2], 1, 0],
    4251: [2, -1465341697, 6, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4252: [2, -1465341697, 8, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4253: [2, -1465341697, 10, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4254: [2, -1, 4, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4255: [2, -1, 6, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4256: [2, -1, 8, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4257: [2, -1094795521, 6, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4258: [2, -1094795521, 8, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4259: [2, -1094795521, 10, 0, 2, [], 0, 0],
    426: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4260: [2, -437918209, 4, 0, 2, [2, 1], 1, 0],
    4261: [2, -437918209, 6, 0, 2, [3, 1], 1, 0],
    4262: [2, -437918209, 8, 0, 2, [4, 2], 1, 0],
    4263: [2, -1465341697, 6, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4264: [2, -1465341697, 8, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4265: [2, -1465341697, 10, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4266: [2, -437918209, 4, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4267: [2, -437918209, 6, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4268: [2, -437918209, 8, 1, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4269: [1, "s_r_h2", []],
    427: [2, -2201857, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4270: [1, "s_r_h2", []],
    4271: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4272: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4273: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4274: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4275: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4276: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4277: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4278: [2, 7403007, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4279: [2, 7403007, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    428: [2, -20748801, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4280: [2, 7403007, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4281: [2, 7403007, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4282: [2, 7402752, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4283: [2, 7402752, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4284: [2, 7402752, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4285: [5, "", 11, 6675967, 16, -1],
    4286: [5, "", 11, 6675967, 16, -1],
    4287: [5, "", 12, 6675967, 16, -1],
    4288: [5, "", 14, 6675967, 16, -1],
    4289: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    429: [2, -20748801, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4290: [1, "trans_shanghai_01", []],
    4291: [1, "trans_shanghai_0", []],
    4292: [1, "trans_shanghai_1", []],
    4293: [1, "trans_shanghai_2", []],
    4294: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4295: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4296: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4297: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4298: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4299: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    43: [2, -3977985, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    430: [2, -20748801, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4300: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4301: [2, -436202753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4302: [2, -436202753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4303: [2, -436202753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4304: [2, -436202753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4305: [2, -436203008, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4306: [2, -436203008, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4307: [2, -436203008, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4308: [5, "", 11, -436202753, 16, -1],
    4309: [5, "", 11, -436202753, 16, -1],
    431: [2, -20748801, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4310: [5, "", 12, -436202753, 16, -1],
    4311: [5, "", 14, -436202753, 16, -1],
    4312: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    4313: [1, "ditie_haerbin_01", []],
    4314: [1, "ditie_haerbin_0", []],
    4315: [1, "ditie_haerbin_1", []],
    4316: [1, "ditie_haerbin_2", []],
    4317: [1, "10a", []],
    4318: [1, "10a", []],
    4319: [1, "10b", []],
    432: [2, -20748801, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4320: [1, "10b", []],
    4321: [1, "29a", []],
    4322: [1, "29a", []],
    4323: [1, "29b", []],
    4324: [1, "29b", []],
    4325: [1, "31", []],
    4326: [1, "31", []],
    4327: [1, "6a", []],
    4328: [1, "6a", []],
    4329: [1, "e5", []],
    433: [2, -20748801, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4330: [1, "e5", []],
    4331: [1, "i1", []],
    4332: [1, "i1", []],
    4333: [1, "l", []],
    4334: [1, "l", []],
    4335: [1, "n3", []],
    4336: [1, "n3", []],
    4337: [3, 7402956, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4338: [3, -436202804, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4339: [3, -481736269, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    434: [2, -20748801, 4, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4340: [3, 224369075, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4341: [3, 1304011955, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4342: [3, -864374349, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4343: [3, -1332988749, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4344: [3, 882914483, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4345: [3, 1806911411, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4346: [3, 27450035, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4347: [3, -105309773, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4348: [3, -745437005, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4349: [3, -1721303117, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    435: [2, -20748801, 6, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4350: [3, 2119794611, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4351: [3, -701218381, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4352: [3, -4508749, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4353: [3, -1287151181, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4354: [3, 1304011955, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4355: [3, -1721025101, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4356: [3, -701218381, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4357: [3, 751052723, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4358: [3, -105309773, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4359: [3, 2118632115, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    436: [2, -20748801, 8, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4360: [3, -536826957, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4361: [3, -13408589, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4362: [3, -8453965, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4363: [3, 9159603, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4364: [3, -2118007117, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4365: [3, -944778317, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4366: [3, -1725026637, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4367: [3, -493832525, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4368: [3, 2119794611, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4369: [3, -519764557, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    437: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4370: [3, -105309773, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4371: [3, 491577779, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4372: [3, -312199757, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4373: [3, -312199757, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4374: [3, 10027187, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4375: [3, -872362829, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4376: [3, 10004147, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4377: [3, -1261683277, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4378: [3, 1283424179, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4379: [3, 751052723, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    438: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4380: [3, -4508749, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4381: [3, 1030606003, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4382: [3, -701218381, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4383: [3, 1816959411, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4384: [3, 751052723, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4385: [3, -701152589, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4386: [3, 1232784563, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4387: [3, -261847885, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4388: [3, -701218381, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4389: [3, -372571981, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    439: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4390: [3, 92056243, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4391: [3, 119573171, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4392: [3, 6737075, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4393: [3, -308492365, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4394: [3, 1555621299, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4395: [3, 1555621299, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4396: [3, -701152589, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4397: [3, 8912051, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4398: [3, -328597325, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4399: [3, 6737075, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    44: [2, -3977985, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    440: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4400: [3, 6737075, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4401: [3, -481736269, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4402: [3, -4508749, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4403: [3, -701218381, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4404: [3, 1806911411, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4405: [3, -1261683277, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4406: [3, -867020109, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4407: [3, -748541517, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4408: [3, -813057101, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4409: [3, -375840589, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    441: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4410: [3, 1385155763, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4411: [3, 731590579, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4412: [3, 8421555, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4413: [3, -633391693, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4414: [3, -1638519885, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4415: [3, -1725003853, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4416: [3, 2025713331, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4417: [3, -1854622541, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4418: [3, 1806911411, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4419: [3, 1031180723, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    442: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4420: [3, -617141325, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4421: [3, 7402931, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4422: [3, -436202829, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    4423: [1, "KFC", []],
    4424: [1, "KFC", []],
    4425: [1, "KFC", []],
    4426: [1, "KFC", []],
    4427: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4428: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4429: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    443: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4430: [1, "McDonald", []],
    4431: [1, "McDonald", []],
    4432: [1, "McDonald", []],
    4433: [1, "McDonald", []],
    4434: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4435: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4436: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4437: [1, "Pizza", []],
    4438: [1, "Pizza", []],
    4439: [1, "Pizza", []],
    444: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4440: [1, "Pizza", []],
    4441: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4442: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4443: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4444: [1, "7day", []],
    4445: [1, "7day", []],
    4446: [1, "7day", []],
    4447: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4448: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4449: [1, "hanting", []],
    445: [2, -2201857, 8, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    4450: [1, "hanting", []],
    4451: [1, "hanting", []],
    4452: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4453: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4454: [1, "Carrefour", []],
    4455: [1, "Carrefour", []],
    4456: [1, "Carrefour", []],
    4457: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4458: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4459: [1, "WalMart", []],
    446: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4460: [1, "WalMart", []],
    4461: [1, "WalMart", []],
    4462: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4463: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    4464: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4465: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4466: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4467: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4468: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4469: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    447: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4470: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4471: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4472: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4473: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4474: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4475: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4476: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4477: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4478: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4479: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    448: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4480: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4481: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4482: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4483: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4484: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4485: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4486: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4487: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4488: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4489: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    449: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4490: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4491: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4492: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4493: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4494: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4495: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4496: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4497: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4498: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4499: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    45: [2, -3977985, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    450: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4500: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4501: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4502: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4503: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4504: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4505: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4506: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4507: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4508: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4509: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    451: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4510: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4511: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4512: [2, -481736244, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4513: [2, -481736244, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4514: [2, -481736269, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4515: [2, 224369100, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4516: [2, 224369100, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4517: [2, 224369075, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4518: [2, 1304011980, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4519: [2, 1304011980, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    452: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4520: [2, 1304011955, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4521: [2, -864374324, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4522: [2, -864374324, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4523: [2, -864374349, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4524: [2, -1332988724, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4525: [2, -1332988724, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4526: [2, -1332988749, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4527: [2, 882914508, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4528: [2, 882914508, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4529: [2, 882914483, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    453: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4530: [2, 1806911436, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4531: [2, 1806911436, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4532: [2, 1806911411, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4533: [2, 27450060, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4534: [2, 27450060, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4535: [2, 27450035, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4536: [2, -105309748, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4537: [2, -105309748, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4538: [2, -105309773, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4539: [2, -1721303092, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    454: [2, -101058049, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4540: [2, -1721303092, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4541: [2, -1721303117, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4542: [2, 2119794636, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4543: [2, 2119794636, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4544: [2, 2119794611, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4545: [2, -701218356, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4546: [2, -701218356, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4547: [2, -701218381, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4548: [2, -4508724, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4549: [2, -4508724, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    455: [2, -101058049, 6, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4550: [2, -4508749, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4551: [2, -1287151156, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4552: [2, -1287151156, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4553: [2, -1287151181, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4554: [2, 1304011980, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4555: [2, 1304011980, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4556: [2, 1304011955, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4557: [2, -1721025076, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4558: [2, -1721025076, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4559: [2, -1721025101, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    456: [2, -101058049, 8, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4560: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4561: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4562: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4563: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4564: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4565: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4566: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4567: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4568: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4569: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    457: [2, -101058049, 8, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4570: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4571: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4572: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4573: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4574: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4575: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4576: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4577: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4578: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4579: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    458: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4580: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4581: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4582: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4583: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4584: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4585: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4586: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4587: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4588: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4589: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    459: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4590: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4591: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4592: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4593: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4594: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4595: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4596: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4597: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4598: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4599: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0]

window.Fb= Object.assign(window.Fb,tempObj );
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago

BMap_tile_pp5s2s (紧跟上一楼)


let tempObj = {
46: [2, -3912449, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    460: [2, -101058049, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4600: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4601: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4602: [2, -701218356, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4603: [2, -701218356, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4604: [2, -701218381, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4605: [2, 751052748, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4606: [2, 751052748, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4607: [2, 751052723, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4608: [2, -105309748, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4609: [2, -105309748, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    461: [2, -101058049, 6, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4610: [2, -105309773, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4611: [2, 2118632140, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4612: [2, 2118632140, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4613: [2, 2118632115, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4614: [2, -536826932, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4615: [2, -536826932, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4616: [2, -536826957, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4617: [2, -13408564, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4618: [2, -13408564, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4619: [2, -13408589, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    462: [2, -101058049, 8, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    4620: [2, -8453940, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4621: [2, -8453940, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4622: [2, -8453965, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4623: [2, 9159628, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4624: [2, 9159628, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4625: [2, 9159603, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4626: [2, -2118007092, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4627: [2, -2118007092, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4628: [2, -2118007117, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4629: [2, -944778292, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    463: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4630: [2, -944778292, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4631: [2, -944778317, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4632: [2, -1725026612, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4633: [2, -1725026612, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4634: [2, -1725026637, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4635: [2, -493832500, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4636: [2, -493832500, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4637: [2, -493832525, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4638: [2, 2119794636, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4639: [2, 2119794636, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    464: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4640: [2, 2119794611, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4641: [2, -519764532, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4642: [2, -519764532, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4643: [2, -519764557, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4644: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4645: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4646: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4647: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4648: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4649: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    465: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4650: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4651: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4652: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4653: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4654: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4655: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4656: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4657: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4658: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4659: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    466: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4660: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4661: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4662: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4663: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4664: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4665: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4666: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4667: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4668: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4669: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    467: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4670: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4671: [2, -105309748, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4672: [2, -105309748, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4673: [2, -105309773, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4674: [2, 491577804, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4675: [2, 491577804, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4676: [2, 491577779, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4677: [2, -312199732, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4678: [2, -312199732, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4679: [2, -312199757, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    468: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4680: [2, -312199732, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4681: [2, -312199732, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4682: [2, -312199757, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4683: [2, 10027212, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4684: [2, 10027212, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4685: [2, 10027187, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4686: [2, -872362804, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4687: [2, -872362804, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4688: [2, -872362829, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4689: [2, 10004172, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    469: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4690: [2, 10004172, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4691: [2, 10004147, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4692: [2, -1261683252, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4693: [2, -1261683252, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4694: [2, -1261683277, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4695: [2, 1283424204, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4696: [2, 1283424204, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4697: [2, 1283424179, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4698: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4699: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    47: [1, "biaopai_guodao_0", [5, "", 9, -1, 0, -1]],
    470: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4700: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4701: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4702: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4703: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4704: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4705: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4706: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4707: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4708: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4709: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    471: [2, -16928257, 12, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    4710: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4711: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4712: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4713: [2, 751052748, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4714: [2, 751052748, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4715: [2, 751052723, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4716: [2, -4508724, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4717: [2, -4508724, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4718: [2, -4508749, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4719: [2, 1030606028, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    472: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4720: [2, 1030606028, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4721: [2, 1030606003, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4722: [2, -701218356, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4723: [2, -701218356, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4724: [2, -701218381, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4725: [2, 1816959436, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4726: [2, 1816959436, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4727: [2, 1816959411, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4728: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4729: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    473: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4730: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4731: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4732: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4733: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4734: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4735: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4736: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4737: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4738: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4739: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    474: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4740: [2, 751052748, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4741: [2, 751052748, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4742: [2, 751052723, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4743: [2, 1232784588, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4744: [2, 1232784588, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4745: [2, 1232784563, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4746: [2, -701152564, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4747: [2, -701152564, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4748: [2, -701152589, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4749: [2, -261847860, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    475: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4750: [2, -261847860, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4751: [2, -261847885, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4752: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4753: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4754: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4755: [2, -867020084, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4756: [2, -867020084, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4757: [2, -867020109, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4758: [2, -748541492, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4759: [2, -748541492, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    476: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4760: [2, -748541517, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4761: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4762: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4763: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4764: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4765: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4766: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4767: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4768: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4769: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    477: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4770: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4771: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4772: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4773: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4774: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4775: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4776: [2, -701218356, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4777: [2, -701218356, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4778: [2, -701218381, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4779: [2, -372571956, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    478: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4780: [2, -372571956, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4781: [2, -372571981, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4782: [2, 92056268, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4783: [2, 92056268, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4784: [2, 92056243, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4785: [2, 119573196, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4786: [2, 119573196, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4787: [2, 119573171, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4788: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4789: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    479: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4790: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4791: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4792: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4793: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4794: [2, 6737100, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4795: [2, 6737100, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4796: [2, 6737075, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4797: [2, -308492340, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4798: [2, -308492340, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4799: [2, -308492365, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    48: [1, "biaopai_gaosu1", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    480: [2, -16928257, 12, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    4800: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4801: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4802: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4803: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4804: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4805: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4806: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4807: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4808: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4809: [2, 1555621324, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    481: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4810: [2, 1555621324, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4811: [2, 1555621299, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4812: [2, 1555621324, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4813: [2, 1555621324, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4814: [2, 1555621299, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4815: [2, -701152564, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4816: [2, -701152564, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4817: [2, -701152589, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4818: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4819: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    482: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4820: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4821: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4822: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4823: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4824: [2, 6737100, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4825: [2, 6737100, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4826: [2, 6737075, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4827: [2, 6737100, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4828: [2, 6737100, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4829: [2, 6737075, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    483: [2, -559873, 2, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4830: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4831: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4832: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4833: [2, 8912076, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4834: [2, 8912076, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4835: [2, 8912051, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4836: [2, -328597300, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4837: [2, -328597300, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4838: [2, -328597325, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4839: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    484: [2, -559873, 3, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4840: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4841: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4842: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4843: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4844: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4845: [2, -1261683252, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4846: [2, -1261683252, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4847: [2, -1261683277, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4848: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4849: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    485: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4850: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4851: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4852: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4853: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4854: [2, -481736244, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4855: [2, -481736244, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4856: [2, -481736269, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4857: [2, -4508724, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4858: [2, -4508724, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4859: [2, -4508749, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    486: [2, -559873, 6, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4860: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4861: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4862: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4863: [2, -701218356, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4864: [2, -701218356, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4865: [2, -701218381, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4866: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4867: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4868: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4869: [2, 1806911436, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    487: [2, -559873, 8, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4870: [2, 1806911436, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4871: [2, 1806911411, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4872: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4873: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4874: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4875: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4876: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4877: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4878: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4879: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    488: [2, -559873, 10, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4880: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4881: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4882: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4883: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4884: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4885: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4886: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4887: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4888: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4889: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    489: [2, -559873, 14, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    4890: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4891: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4892: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4893: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4894: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4895: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4896: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4897: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4898: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4899: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    49: [1, "biaopai_gaosu2", [5, "", 9, -1, 32, -1]],
    490: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4900: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4901: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4902: [2, -813057076, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4903: [2, -813057076, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4904: [2, -813057101, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4905: [2, -375840564, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4906: [2, -375840564, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4907: [2, -375840589, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4908: [2, 1385155788, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4909: [2, 1385155788, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    491: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4910: [2, 1385155763, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4911: [2, 731590604, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4912: [2, 731590604, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4913: [2, 731590579, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4914: [2, 8421580, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4915: [2, 8421580, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4916: [2, 8421555, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4917: [2, -633391668, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4918: [2, -633391668, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4919: [2, -633391693, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    492: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4920: [2, -1638519860, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4921: [2, -1638519860, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4922: [2, -1638519885, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4923: [2, -1725003828, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4924: [2, -1725003828, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4925: [2, -1725003853, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4926: [2, 2025713356, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4927: [2, 2025713356, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4928: [2, 2025713331, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4929: [2, -1854622516, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    493: [2, -2201857, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4930: [2, -1854622516, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4931: [2, -1854622541, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4932: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4933: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4934: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4935: [2, 1806911436, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4936: [2, 1806911436, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4937: [2, 1806911411, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4938: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4939: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    494: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4940: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4941: [2, 1031180748, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4942: [2, 1031180748, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4943: [2, 1031180723, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4944: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4945: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4946: [2, -77, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4947: [2, -261847860, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4948: [2, -261847885, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4949: [2, -261847885, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    495: [2, -2201857, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4950: [2, -745436980, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4951: [2, -745436980, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4952: [2, -745437005, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4953: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4954: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4955: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4956: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4957: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4958: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4959: [2, -617141300, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    496: [2, -2201857, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4960: [2, -617141300, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4961: [2, -617141325, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4962: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4963: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4964: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4965: [2, 7402956, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4966: [2, 7402956, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4967: [2, 7402931, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4968: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4969: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    497: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4970: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4971: [2, -436202804, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4972: [2, -436202804, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4973: [2, -436202829, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4974: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    4975: [1, "trans_dalian_01", []],
    4976: [1, "trans_dalian_0", []],
    4977: [1, "trans_dalian_1", []],
    4978: [1, "trans_dalian_2", []],
    4979: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    498: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4980: [1, "ditie_zhengzhou_01", []],
    4981: [1, "ditie_zhengzhou_0", []],
    4982: [1, "ditie_zhengzhou_1", []],
    4983: [1, "ditie_zhengzhou_2", []],
    4984: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4985: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4986: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4987: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4988: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4989: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    499: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4990: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4991: [2, 1910167295, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4992: [2, 1910167295, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4993: [2, 1910167295, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4994: [2, 1910167295, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4995: [2, 1910167040, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4996: [2, 1910167040, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4997: [2, 1910167040, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    4998: [5, "", 11, 1910167295, 16, -1],
    4999: [5, "", 11, 1910167295, 16, -1],
    5: [2, -1497178369, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    50: [2, -1802201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    500: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5E3: [5, "", 12, 1910167295, 16, -1],
    5001: [5, "", 14, 1910167295, 16, -1],
    5002: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5003: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5004: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5005: [2, 1910167244, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5006: [2, 1910167244, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5007: [2, 1910167219, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5008: [3, 1910167244, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5009: [3, 1910167219, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    501: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5010: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5011: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5012: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5013: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5014: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5015: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5016: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5017: [2, -1945676801, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5018: [2, -1945676801, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5019: [2, -1945676801, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    502: [2, -2201857, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5020: [2, -1945676801, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5021: [2, -1945677056, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5022: [2, -1945677056, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5023: [2, -1945677056, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5024: [5, "", 11, -1945676801, 16, -1],
    5025: [5, "", 11, -1945676801, 16, -1],
    5026: [5, "", 12, -1945676801, 16, -1],
    5027: [5, "", 14, -1945676801, 16, -1],
    5028: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5029: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    503: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5030: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5031: [2, -1945676852, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5032: [2, -1945676852, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5033: [2, -1945676877, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5034: [3, -1945676852, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5035: [3, -1945676877, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5036: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5037: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5038: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5039: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    504: [2, -2201857, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5040: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5041: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5042: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5043: [2, -1698037505, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5044: [2, -1698037505, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5045: [2, -1698037505, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5046: [2, -1698037505, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5047: [2, -1698037760, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5048: [2, -1698037760, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5049: [2, -1698037760, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    505: [2, -2201857, 13, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5050: [5, "", 11, -1698037505, 16, -1],
    5051: [5, "", 11, -1698037505, 16, -1],
    5052: [5, "", 12, -1698037505, 16, -1],
    5053: [5, "", 14, -1698037505, 16, -1],
    5054: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5055: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5056: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5057: [2, -1698037556, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5058: [2, -1698037556, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5059: [2, -1698037581, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    506: [2, -2201857, 15, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5060: [3, -1698037556, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5061: [3, -1698037581, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5062: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5063: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5064: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5065: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5066: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5067: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5068: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5069: [2, -486539009, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    507: [2, -2201857, 17, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5070: [2, -486539009, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5071: [2, -486539009, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5072: [2, -486539009, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5073: [2, -486539264, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5074: [2, -486539264, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5075: [2, -486539264, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5076: [5, "", 11, -486539009, 16, -1],
    5077: [5, "", 11, -486539009, 16, -1],
    5078: [5, "", 12, -486539009, 16, -1],
    5079: [5, "", 14, -486539009, 16, -1],
    508: [2, -2201857, 17, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5080: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5081: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5082: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5083: [2, -486539060, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5084: [2, -486539060, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5085: [2, -486539085, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5086: [3, -486539060, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5087: [3, -486539085, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5088: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5089: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    509: [2, -20748801, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5090: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5091: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5092: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5093: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5094: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5095: [2, -635947521, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5096: [2, -635947521, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5097: [2, -635947521, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5098: [2, -635947521, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5099: [2, -635947776, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    51: [2, -1, 1.5, 0, 2, [10, 11], 1, 0],
    510: [2, -20748801, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5100: [2, -635947776, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5101: [2, -635947776, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5102: [5, "", 11, -635947521, 16, -1],
    5103: [5, "", 11, -635947521, 16, -1],
    5104: [5, "", 12, -635947521, 16, -1],
    5105: [5, "", 14, -635947521, 16, -1],
    5106: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5107: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5108: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5109: [2, -635947572, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    511: [2, -20748801, 3, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5110: [2, -635947572, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5111: [2, -635947597, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5112: [3, -635947572, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5113: [3, -635947597, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5114: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5115: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5116: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5117: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5118: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5119: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    512: [2, -20748801, 4, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5120: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5121: [2, 24862975, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5122: [2, 24862975, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5123: [2, 24862975, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5124: [2, 24862975, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5125: [2, 24862720, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5126: [2, 24862720, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5127: [2, 24862720, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5128: [5, "", 11, 24862975, 16, -1],
    5129: [5, "", 11, 24862975, 16, -1],
    513: [2, -20748801, 5, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5130: [5, "", 12, 24862975, 16, -1],
    5131: [5, "", 14, 24862975, 16, -1],
    5132: [3, 24862924, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5133: [3, 24862899, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5134: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5135: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5136: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5137: [2, 24862924, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5138: [2, 24862924, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5139: [2, 24862899, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    514: [2, -20748801, 7, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5140: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5141: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5142: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5143: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5144: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5145: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5146: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5147: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5148: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5149: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    515: [2, -20748801, 12, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5150: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5151: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5152: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5153: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5154: [2, 745518591, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5155: [2, 745518591, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5156: [2, 745518591, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5157: [2, 745518591, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5158: [2, 745518336, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5159: [2, 745518336, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    516: [2, -20748801, 14, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5160: [2, 745518336, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5161: [2, 836173823, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5162: [2, 836173823, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5163: [2, 836173823, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5164: [2, 836173823, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5165: [2, 836173568, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5166: [2, 836173568, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5167: [2, 836173568, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5168: [5, "", 11, 745518591, 16, -1],
    5169: [5, "", 11, 745518591, 16, -1],
    517: [2, -20748801, 18, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5170: [5, "", 12, 745518591, 16, -1],
    5171: [5, "", 14, 745518591, 16, -1],
    5172: [5, "", 11, 836173823, 16, -1],
    5173: [5, "", 11, 836173823, 16, -1],
    5174: [5, "", 12, 836173823, 16, -1],
    5175: [5, "", 14, 836173823, 16, -1],
    5176: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5177: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5178: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5179: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    518: [2, -20748801, 18, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5180: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5181: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5182: [2, 745518540, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5183: [2, 745518540, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5184: [2, 745518515, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5185: [2, 836173772, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5186: [2, 836173772, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5187: [2, 836173747, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5188: [3, 745518540, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5189: [3, 745518515, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    519: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5190: [3, 836173772, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5191: [3, 836173747, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5192: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    5193: [1, "trans_kunming_01", []],
    5194: [1, "trans_kunming_0", []],
    5195: [1, "trans_kunming_1", []],
    5196: [1, "trans_kunming_2", []],
    5197: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    5198: [1, "ditie_changsha_01", []],
    5199: [1, "ditie_changsha_0", []],
    52: [1, "shoudu", []],
    520: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5200: [1, "ditie_changsha_1", []],
    5201: [1, "ditie_changsha_2", []],
    5202: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    5203: [1, "trans_changsha_01", []],
    5204: [1, "trans_changsha_0", []],
    5205: [1, "trans_changsha_1", []],
    5206: [1, "trans_changsha_2", []],
    5207: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5208: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5209: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    521: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5210: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5211: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5212: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5213: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5214: [2, 42008575, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5215: [2, 42008575, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5216: [2, 42008575, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5217: [2, 42008575, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5218: [2, 42008320, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5219: [2, 42008320, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    522: [2, -2201857, 3, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5220: [2, 42008320, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5221: [5, "", 11, 42008575, 16, -1],
    5222: [5, "", 11, 42008575, 16, -1],
    5223: [5, "", 12, 42008575, 16, -1],
    5224: [5, "", 14, 42008575, 16, -1],
    5225: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5226: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5227: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5228: [2, 42008524, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5229: [2, 42008524, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    523: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5230: [2, 42008499, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5231: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    5232: [1, "ditie_ningbo_01", []],
    5233: [1, "ditie_ningbo_0", []],
    5234: [1, "ditie_ningbo_1", []],
    5235: [1, "ditie_ningbo_2", []],
    5236: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    5237: [1, "trans_ningbo_01", []],
    5238: [1, "trans_ningbo_0", []],
    5239: [1, "trans_ningbo_1", []],
    524: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5240: [1, "trans_ningbo_2", []],
    5241: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5242: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5243: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5244: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5245: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5246: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5247: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5248: [2, -317119745, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5249: [2, -317119745, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    525: [2, -2201857, 10, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5250: [2, -317119745, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5251: [2, -317119745, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5252: [2, -31712E4, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5253: [2, -31712E4, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5254: [2, -31712E4, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5255: [5, "", 11, -317119745, 16, -1],
    5256: [5, "", 11, -317119745, 16, -1],
    5257: [5, "", 12, -317119745, 16, -1],
    5258: [5, "", 14, -317119745, 16, -1],
    5259: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    526: [2, -2201857, 14, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5260: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5261: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5262: [2, -317119796, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5263: [2, -317119796, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5264: [2, -317119821, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5265: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    5266: [1, "ditie_wuxi_01", []],
    5267: [1, "ditie_wuxi_0", []],
    5268: [1, "ditie_wuxi_1", []],
    5269: [1, "ditie_wuxi_2", []],
    527: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5270: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    5271: [1, "trans_wuxi_01", []],
    5272: [1, "trans_wuxi_0", []],
    5273: [1, "trans_wuxi_1", []],
    5274: [1, "trans_wuxi_2", []],
    5275: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5276: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5277: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5278: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5279: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    528: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5280: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5281: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5282: [2, 646219007, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5283: [2, 646219007, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5284: [2, 646219007, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5285: [2, 646219007, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5286: [2, 646218752, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5287: [2, 646218752, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5288: [2, 646218752, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5289: [5, "", 11, 646219007, 16, -1],
    529: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5290: [5, "", 11, 646219007, 16, -1],
    5291: [5, "", 12, 646219007, 16, -1],
    5292: [5, "", 14, 646219007, 16, -1],
    5293: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5294: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5295: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5296: [2, 646218956, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5297: [2, 646218956, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5298: [2, 646218931, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5299: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    53: [1, "shenghui_0", []],
    530: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5300: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5301: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5302: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5303: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5304: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5305: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5306: [2, -1400482049, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5307: [2, -1400482049, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5308: [2, -1400482049, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5309: [2, -1400482049, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    531: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5310: [2, -1400482304, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5311: [2, -1400482304, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5312: [2, -1400482304, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5313: [5, "", 11, -1400482049, 16, -1],
    5314: [5, "", 11, -1400482049, 16, -1],
    5315: [5, "", 12, -1400482049, 16, -1],
    5316: [5, "", 14, -1400482049, 16, -1],
    5317: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5318: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5319: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    532: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5320: [2, -1400482100, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5321: [2, -1400482100, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5322: [2, -1400482125, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5323: [3, -317119796, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5324: [3, -317119821, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5325: [3, 646218956, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5326: [3, 646218931, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5327: [3, -1400482100, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5328: [3, -1400482125, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5329: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    533: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5330: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5331: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5332: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5333: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5334: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5335: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5336: [2, -413269761, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5337: [2, -413269761, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5338: [2, -413269761, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5339: [2, -413269761, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    534: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5340: [2, -413270016, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5341: [2, -413270016, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5342: [2, -413270016, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5343: [5, "", 11, -413269761, 16, -1],
    5344: [5, "", 11, -413269761, 16, -1],
    5345: [5, "", 12, -413269761, 16, -1],
    5346: [5, "", 14, -413269761, 16, -1],
    5347: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5348: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5349: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    535: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5350: [2, -413269812, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5351: [2, -413269812, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5352: [2, -413269837, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5353: [3, -413269812, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5354: [3, -413269837, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5355: [3, 42008524, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5356: [3, 42008499, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5357: [1, "qx_atm", []],
    5358: [1, "qx_atm", []],
    5359: [1, "qx_atm", []],
    536: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5360: [1, "qx_baokanting", []],
    5361: [1, "qx_baokanting", []],
    5362: [1, "qx_bowuguan", []],
    5363: [1, "qx_bowuguan", []],
    5364: [1, "qx_bowuguan", []],
    5365: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5366: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5367: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5368: [1, "qx_cesuo", []],
    5369: [1, "qx_chaoshi", []],
    537: [2, -101058049, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5370: [1, "qx_chaoshi", []],
    5371: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5372: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5373: [1, "qx_chaoshi", []],
    5374: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5375: [1, "qx_damen", []],
    5376: [1, "qx_damen", []],
    5377: [1, "qx_damen_T", []],
    5378: [1, "qx_damen_T", []],
    5379: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    538: [2, -101058049, 6, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5380: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5381: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5382: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5383: [1, "qx_fengjing_T", []],
    5384: [1, "qx_fengjing_T", []],
    5385: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5386: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5387: [1, "qx_fengjing_T", []],
    5388: [1, "qx_fengjing_T", []],
    5389: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    539: [2, -101058049, 8, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5390: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5391: [1, "qx_fengjing_T", []],
    5392: [1, "qx_fengjing_T", []],
    5393: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5394: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5395: [1, "qx_fengjing", []],
    5396: [1, "qx_fengjing", []],
    5397: [1, "qx_fengjing_T", []],
    5398: [1, "qx_fengjing_T", []],
    5399: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    54: [1, "shenghui_1", []],
    540: [2, -101058049, 8, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5400: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5401: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5402: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5403: [1, "qx_gongyuan", []],
    5404: [1, "qx_gongyuan_T", []],
    5405: [1, "qx_gongyuan_T", []],
    5406: [5, "", 11, 1554666239, 16, -168562433],
    5407: [5, "", 11, 1554666239, 16, -168562433],
    5408: [5, "", 11, 1554666239, 16, -168562433],
    5409: [1, "qx_gongyuan", []],
    541: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    5410: [1, "qx_gongyuan_T", []],
    5411: [1, "qx_gongyuan_T", []],
    5412: [5, "", 11, 1554666239, 16, -168562433],
    5413: [5, "", 12, 1554666239, 16, -168562433],
    5414: [5, "", 13, 1554666239, 16, -168562433],
    5415: [1, "qx_guji", []],
    5416: [1, "qx_guji", []],
    5417: [1, "qx_guji", []],
    5418: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5419: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    542: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    5420: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5421: [1, "qx_kafei", []],
    5422: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5423: [1, "qx_kafei", []],
    5424: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5425: [1, "qx_kuaijiejiudian", []],
    5426: [1, "qx_kuaijiejiudian", []],
    5427: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5428: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5429: [1, "qx_kuaijiejiudian", []],
    543: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    5430: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5431: [1, "qx_meirongmeifa", []],
    5432: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5433: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5434: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5435: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5436: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5437: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5438: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5439: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    544: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    5440: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5441: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5442: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5443: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5444: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5445: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5446: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5447: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5448: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5449: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    545: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    5450: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5451: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5452: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5453: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5454: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5455: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5456: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5457: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5458: [1, "qx_qita", []],
    5459: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    546: [2, -16928257, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    5460: [1, "qx_shangwudasha", []],
    5461: [1, "qx_shangwudasha_T", []],
    5462: [1, "qx_shangwudasha_T", []],
    5463: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5464: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5465: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5466: [1, "qx_shangwudasha", []],
    5467: [1, "qx_shangwudasha", []],
    5468: [1, "qx_shangwudasha_T", []],
    5469: [1, "qx_shangwudasha_T", []],
    547: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    5470: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5471: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5472: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5473: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5474: [1, "qx_shanqu", []],
    5475: [1, "qx_shanqu", []],
    5476: [1, "qx_shanqu", []],
    5477: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5478: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5479: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    548: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    5480: [1, "qx_shoupiao", []],
    5481: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5482: [1, "qx_tingchechang", []],
    5483: [1, "qx_tingchechang", []],
    5484: [1, "qx_tingchechang", []],
    5485: [1, "qx_tiyu", []],
    5486: [1, "qx_tiyu", []],
    5487: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5488: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5489: [1, "qx_tiyu", []],
    549: [2, -16928257, 12, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    5490: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5491: [1, "qx_tiyu", []],
    5492: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5493: [1, "qx_tongxun", []],
    5494: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5495: [1, "qx_xican", []],
    5496: [1, "qx_xican", []],
    5497: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5498: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5499: [1, "qx_zhineng", []]

window.Fb= Object.assign(window.Fb,tempObj );
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago

BMap_tile_pp5s2s (紧跟上一楼)


let tempObj = {
55: [1, "dijishi_0", []],
    550: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    5500: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5501: [1, "qx_yuanxi", []],
    5502: [1, "qx_yuanxi", []],
    5503: [1, "qx_yuanxi_T", []],
    5504: [1, "qx_yuanxi_T", []],
    5505: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5506: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5507: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5508: [5, "", 12, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5509: [1, "qx_yanjiujigou", []],
    551: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    5510: [1, "qx_yanjiujigou", []],
    5511: [1, "qx_yanjiujigou", []],
    5512: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5513: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5514: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5515: [1, "qx_yanjiujigou", []],
    5516: [1, "qx_yanjiujigou", []],
    5517: [1, "qx_yanjiujigou", []],
    5518: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5519: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    552: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    5520: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5521: [1, "qx_yaodian", []],
    5522: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5523: [1, "qx_yingyueting", []],
    5524: [1, "qx_yingyueting", []],
    5525: [1, "qx_yingyueting", []],
    5526: [1, "qx_yingyueting", []],
    5527: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5528: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5529: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    553: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    5530: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5531: [1, "qx_yinhang", []],
    5532: [1, "qx_yinhang", []],
    5533: [5, "", 10, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5534: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5535: [1, "qx_yiyuan", []],
    5536: [1, "qx_yiyuan", []],
    5537: [1, "qx_yiyuan", []],
    5538: [1, "qx_yiyuan", []],
    5539: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    554: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    5540: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5541: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5542: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5543: [1, "qx_yiyuan", []],
    5544: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5545: [1, "qx_youzheng", []],
    5546: [1, "qx_youzheng", []],
    5547: [1, "qx_youzheng", []],
    5548: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5549: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    555: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    5550: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5551: [1, "qx_yuanxi", []],
    5552: [1, "qx_yuanxi", []],
    5553: [1, "qx_yuanxi_T", []],
    5554: [1, "qx_yuanxi_T", []],
    5555: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5556: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5557: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5558: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5559: [1, "qx_yuanxi_T", []],
    556: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    5560: [1, "qx_yuanxi_T", []],
    5561: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5562: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5563: [1, "qx_zhineng", []],
    5564: [1, "qx_zhineng", []],
    5565: [1, "qx_zhineng", []],
    5566: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5567: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5568: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5569: [1, "qx_zhineng", []],
    557: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    5570: [1, "qx_zhineng", []],
    5571: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5572: [5, "", 11, 1803325951, 16, -168562433],
    5573: [1, "qx_zhongcan", []],
    5574: [1, "qx_zhongcan", []],
    5575: [1, "qx_zhongcan", []],
    5576: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5577: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5578: [5, "", 11, 911770111, 16, -168562433],
    5579: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue", []],
    558: [2, -16928257, 12, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    5580: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue", []],
    5581: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    5582: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    5583: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5584: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5585: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5586: [5, "", 12, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5587: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue", []],
    5588: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue", []],
    5589: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    559: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    5590: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    5591: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5592: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5593: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5594: [5, "", 12, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5595: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue", []],
    5596: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue", []],
    5597: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    5598: [1, "qx_zhongxiaoxue_T", []],
    5599: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    56: [5, "", 11, 1280068863, 16, -1],
    560: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    5600: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5601: [5, "", 11, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5602: [5, "", 12, 1756294143, 16, -168562433],
    5603: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5604: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5605: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5606: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5607: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5608: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5609: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    561: [2, -559873, 2, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    5610: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5611: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5612: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5613: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5614: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5615: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5616: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5617: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5618: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5619: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    562: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    5620: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5621: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5622: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5623: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5624: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5625: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5626: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5627: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5628: [2, -101058304, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5629: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    563: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    5630: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5631: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5632: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    5633: [3, -589505498, []],
    5634: [4, -572662350, -101190438, 0.5, [2, -808464385, 1, 0, 1, [], 0, 0], 2, 8],
    5635: [4, -572662350, -101190438, 1, [2, -808464385, 1, 0, 1, [], 0, 0], 2, 8],
    5636: [3, -1361646081, [2, -1361646081, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5637: [3, -1209929729, [2, -1209929729, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5638: [3, -1394871297, [2, -1394871297, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5639: [3, -1209929729, [2, -1209929729, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    564: [2, -559873, 6, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    5640: [3, -1075593473, [2, -1075593473, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5641: [3, -671885825, [2, -671885825, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5642: [3, -671885825, [2, -671885825, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5643: [3, -671885825, [2, -671885825, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5644: [3, -488447233, [2, -488447233, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5645: [3, -405221889, [2, -405221889, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5646: [3, -1243171841, [2, -1243171841, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5647: [3, -1327452417, [2, -1327452417, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5648: [3, -874067457, [2, -874067457, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5649: [3, -1007828225, [2, -1007828225, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    565: [2, -559873, 10, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    5650: [3, -84752385, [2, -84752385, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5651: [3, -420352257, [2, -420352257, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    5652: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    5653: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    5654: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    5655: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    5656: [1, "gangkou_matou", []],
    5657: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5658: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5659: [5, "", 16, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    566: [2, -559873, 12, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    5660: [5, "", 18, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5661: [5, "", 20, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5662: [5, "", 22, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5663: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5664: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5665: [1, "jq_churukou_T", []],
    5666: [1, "jq_churukou_T", []],
    5667: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5668: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5669: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    567: [2, -559873, 16, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    5670: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5671: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5672: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5673: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5674: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5675: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5676: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu_T", []],
    5677: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu_T", []],
    5678: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5679: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    568: [2, -559873, 16, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    5680: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5681: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5682: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5683: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5684: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5685: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5686: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5687: [1, "jq_tingchechang_T", []],
    5688: [1, "jq_tingchechang_T", []],
    5689: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin", []],
    569: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5690: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin_T", []],
    5691: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin_T", []],
    5692: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5693: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5694: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5695: [1, "jq_youchuan", []],
    5696: [1, "jq_youchuan_T", []],
    5697: [1, "jq_youchuan_T", []],
    5698: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5699: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    57: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    570: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5700: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5701: [1, "jq_chengchedian", []],
    5702: [1, "jq_chengchedian_T", []],
    5703: [1, "jq_chengchedian_T", []],
    5704: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5705: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5706: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5707: [1, "jq_zixingche", []],
    5708: [1, "jq_zixingche_T", []],
    5709: [1, "jq_zixingche_T", []],
    571: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5710: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5711: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5712: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5713: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5714: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5715: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5716: [5, "", 14, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5717: [5, "", 16, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5718: [5, "", 18, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5719: [5, "", 20, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    572: [2, -2201857, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5720: [5, "", 22, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5721: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5722: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5723: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5724: [1, "jq_churukou_T", []],
    5725: [1, "jq_churukou_T", []],
    5726: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5727: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5728: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5729: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    573: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5730: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5731: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5732: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5733: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5734: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5735: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5736: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu_T", []],
    5738: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu_T", []],
    5739: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    574: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5740: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5741: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5742: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5743: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5744: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5745: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5746: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5747: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5748: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5749: [1, "jq_tingchechang_T", []],
    575: [2, -2201857, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5750: [1, "jq_tingchechang_T", []],
    5751: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin", []],
    5752: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin_T", []],
    5753: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin_T", []],
    5754: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5755: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5756: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5757: [1, "jq_youchuan", []],
    5758: [1, "jq_youchuan_T", []],
    5759: [1, "jq_youchuan_T", []],
    576: [2, -2201857, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5760: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5761: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5762: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5763: [1, "jq_chengchedian", []],
    5764: [1, "jq_chengchedian_T", []],
    5765: [1, "jq_chengchedian_T", []],
    5766: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5767: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5768: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5769: [1, "jq_zixingche", []],
    577: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5770: [1, "jq_zixingche_T", []],
    5771: [1, "jq_zixingche_T", []],
    5772: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5773: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5774: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5775: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5776: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5777: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5778: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5779: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    578: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5780: [1, "jq_churukou_T", []],
    5781: [1, "jq_churukou_T", []],
    5782: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5783: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5784: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5785: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5786: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5787: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5788: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu_T", []],
    5789: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu_T", []],
    579: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5790: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5791: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5792: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5793: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5794: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5795: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5796: [1, "jq_tingchechang_T", []],
    5797: [1, "jq_tingchechang_T", []],
    5798: [1, "jq_guoshanche", []],
    5799: [1, "jq_guoshanche", []],
    58: [5, "", 12, 255, 16, -1],
    580: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5800: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5801: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5802: [1, "jq_tiaolouji", []],
    5803: [1, "jq_tiaolouji", []],
    5804: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5805: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5806: [1, "jq_xuanzhuanmuma", []],
    5807: [1, "jq_xuanzhuanmuma", []],
    5808: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5809: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    581: [2, -2201857, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5810: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin_T", []],
    5811: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin_T", []],
    5812: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5813: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5814: [1, "jq_youchuan_T", []],
    5815: [1, "jq_youchuan_T", []],
    5816: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5817: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5818: [1, "jq_chengchedian_T", []],
    5819: [1, "jq_chengchedian_T", []],
    582: [2, -2201857, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5820: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5821: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5822: [1, "jq_zixingche_T", []],
    5823: [1, "jq_zixingche_T", []],
    5824: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5825: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5826: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5827: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5828: [5, "", 11, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5829: [5, "", 12, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    583: [2, -2201857, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5830: [5, "", 14, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5831: [5, "", 16, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5832: [5, "", 18, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5833: [5, "", 20, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5834: [5, "", 22, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5835: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5836: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5837: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5838: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5839: [1, "jq_churukou_T", []],
    584: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5840: [1, "jq_churukou_T", []],
    5841: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5842: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5843: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5844: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5845: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5846: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5847: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5848: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5849: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    585: [2, -2201857, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5850: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5851: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5852: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5853: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5854: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5855: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu_T", []],
    5856: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu_T", []],
    5857: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5858: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5859: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    586: [2, -2201857, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5860: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5861: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5862: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5863: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5864: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5865: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5866: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5867: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5868: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5869: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    587: [2, -2201857, 14, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5870: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5871: [1, "jq_tingchechang_T", []],
    5872: [1, "jq_tingchechang_T", []],
    5873: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin", []],
    5874: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin", []],
    5875: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin", []],
    5876: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin_T", []],
    5877: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin_T", []],
    5878: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5879: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    588: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5880: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5881: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5882: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5883: [1, "jq_youchuan", []],
    5884: [1, "jq_youchuan", []],
    5885: [1, "jq_youchuan", []],
    5886: [1, "jq_youchuan_T", []],
    5887: [1, "jq_youchuan_T", []],
    5888: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5889: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    589: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5890: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5891: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5892: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5893: [1, "jq_chengchedian", []],
    5894: [1, "jq_chengchedian", []],
    5895: [1, "jq_chengchedian", []],
    5896: [1, "jq_chengchedian_T", []],
    5897: [1, "jq_chengchedian_T", []],
    5898: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5899: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    59: [5, "", 13, 255, 16, -1],
    590: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5900: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5901: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5902: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5903: [1, "jq_zixingche", []],
    5904: [1, "jq_zixingche", []],
    5905: [1, "jq_zixingche", []],
    5906: [1, "jq_zixingche_T", []],
    5907: [1, "jq_zixingche_T", []],
    5908: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5909: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    591: [2, -2201857, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5910: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5911: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5912: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5913: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5914: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5915: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5916: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5917: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5918: [5, "", 11, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5919: [5, "", 12, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    592: [2, -2201857, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5920: [5, "", 14, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5921: [5, "", 16, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5922: [5, "", 18, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5923: [5, "", 20, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5924: [5, "", 22, 777089791, 18, -1716005889],
    5925: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5926: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5927: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5928: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5929: [1, "jq_churukou_T", []],
    593: [2, -2201857, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5930: [1, "jq_churukou_T", []],
    5931: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5932: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5933: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5934: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5935: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5936: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5937: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5938: [1, "jq_churukou", []],
    5939: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    594: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5940: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5941: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5942: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5943: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5944: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5945: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu_T", []],
    5946: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu_T", []],
    5947: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5948: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5949: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    595: [2, -2201857, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5950: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5951: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5952: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5953: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5954: [1, "jq_shoupiaochu", []],
    5955: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5956: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5957: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5958: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    596: [2, -2201857, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5960: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5961: [1, "jq_tingchechang", []],
    5962: [1, "jq_tingchechang_T", []],
    5963: [1, "jq_tingchechang_T", []],
    5964: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin", []],
    5965: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin", []],
    5966: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin_T", []],
    5967: [1, "jq_fuwuzhongxin_T", []],
    5968: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5969: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    597: [2, -2201857, 14, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5970: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5971: [5, "", 11, 1533836799, 16, -168562433],
    5972: [1, "jq_youchuan", []],
    5973: [1, "jq_youchuan", []],
    5974: [1, "jq_youchuan_T", []],
    5975: [1, "jq_youchuan_T", []],
    5976: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5977: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5978: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5979: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    598: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    5980: [1, "jq_chengchedian", []],
    5981: [1, "jq_chengchedian", []],
    5982: [1, "jq_chengchedian_T", []],
    5983: [1, "jq_chengchedian_T", []],
    5984: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5985: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5986: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5987: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5988: [1, "jq_zixingche", []],
    5989: [1, "jq_zixingche", []],
    599: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    5990: [1, "jq_zixingche_T", []],
    5991: [1, "jq_zixingche_T", []],
    5992: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5993: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5994: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5995: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    5996: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5997: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5998: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    5999: [1, "jq_cesuo", []],
    6: [2, -1497178369, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    60: [5, "", 14, 255, 16, -1],
    600: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    6E3: [3, -286396929, []],
    6001: [3, -437852929, []],
    6002: [3, -690367489, []],
    6003: [3, -892353025, []],
    6004: [3, -1111246593, []],
    6005: [3, -1296454657, []],
    6006: [3, -1532191489, []],
    6007: [3, -1734242305, []],
    6008: [3, -1868855809, []],
    6009: [3, -2003599873, []],
    601: [2, -101058049, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    6010: [3, 2139845887, []],
    6011: [3, 2005166847, []],
    6012: [3, 1904043263, []],
    6013: [3, 1752456447, []],
    6014: [3, 1651332351, []],
    6015: [3, 1533431551, []],
    6016: [3, 1415531007, []],
    6017: [3, 1365002495, []],
    6018: [2, -791229953, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6019: [2, -959725057, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    602: [2, -101058049, 6, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    6020: [2, -1195461889, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6021: [2, -1279611393, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6022: [2, -1498636033, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6023: [2, -1700621569, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6024: [2, -1986822401, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6025: [2, -2121566721, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6026: [2, 2055565055, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6027: [2, 1988192767, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6028: [2, 1786207743, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6029: [2, 1651398143, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    603: [2, -101058049, 10, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    6030: [2, 1533431295, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6031: [2, 1449216767, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6032: [2, 1348158975, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6033: [2, 1331250687, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6034: [2, 1247035903, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6035: [2, -437918209, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6036: [2, -791229953, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6037: [2, -959725057, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6038: [2, -1195461889, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6039: [2, -1347048705, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    604: [2, -101058049, 10, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    6040: [2, -1582983681, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6041: [2, -1784771329, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6042: [2, -1986822401, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6043: [2, -2121566721, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6044: [2, 2055565055, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6045: [2, 1988192767, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6046: [2, 1786207743, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6047: [2, 1651398143, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6048: [2, 1533431295, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6049: [2, 1449216767, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    605: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6050: [2, 1348158975, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6051: [2, 1247035903, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6052: [2, 1145978111, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    6053: [1, "jiaotang_T", []],
    6054: [1, "jiaotang_T", []],
    6055: [1, "guji_T", []],
    6056: [1, "guji_T", []],
    6057: [1, "hill_T", []],
    6058: [1, "hill_T", []],
    6059: [3, -1480531713, [2, -1480531713, 2, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    606: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6060: [3, -1480531713, [2, -1480531713, 2, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    6061: [3, -1480531713, [2, -1480531713, 2, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    6062: [3, -1480531713, [2, -1480531713, 2, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    6063: [3, -1480531713, [2, -1480531713, 2, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    6064: [3, -438120449, []],
    6065: [3, -438120449, []],
    6066: [3, -438120449, []],
    6067: [3, -438120449, []],
    6068: [3, -438120449, []],
    6069: [3, -287319553, []],
    607: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6070: [3, -471405313, []],
    6071: [3, -353964801, []],
    6072: [3, -403836929, []],
    6073: [3, -219554817, []],
    6074: [3, -320413441, []],
    6075: [3, -387129345, []],
    6076: [3, -286923265, []],
    6077: [3, -471079425, []],
    6078: [3, -353180929, []],
    6079: [3, -319691777, []],
    608: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6080: [3, -302980097, []],
    6081: [5, "", 15, -1872556801, 17, -151588865],
    6082: [5, "", 16, -1872556801, 17, -151588865],
    6083: [5, "", 17, -1872556801, 17, -151588865],
    6084: [5, "", 19, -1872556801, 17, -151588865],
    6085: [5, "", 19, -1872556801, 17, -151588865],
    6086: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6087: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6088: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6089: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    609: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6090: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6091: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6092: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6093: [2, -8388353, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6094: [2, -8388353, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6095: [2, -8388353, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6096: [2, -8388353, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6097: [2, -8388608, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6098: [2, -8388608, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6099: [2, -8388608, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    61: [5, "", 11, 255, 16, -1],
    610: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6100: [5, "", 11, -8388353, 16, -1],
    6101: [5, "", 11, -8388353, 16, -1],
    6102: [5, "", 12, -8388353, 16, -1],
    6103: [5, "", 14, -8388353, 16, -1],
    6104: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6105: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6106: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6107: [2, -8388404, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6108: [2, -8388404, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6109: [2, -8388429, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    611: [2, -16928257, 5, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6110: [3, -8388404, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    6111: [3, -8388429, [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    6112: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6113: [2, -101058049, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6114: [2, -101058049, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6115: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6116: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6117: [2, -101058049, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6118: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6119: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    612: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6120: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6121: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6122: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6123: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6124: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6125: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6126: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6127: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6128: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6129: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    613: [2, -16928257, 10, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6130: [2, -101058049, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6131: [2, -101058049, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6132: [2, -101058049, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6133: [2, -101058049, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6134: [2, -101058049, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6135: [2, -101058049, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6136: [2, -101058049, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6137: [2, -101058049, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6138: [2, -101058049, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6139: [2, -101058049, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    614: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6140: [2, -101058049, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6141: [2, -101058049, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6142: [2, -16928257, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6143: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6144: [2, -16928257, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6145: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6146: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6147: [2, -16928257, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6148: [2, -559873, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6149: [2, -559873, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    615: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6150: [2, -559873, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6151: [2, -2201857, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6152: [2, -2201857, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6153: [2, -2201857, 14, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6154: [2, -2201857, 14, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6155: [2, -16928257, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6156: [2, -16928257, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6157: [2, -16928257, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6158: [2, -16928257, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6159: [2, -16928257, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    616: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6160: [2, -16928257, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6161: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6162: [2, -559873, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6163: [2, -559873, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6164: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6165: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6166: [2, -2201857, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6167: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6168: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6169: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    617: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6170: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6171: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6172: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6173: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6174: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6175: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6176: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6177: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6178: [2, -559873, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6179: [2, -2201857, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    618: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6180: [2, -2201857, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6181: [2, -2201857, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6182: [2, -2201857, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6183: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6184: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6185: [2, -16928257, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6186: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6187: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6188: [2, -16928257, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6189: [2, -559873, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    619: [2, -16928257, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6190: [2, -559873, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6191: [2, -559873, 14, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6192: [2, -2201857, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6193: [2, -2201857, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6194: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6195: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6196: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6197: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6198: [2, -16928257, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6199: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    62: [5, "", 12, 255, 16, -1],
    620: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6200: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6201: [2, -16928257, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6202: [2, -559873, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6203: [2, -559873, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6204: [2, -559873, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6205: [2, -559873, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6206: [2, -2201857, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6207: [2, -2201857, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6208: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6209: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    621: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6210: [2, -20748801, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6211: [2, -20748801, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6212: [2, -20748801, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6213: [2, -20748801, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6214: [2, -20748801, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6215: [2, -20748801, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6216: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6217: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6218: [2, -2201857, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6219: [2, -2201857, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    622: [2, -16928257, 10, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6220: [2, -2201857, 14, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6221: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6222: [2, -2201857, 16, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6223: [2, -20748801, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6224: [2, -20748801, 14, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6225: [2, -20748801, 18, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6226: [2, -20748801, 18, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6227: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6228: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6229: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    623: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    6230: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6231: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6232: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6233: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6234: [2, -413135105, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6235: [2, -413135105, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6236: [2, -413135105, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6237: [2, -413135105, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6238: [2, -413135360, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6239: [2, -413135360, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    624: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    6240: [2, -413135360, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6241: [5, "", 11, -413135105, 16, -1],
    6242: [5, "", 11, -413135105, 16, -1],
    6243: [5, "", 12, -413135105, 16, -1],
    6244: [5, "", 14, -413135105, 16, -1],
    6245: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6246: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6247: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6248: [2, -413135156, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6249: [2, -413135156, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    625: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    6250: [2, -413135181, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6251: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6252: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6253: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6254: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6255: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6256: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6257: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6258: [2, 13369599, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6259: [2, 13369599, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    626: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    6260: [2, 13369599, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6261: [2, 13369599, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6262: [2, 13369344, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6263: [2, 13369344, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6264: [2, 13369344, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6265: [5, "", 11, 13369599, 16, -1],
    6266: [5, "", 11, 13369599, 16, -1],
    6267: [5, "", 12, 13369599, 16, -1],
    6268: [5, "", 14, 13369599, 16, -1],
    6269: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    627: [2, -559873, 2, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    6270: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6271: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6272: [2, 13369548, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6273: [2, 13369548, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6274: [2, 13369523, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6275: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6276: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6277: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6278: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6279: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    628: [2, -559873, 6, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    6280: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6281: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6282: [2, -622780417, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6283: [2, -622780417, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6284: [2, -622780417, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6285: [2, -622780417, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6286: [2, -622780672, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6287: [2, -622780672, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6288: [2, -622780672, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6289: [5, "", 11, -622780417, 16, -1],
    629: [2, -559873, 8, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    6290: [5, "", 11, -622780417, 16, -1],
    6291: [5, "", 12, -622780417, 16, -1],
    6292: [5, "", 14, -622780417, 16, -1],
    6293: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6294: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6295: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6296: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6297: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6298: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6299: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    63: [5, "", 13, 255, 16, -1],
    630: [2, -559873, 10, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    6300: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6301: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6302: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6303: [2, -190469889, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6304: [2, -190469889, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6305: [2, -190469889, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6306: [2, -190469889, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6307: [2, -190470144, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6308: [2, -190470144, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6309: [2, -190470144, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    631: [2, -559873, 12, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    6310: [5, "", 11, -190469889, 16, -1],
    6311: [5, "", 11, -190469889, 16, -1],
    6312: [5, "", 12, -190469889, 16, -1],
    6313: [5, "", 14, -190469889, 16, -1],
    6314: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6315: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6316: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6317: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6318: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6319: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    632: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6320: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6321: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6322: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6323: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6324: [2, 2025596927, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6325: [2, 2025596927, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6326: [2, 2025596927, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6327: [2, 2025596927, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6328: [2, 2025596672, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6329: [2, 2025596672, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    633: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6330: [2, 2025596672, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6331: [5, "", 11, 2025596927, 16, -1],
    6332: [5, "", 11, 2025596927, 16, -1],
    6333: [5, "", 12, 2025596927, 16, -1],
    6334: [5, "", 14, 2025596927, 16, -1],
    6335: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6336: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6337: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6338: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6339: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    634: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6340: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6341: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6342: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6343: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6344: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6345: [2, 7388415, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6346: [2, 7388415, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6347: [2, 7388415, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6348: [2, 7388415, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6349: [2, 7388160, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    635: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6350: [2, 7388160, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6351: [2, 7388160, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6352: [5, "", 11, 7388415, 16, -1],
    6353: [5, "", 11, 7388415, 16, -1],
    6354: [5, "", 12, 7388415, 16, -1],
    6355: [5, "", 14, 7388415, 16, -1],
    6356: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6357: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6358: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6359: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    636: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6360: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6361: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6362: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6363: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6364: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6365: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6366: [2, -1014222337, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6367: [2, -1014222337, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6368: [2, -1014222337, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6369: [2, -1014222337, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    637: [2, -2201857, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6370: [2, -1014222592, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6371: [2, -1014222592, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6372: [2, -1014222592, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6373: [5, "", 11, -1014222337, 16, -1],
    6374: [5, "", 11, -1014222337, 16, -1],
    6375: [5, "", 12, -1014222337, 16, -1],
    6376: [5, "", 14, -1014222337, 16, -1],
    6377: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6378: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6379: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    638: [2, -2201857, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6380: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6381: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6382: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6383: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6384: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6385: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6386: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6387: [2, -191231233, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6388: [2, -191231233, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6389: [2, -191231233, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    639: [2, -2201857, 10, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6390: [2, -191231233, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6391: [2, -191231488, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6392: [2, -191231488, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6393: [2, -191231488, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6394: [5, "", 11, -191231233, 16, -1],
    6395: [5, "", 11, -191231233, 16, -1],
    6396: [5, "", 12, -191231233, 16, -1],
    6397: [5, "", 14, -191231233, 16, -1],
    6398: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6399: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    64: [5, "", 14, 255, 16, -1],
    640: [2, -2201857, 12, 2, 2, [], 1, 0]

window.Fb= Object.assign(window.Fb,tempObj );
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago

BMap_tile_pp5s2s (紧跟上一楼)


let tempObj = {
6400: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6401: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6402: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6403: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6404: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6405: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6406: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6407: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6408: [2, -570401793, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6409: [2, -570401793, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    641: [2, -2201857, 14, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6410: [2, -570401793, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6411: [2, -570401793, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6412: [2, -570402048, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6413: [2, -570402048, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6414: [2, -570402048, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6415: [5, "", 11, -570401793, 16, -1],
    6416: [5, "", 11, -570401793, 16, -1],
    6417: [5, "", 12, -570401793, 16, -1],
    6418: [5, "", 14, -570401793, 16, -1],
    6419: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    642: [2, -2201857, 14, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6420: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6421: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6422: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6423: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6424: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6425: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6426: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6427: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6428: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6429: [2, -486527489, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    643: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    6430: [2, -486527489, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6431: [2, -486527489, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6432: [2, -486527489, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6433: [2, -486527744, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6434: [2, -486527744, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6435: [2, -486527744, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6436: [5, "", 11, -486527489, 16, -1],
    6437: [5, "", 11, -486527489, 16, -1],
    6438: [5, "", 12, -486527489, 16, -1],
    6439: [5, "", 14, -486527489, 16, -1],
    644: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    6440: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6441: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6442: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6443: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6444: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6445: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6446: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6447: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6448: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6449: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    645: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    6450: [2, -122282753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6451: [2, -122282753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6452: [2, -122282753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6453: [2, -122282753, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6454: [2, -122283008, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6455: [2, -122283008, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6456: [2, -122283008, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6457: [5, "", 11, -122282753, 16, -1],
    6458: [5, "", 11, -122282753, 16, -1],
    6459: [5, "", 12, -122282753, 16, -1],
    646: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    6460: [5, "", 14, -122282753, 16, -1],
    6461: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6462: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6463: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6464: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6465: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6466: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6467: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6468: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6469: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    647: [2, -101058049, 7, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    6470: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6471: [2, -139058945, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6472: [2, -139058945, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6473: [2, -139058945, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6474: [2, -139058945, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6475: [2, -139059200, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6476: [2, -139059200, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6477: [2, -139059200, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6478: [5, "", 11, -139058945, 16, -1],
    6479: [5, "", 11, -139058945, 16, -1],
    648: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6480: [5, "", 12, -139058945, 16, -1],
    6481: [5, "", 14, -139058945, 16, -1],
    6482: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6483: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6484: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6485: [2, -622780468, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6486: [2, -622780468, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6487: [2, -622780493, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6488: [2, -190469940, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6489: [2, -190469940, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    649: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6490: [2, -190469965, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6491: [2, 2025596876, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6492: [2, 2025596876, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6493: [2, 2025596851, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6494: [2, 7388364, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6495: [2, 7388364, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6496: [2, 7388339, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6497: [2, -1014222388, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6498: [2, -1014222388, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6499: [2, -1014222413, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    65: [5, "", 15, 235802367, 16, -1],
    650: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6500: [2, -191231284, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6501: [2, -191231284, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6502: [2, -191231309, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6503: [2, -570401844, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6504: [2, -570401844, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6505: [2, -570401869, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6506: [2, -486527540, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6507: [2, -486527540, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6508: [2, -486527565, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6509: [2, -122282804, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    651: [2, -16928257, 2, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6510: [2, -122282804, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6511: [2, -122282829, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6512: [2, -139058996, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6513: [2, -139058996, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6514: [2, -139059021, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6515: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    6516: [1, "ditie_taibei_0", []],
    6517: [1, "ditie_taibei_0", []],
    6518: [1, "ditie_taibei_1", []],
    6519: [1, "ditie_taibei_2", []],
    652: [2, -16928257, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6520: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    6521: [1, "trans_taibei_0", []],
    6522: [1, "trans_taibei_0", []],
    6523: [1, "trans_taibei_1", []],
    6524: [1, "trans_taibei_2", []],
    6525: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    6526: [1, "ditie_gaoxiong_0", []],
    6527: [1, "ditie_gaoxiong_0", []],
    6528: [1, "ditie_gaoxiong_1", []],
    6529: [1, "ditie_gaoxiong_2", []],
    653: [2, -16928257, 5, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6530: [1, "ditie_beijing_00", []],
    6531: [1, "trans_gaoxiong_0", []],
    6532: [1, "trans_gaoxiong_0", []],
    6533: [1, "trans_gaoxiong_1", []],
    6534: [1, "trans_gaoxiong_2", []],
    6535: [2, 25582079, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6536: [2, 25582079, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6537: [2, 25582079, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6538: [2, 25582079, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6539: [2, 25581824, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    654: [2, -16928257, 7, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    6540: [2, 25581824, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6541: [2, 25581824, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6542: [5, "", 11, 25582079, 16, -1],
    6543: [5, "", 11, 25582079, 16, -1],
    6544: [5, "", 12, 25582079, 16, -1],
    6545: [5, "", 14, 25582079, 16, -1],
    6546: [2, -52, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6547: [2, -52, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6548: [2, -77, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6549: [2, 25582028, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    655: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6550: [2, 25582028, 3, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6551: [2, 25582003, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6552: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6553: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6554: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6555: [2, -1, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6556: [2, -256, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6557: [2, -256, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6558: [2, -256, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    6559: [1, "yeshi", []],
    656: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6560: [1, "yeshi", []],
    6561: [1, "yeshi", []],
    6562: [1, "yeshi", []],
    6563: [1, "yeshi", []],
    6564: [1, "yeshi", []],
    6565: [1, "yeshi", []],
    6566: [1, "yeshi", []],
    6567: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    6568: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    6569: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    657: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6570: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    6571: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    6572: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    6573: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    6574: [5, "", 11, 1414088447, 16, -168562433],
    6575: [1, "tuijian", []],
    6576: [1, "tuijian", []],
    6577: [5, "", 12, 858993663, 16, -1],
    6578: [5, "", 13, 858993663, 16, -1],
    6579: [5, "", 11, 858993663, 16, -1],
    658: [2, -16928257, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    6580: [5, "", 10, 858993663, 16, -1],
    6581: [1, "important_city", []],
    6582: [1, "secondary_city", []],
    6583: [5, "", 11, -1869573889, 16, -1],
    6584: [5, "", 12, -1869573889, 16, -1],
    6585: [3, -1042499073, [2, -1042499073, 1, 0, 0, [], 0, 0]],
    6586: [2, -1365210369, 1, 2, 2, [8, 4], 1, 0],
    6587: [2, -1365210369, 2, 2, 2, [8, 4], 1, 0],
    659: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    66: [5, "", 15, 235802367, 16, -1],
    660: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    661: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    662: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    663: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    664: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    665: [2, -559873, 2, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    666: [2, -559873, 3, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    667: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    668: [2, -559873, 6, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    669: [2, -559873, 8, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    67: [5, "", 11, 1280068863, 16, -1],
    670: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    671: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    672: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    673: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    674: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    675: [2, -2201857, 8, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    676: [2, -20748801, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    677: [2, -20748801, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    678: [2, -20748801, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    679: [2, -20748801, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    68: [5, "", 11, 858993663, 16, -1],
    680: [2, -20748801, 4, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    681: [2, -20748801, 6, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    682: [2, -20748801, 8, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    683: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    684: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    685: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    686: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    687: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    688: [2, -2201857, 6, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    689: [2, -2201857, 8, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    69: [5, "", 12, 858993663, 16, -1],
    690: [2, -101058049, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    691: [2, -101058049, 2, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    692: [2, -101058049, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    693: [2, -101058049, 5, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    694: [2, -101058049, 7, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    695: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    696: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    697: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    698: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    699: [2, -16928257, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    7: [2, -1365210369, 1, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    70: [5, "", 13, 255, 16, -1],
    700: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    701: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    702: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    703: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    704: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    705: [2, -16928257, 1, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    706: [2, -16928257, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    707: [2, -16928257, 4, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    708: [2, -16928257, 6, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    709: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    71: [2, -303174145, 1, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    710: [2, -16928257, 8, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    711: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    712: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    713: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    714: [2, -559873, 1, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    715: [2, -559873, 2, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    716: [2, -559873, 4, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    717: [2, -559873, 6, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    718: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    719: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    72: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    720: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    721: [2, -2201857, 1, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    722: [2, -2201857, 2, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    723: [2, -2201857, 4, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    724: [2, -2201857, 5, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    725: [2, -2201857, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    726: [2, -2201857, 7, 2, 2, [], 1, 0],
    727: [2, -303174145, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    728: [2, -454761217, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    729: [2, -454761217, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    73: [2, -454761217, 3, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    730: [2, -758265345, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    731: [2, -758265345, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    732: [2, -758265345, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    733: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    734: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    735: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    736: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    737: [2, -843149313, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    738: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    739: [2, -843149313, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    74: [2, -758265345, 4, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    740: [2, -843149313, 7, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    741: [2, -843149313, 9, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    742: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    743: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    744: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    745: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    746: [2, -843149313, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    747: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    748: [2, -843149313, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    749: [2, -843149313, 7, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    75: [2, -758265345, 6, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    750: [2, -843149313, 9, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    751: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    752: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    753: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    754: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    755: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    756: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    757: [2, -237677057, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    758: [2, -237677057, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    759: [2, -237677057, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    76: [2, -758265345, 8, 2, 2, [], 16, 0],
    760: [2, -237677057, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    761: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    762: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    763: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    764: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    765: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    766: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    767: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    768: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    769: [2, -559393793, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    77: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    770: [2, -593543425, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    771: [2, -593543425, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    772: [2, -593543425, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    773: [2, -593543425, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    774: [2, -593543425, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    775: [2, -593543425, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    776: [2, -593543425, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    777: [2, -593543425, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    778: [2, -593543425, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    779: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    78: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    780: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    781: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    782: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    783: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    784: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    785: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    786: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    787: [2, -559393793, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    788: [2, -303174145, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    789: [2, -454761217, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    79: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    790: [2, -454761217, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    791: [2, -758265345, 4, 0, 2, [1, 6], 1, 0],
    792: [2, -758265345, 5, 0, 2, [1, 6], 1, 0],
    793: [2, -758265345, 7, 0, 2, [1, 10], 1, 0],
    794: [2, -303174145, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    795: [2, -454761217, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    796: [2, -454761217, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    797: [2, -758265345, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    798: [2, -758265345, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    799: [2, -758265345, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    8: [2, -1365210369, 2, 2, 2, [], 0, 0],
    80: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    800: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    801: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    802: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    803: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    804: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    805: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    806: [2, -843149313, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    807: [2, -843149313, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    808: [2, -843149313, 14, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    809: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    81: [2, -843149313, 3, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    810: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    811: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    812: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    813: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    814: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    815: [2, -843149313, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    816: [2, -843149313, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    817: [2, -843149313, 14, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    818: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    819: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    82: [2, -843149313, 5, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    820: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    821: [2, -237677057, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    822: [2, -237677057, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    823: [2, -237677057, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    824: [2, -237677057, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    825: [2, -237677057, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    826: [2, -237677057, 12, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    827: [2, -237677057, 16, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    828: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    829: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    83: [2, -843149313, 7, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    830: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    831: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    832: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    833: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    834: [2, -559393793, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    835: [2, -559393793, 12, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    836: [2, -559393793, 14, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    837: [2, -559393793, 18, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    838: [2, -559393793, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    839: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    84: [2, -843149313, 9, 2, 2, [], 8, 0],
    840: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    841: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    842: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    843: [2, -559393793, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    844: [2, -237677057, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    845: [2, -237677057, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    846: [2, -237677057, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    847: [2, -237677057, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    848: [2, -237677057, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    849: [2, -237677057, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    85: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    850: [2, -455423489, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    851: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    852: [2, -843149313, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    853: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    854: [2, -843149313, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    855: [2, -843149313, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    856: [2, -455423489, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    857: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    858: [2, -843149313, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    859: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    86: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    860: [2, -843149313, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    861: [2, -843149313, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    862: [2, -303174145, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    863: [2, -454761217, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    864: [2, -454761217, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    865: [2, -758265345, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    866: [2, -758265345, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    867: [2, -758265345, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    868: [2, -559393793, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    869: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    87: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    870: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    871: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    872: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    873: [2, -559393793, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    874: [2, -237677057, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    875: [2, -237677057, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    876: [2, -237677057, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    877: [2, -237677057, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    878: [2, -237677057, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    879: [2, -237677057, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    88: [2, -455423489, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    880: [2, -455423489, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    881: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    882: [2, -843149313, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    883: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    884: [2, -843149313, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    885: [2, -843149313, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    886: [2, -455423489, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    887: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    888: [2, -843149313, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    889: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    89: [2, -843149313, 3, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    890: [2, -843149313, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    891: [2, -843149313, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    892: [2, -303174145, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    893: [2, -454761217, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    894: [2, -454761217, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    895: [2, -758265345, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    896: [2, -758265345, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    897: [2, -758265345, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    898: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    899: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    9: [2, -1365210369, 1, 2, 2, [4, 3], 1, 0],
    90: [2, -843149313, 5, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    900: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    901: [2, -559393793, 7, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    902: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    903: [2, -559393793, 9, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    904: [2, -559393793, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    905: [2, -559393793, 15, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    906: [2, -559393793, 17, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    907: [2, -559393793, 19, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    908: [2, -593543425, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    909: [2, -593543425, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    91: [2, -843149313, 7, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    910: [2, -593543425, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    911: [2, -593543425, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    912: [2, -593543425, 7, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    913: [2, -593543425, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    914: [2, -593543425, 9, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    915: [2, -593543425, 14, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    916: [2, -593543425, 16, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    917: [2, -593543425, 20, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    918: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    919: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    92: [2, -843149313, 9, 2, 2, [], 4, 0],
    920: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    921: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    922: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    923: [2, -559393793, 7, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    924: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    925: [2, -559393793, 12, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    926: [2, -559393793, 16, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    927: [2, -559393793, 18, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    928: [2, -303174145, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    929: [2, -454761217, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    93: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    930: [2, -454761217, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    931: [2, -758265345, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    932: [2, -758265345, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    933: [2, -758265345, 7, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    934: [2, -303174145, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    935: [2, -454761217, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    936: [2, -454761217, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    937: [2, -758265345, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    938: [2, -758265345, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    939: [2, -758265345, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    94: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    940: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    941: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    942: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    943: [2, -455423489, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    944: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    945: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    946: [2, -843149313, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    947: [2, -843149313, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    948: [2, -843149313, 14, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    949: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    95: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    950: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    951: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    952: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    953: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    954: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    955: [2, -843149313, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    956: [2, -843149313, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    957: [2, -843149313, 14, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    958: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    959: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    96: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    960: [2, -237677057, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    961: [2, -237677057, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    962: [2, -237677057, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    963: [2, -237677057, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    964: [2, -237677057, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    965: [2, -237677057, 12, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    966: [2, -237677057, 14, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    967: [2, -237677057, 18, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    968: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    969: [2, -559393793, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    97: [2, -237677057, 3, 0, 2, [], 2, 0],
    970: [2, -559393793, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    971: [2, -559393793, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    972: [2, -559393793, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    973: [2, -559393793, 7, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    974: [2, -559393793, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    975: [2, -559393793, 12, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    976: [2, -559393793, 14, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    977: [2, -559393793, 18, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    978: [2, -303174145, 1, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    979: [2, -454761217, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    98: [2, -237677057, 3, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    980: [2, -454761217, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    981: [2, -758265345, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    982: [2, -758265345, 8, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    983: [2, -758265345, 12, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    984: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    985: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    986: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    987: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    988: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    989: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    99: [2, -237677057, 6, 2, 2, [], 2, 0],
    990: [2, -843149313, 7, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    991: [2, -843149313, 10, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    992: [2, -843149313, 12, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    993: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    994: [2, -455423489, 3, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    995: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    996: [2, -455423489, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    997: [2, -843149313, 4, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    998: [2, -843149313, 5, 0, 2, [], 1, 0],
    999: [2, -843149313, 6, 0, 2, [], 1, 0]

window.Fb= Object.assign(window.Fb,tempObj );
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


ASP.NET_SessionId zuq03vqs5cni5k5wqllbm5dt
AccupassWeb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
HDX_REGION %u6E56%u5317%2C%u6B66%u6C49
Hm_lpvt_d89d7d47b4b1b8ff993b37eafb0b49bd 1543382139
Hm_lvt_d89d7d47b4b1b8ff993b37eafb0b49bd 1543381881
PSTM 1513588648
route d2c7c0352d7addaaa4af66b05a965f69
_ga GA1.2.233016060.1543381881
_gid GA1.2.1050365316.1543381881
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago



Number.prototype.round = function (len) {
    var old = this;
    var a1 = Math.pow(10, len) * old;
    a1 = Math.round(a1);
    var oldstr = old.toString()
    var start = oldstr.indexOf(".");
    if (start > 0 && oldstr.split(".")[1].length == len + 1) {
        if (oldstr.substr(start + len + 1, 1) == 5) {
            var flagval = oldstr.substr(start + len, 1) - 0;
            if (flagval % 2 == 0) {
                a1 = a1 - 1;
    var b1 = a1 / Math.pow(10, len);
    return b1;
Number.prototype.oldtoFixed = Number.prototype.toFixed;
Number.prototype.toFixed = function (len) {
    var old = this;
    var oldstr = old.toString()
    var start = oldstr.indexOf(".");
    if (len == 2 && start > 0 && oldstr.split(".")[1].length == 3) {
        return this.round(len);
    else {
        return this.oldtoFixed(len);
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


'use strict';

var CleanCSS = require('clean-css');
var decode = require('he').decode;
var HTMLParser = require('./htmlparser').HTMLParser;
var RelateUrl = require('relateurl');
var TokenChain = require('./tokenchain');
var UglifyJS = require('uglify-js');
var utils = require('./utils');

function trimWhitespace(str) {
  return str && str.replace(/^[ \n\r\t\f]+/, '').replace(/[ \n\r\t\f]+$/, '');

function collapseWhitespaceAll(str) {
  // Non-breaking space is specifically handled inside the replacer function here:
  return str && str.replace(/[ \n\r\t\f\xA0]+/g, function(spaces) {
    return spaces === '\t' ? '\t' : spaces.replace(/(^|\xA0+)[^\xA0]+/g, '$1 ');

function collapseWhitespace(str, options, trimLeft, trimRight, collapseAll) {
  var lineBreakBefore = '', lineBreakAfter = '';

  if (options.preserveLineBreaks) {
    str = str.replace(/^[ \n\r\t\f]*?[\n\r][ \n\r\t\f]*/, function() {
      lineBreakBefore = '\n';
      return '';
    }).replace(/[ \n\r\t\f]*?[\n\r][ \n\r\t\f]*$/, function() {
      lineBreakAfter = '\n';
      return '';

  if (trimLeft) {
    // Non-breaking space is specifically handled inside the replacer function here:
    str = str.replace(/^[ \n\r\t\f\xA0]+/, function(spaces) {
      var conservative = !lineBreakBefore && options.conservativeCollapse;
      if (conservative && spaces === '\t') {
        return '\t';
      return spaces.replace(/^[^\xA0]+/, '').replace(/(\xA0+)[^\xA0]+/g, '$1 ') || (conservative ? ' ' : '');

  if (trimRight) {
    // Non-breaking space is specifically handled inside the replacer function here:
    str = str.replace(/[ \n\r\t\f\xA0]+$/, function(spaces) {
      var conservative = !lineBreakAfter && options.conservativeCollapse;
      if (conservative && spaces === '\t') {
        return '\t';
      return spaces.replace(/[^\xA0]+(\xA0+)/g, ' $1').replace(/[^\xA0]+$/, '') || (conservative ? ' ' : '');

  if (collapseAll) {
    // strip non space whitespace then compress spaces to one
    str = collapseWhitespaceAll(str);

  return lineBreakBefore + str + lineBreakAfter;

var createMapFromString = utils.createMapFromString;
// non-empty tags that will maintain whitespace around them
var inlineTags = createMapFromString('a,abbr,acronym,b,bdi,bdo,big,button,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,ins,kbd,label,mark,math,nobr,object,q,rp,rt,rtc,ruby,s,samp,select,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,svg,textarea,time,tt,u,var');
// non-empty tags that will maintain whitespace within them
var inlineTextTags = createMapFromString('a,abbr,acronym,b,big,del,em,font,i,ins,kbd,mark,nobr,rp,s,samp,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,time,tt,u,var');
// self-closing tags that will maintain whitespace around them
var selfClosingInlineTags = createMapFromString('comment,img,input,wbr');

function collapseWhitespaceSmart(str, prevTag, nextTag, options) {
  var trimLeft = prevTag && !selfClosingInlineTags(prevTag);
  if (trimLeft && !options.collapseInlineTagWhitespace) {
    trimLeft = prevTag.charAt(0) === '/' ? !inlineTags(prevTag.slice(1)) : !inlineTextTags(prevTag);
  var trimRight = nextTag && !selfClosingInlineTags(nextTag);
  if (trimRight && !options.collapseInlineTagWhitespace) {
    trimRight = nextTag.charAt(0) === '/' ? !inlineTextTags(nextTag.slice(1)) : !inlineTags(nextTag);
  return collapseWhitespace(str, options, trimLeft, trimRight, prevTag && nextTag);

function isConditionalComment(text) {
  return /^\[if\s[^\]]+]|\[endif]$/.test(text);

function isIgnoredComment(text, options) {
  for (var i = 0, len = options.ignoreCustomComments.length; i < len; i++) {
    if (options.ignoreCustomComments[i].test(text)) {
      return true;
  return false;

function isEventAttribute(attrName, options) {
  var patterns = options.customEventAttributes;
  if (patterns) {
    for (var i = patterns.length; i--;) {
      if (patterns[i].test(attrName)) {
        return true;
    return false;
  return /^on[a-z]{3,}$/.test(attrName);

function canRemoveAttributeQuotes(value) {
  return /^[^ \t\n\f\r"'`=<>]+$/.test(value);

function attributesInclude(attributes, attribute) {
  for (var i = attributes.length; i--;) {
    if (attributes[i].name.toLowerCase() === attribute) {
      return true;
  return false;

function isAttributeRedundant(tag, attrName, attrValue, attrs) {
  attrValue = attrValue ? trimWhitespace(attrValue.toLowerCase()) : '';

  return (
    tag === 'script' &&
    attrName === 'language' &&
    attrValue === 'javascript' ||

    tag === 'form' &&
    attrName === 'method' &&
    attrValue === 'get' ||

    tag === 'input' &&
    attrName === 'type' &&
    attrValue === 'text' ||

    tag === 'script' &&
    attrName === 'charset' &&
    !attributesInclude(attrs, 'src') ||

    tag === 'a' &&
    attrName === 'name' &&
    attributesInclude(attrs, 'id') ||

    tag === 'area' &&
    attrName === 'shape' &&
    attrValue === 'rect'

var executableScriptsMimetypes = utils.createMap([

function isScriptTypeAttribute(attrValue) {
  attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue.split(/;/, 2)[0]).toLowerCase();
  return attrValue === '' || executableScriptsMimetypes(attrValue);

function isExecutableScript(tag, attrs) {
  if (tag !== 'script') {
    return false;
  for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
    var attrName = attrs[i].name.toLowerCase();
    if (attrName === 'type') {
      return isScriptTypeAttribute(attrs[i].value);
  return true;

function isStyleLinkTypeAttribute(attrValue) {
  attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue).toLowerCase();
  return attrValue === '' || attrValue === 'text/css';

function isStyleSheet(tag, attrs) {
  if (tag !== 'style') {
    return false;
  for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
    var attrName = attrs[i].name.toLowerCase();
    if (attrName === 'type') {
      return isStyleLinkTypeAttribute(attrs[i].value);
  return true;

var isSimpleBoolean = createMapFromString('allowfullscreen,async,autofocus,autoplay,checked,compact,controls,declare,default,defaultchecked,defaultmuted,defaultselected,defer,disabled,enabled,formnovalidate,hidden,indeterminate,inert,ismap,itemscope,loop,multiple,muted,nohref,noresize,noshade,novalidate,nowrap,open,pauseonexit,readonly,required,reversed,scoped,seamless,selected,sortable,truespeed,typemustmatch,visible');
var isBooleanValue = createMapFromString('true,false');

function isBooleanAttribute(attrName, attrValue) {
  return isSimpleBoolean(attrName) || attrName === 'draggable' && !isBooleanValue(attrValue);

function isUriTypeAttribute(attrName, tag) {
  return (
    /^(?:a|area|link|base)$/.test(tag) && attrName === 'href' ||
    tag === 'img' && /^(?:src|longdesc|usemap)$/.test(attrName) ||
    tag === 'object' && /^(?:classid|codebase|data|usemap)$/.test(attrName) ||
    tag === 'q' && attrName === 'cite' ||
    tag === 'blockquote' && attrName === 'cite' ||
    (tag === 'ins' || tag === 'del') && attrName === 'cite' ||
    tag === 'form' && attrName === 'action' ||
    tag === 'input' && (attrName === 'src' || attrName === 'usemap') ||
    tag === 'head' && attrName === 'profile' ||
    tag === 'script' && (attrName === 'src' || attrName === 'for')

function isNumberTypeAttribute(attrName, tag) {
  return (
    /^(?:a|area|object|button)$/.test(tag) && attrName === 'tabindex' ||
    tag === 'input' && (attrName === 'maxlength' || attrName === 'tabindex') ||
    tag === 'select' && (attrName === 'size' || attrName === 'tabindex') ||
    tag === 'textarea' && /^(?:rows|cols|tabindex)$/.test(attrName) ||
    tag === 'colgroup' && attrName === 'span' ||
    tag === 'col' && attrName === 'span' ||
    (tag === 'th' || tag === 'td') && (attrName === 'rowspan' || attrName === 'colspan')

function isLinkType(tag, attrs, value) {
  if (tag !== 'link') {
    return false;
  for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
    if (attrs[i].name === 'rel' && attrs[i].value === value) {
      return true;

function isMediaQuery(tag, attrs, attrName) {
  return attrName === 'media' && (isLinkType(tag, attrs, 'stylesheet') || isStyleSheet(tag, attrs));

var srcsetTags = createMapFromString('img,source');

function isSrcset(attrName, tag) {
  return attrName === 'srcset' && srcsetTags(tag);

function cleanAttributeValue(tag, attrName, attrValue, options, attrs) {
  if (isEventAttribute(attrName, options)) {
    attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue).replace(/^javascript:\s*/i, '');
    return options.minifyJS(attrValue, true);
  else if (attrName === 'class') {
    attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue);
    if (options.sortClassName) {
      attrValue = options.sortClassName(attrValue);
    else {
      attrValue = collapseWhitespaceAll(attrValue);
    return attrValue;
  else if (isUriTypeAttribute(attrName, tag)) {
    attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue);
    return isLinkType(tag, attrs, 'canonical') ? attrValue : options.minifyURLs(attrValue);
  else if (isNumberTypeAttribute(attrName, tag)) {
    return trimWhitespace(attrValue);
  else if (attrName === 'style') {
    attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue);
    if (attrValue) {
      if (/;$/.test(attrValue) && !/&#?[0-9a-zA-Z]+;$/.test(attrValue)) {
        attrValue = attrValue.replace(/\s*;$/, ';');
      attrValue = options.minifyCSS(attrValue, 'inline');
    return attrValue;
  else if (isSrcset(attrName, tag)) {
    attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue).split(/\s+,\s*|\s*,\s+/).map(function(candidate) {
      var url = candidate;
      var descriptor = '';
      var match = candidate.match(/\s+([1-9][0-9]*w|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?x)$/);
      if (match) {
        url = url.slice(0, -match[0].length);
        var num = +match[1].slice(0, -1);
        var suffix = match[1].slice(-1);
        if (num !== 1 || suffix !== 'x') {
          descriptor = ' ' + num + suffix;
      return options.minifyURLs(url) + descriptor;
    }).join(', ');
  else if (isMetaViewport(tag, attrs) && attrName === 'content') {
    attrValue = attrValue.replace(/\s+/g, '').replace(/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/g, function(numString) {
      // "0.90000" -> "0.9"
      // "1.0" -> "1"
      // "1.0001" -> "1.0001" (unchanged)
      return (+numString).toString();
  else if (options.customAttrCollapse && options.customAttrCollapse.test(attrName)) {
    attrValue = attrValue.replace(/\n+|\r+|\s{2,}/g, '');
  else if (tag === 'script' && attrName === 'type') {
    attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue.replace(/\s*;\s*/g, ';'));
  else if (isMediaQuery(tag, attrs, attrName)) {
    attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue);
    return options.minifyCSS(attrValue, 'media');
  return attrValue;

function isMetaViewport(tag, attrs) {
  if (tag !== 'meta') {
    return false;
  for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
    if (attrs[i].name === 'name' && attrs[i].value === 'viewport') {
      return true;

function ignoreCSS(id) {
  return '/* clean-css ignore:start */' + id + '/* clean-css ignore:end */';

// Wrap CSS declarations for CleanCSS > 3.x
// See
function wrapCSS(text, type) {
  switch (type) {
    case 'inline':
      return '*{' + text + '}';
    case 'media':
      return '@media ' + text + '{a{top:0}}';
      return text;

function unwrapCSS(text, type) {
  var matches;
  switch (type) {
    case 'inline':
      matches = text.match(/^\*\{([\s\S]*)\}$/);
    case 'media':
      matches = text.match(/^@media ([\s\S]*?)\s*{[\s\S]*}$/);
  return matches ? matches[1] : text;

function cleanConditionalComment(comment, options) {
  return options.processConditionalComments ? comment.replace(/^(\[if\s[^\]]+]>)([\s\S]*?)(<!\[endif])$/, function(match, prefix, text, suffix) {
    return prefix + minify(text, options, true) + suffix;
  }) : comment;

function processScript(text, options, currentAttrs) {
  for (var i = 0, len = currentAttrs.length; i < len; i++) {
    if (currentAttrs[i].name.toLowerCase() === 'type' &&
        options.processScripts.indexOf(currentAttrs[i].value) > -1) {
      return minify(text, options);
  return text;

// Tag omission rules from
// with the following deviations:
// - retain <body> if followed by <noscript>
// - </rb>, </rt>, </rtc>, </rp> & </tfoot> follow
// - retain all tags which are adjacent to non-standard HTML tags
var optionalStartTags = createMapFromString('html,head,body,colgroup,tbody');
var optionalEndTags = createMapFromString('html,head,body,li,dt,dd,p,rb,rt,rtc,rp,optgroup,option,colgroup,caption,thead,tbody,tfoot,tr,td,th');
var headerTags = createMapFromString('meta,link,script,style,template,noscript');
var descriptionTags = createMapFromString('dt,dd');
var pBlockTags = createMapFromString('address,article,aside,blockquote,details,div,dl,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,hr,main,menu,nav,ol,p,pre,section,table,ul');
var pInlineTags = createMapFromString('a,audio,del,ins,map,noscript,video');
var rubyTags = createMapFromString('rb,rt,rtc,rp');
var rtcTag = createMapFromString('rb,rtc,rp');
var optionTag = createMapFromString('option,optgroup');
var tableContentTags = createMapFromString('tbody,tfoot');
var tableSectionTags = createMapFromString('thead,tbody,tfoot');
var cellTags = createMapFromString('td,th');
var topLevelTags = createMapFromString('html,head,body');
var compactTags = createMapFromString('html,body');
var looseTags = createMapFromString('head,colgroup,caption');
var trailingTags = createMapFromString('dt,thead');
var htmlTags = createMapFromString('a,abbr,acronym,address,applet,area,article,aside,audio,b,base,basefont,bdi,bdo,bgsound,big,blink,blockquote,body,br,button,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,col,colgroup,command,content,data,datalist,dd,del,details,dfn,dialog,dir,div,dl,dt,element,em,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,font,footer,form,frame,frameset,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,head,header,hgroup,hr,html,i,iframe,image,img,input,ins,isindex,kbd,keygen,label,legend,li,link,listing,main,map,mark,marquee,menu,menuitem,meta,meter,multicol,nav,nobr,noembed,noframes,noscript,object,ol,optgroup,option,output,p,param,picture,plaintext,pre,progress,q,rb,rp,rt,rtc,ruby,s,samp,script,section,select,shadow,small,source,spacer,span,strike,strong,style,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,template,textarea,tfoot,th,thead,time,title,tr,track,tt,u,ul,var,video,wbr,xmp');

function canRemoveParentTag(optionalStartTag, tag) {
  switch (optionalStartTag) {
    case 'html':
    case 'head':
      return true;
    case 'body':
      return !headerTags(tag);
    case 'colgroup':
      return tag === 'col';
    case 'tbody':
      return tag === 'tr';
  return false;

function isStartTagMandatory(optionalEndTag, tag) {
  switch (tag) {
    case 'colgroup':
      return optionalEndTag === 'colgroup';
    case 'tbody':
      return tableSectionTags(optionalEndTag);
  return false;

function canRemovePrecedingTag(optionalEndTag, tag) {
  switch (optionalEndTag) {
    case 'html':
    case 'head':
    case 'body':
    case 'colgroup':
    case 'caption':
      return true;
    case 'li':
    case 'optgroup':
    case 'tr':
      return tag === optionalEndTag;
    case 'dt':
    case 'dd':
      return descriptionTags(tag);
    case 'p':
      return pBlockTags(tag);
    case 'rb':
    case 'rt':
    case 'rp':
      return rubyTags(tag);
    case 'rtc':
      return rtcTag(tag);
    case 'option':
      return optionTag(tag);
    case 'thead':
    case 'tbody':
      return tableContentTags(tag);
    case 'tfoot':
      return tag === 'tbody';
    case 'td':
    case 'th':
      return cellTags(tag);
  return false;

var reEmptyAttribute = new RegExp(
  '^(?:class|id|style|title|lang|dir|on(?:focus|blur|change|click|dblclick|mouse(' +

function canDeleteEmptyAttribute(tag, attrName, attrValue, options) {
  var isValueEmpty = !attrValue || /^\s*$/.test(attrValue);
  if (!isValueEmpty) {
    return false;
  if (typeof options.removeEmptyAttributes === 'function') {
    return options.removeEmptyAttributes(attrName, tag);
  return tag === 'input' && attrName === 'value' || reEmptyAttribute.test(attrName);

function hasAttrName(name, attrs) {
  for (var i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (attrs[i].name === name) {
      return true;
  return false;

function canRemoveElement(tag, attrs) {
  switch (tag) {
    case 'textarea':
      return false;
    case 'audio':
    case 'script':
    case 'video':
      if (hasAttrName('src', attrs)) {
        return false;
    case 'iframe':
      if (hasAttrName('src', attrs) || hasAttrName('srcdoc', attrs)) {
        return false;
    case 'object':
      if (hasAttrName('data', attrs)) {
        return false;
    case 'applet':
      if (hasAttrName('code', attrs)) {
        return false;
  return true;

function canCollapseWhitespace(tag) {
  return !/^(?:script|style|pre|textarea)$/.test(tag);

function canTrimWhitespace(tag) {
  return !/^(?:pre|textarea)$/.test(tag);

function normalizeAttr(attr, attrs, tag, options) {
  var attrName =,
      attrValue = attr.value;

  if (options.decodeEntities && attrValue) {
    attrValue = decode(attrValue, { isAttributeValue: true });

  if (options.removeRedundantAttributes &&
    isAttributeRedundant(tag, attrName, attrValue, attrs) ||
    options.removeScriptTypeAttributes && tag === 'script' &&
    attrName === 'type' && isScriptTypeAttribute(attrValue) ||
    options.removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes && (tag === 'style' || tag === 'link') &&
    attrName === 'type' && isStyleLinkTypeAttribute(attrValue)) {

  if (attrValue) {
    attrValue = cleanAttributeValue(tag, attrName, attrValue, options, attrs);

  if (options.removeEmptyAttributes &&
      canDeleteEmptyAttribute(tag, attrName, attrValue, options)) {

  if (options.decodeEntities && attrValue) {
    attrValue = attrValue.replace(/&(#?[0-9a-zA-Z]+;)/g, '&amp;$1');

  return {
    attr: attr,
    name: attrName,
    value: attrValue

function buildAttr(normalized, hasUnarySlash, options, isLast, uidAttr) {
  var attrName =,
      attrValue = normalized.value,
      attr = normalized.attr,
      attrQuote = attr.quote,

  if (typeof attrValue !== 'undefined' && (!options.removeAttributeQuotes ||
      ~attrValue.indexOf(uidAttr) || !canRemoveAttributeQuotes(attrValue))) {
    if (!options.preventAttributesEscaping) {
      if (typeof options.quoteCharacter === 'undefined') {
        var apos = (attrValue.match(/'/g) || []).length;
        var quot = (attrValue.match(/"/g) || []).length;
        attrQuote = apos < quot ? '\'' : '"';
      else {
        attrQuote = options.quoteCharacter === '\'' ? '\'' : '"';
      if (attrQuote === '"') {
        attrValue = attrValue.replace(/"/g, '&#34;');
      else {
        attrValue = attrValue.replace(/'/g, '&#39;');
    emittedAttrValue = attrQuote + attrValue + attrQuote;
    if (!isLast && !options.removeTagWhitespace) {
      emittedAttrValue += ' ';
  // make sure trailing slash is not interpreted as HTML self-closing tag
  else if (isLast && !hasUnarySlash && !/\/$/.test(attrValue)) {
    emittedAttrValue = attrValue;
  else {
    emittedAttrValue = attrValue + ' ';

  if (typeof attrValue === 'undefined' || options.collapseBooleanAttributes &&
      isBooleanAttribute(attrName.toLowerCase(), attrValue.toLowerCase())) {
    attrFragment = attrName;
    if (!isLast) {
      attrFragment += ' ';
  else {
    attrFragment = attrName + attr.customAssign + emittedAttrValue;

  return attr.customOpen + attrFragment + attr.customClose;

function identity(value) {
  return value;

function processOptions(values) {
  var options = {
    name: function(name) {
      return name.toLowerCase();
    canCollapseWhitespace: canCollapseWhitespace,
    canTrimWhitespace: canTrimWhitespace,
    html5: true,
    ignoreCustomComments: [/^!/],
    ignoreCustomFragments: [
    includeAutoGeneratedTags: true,
    log: identity,
    minifyCSS: identity,
    minifyJS: identity,
    minifyURLs: identity
  Object.keys(values).forEach(function(key) {
    var value = values[key];
    if (key === 'caseSensitive') {
      if (value) { = identity;
    else if (key === 'log') {
      if (typeof value === 'function') {
        options.log = value;
    else if (key === 'minifyCSS' && typeof value !== 'function') {
      if (!value) {
      if (typeof value !== 'object') {
        value = {};
      options.minifyCSS = function(text, type) {
        text = text.replace(/(url\s*\(\s*)("|'|)(.*?)\2(\s*\))/ig, function(match, prefix, quote, url, suffix) {
          return prefix + quote + options.minifyURLs(url) + quote + suffix;
        var cleanCssOutput = new CleanCSS(value).minify(wrapCSS(text, type));
        if (cleanCssOutput.errors.length > 0) {
          return text;
        return unwrapCSS(cleanCssOutput.styles, type);
    else if (key === 'minifyJS' && typeof value !== 'function') {
      if (!value) {
      if (typeof value !== 'object') {
        value = {};
      (value.parse || (value.parse = {})).bare_returns = false;
      options.minifyJS = function(text, inline) {
        var start = text.match(/^\s*<!--.*/);
        var code = start ? text.slice(start[0].length).replace(/\n\s*-->\s*$/, '') : text;
        value.parse.bare_returns = inline;
        var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, value);
        if (result.error) {
          return text;
        return result.code.replace(/;$/, '');
    else if (key === 'minifyURLs' && typeof value !== 'function') {
      if (!value) {
      if (typeof value === 'string') {
        value = { site: value };
      else if (typeof value !== 'object') {
        value = {};
      options.minifyURLs = function(text) {
        try {
          return RelateUrl.relate(text, value);
        catch (err) {
          return text;
    else {
      options[key] = value;
  return options;

function uniqueId(value) {
  var id;
  do {
    id = Math.random().toString(36).replace(/^0\.[0-9]*/, '');
  } while (~value.indexOf(id));
  return id;

var specialContentTags = createMapFromString('script,style');

function createSortFns(value, options, uidIgnore, uidAttr) {
  var attrChains = options.sortAttributes && Object.create(null);
  var classChain = options.sortClassName && new TokenChain();

  function attrNames(attrs) {
    return {

  function shouldSkipUID(token, uid) {
    return !uid || token.indexOf(uid) === -1;

  function shouldSkipUIDs(token) {
    return shouldSkipUID(token, uidIgnore) && shouldSkipUID(token, uidAttr);

  function scan(input) {
    var currentTag, currentType;
    new HTMLParser(input, {
      start: function(tag, attrs) {
        if (attrChains) {
          if (!attrChains[tag]) {
            attrChains[tag] = new TokenChain();
        for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
          var attr = attrs[i];
          if (classChain && attr.value && === 'class') {
            classChain.add(trimWhitespace(attr.value).split(/[ \t\n\f\r]+/).filter(shouldSkipUIDs));
          else if (options.processScripts && === 'type') {
            currentTag = tag;
            currentType = attr.value;
      end: function() {
        currentTag = '';
      chars: function(text) {
        if (options.processScripts && specialContentTags(currentTag) &&
            options.processScripts.indexOf(currentType) > -1) {

  var log = options.log;
  options.log = identity;
  options.sortAttributes = false;
  options.sortClassName = false;
  scan(minify(value, options));
  options.log = log;
  if (attrChains) {
    var attrSorters = Object.create(null);
    for (var tag in attrChains) {
      attrSorters[tag] = attrChains[tag].createSorter();
    options.sortAttributes = function(tag, attrs) {
      var sorter = attrSorters[tag];
      if (sorter) {
        var attrMap = Object.create(null);
        var names = attrNames(attrs);
        names.forEach(function(name, index) {
          (attrMap[name] || (attrMap[name] = [])).push(attrs[index]);
        sorter.sort(names).forEach(function(name, index) {
          attrs[index] = attrMap[name].shift();
  if (classChain) {
    var sorter = classChain.createSorter();
    options.sortClassName = function(value) {
      return sorter.sort(value.split(/[ \n\f\r]+/)).join(' ');

function minify(value, options, partialMarkup) {
  if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
    value = collapseWhitespace(value, options, true, true);

  var buffer = [],
      currentChars = '',
      currentTag = '',
      currentAttrs = [],
      stackNoTrimWhitespace = [],
      stackNoCollapseWhitespace = [],
      optionalStartTag = '',
      optionalEndTag = '',
      ignoredMarkupChunks = [],
      ignoredCustomMarkupChunks = [],

  // temporarily replace ignored chunks with comments,
  // so that we don't have to worry what's there.
  // for all we care there might be
  // completely-horribly-broken-alien-non-html-emoj-cthulhu-filled content
  value = value.replace(/<!-- htmlmin:ignore -->([\s\S]*?)<!-- htmlmin:ignore -->/g, function(match, group1) {
    if (!uidIgnore) {
      uidIgnore = uniqueId(value);
      var pattern = new RegExp('^' + uidIgnore + '([0-9]+)$');
      if (options.ignoreCustomComments) {
        options.ignoreCustomComments = options.ignoreCustomComments.slice();
      else {
        options.ignoreCustomComments = [];
    var token = '<!--' + uidIgnore + ignoredMarkupChunks.length + '-->';
    return token;

  var customFragments = {
    return re.source;
  if (customFragments.length) {
    var reCustomIgnore = new RegExp('\\s*(?:' + customFragments.join('|') + ')+\\s*', 'g');
    // temporarily replace custom ignored fragments with unique attributes
    value = value.replace(reCustomIgnore, function(match) {
      if (!uidAttr) {
        uidAttr = uniqueId(value);
        uidPattern = new RegExp('(\\s*)' + uidAttr + '([0-9]+)(\\s*)', 'g');
        if (options.minifyCSS) {
          options.minifyCSS = (function(fn) {
            return function(text, type) {
              text = text.replace(uidPattern, function(match, prefix, index) {
                var chunks = ignoredCustomMarkupChunks[+index];
                return chunks[1] + uidAttr + index + chunks[2];
              var ids = [];
              new CleanCSS().minify(wrapCSS(text, type)).warnings.forEach(function(warning) {
                var match = uidPattern.exec(warning);
                if (match) {
                  var id = uidAttr + match[2];
                  text = text.replace(id, ignoreCSS(id));
              text = fn(text, type);
              ids.forEach(function(id) {
                text = text.replace(ignoreCSS(id), id);
              return text;
        if (options.minifyJS) {
          options.minifyJS = (function(fn) {
            return function(text, type) {
              return fn(text.replace(uidPattern, function(match, prefix, index) {
                var chunks = ignoredCustomMarkupChunks[+index];
                return chunks[1] + uidAttr + index + chunks[2];
              }), type);
      var token = uidAttr + ignoredCustomMarkupChunks.length;
      return '\t' + token + '\t';

  if (options.sortAttributes && typeof options.sortAttributes !== 'function' ||
      options.sortClassName && typeof options.sortClassName !== 'function') {
    createSortFns(value, options, uidIgnore, uidAttr);

  function _canCollapseWhitespace(tag, attrs) {
    return options.canCollapseWhitespace(tag, attrs, canCollapseWhitespace);

  function _canTrimWhitespace(tag, attrs) {
    return options.canTrimWhitespace(tag, attrs, canTrimWhitespace);

  function removeStartTag() {
    var index = buffer.length - 1;
    while (index > 0 && !/^<[^/!]/.test(buffer[index])) {
    buffer.length = Math.max(0, index);

  function removeEndTag() {
    var index = buffer.length - 1;
    while (index > 0 && !/^<\//.test(buffer[index])) {
    buffer.length = Math.max(0, index);

  // look for trailing whitespaces, bypass any inline tags
  function trimTrailingWhitespace(index, nextTag) {
    for (var endTag = null; index >= 0 && _canTrimWhitespace(endTag); index--) {
      var str = buffer[index];
      var match = str.match(/^<\/([\w:-]+)>$/);
      if (match) {
        endTag = match[1];
      else if (/>$/.test(str) || (buffer[index] = collapseWhitespaceSmart(str, null, nextTag, options))) {

  // look for trailing whitespaces from previously processed text
  // which may not be trimmed due to a following comment or an empty
  // element which has now been removed
  function squashTrailingWhitespace(nextTag) {
    var charsIndex = buffer.length - 1;
    if (buffer.length > 1) {
      var item = buffer[buffer.length - 1];
      if (/^(?:<!|$)/.test(item) && item.indexOf(uidIgnore) === -1) {
    trimTrailingWhitespace(charsIndex, nextTag);

  new HTMLParser(value, {
    partialMarkup: partialMarkup,
    html5: options.html5,

    start: function(tag, attrs, unary, unarySlash, autoGenerated) {
      if (tag.toLowerCase() === 'svg') {
        options = Object.create(options);
        options.caseSensitive = true;
        options.keepClosingSlash = true; = identity;
      tag =;
      currentTag = tag;
      charsPrevTag = tag;
      if (!inlineTextTags(tag)) {
        currentChars = '';
      hasChars = false;
      currentAttrs = attrs;

      var optional = options.removeOptionalTags;
      if (optional) {
        var htmlTag = htmlTags(tag);
        // <html> may be omitted if first thing inside is not comment
        // <head> may be omitted if first thing inside is an element
        // <body> may be omitted if first thing inside is not space, comment, <meta>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <template>
        // <colgroup> may be omitted if first thing inside is <col>
        // <tbody> may be omitted if first thing inside is <tr>
        if (htmlTag && canRemoveParentTag(optionalStartTag, tag)) {
        optionalStartTag = '';
        // end-tag-followed-by-start-tag omission rules
        if (htmlTag && canRemovePrecedingTag(optionalEndTag, tag)) {
          // <colgroup> cannot be omitted if preceding </colgroup> is omitted
          // <tbody> cannot be omitted if preceding </tbody>, </thead> or </tfoot> is omitted
          optional = !isStartTagMandatory(optionalEndTag, tag);
        optionalEndTag = '';

      // set whitespace flags for nested tags (eg. <code> within a <pre>)
      if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
        if (!stackNoTrimWhitespace.length) {
        if (!unary) {
          if (!_canTrimWhitespace(tag, attrs) || stackNoTrimWhitespace.length) {
          if (!_canCollapseWhitespace(tag, attrs) || stackNoCollapseWhitespace.length) {

      var openTag = '<' + tag;
      var hasUnarySlash = unarySlash && options.keepClosingSlash;


      if (options.sortAttributes) {
        options.sortAttributes(tag, attrs);

      var parts = [];
      for (var i = attrs.length, isLast = true; --i >= 0;) {
        var normalized = normalizeAttr(attrs[i], attrs, tag, options);
        if (normalized) {
          parts.unshift(buildAttr(normalized, hasUnarySlash, options, isLast, uidAttr));
          isLast = false;
      if (parts.length > 0) {
        buffer.push(' ');
        buffer.push.apply(buffer, parts);
      // start tag must never be omitted if it has any attributes
      else if (optional && optionalStartTags(tag)) {
        optionalStartTag = tag;

      buffer.push(buffer.pop() + (hasUnarySlash ? '/' : '') + '>');

      if (autoGenerated && !options.includeAutoGeneratedTags) {
        optionalStartTag = '';
    end: function(tag, attrs, autoGenerated) {
      if (tag.toLowerCase() === 'svg') {
        options = Object.getPrototypeOf(options);
      tag =;

      // check if current tag is in a whitespace stack
      if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
        if (stackNoTrimWhitespace.length) {
          if (tag === stackNoTrimWhitespace[stackNoTrimWhitespace.length - 1]) {
        else {
          squashTrailingWhitespace('/' + tag);
        if (stackNoCollapseWhitespace.length &&
          tag === stackNoCollapseWhitespace[stackNoCollapseWhitespace.length - 1]) {

      var isElementEmpty = false;
      if (tag === currentTag) {
        currentTag = '';
        isElementEmpty = !hasChars;

      if (options.removeOptionalTags) {
        // <html>, <head> or <body> may be omitted if the element is empty
        if (isElementEmpty && topLevelTags(optionalStartTag)) {
        optionalStartTag = '';
        // </html> or </body> may be omitted if not followed by comment
        // </head> may be omitted if not followed by space or comment
        // </p> may be omitted if no more content in non-</a> parent
        // except for </dt> or </thead>, end tags may be omitted if no more content in parent element
        if (htmlTags(tag) && optionalEndTag && !trailingTags(optionalEndTag) && (optionalEndTag !== 'p' || !pInlineTags(tag))) {
        optionalEndTag = optionalEndTags(tag) ? tag : '';

      if (options.removeEmptyElements && isElementEmpty && canRemoveElement(tag, attrs)) {
        // remove last "element" from buffer
        optionalStartTag = '';
        optionalEndTag = '';
      else {
        if (autoGenerated && !options.includeAutoGeneratedTags) {
          optionalEndTag = '';
        else {
          buffer.push('</' + tag + '>');
        charsPrevTag = '/' + tag;
        if (!inlineTags(tag)) {
          currentChars = '';
        else if (isElementEmpty) {
          currentChars += '|';
    chars: function(text, prevTag, nextTag) {
      prevTag = prevTag === '' ? 'comment' : prevTag;
      nextTag = nextTag === '' ? 'comment' : nextTag;
      if (options.decodeEntities && text && !specialContentTags(currentTag)) {
        text = decode(text);
      if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
        if (!stackNoTrimWhitespace.length) {
          if (prevTag === 'comment') {
            var prevComment = buffer[buffer.length - 1];
            if (prevComment.indexOf(uidIgnore) === -1) {
              if (!prevComment) {
                prevTag = charsPrevTag;
              if (buffer.length > 1 && (!prevComment || !options.conservativeCollapse && / $/.test(currentChars))) {
                var charsIndex = buffer.length - 2;
                buffer[charsIndex] = buffer[charsIndex].replace(/\s+$/, function(trailingSpaces) {
                  text = trailingSpaces + text;
                  return '';
          if (prevTag) {
            if (prevTag === '/nobr' || prevTag === 'wbr') {
              if (/^\s/.test(text)) {
                var tagIndex = buffer.length - 1;
                while (tagIndex > 0 && buffer[tagIndex].lastIndexOf('<' + prevTag) !== 0) {
                trimTrailingWhitespace(tagIndex - 1, 'br');
            else if (inlineTextTags(prevTag.charAt(0) === '/' ? prevTag.slice(1) : prevTag)) {
              text = collapseWhitespace(text, options, /(?:^|\s)$/.test(currentChars));
          if (prevTag || nextTag) {
            text = collapseWhitespaceSmart(text, prevTag, nextTag, options);
          else {
            text = collapseWhitespace(text, options, true, true);
          if (!text && /\s$/.test(currentChars) && prevTag && prevTag.charAt(0) === '/') {
            trimTrailingWhitespace(buffer.length - 1, nextTag);
        if (!stackNoCollapseWhitespace.length && nextTag !== 'html' && !(prevTag && nextTag)) {
          text = collapseWhitespace(text, options, false, false, true);
      if (options.processScripts && specialContentTags(currentTag)) {
        text = processScript(text, options, currentAttrs);
      if (isExecutableScript(currentTag, currentAttrs)) {
        text = options.minifyJS(text);
      if (isStyleSheet(currentTag, currentAttrs)) {
        text = options.minifyCSS(text);
      if (options.removeOptionalTags && text) {
        // <html> may be omitted if first thing inside is not comment
        // <body> may be omitted if first thing inside is not space, comment, <meta>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <template>
        if (optionalStartTag === 'html' || optionalStartTag === 'body' && !/^\s/.test(text)) {
        optionalStartTag = '';
        // </html> or </body> may be omitted if not followed by comment
        // </head>, </colgroup> or </caption> may be omitted if not followed by space or comment
        if (compactTags(optionalEndTag) || looseTags(optionalEndTag) && !/^\s/.test(text)) {
        optionalEndTag = '';
      charsPrevTag = /^\s*$/.test(text) ? prevTag : 'comment';
      if (options.decodeEntities && text && !specialContentTags(currentTag)) {
        // Escape any `&` symbols that start either:
        // 1) a legacy named character reference (i.e. one that doesn't end with `;`)
        // 2) or any other character reference (i.e. one that does end with `;`)
        // Note that `&` can be escaped as `&amp`, without the semi-colon.
        text = text.replace(/&((?:Iacute|aacute|uacute|plusmn|Otilde|otilde|agrave|Agrave|Yacute|yacute|Oslash|oslash|atilde|Atilde|brvbar|ccedil|Ccedil|Ograve|curren|divide|eacute|Eacute|ograve|Oacute|egrave|Egrave|Ugrave|frac12|frac14|frac34|ugrave|oacute|iacute|Ntilde|ntilde|Uacute|middot|igrave|Igrave|iquest|Aacute|cedil|laquo|micro|iexcl|Icirc|icirc|acirc|Ucirc|Ecirc|ocirc|Ocirc|ecirc|ucirc|Aring|aring|AElig|aelig|acute|pound|raquo|Acirc|times|THORN|szlig|thorn|COPY|auml|ordf|ordm|Uuml|macr|uuml|Auml|ouml|Ouml|para|nbsp|euml|quot|QUOT|Euml|yuml|cent|sect|copy|sup1|sup2|sup3|iuml|Iuml|ETH|shy|reg|not|yen|amp|AMP|REG|uml|eth|deg|gt|GT|LT|lt)(?!;)|(?:#?[0-9a-zA-Z]+;))/g, '&amp$1').replace(/</g, '&lt;');
      if (uidPattern && options.collapseWhitespace && stackNoTrimWhitespace.length) {
        text = text.replace(uidPattern, function(match, prefix, index) {
          return ignoredCustomMarkupChunks[+index][0];
      currentChars += text;
      if (text) {
        hasChars = true;
    comment: function(text, nonStandard) {
      var prefix = nonStandard ? '<!' : '<!--';
      var suffix = nonStandard ? '>' : '-->';
      if (isConditionalComment(text)) {
        text = prefix + cleanConditionalComment(text, options) + suffix;
      else if (options.removeComments) {
        if (isIgnoredComment(text, options)) {
          text = '<!--' + text + '-->';
        else {
          text = '';
      else {
        text = prefix + text + suffix;
      if (options.removeOptionalTags && text) {
        // preceding comments suppress tag omissions
        optionalStartTag = '';
        optionalEndTag = '';
    doctype: function(doctype) {
      buffer.push(options.useShortDoctype ? '<!doctype' +
        (options.removeTagWhitespace ? '' : ' ') + 'html>' :
    customAttrAssign: options.customAttrAssign,
    customAttrSurround: options.customAttrSurround

  if (options.removeOptionalTags) {
    // <html> may be omitted if first thing inside is not comment
    // <head> or <body> may be omitted if empty
    if (topLevelTags(optionalStartTag)) {
    // except for </dt> or </thead>, end tags may be omitted if no more content in parent element
    if (optionalEndTag && !trailingTags(optionalEndTag)) {
  if (options.collapseWhitespace) {

  return joinResultSegments(buffer, options, uidPattern ? function(str) {
    return str.replace(uidPattern, function(match, prefix, index, suffix) {
      var chunk = ignoredCustomMarkupChunks[+index][0];
      if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
        if (prefix !== '\t') {
          chunk = prefix + chunk;
        if (suffix !== '\t') {
          chunk += suffix;
        return collapseWhitespace(chunk, {
          preserveLineBreaks: options.preserveLineBreaks,
          conservativeCollapse: !options.trimCustomFragments
        }, /^[ \n\r\t\f]/.test(chunk), /[ \n\r\t\f]$/.test(chunk));
      return chunk;
  } : identity, uidIgnore ? function(str) {
    return str.replace(new RegExp('<!--' + uidIgnore + '([0-9]+)-->', 'g'), function(match, index) {
      return ignoredMarkupChunks[+index];
  } : identity);

function joinResultSegments(results, options, restoreCustom, restoreIgnore) {
  var str;
  var maxLineLength = options.maxLineLength;
  if (maxLineLength) {
    var line = '', lines = [];
    while (results.length) {
      var len = line.length;
      var end = results[0].indexOf('\n');
      if (end < 0) {
        line += restoreIgnore(restoreCustom(results.shift()));
      else {
        line += restoreIgnore(restoreCustom(results[0].slice(0, end)));
        results[0] = results[0].slice(end + 1);
      if (len > 0 && line.length > maxLineLength) {
        lines.push(line.slice(0, len));
        line = line.slice(len);
      else if (end >= 0) {
        line = '';
    if (line) {
    str = lines.join('\n');
  else {
    str = restoreIgnore(restoreCustom(results.join('')));
  return options.collapseWhitespace ? collapseWhitespace(str, options, true, true) : str;

exports.minify = function(value, options) {
  var start =;
  options = processOptions(options || {});
  var result = minify(value, options);
  options.log('minified in: ' + ( - start) + 'ms');
  return result;
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


 * HTML Parser By John Resig (
 * Modified by Juriy "kangax" Zaytsev
 * Original code by Erik Arvidsson, Mozilla Public License

 * // Use like so:
 * HTMLParser(htmlString, {
 *     start: function(tag, attrs, unary) {},
 *     end: function(tag) {},
 *     chars: function(text) {},
 *     comment: function(text) {}
 * });
 * // or to get an XML string:
 * HTMLtoXML(htmlString);
 * // or to get an XML DOM Document
 * HTMLtoDOM(htmlString);
 * // or to inject into an existing document/DOM node
 * HTMLtoDOM(htmlString, document);
 * HTMLtoDOM(htmlString, document.body);

/* global ActiveXObject, DOMDocument */

'use strict';

var createMapFromString = require('./utils').createMapFromString;

function makeMap(values) {
  return createMapFromString(values, true);

// Regular Expressions for parsing tags and attributes
var singleAttrIdentifier = /([^\s"'<>/=]+)/,
    singleAttrAssigns = [/=/],
    singleAttrValues = [
      // attr value double quotes
      // attr value, single quotes
      // attr value, no quotes
      /([^ \t\n\f\r"'`=<>]+)/.source
    qnameCapture = (function() {
      // based on
      var combiningChar = '\\u0300-\\u0345\\u0360\\u0361\\u0483-\\u0486\\u0591-\\u05A1\\u05A3-\\u05B9\\u05BB-\\u05BD\\u05BF\\u05C1\\u05C2\\u05C4\\u064B-\\u0652\\u0670\\u06D6-\\u06E4\\u06E7\\u06E8\\u06EA-\\u06ED\\u0901-\\u0903\\u093C\\u093E-\\u094D\\u0951-\\u0954\\u0962\\u0963\\u0981-\\u0983\\u09BC\\u09BE-\\u09C4\\u09C7\\u09C8\\u09CB-\\u09CD\\u09D7\\u09E2\\u09E3\\u0A02\\u0A3C\\u0A3E-\\u0A42\\u0A47\\u0A48\\u0A4B-\\u0A4D\\u0A70\\u0A71\\u0A81-\\u0A83\\u0ABC\\u0ABE-\\u0AC5\\u0AC7-\\u0AC9\\u0ACB-\\u0ACD\\u0B01-\\u0B03\\u0B3C\\u0B3E-\\u0B43\\u0B47\\u0B48\\u0B4B-\\u0B4D\\u0B56\\u0B57\\u0B82\\u0B83\\u0BBE-\\u0BC2\\u0BC6-\\u0BC8\\u0BCA-\\u0BCD\\u0BD7\\u0C01-\\u0C03\\u0C3E-\\u0C44\\u0C46-\\u0C48\\u0C4A-\\u0C4D\\u0C55\\u0C56\\u0C82\\u0C83\\u0CBE-\\u0CC4\\u0CC6-\\u0CC8\\u0CCA-\\u0CCD\\u0CD5\\u0CD6\\u0D02\\u0D03\\u0D3E-\\u0D43\\u0D46-\\u0D48\\u0D4A-\\u0D4D\\u0D57\\u0E31\\u0E34-\\u0E3A\\u0E47-\\u0E4E\\u0EB1\\u0EB4-\\u0EB9\\u0EBB\\u0EBC\\u0EC8-\\u0ECD\\u0F18\\u0F19\\u0F35\\u0F37\\u0F39\\u0F3E\\u0F3F\\u0F71-\\u0F84\\u0F86-\\u0F8B\\u0F90-\\u0F95\\u0F97\\u0F99-\\u0FAD\\u0FB1-\\u0FB7\\u0FB9\\u20D0-\\u20DC\\u20E1\\u302A-\\u302F\\u3099\\u309A';
      var digit = '0-9\\u0660-\\u0669\\u06F0-\\u06F9\\u0966-\\u096F\\u09E6-\\u09EF\\u0A66-\\u0A6F\\u0AE6-\\u0AEF\\u0B66-\\u0B6F\\u0BE7-\\u0BEF\\u0C66-\\u0C6F\\u0CE6-\\u0CEF\\u0D66-\\u0D6F\\u0E50-\\u0E59\\u0ED0-\\u0ED9\\u0F20-\\u0F29';
      var extender = '\\xB7\\u02D0\\u02D1\\u0387\\u0640\\u0E46\\u0EC6\\u3005\\u3031-\\u3035\\u309D\\u309E\\u30FC-\\u30FE';
      var letter = 'A-Za-z\\xC0-\\xD6\\xD8-\\xF6\\xF8-\\u0131\\u0134-\\u013E\\u0141-\\u0148\\u014A-\\u017E\\u0180-\\u01C3\\u01CD-\\u01F0\\u01F4\\u01F5\\u01FA-\\u0217\\u0250-\\u02A8\\u02BB-\\u02C1\\u0386\\u0388-\\u038A\\u038C\\u038E-\\u03A1\\u03A3-\\u03CE\\u03D0-\\u03D6\\u03DA\\u03DC\\u03DE\\u03E0\\u03E2-\\u03F3\\u0401-\\u040C\\u040E-\\u044F\\u0451-\\u045C\\u045E-\\u0481\\u0490-\\u04C4\\u04C7\\u04C8\\u04CB\\u04CC\\u04D0-\\u04EB\\u04EE-\\u04F5\\u04F8\\u04F9\\u0531-\\u0556\\u0559\\u0561-\\u0586\\u05D0-\\u05EA\\u05F0-\\u05F2\\u0621-\\u063A\\u0641-\\u064A\\u0671-\\u06B7\\u06BA-\\u06BE\\u06C0-\\u06CE\\u06D0-\\u06D3\\u06D5\\u06E5\\u06E6\\u0905-\\u0939\\u093D\\u0958-\\u0961\\u0985-\\u098C\\u098F\\u0990\\u0993-\\u09A8\\u09AA-\\u09B0\\u09B2\\u09B6-\\u09B9\\u09DC\\u09DD\\u09DF-\\u09E1\\u09F0\\u09F1\\u0A05-\\u0A0A\\u0A0F\\u0A10\\u0A13-\\u0A28\\u0A2A-\\u0A30\\u0A32\\u0A33\\u0A35\\u0A36\\u0A38\\u0A39\\u0A59-\\u0A5C\\u0A5E\\u0A72-\\u0A74\\u0A85-\\u0A8B\\u0A8D\\u0A8F-\\u0A91\\u0A93-\\u0AA8\\u0AAA-\\u0AB0\\u0AB2\\u0AB3\\u0AB5-\\u0AB9\\u0ABD\\u0AE0\\u0B05-\\u0B0C\\u0B0F\\u0B10\\u0B13-\\u0B28\\u0B2A-\\u0B30\\u0B32\\u0B33\\u0B36-\\u0B39\\u0B3D\\u0B5C\\u0B5D\\u0B5F-\\u0B61\\u0B85-\\u0B8A\\u0B8E-\\u0B90\\u0B92-\\u0B95\\u0B99\\u0B9A\\u0B9C\\u0B9E\\u0B9F\\u0BA3\\u0BA4\\u0BA8-\\u0BAA\\u0BAE-\\u0BB5\\u0BB7-\\u0BB9\\u0C05-\\u0C0C\\u0C0E-\\u0C10\\u0C12-\\u0C28\\u0C2A-\\u0C33\\u0C35-\\u0C39\\u0C60\\u0C61\\u0C85-\\u0C8C\\u0C8E-\\u0C90\\u0C92-\\u0CA8\\u0CAA-\\u0CB3\\u0CB5-\\u0CB9\\u0CDE\\u0CE0\\u0CE1\\u0D05-\\u0D0C\\u0D0E-\\u0D10\\u0D12-\\u0D28\\u0D2A-\\u0D39\\u0D60\\u0D61\\u0E01-\\u0E2E\\u0E30\\u0E32\\u0E33\\u0E40-\\u0E45\\u0E81\\u0E82\\u0E84\\u0E87\\u0E88\\u0E8A\\u0E8D\\u0E94-\\u0E97\\u0E99-\\u0E9F\\u0EA1-\\u0EA3\\u0EA5\\u0EA7\\u0EAA\\u0EAB\\u0EAD\\u0EAE\\u0EB0\\u0EB2\\u0EB3\\u0EBD\\u0EC0-\\u0EC4\\u0F40-\\u0F47\\u0F49-\\u0F69\\u10A0-\\u10C5\\u10D0-\\u10F6\\u1100\\u1102\\u1103\\u1105-\\u1107\\u1109\\u110B\\u110C\\u110E-\\u1112\\u113C\\u113E\\u1140\\u114C\\u114E\\u1150\\u1154\\u1155\\u1159\\u115F-\\u1161\\u1163\\u1165\\u1167\\u1169\\u116D\\u116E\\u1172\\u1173\\u1175\\u119E\\u11A8\\u11AB\\u11AE\\u11AF\\u11B7\\u11B8\\u11BA\\u11BC-\\u11C2\\u11EB\\u11F0\\u11F9\\u1E00-\\u1E9B\\u1EA0-\\u1EF9\\u1F00-\\u1F15\\u1F18-\\u1F1D\\u1F20-\\u1F45\\u1F48-\\u1F4D\\u1F50-\\u1F57\\u1F59\\u1F5B\\u1F5D\\u1F5F-\\u1F7D\\u1F80-\\u1FB4\\u1FB6-\\u1FBC\\u1FBE\\u1FC2-\\u1FC4\\u1FC6-\\u1FCC\\u1FD0-\\u1FD3\\u1FD6-\\u1FDB\\u1FE0-\\u1FEC\\u1FF2-\\u1FF4\\u1FF6-\\u1FFC\\u2126\\u212A\\u212B\\u212E\\u2180-\\u2182\\u3007\\u3021-\\u3029\\u3041-\\u3094\\u30A1-\\u30FA\\u3105-\\u312C\\u4E00-\\u9FA5\\uAC00-\\uD7A3';
      var ncname = '[' + letter + '_][' + letter + digit + '\\.\\-_' + combiningChar + extender + ']*';
      return '((?:' + ncname + '\\:)?' + ncname + ')';
    startTagOpen = new RegExp('^<' + qnameCapture),
    startTagClose = /^\s*(\/?)>/,
    endTag = new RegExp('^<\\/' + qnameCapture + '[^>]*>'),
    doctype = /^<!DOCTYPE\s?[^>]+>/i;

'x'.replace(/x(.)?/g, function(m, g) {

// Empty Elements
var empty = makeMap('area,base,basefont,br,col,embed,frame,hr,img,input,isindex,keygen,link,meta,param,source,track,wbr');

// Inline Elements
var inline = makeMap('a,abbr,acronym,applet,b,basefont,bdo,big,br,button,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,iframe,img,input,ins,kbd,label,map,noscript,object,q,s,samp,script,select,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,svg,textarea,tt,u,var');

// Elements that you can, intentionally, leave open
// (and which close themselves)
var closeSelf = makeMap('colgroup,dd,dt,li,option,p,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,source');

// Attributes that have their values filled in disabled='disabled'
var fillAttrs = makeMap('checked,compact,declare,defer,disabled,ismap,multiple,nohref,noresize,noshade,nowrap,readonly,selected');

// Special Elements (can contain anything)
var special = makeMap('script,style');

// HTML5 tags
// Phrasing Content
var nonPhrasing = makeMap('address,article,aside,base,blockquote,body,caption,col,colgroup,dd,details,dialog,div,dl,dt,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,head,header,hgroup,hr,html,legend,li,menuitem,meta,ol,optgroup,option,param,rp,rt,source,style,summary,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,title,tr,track,ul');

var reCache = {};

function attrForHandler(handler) {
  var pattern = singleAttrIdentifier.source +
                '(?:\\s*(' + joinSingleAttrAssigns(handler) + ')' +
                '[ \\t\\n\\f\\r]*(?:' + singleAttrValues.join('|') + '))?';
  if (handler.customAttrSurround) {
    var attrClauses = [];
    for (var i = handler.customAttrSurround.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      attrClauses[i] = '(?:' +
                       '(' + handler.customAttrSurround[i][0].source + ')\\s*' +
                       pattern +
                       '\\s*(' + handler.customAttrSurround[i][1].source + ')' +
    attrClauses.push('(?:' + pattern + ')');
    pattern = '(?:' + attrClauses.join('|') + ')';
  return new RegExp('^\\s*' + pattern);

function joinSingleAttrAssigns(handler) {
  return singleAttrAssigns.concat(
    handler.customAttrAssign || []
  ).map(function(assign) {
    return '(?:' + assign.source + ')';

function HTMLParser(html, handler) {
  var stack = [], lastTag;
  var attribute = attrForHandler(handler);
  var last, prevTag, nextTag;
  while (html) {
    last = html;
    // Make sure we're not in a script or style element
    if (!lastTag || !special(lastTag)) {
      var textEnd = html.indexOf('<');
      if (textEnd === 0) {
        // Comment:
        if (/^<!--/.test(html)) {
          var commentEnd = html.indexOf('-->');

          if (commentEnd >= 0) {
            if (handler.comment) {
              handler.comment(html.substring(4, commentEnd));
            html = html.substring(commentEnd + 3);
            prevTag = '';

        if (/^<!\[/.test(html)) {
          var conditionalEnd = html.indexOf(']>');

          if (conditionalEnd >= 0) {
            if (handler.comment) {
              handler.comment(html.substring(2, conditionalEnd + 1), true /* non-standard */);
            html = html.substring(conditionalEnd + 2);
            prevTag = '';

        // Doctype:
        var doctypeMatch = html.match(doctype);
        if (doctypeMatch) {
          if (handler.doctype) {
          html = html.substring(doctypeMatch[0].length);
          prevTag = '';

        // End tag:
        var endTagMatch = html.match(endTag);
        if (endTagMatch) {
          html = html.substring(endTagMatch[0].length);
          endTagMatch[0].replace(endTag, parseEndTag);
          prevTag = '/' + endTagMatch[1].toLowerCase();

        // Start tag:
        var startTagMatch = parseStartTag(html);
        if (startTagMatch) {
          html =;
          prevTag = startTagMatch.tagName.toLowerCase();

      var text;
      if (textEnd >= 0) {
        text = html.substring(0, textEnd);
        html = html.substring(textEnd);
      else {
        text = html;
        html = '';

      // next tag
      var nextTagMatch = parseStartTag(html);
      if (nextTagMatch) {
        nextTag = nextTagMatch.tagName;
      else {
        nextTagMatch = html.match(endTag);
        if (nextTagMatch) {
          nextTag = '/' + nextTagMatch[1];
        else {
          nextTag = '';

      if (handler.chars) {
        handler.chars(text, prevTag, nextTag);
      prevTag = '';

    else {
      var stackedTag = lastTag.toLowerCase();
      var reStackedTag = reCache[stackedTag] || (reCache[stackedTag] = new RegExp('([\\s\\S]*?)</' + stackedTag + '[^>]*>', 'i'));

      html = html.replace(reStackedTag, function(all, text) {
        if (stackedTag !== 'script' && stackedTag !== 'style' && stackedTag !== 'noscript') {
          text = text
            .replace(/<!--([\s\S]*?)-->/g, '$1')
            .replace(/<!\[CDATA\[([\s\S]*?)]]>/g, '$1');

        if (handler.chars) {

        return '';

      parseEndTag('</' + stackedTag + '>', stackedTag);

    if (html === last) {
      throw new Error('Parse Error: ' + html);

  if (!handler.partialMarkup) {
    // Clean up any remaining tags

  function parseStartTag(input) {
    var start = input.match(startTagOpen);
    if (start) {
      var match = {
        tagName: start[1],
        attrs: []
      input = input.slice(start[0].length);
      var end, attr;
      while (!(end = input.match(startTagClose)) && (attr = input.match(attribute))) {
        input = input.slice(attr[0].length);
      if (end) {
        match.unarySlash = end[1]; = input.slice(end[0].length);
        return match;

  function closeIfFound(tagName) {
    if (findTag(tagName) >= 0) {
      parseEndTag('', tagName);
      return true;

  function handleStartTag(match) {
    var tagName = match.tagName;
    var unarySlash = match.unarySlash;

    if (handler.html5) {
      if (lastTag === 'p' && nonPhrasing(tagName)) {
        parseEndTag('', lastTag);
      else if (tagName === 'tbody') {
      else if (tagName === 'tfoot') {
        if (!closeIfFound('tbody')) {
      if (tagName === 'col' && findTag('colgroup') < 0) {
        lastTag = 'colgroup';
        stack.push({ tag: lastTag, attrs: [] });
        if (handler.start) {
          handler.start(lastTag, [], false, '');

    if (!handler.html5 && !inline(tagName)) {
      while (lastTag && inline(lastTag)) {
        parseEndTag('', lastTag);

    if (closeSelf(tagName) && lastTag === tagName) {
      parseEndTag('', tagName);

    var unary = empty(tagName) || tagName === 'html' && lastTag === 'head' || !!unarySlash;

    var attrs = {
      var name, value, customOpen, customClose, customAssign, quote;
      var ncp = 7; // number of captured parts, scalar

      // hackish work around FF bug
      if (IS_REGEX_CAPTURING_BROKEN && args[0].indexOf('""') === -1) {
        if (args[3] === '') { delete args[3]; }
        if (args[4] === '') { delete args[4]; }
        if (args[5] === '') { delete args[5]; }

      function populate(index) {
        customAssign = args[index];
        value = args[index + 1];
        if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
          return '"';
        value = args[index + 2];
        if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
          return '\'';
        value = args[index + 3];
        if (typeof value === 'undefined' && fillAttrs(name)) {
          value = name;
        return '';

      var j = 1;
      if (handler.customAttrSurround) {
        for (var i = 0, l = handler.customAttrSurround.length; i < l; i++, j += ncp) {
          name = args[j + 1];
          if (name) {
            quote = populate(j + 2);
            customOpen = args[j];
            customClose = args[j + 6];

      if (!name && (name = args[j])) {
        quote = populate(j + 1);

      return {
        name: name,
        value: value,
        customAssign: customAssign || '=',
        customOpen: customOpen || '',
        customClose: customClose || '',
        quote: quote || ''

    if (!unary) {
      stack.push({ tag: tagName, attrs: attrs });
      lastTag = tagName;
      unarySlash = '';

    if (handler.start) {
      handler.start(tagName, attrs, unary, unarySlash);

  function findTag(tagName) {
    var pos;
    var needle = tagName.toLowerCase();
    for (pos = stack.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
      if (stack[pos].tag.toLowerCase() === needle) {
    return pos;

  function parseEndTag(tag, tagName) {
    var pos;

    // Find the closest opened tag of the same type
    if (tagName) {
      pos = findTag(tagName);
    // If no tag name is provided, clean shop
    else {
      pos = 0;

    if (pos >= 0) {
      // Close all the open elements, up the stack
      for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
        if (handler.end) {
          handler.end(stack[i].tag, stack[i].attrs, i > pos || !tag);

      // Remove the open elements from the stack
      stack.length = pos;
      lastTag = pos && stack[pos - 1].tag;
    else if (tagName.toLowerCase() === 'br') {
      if (handler.start) {
        handler.start(tagName, [], true, '');
    else if (tagName.toLowerCase() === 'p') {
      if (handler.start) {
        handler.start(tagName, [], false, '', true);
      if (handler.end) {
        handler.end(tagName, []);

exports.HTMLParser = HTMLParser;
exports.HTMLtoXML = function(html) {
  var results = '';

  new HTMLParser(html, {
    start: function(tag, attrs, unary) {
      results += '<' + tag;

      for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
        results += ' ' + attrs[i].name + '="' + (attrs[i].value || '').replace(/"/g, '&#34;') + '"';

      results += (unary ? '/' : '') + '>';
    end: function(tag) {
      results += '</' + tag + '>';
    chars: function(text) {
      results += text;
    comment: function(text) {
      results += '<!--' + text + '-->';
    ignore: function(text) {
      results += text;

  return results;

exports.HTMLtoDOM = function(html, doc) {
  // There can be only one of these elements
  var one = {
    html: true,
    head: true,
    body: true,
    title: true

  // Enforce a structure for the document
  var structure = {
    link: 'head',
    base: 'head'

  if (doc) {
    doc = doc.ownerDocument || doc.getOwnerDocument && doc.getOwnerDocument() || doc;
  else if (typeof DOMDocument !== 'undefined') {
    doc = new DOMDocument();
  else if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) {
    doc = document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null);
  else if (typeof ActiveX !== 'undefined') {
    doc = new ActiveXObject('Msxml.DOMDocument');

  var elems = [],
      documentElement = doc.documentElement ||
        doc.getDocumentElement && doc.getDocumentElement();

  // If we're dealing with an empty document then we
  // need to pre-populate it with the HTML document structure
  if (!documentElement && doc.createElement) {
    (function() {
      var html = doc.createElement('html');
      var head = doc.createElement('head');

  // Find all the unique elements
  if (doc.getElementsByTagName) {
    for (var i in one) {
      one[i] = doc.getElementsByTagName(i)[0];

  // If we're working with a document, inject contents into
  // the body element
  var curParentNode = one.body;

  new HTMLParser(html, {
    start: function(tagName, attrs, unary) {
      // If it's a pre-built element, then we can ignore
      // its construction
      if (one[tagName]) {
        curParentNode = one[tagName];

      var elem = doc.createElement(tagName);

      for (var attr in attrs) {
        elem.setAttribute(attrs[attr].name, attrs[attr].value);

      if (structure[tagName] && typeof one[structure[tagName]] !== 'boolean') {
      else if (curParentNode && curParentNode.appendChild) {

      if (!unary) {
        curParentNode = elem;
    end: function(/* tag */) {
      elems.length -= 1;

      // Init the new parentNode
      curParentNode = elems[elems.length - 1];
    chars: function(text) {
    comment: function(/* text */) {
      // create comment node
    ignore: function(/* text */) {
      // What to do here?

  return doc;
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago

function bind slim

'use strict';

/* eslint no-invalid-this: 1 */

var ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ';
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
var toStr = Object.prototype.toString;
var funcType = '[object Function]';

module.exports = function bind(that) {
    var target = this;
    if (typeof target !== 'function' || !== funcType) {
        throw new TypeError(ERROR_MESSAGE + target);
    var args =, 1);

    var bound;
    var binder = function () {
        if (this instanceof bound) {
            var result = target.apply(
            if (Object(result) === result) {
                return result;
            return this;
        } else {
            return target.apply(

    var boundLength = Math.max(0, target.length - args.length);
    var boundArgs = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < boundLength; i++) {
        boundArgs.push('$' + i);

    bound = Function('binder', 'return function (' + boundArgs.join(',') + '){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }')(binder);

    if (target.prototype) {
        var Empty = function Empty() {};
        Empty.prototype = target.prototype;
        bound.prototype = new Empty();
        Empty.prototype = null;

    return bound;
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


"use strict";
var childProcess = require("child_process");
var os = require("os");

module.exports = function opener(args, options, callback) {
    var platform = process.platform;

    // Attempt to detect Windows Subystem for Linux (WSL). WSL  itself as Linux (which works in most cases), but in
    // this specific case we need to treat it as actually being Windows. The "Windows-way" of opening things through
    // cmd.exe works just fine here, whereas using xdg-open does not, since there is no X Windows in WSL.
    if (platform === "linux" && os.release().indexOf("Microsoft") !== -1) {
        platform = "win32";

    //, but see below for Windows.
    var command;
    switch (platform) {
        case "win32": {
            command = "cmd.exe";
        case "darwin": {
            command = "open";
        default: {
            command = "xdg-open";

    if (typeof args === "string") {
        args = [args];

    if (typeof options === "function") {
        callback = options;
        options = {};

    if (options && typeof options === "object" && options.command) {
        if (platform === "win32") {
            // *always* use cmd on windows
            args = [options.command].concat(args);
        } else {
            command = options.command;

    if (platform === "win32") {
        // On Windows, we really want to use the "start" command. But, the rules regarding arguments with spaces, and
        // escaping them with quotes, can get really arcane. So the easiest way to deal with this is to pass off the
        // responsibility to "cmd /c", which has that logic built in.
        // Furthermore, if "cmd /c" double-quoted the first parameter, then "start" will interpret it as a window title,
        // so we need to add a dummy empty-string window title:
        // Additionally, on Windows ampersand needs to be escaped when passed to "start"
        args = (value) {
            return value.replace(/&/g, "^&");
        args = ["/c", "start", "\"\""].concat(args);

    return childProcess.execFile(command, args, options, callback);
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
var util = require('util')

function Y18N (opts) {
  // configurable options.
  opts = opts || {} = || './locales'
  this.updateFiles = typeof opts.updateFiles === 'boolean' ? opts.updateFiles : true
  this.locale = opts.locale || 'en'
  this.fallbackToLanguage = typeof opts.fallbackToLanguage === 'boolean' ? opts.fallbackToLanguage : true

  // internal stuff.
  this.cache = {}
  this.writeQueue = []

Y18N.prototype.__ = function () {
  if (typeof arguments[0] !== 'string') {
    return this._taggedLiteral.apply(this, arguments)
  var args =
  var str = args.shift()
  var cb = function () {} // start with noop.

  if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') cb = args.pop()
  cb = cb || function () {} // noop.

  if (!this.cache[this.locale]) this._readLocaleFile()

  // we've observed a new string, update the language file.
  if (!this.cache[this.locale][str] && this.updateFiles) {
    this.cache[this.locale][str] = str

    // include the current directory and locale,
    // since these values could change before the
    // write is performed.
    this._enqueueWrite([, this.locale, cb])
  } else {

  return util.format.apply(util, [this.cache[this.locale][str] || str].concat(args))

Y18N.prototype._taggedLiteral = function (parts) {
  var args = arguments
  var str = ''
  parts.forEach(function (part, i) {
    var arg = args[i + 1]
    str += part
    if (typeof arg !== 'undefined') {
      str += '%s'
  return this.__.apply(null, [str].concat([], 1)))

Y18N.prototype._enqueueWrite = function (work) {
  if (this.writeQueue.length === 1) this._processWriteQueue()

Y18N.prototype._processWriteQueue = function () {
  var _this = this
  var work = this.writeQueue[0]

  // destructure the enqueued work.
  var directory = work[0]
  var locale = work[1]
  var cb = work[2]

  var languageFile = this._resolveLocaleFile(directory, locale)
  var serializedLocale = JSON.stringify(this.cache[locale], null, 2)

  fs.writeFile(languageFile, serializedLocale, 'utf-8', function (err) {
    if (_this.writeQueue.length > 0) _this._processWriteQueue()

Y18N.prototype._readLocaleFile = function () {
  var localeLookup = {}
  var languageFile = this._resolveLocaleFile(, this.locale)

  try {
    localeLookup = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(languageFile, 'utf-8'))
  } catch (err) {
    if (err instanceof SyntaxError) {
      err.message = 'syntax error in ' + languageFile

    if (err.code === 'ENOENT') localeLookup = {}
    else throw err

  this.cache[this.locale] = localeLookup

Y18N.prototype._resolveLocaleFile = function (directory, locale) {
  var file = path.resolve(directory, './', locale + '.json')
  if (this.fallbackToLanguage && !this._fileExistsSync(file) && ~locale.lastIndexOf('_')) {
    // attempt fallback to language only
    var languageFile = path.resolve(directory, './', locale.split('_')[0] + '.json')
    if (this._fileExistsSync(languageFile)) file = languageFile
  return file

// this only exists because fs.existsSync() "will be deprecated"
// see
Y18N.prototype._fileExistsSync = function (file) {
  try {
    return fs.statSync(file).isFile()
  } catch (err) {
    return false

Y18N.prototype.__n = function () {
  var args =
  var singular = args.shift()
  var plural = args.shift()
  var quantity = args.shift()

  var cb = function () {} // start with noop.
  if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') cb = args.pop()

  if (!this.cache[this.locale]) this._readLocaleFile()

  var str = quantity === 1 ? singular : plural
  if (this.cache[this.locale][singular]) {
    str = this.cache[this.locale][singular][quantity === 1 ? 'one' : 'other']

  // we've observed a new string, update the language file.
  if (!this.cache[this.locale][singular] && this.updateFiles) {
    this.cache[this.locale][singular] = {
      one: singular,
      other: plural

    // include the current directory and locale,
    // since these values could change before the
    // write is performed.
    this._enqueueWrite([, this.locale, cb])
  } else {

  // if a %d placeholder is provided, add quantity
  // to the arguments expanded by util.format.
  var values = [str]
  if (~str.indexOf('%d')) values.push(quantity)

  return util.format.apply(util, values.concat(args))

Y18N.prototype.setLocale = function (locale) {
  this.locale = locale

Y18N.prototype.getLocale = function () {
  return this.locale

Y18N.prototype.updateLocale = function (obj) {
  if (!this.cache[this.locale]) this._readLocaleFile()

  for (var key in obj) {
    this.cache[this.locale][key] = obj[key]

module.exports = function (opts) {
  var y18n = new Y18N(opts)

  // bind all functions to y18n, so that
  // they can be used in isolation.
  for (var key in y18n) {
    if (typeof y18n[key] === 'function') {
      y18n[key] = y18n[key].bind(y18n)

  return y18n
mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


var pSlice = Array.prototype.slice;
var objectKeys = require('./lib/keys.js');
var isArguments = require('./lib/is_arguments.js');

var deepEqual = module.exports = function (actual, expected, opts) {
  if (!opts) opts = {};
  // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===.
  if (actual === expected) {
    return true;

  } else if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) {
    return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime();

  // 7.3. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object',
  // equivalence is determined by ==.
  } else if (!actual || !expected || typeof actual != 'object' && typeof expected != 'object') {
    return opts.strict ? actual === expected : actual == expected;

  // 7.4. For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is
  // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified
  // with, the same set of keys
  // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every
  // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this
  // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays.
  } else {
    return objEquiv(actual, expected, opts);

function isUndefinedOrNull(value) {
  return value === null || value === undefined;

function isBuffer (x) {
  if (!x || typeof x !== 'object' || typeof x.length !== 'number') return false;
  if (typeof x.copy !== 'function' || typeof x.slice !== 'function') {
    return false;
  if (x.length > 0 && typeof x[0] !== 'number') return false;
  return true;

function objEquiv(a, b, opts) {
  var i, key;
  if (isUndefinedOrNull(a) || isUndefinedOrNull(b))
    return false;
  // an identical 'prototype' property.
  if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false;
  //~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing.
  //   Converting to array solves the problem.
  if (isArguments(a)) {
    if (!isArguments(b)) {
      return false;
    a =;
    b =;
    return deepEqual(a, b, opts);
  if (isBuffer(a)) {
    if (!isBuffer(b)) {
      return false;
    if (a.length !== b.length) return false;
    for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
      if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
    return true;
  try {
    var ka = objectKeys(a),
        kb = objectKeys(b);
  } catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't
    return false;
  // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates
  // hasOwnProperty)
  if (ka.length != kb.length)
    return false;
  //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order),
  //~~~cheap key test
  for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (ka[i] != kb[i])
      return false;
  //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and
  //~~~possibly expensive deep test
  for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    key = ka[i];
    if (!deepEqual(a[key], b[key], opts)) return false;
  return typeof a === typeof b;


Node's assert.deepEqual() algorithm as a standalone module.

This module is around 5 times faster than wrapping assert.deepEqual() in a try/catch.

browser support

build status


var equal = require('deep-equal');
        { a : [ 2, 3 ], b : [ 4 ] },
        { a : [ 2, 3 ], b : [ 4 ] }
        { x : 5, y : [6] },
        { x : 5, y : 6 }


var deepEqual = require('deep-equal')

deepEqual(a, b, opts)

Compare objects a and b, returning whether they are equal according to a recursive equality algorithm.

If opts.strict is true, use strict equality (===) to compare leaf nodes. The default is to use coercive equality (==) because that's how assert.deepEqual() works by default.


With npm do:

npm install deep-equal


With npm do:

npm test


MIT. Derived largely from node's assert module.

mowatermelon commented 5 years ago


  .container {
    padding: 0;
    height: 100%;

  <scroll-view class="container" :scroll-y="true">
    <%_ blocks.forEach(function(block) { _%>
    <<%= %>></<%= %>>
    <%_ }); _%>

  <%_ blocks.forEach(function(block) { _%>
  import <%= block.className %> from '<%= block.path %>';
  <%_ }); _%>
  export default {
    components: {
      <%_ blocks.forEach(function(block) { _%>
      <%= block.className %>,
      <%_ }); _%>
    data() {
      return {
        // initial data
    methods: {
      goto() {
        console.log('history push');