mozilla-lockwise / lockbox-extension

Experimental Firefox extension for login management experiences, not being actively developed
Mozilla Public License 2.0
127 stars 26 forks source link

Secure your Lockbox: FxA as master password and to allow sync #209

Open sandysage opened 6 years ago

sandysage commented 6 years ago

As a Firefox Account user, I find the password manager is optimized for me such that I can set it up in 5 clicks or less, and retrieve and fill my credentials in 3 clicks or less.

Acceptance Criteria

Expected behavior

  1. Install Lockbox
  2. Create an entry
  3. With an entry in place, persistent call-to-action appears to sign-in or create a Firefox Account (not required)
  4. If the user decides to, "Secure your Lockbox", a pop-up window appears with either the sign-in or create account flow
  5. Sign-in: user signs in via the pop-up. the pop-up window closes upon sign-in leaving the user back on the editor
  6. Create account: users completes the FxA creation in the pop-up window, which directs them to verify their account via email. User manually returns to the editor in the opened window/tab.
    • NOTE: Having to click a link in the email confirmation flow, means users can get derailed from the signup process. FxA team is experimenting with having the user type in a code rather than click on a link.
  7. Click "sign-out" or close the browser
  8. Reopen Firefox
  9. Click on the toolbar icon
  10. FxA login appears in pop-up window
    • NOTE: It's preferred that this flow appear in a doorhanger UI rather than a pop-up window (as seen in the visual design Invision link)
  11. Sign in
    • NOTE: It's strongly preferred that this flow does not force the user through an email confirmation loop, since this is just "re-authenticating" to an existing device.
  12. Pop-up closes upon sign in *NOTE: Based on current limitations, need to determine if it's better to land the user on the fullscreen editor upon sign in versus having to click the toolbar icon twice (once to prompt the FxA sign in pop-up, and second to prompt the list view)

Visual Design


The concept of a master password as one password that would give access to many more passwords is generally understood by users. But it's unclear if that's just as understood when a user needs to have an account to sync their data to different devices. Do users accept creating and managing both an account (with a password) AND a master password?

The hypothesis here is that users want less to manage and understand that their data is secured by their Firefox account access. And that this proposed flow matches already existing workflows around using a federated identity to access other accounts (ie can log into an account using Google or Facebook sign-in).

Extension (Alpha) Tasks




sandysage commented 6 years ago

Per emails with FxA:

devinreams commented 6 years ago

@sandysage to help drop in designed/desired flow here

may need separate tasks here real quick..

hmcgaw commented 6 years ago

@sandysage @changecourse Is there a design for this? I'm working on recommendations and it would be helpful to understand how the current master password creation will change. My understanding is that creating a master password will be replaced by the FxA creation flow, is that right?

devinreams commented 6 years ago

Is there a design for this? I'm working on recommendations and it would be helpful to understand how the current master password creation will change

@hmcgaw just to close the loop, I know you have this, but the planned design is in the Invision doc:

devinreams commented 6 years ago

This will launch the FxA OAuth flow in a popup window, and we expect a significant number of users to have to create an account at this point.

@linuxwolf @sashei do you two have corresponding sub-tasks or issues opened for the extension (datastore?) and iOS app to track the exploration and OAuth work yet so we can add it to the epic list above?

linuxwolf commented 6 years ago

@linuxwolf @sashei do you two have corresponding sub-tasks or issues opened for the extension (datastore?) and iOS app to track the exploration and OAuth work yet so we can add it to the epic list above?

sandysage commented 6 years ago

@changecourse I think the workflow articulated here is as defined as we're expecting for now, right? If so, let's remove the "needs-ux" label, knowing that other tasks may need your involvement.

changecourse commented 6 years ago

@sandysage I think that's true... Removing the label...