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I am having trouble with an assignment that involves file i/o. It involves the problem of where to save my file in Oz.If it's not too much trouble, may I have a hint/Assistance to my problem? #333

Open Spainardzap opened 3 years ago

Spainardzap commented 3 years ago

The proposed imperative language which should be tokenized has the following list of tokens: keywords, operators, atoms, integers, floats, and separators.The keywords are: program, void, bool, int, float, true, false, if, then, else, local, in, end, assign, call. The operators are: ‘=’, ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘==’, ‘!=’, ‘>’, ‘<’,‘<=’,‘>=’. An atom starts with a lowercase character, followed byany number of alphanumeric characters, but it cannot be a keyword. The integers and floats are those known like in any programming language. The separators are blanks (spaces), ‘;’, ‘,’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘{‘, ‘}’. Write an Oz program which reads a sequenceof characters, and provides in the output the list of tokens according to the above rules.If a token cannot be accepted, then the Oz program should provide an error message accordingly.For example, the fileprogram foo; int meth1(int x) { assign x=x+1; call boo(3)}should provide at the output the list of tokens: [program foo ';' int meth1 '(' int x ')' '{' assign x '=' x '+' 1 ';' call boo '(' 3 ')' '}']

What i did so far: declare


fun {SeparateToken Token Token1 Acc}

case Token

of nil then Acc

[] H|T then

  if H == '&' then

          % We identify the semicolon ;

          % The scanned characters identify the token Token1

           if Token1 \= nil then

              % if this token is not nil, then we append Token1 and ";"

              {SeparateToken T nil {Append Acc {Append [Token1] [";"]}}}


              % if this token is nil, we do not append Token1

        {SeparateToken T nil {Append Acc [";"]}}



          % otherwise, we are in the middle of a token, so

          % Token1 will be {Append Token1 [H]}

          {SeparateToken T {Append Token1 [H]} Acc}




%{Browse {SeparateToken ExampleOfToken nil nil}}

layus commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am glad to here that Oz is used as at teaching language outside UCLouvain :-). May I ask where you are studying, and in which context this assignment was given to you ?

That being said, I do not really understand what you need help for. You requested hints about File IO usage, but your code is a single function parsing strings. There is some documentation about file IO here:

Spainardzap commented 3 years ago

It is being taught at Lamar university in Beaumont,Texas. Sorry about the jumbled mess of a question. I was meaning to ask how to save files to OZ and read them.

The module “File.oz” can be found at the book’s URL, namely module “File.oz” should be compiled using the command: ozc –c File.oz which will create the compiled functor, “File.ozf”. This should be loaded and linked interactively using the command:declare [File]={ ['File.ozf']}Considering that our program to be tokenized is stored in the file “foo.txt”, then the operation File.readListreads the whole content of the file into a string:Content = {File.readList "foo.txt"}To check its value we may just simply type:{Browse Content}% which returns the string represented as a list of ASCII codesor {Browse {String.toAtom Content}}% which returns the stringTo do the tokenization, one can use a standard Oz function, called String.tokens. For example, L={String.tokens "a bb cc d" & }% after &there is a space “ “will bind Lto the list ["a" "bb" "cc" "d"].

layus commented 3 years ago

In the OPI (emacs, and vscode-oz) Open is already available. If you are in a functor you need to import Open.

Now you just have to follow