moxie0 / Convergence

An agile, distributed, and secure alternative to the Certificate Authority system.
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Unable to add notaries #178

Open melpomene opened 10 years ago

melpomene commented 10 years ago

I am using Convergence 0.99 in firefox 23.0.1.

I am unable to add any of the notaries listed here (high availability):

I tried both from the downloaded file and from the URL. I do not get any error messages, but the list remains empty (was empty on install).

JeremyRand commented 10 years ago

What OS are you on? Windows? Could your issue be the same bug as my issue at ?

melpomene commented 10 years ago

Running OS X 10.8.5.

Magrath commented 10 years ago

Same problem, running Convergence 0.09 with Firefox 24.0 on OSX 10.8.5.

JeremyRand commented 10 years ago

Could you try with the fork at ? It's received regular updates, while moxie0's repo hasn't been updated in 2 years. If it fails, does it fail in the same way?

skull-squadron commented 10 years ago

Unable to add notaries either by url or downloaded bundle. The "Add Notary" modal dialog won't accept the notary somehow, so it refuses to dismiss via the OK button.

FF 26.0 OSX 10.9 Convergence 0.09 (current beta) or Convergence Extra 0.11.20131117193258 (built via master @ HEAD of mk-fg's fork)

SethArchambault commented 10 years ago

Same problem here. No notaries on install. When I try to install a notary via URL the OK button is unclickable. When I upload via file, the OK button works, but the notary screen is blank. '

FF 26 OSA 10.9.1 Convergence - current from

skull-squadron commented 10 years ago

More details on FF 27.0.1 OSX 10.9.1:

JS console says: TypeError: notaries is undefined options.js:97

function onAddNotary() {
  var retVal = {notary: null};
  window.openDialog("chrome://convergence/content/addNotary.xul", "dialog2", "modal", retVal).focus();

  if (retVal.notary) {
    for (var i=0;i<notaries.length;i++) { <<<<<================== 
      if (isDuplicateNotary(notaries[i], retVal.notary)) {
    dump("Found duplicate: " + notaries[i].getName()+ "\n");
    alert("Sorry, this notary conflicts with a notary that you already have configured." +
          "  You can only use two notaries from the same organization if they are"       +
          " configured  for seperate regions.");

skull-squadron commented 10 years ago

convergence.getSettingsManager fails, which causes settingsManager to be undefined, which causes notaries to be undefined

Looks like convergence is just a simple prototyped Object instance.

skull-squadron commented 10 years ago

Starting FF from the console reveals the silently handled exception dump()s the following to stderr/stdout

Loading: ________/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/_____.default/extensions/
Failed to find nspr4 in installed directory, checking system paths.
Failed to find nspr4 in system paths, trying explicit FreeBSD path.
Error initializing ctypes: Error: couldn't open library /usr/local/lib/, NSPR.initialize@file:///________/Library/Application%20Support/Firefox/Profiles/________.default/extensions/ -> file:///________/Library/Application%20Support/Firefox/Profiles/________.default/extensions/

There is no .+nspr.+ anywhere to be found in the system, or in the extension.

skull-squadron commented 10 years ago

Don't know if this helps, but I compiled and hosted a nspr4.10 that only depends on itself and libSystem.dylib

skull-squadron commented 10 years ago

Taking a gross two-stroke chainsaw to all NSPR code doesn't help. Also tries to load libssl3.dylib. :sadface: Needs TLC by someone that KWTFTD (or fakes it well).

zzottel commented 10 years ago

Just to add that: I have the same problem on FF 24 Win 7 here.

peterclemenko commented 10 years ago

Same problem, FF 28 Ubuntu 14.04 x64.

JeremyRand commented 10 years ago

@zzottel and @th3flyboy , use mk-fg's version (Convergence Extra). Works fine for me on Windows 8 and Linux Mint 15. Reportedly OSX has other issues which Convergence Extra doesn't fix.