mozilla-extensions / regrets-reporter

The RegretsReporter browser extension, built by the nonprofit Mozilla, lets you flag regrettable recommendations on YouTube.
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Data review for version 2 #24

Open jmccrosky opened 2 years ago

jmccrosky commented 2 years ago

I have added the data review request for the version 2 here

nshadowen314 commented 2 years ago


  1. Is there or will there be documentation that describes the schema for the ultimate data set in a public, complete, and accurate way? Yes, this data is documented in this repo's yaml file here.

  2. Is there a control mechanism that allows the user to turn the data collection on and off? Yes, this data collection is opt-in, since it requires installation of the add-on. Opt-out is possible by uninstalling the Extension, a process which is described on the instructions page shown after installation.

  3. If the request is for permanent data collection, is there someone who will monitor the data over time? Request is for 6 month data collection initially with potential to renew. Project owners are responsible for monitoring the data over time: jmccrosky.

  4. Using the category system of data types on the Mozilla wiki, what collection type of data do the requested measurements fall under? Most sensitive data category is Category 4, Highly Sensitive or clearly identifiable personal information.

  5. Is the data collection request for default-on or default-off? Default off prior to users downloading the extension. After downloading and installing the extension, during which time permission modals provide more information about data required for extension use, data collection is default on.

  6. Does the instrumentation include the addition of any new identifiers (whether anonymous or otherwise; e.g., username, random IDs, etc. See the appendix for more details)? Yes, instrumentation includes use of identifiers such as user identifier/installation ID, and (optional) email address. The team will mitigate the risk of identification by storing email address only with survey data and separate from telemetry. Survey + email data will only be accessible to qualitative analysts who will not have access to telemetry.

  7. Is the data collection covered by the existing Firefox privacy notice?
    This data collection is covered by the RegretsReporter privacy notice.

  8. Does the data collection use a third-party collection tool? Yes, survey data will be sent to SurveyGizmo.
