moxious / triage

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Alerts are sent to telegram topics - but the image-renderer breaks it #357

Open tonypowa opened 3 weeks ago

tonypowa commented 3 weeks ago

What happened?


Grafana 10.4.2 - thanks for the opportunity to send telegram alerts to individual topics.

In our team we use image-renderer. And when distributing alerts across topics, everything breaks down - pictures are sent as messages to the General or Main channel. Can anything be done about this?

After all, the meaning of the whole idea with topics in this case is lost

What did you expect to happen?

The ability to receive alerts on topics with images

Did this work before?


How do we reproduce it?




Is the bug inside a dashboard panel?


Environment (with versions)?


OS:Linux 6.1 amd64


Grafana platform?




tonypowa commented 3 weeks ago

This issue is a test copy of an issue in another repo. Original issue:

moxious commented 3 weeks ago

Summary: The issue, opened by user tonypowa, reports a problem where alerts with images sent to individual Telegram topics in Grafana 10.4.2 are being incorrectly routed to the main channel due to an issue with the image-renderer, thereby defeating the purpose of having topic-specific alerts.

moxious commented 3 weeks ago


Hi @tonypowa, thank you for reporting the issue with image-renderer and telegram alerts in Grafana 10.4.2. To better understand the problem and work towards a solution, could you provide us with some additional information? Below is a list of questions and items that would be very helpful in addressing this issue:

These details will significantly aid in diagnosing the issue more effectively. Once we have more context, we'll be able to assist you better. Thank you for your cooperation!

moxious commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @tonypowa, it seems like you are experiencing an issue with Grafana's alerting functionality and image rendering when using Telegram as a notification channel. I believe this issue is relevant to the Alerting project. The team responsible for alerting features may have insights into how alert images can properly behave with topic-based notifications in Telegram. I recommend transferring this issue to their attention for further assistance.

tonypowa commented 3 weeks ago

alerting + sharing squad