mozilla-iam / iam-project-backlog

DEPRECATED - Archived. Formerly an issue tracker for the IAM project
Mozilla Public License 2.0
2 stars 2 forks source link Mapbox Integration #8

Closed hmitsch closed 7 years ago

hmitsch commented 7 years ago

Acceptance criteria:

mbransn commented 7 years ago

Following the Mozillians UI meeting between Henrik, Tasos, Nikos and myself -- I will update the Mozillians wireframes to incorporate city, state/region and country fields on sign up.

Our approach will be iterative and we have decided that a round of user testing will be done on a later sprint to determine if utilizing a map visual (for sign up and in the user settings page) is a viable addition to the user experience.

akatsoulas commented 7 years ago

For the first iteration, the user will be able to submit location data through three drop-down menus which will provide sanitized data for countries, cities and regions. Ideally, the choices of each field will be dependent on the choice of the previous field. Eg country -> region (if applicable) -> city. These fields will support auto-completion.

Questions to answer:

Planning: Plan the iterations of the geolocation app in

mbransn commented 7 years ago

@akatsoulas @johngian @comzeradd @hmitsch :

Attached is the IAM wireframe Sketch file (currently Mozillians focused). Comps for both mobile and desktop versions of the proposed log in/sign up flow are included. I've added an annotation above each screen outlining where I believe it 'lives'...within the Auth0 Lock or decentralized at the RP level (in this case, Mozillians). See attached screen shot for clarity.

Clickable prototype link will be available tomorrow (2/14) for both mobile and desktop.

Immediate questions:

a-kilroy commented 7 years ago

Please include me on any UX call. Thanks!

mbransn commented 7 years ago

Sketch Cloud link:

Note: This does not show document annotation and reorders pages, pulling them out of accurate user flow order. Recommend downloading Sketch app and viewing actual file (updated version below).

Clickable prototypes will be available today.

mbransn commented 7 years ago

Desktop Prototype:

Note: Toggle 'Comments' in the bottom right hand corner to view/respond/leave notes on a respective screen.

mbransn commented 7 years ago

Members from the ParSys team met today to review the current Mozillians desktop prototype (wireframe), focus was on the ‘Sign Up’ flow.

Various updates were noted:

Question that was surfaced: When design of the UI is initiated, will we start with the Auth0 Lock or the de-centralized Sign Up flow (located on the RP)? General consensus was to start with the Auth0 Lock, considering its potential limitations and the potential long term goal of centralizing Sign Up with Log In. More discussion will be had before UI design is initiated.

@akatsoulas @johngian @comzeradd:

Desktop Prototype: Contains annotation in 'comments' mode.

Mobile Prototype: Possible to view on desktop as well as on mobile device.

Sketch Cloud: Note that these flat comps are out of order, utilize prototypes above to view user flow. Sketch file attached below.

seanatmoz commented 7 years ago

Mozilla IT subscribes to Mapbox and Maxmind for geo location. If Mapbox doesn't work, maybe look at Maxmind ( I think we subscribe to country/city only but I could be wrong. Matt Pressman might know better.