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I don't know but could someone find out if the word Beatification is in the both versions of the english dictionary? #219

Open tonypowa opened 6 months ago

tonypowa commented 6 months ago

I don't know but could someone find out if the word Beatification is in the both versions of the english dictionary?

If it is get it added at source and rename grafana to Beatification (check case).

Beatification (from Latin beatus, blessed, Greek μακάριος, makarios and Latin facere, make) is a recognition given by the Catholic Church of a dead person's entrance into Heaven and power to help people who pray in his or her name.

Add Beatification variations to suggestions based on a huge mixture of colour palettes.

Oh all dashboards should be standard based on best practices.

Links added to dashboard variable.

First Text Panel top with metrics link

Second panel user metrics

Third panel kubestate metrics

Forth Panel Loki log volume

And Loki logs based on pod query

Write chat CHTGbt AI o check all expressions are cost effective. And am mend dashboard for uniformity.



I haven't got time still in hospital (haha) will circle back when i do :)

tonypowa commented 6 months ago

This issue is a test copy of an issue in another repo. Original issue:

moxious commented 6 months ago

Hi Dan, this issue does not seem to align with any particular Grafana project as it suggests a name change for Grafana itself along with varied and unrelated feature requests. Moreover, request for information about the English dictionary and its contents is outside the scope of Grafana projects. If there is a specific Grafana feature or bug you need help with, please provide more details on the Grafana aspect so the appropriate team can assist you.

moxious commented 6 months ago

Summary: User tonypowa has opened an issue requesting verification of the presence of the word 'Beatification' in both versions of the English dictionary and suggests multiple changes to a Grafana setup, including renaming it to Beatification, standardizing dashboards based on best practices, and implementing color variation suggestions. The user also wants links added and various panels configured with specific metrics and logs.

moxious commented 6 months ago


Hello Dan (@tonypowa),

Thank you for reaching out and I hope you're feeling better soon! I'd like to gather a bit more information to ensure that we understand and can properly address your issue. Here are a few questions and requests for additional details:

  1. Could you clarify the purpose of checking whether the word 'Beatification' is in the