mozilla-lockwise / lockwise-addon

Take your passwords everywhere
Mozilla Public License 2.0
265 stars 28 forks source link

Chrome/Edge WebExtension #350

Open yoasif opened 4 years ago

yoasif commented 4 years ago

It might seem counter intuitive, but creating a Lockwise extension for Chrome would IMO make the overall FF ecosystem more attractive.


KibSquib48 commented 3 years ago

I used Edge and now I'm using Vivaldi, Firefox is alright but I really just wanna use lockwise and I don't want to switch my whole browser just to have my passwords synced between my phone and PC

CaptainN commented 3 years ago

I would love to use LockWise on Windows and macOS the way it works on Android - for ALL apps, not just browsers.

JakobJingleheimer commented 3 years ago

The Firefox-only limitation is becoming a deal-breaker. I use Firefox for personal browsing, but (honestly sorry to say) Firefox just doesn't cut the mustard for development (such a relatively small market-share and has different/buggier behaviour than Chromium, slower to roll out new APIs, less performant, etc). That coupled with Lockwise barely working on iOS, it's only useful ~10% of the time ☹️

I would really like to see this project succeed, but so far it seems determined to fail.

EDIT: I'm not here to troll. I'm saying consciously refusing the vast-majority of the market is a terrible idea. Firefox accounts for 3.77% of browser usage. Whilst you focus on that 4%, competitors can, will, and are capturing the other 96%, and Lockwise is extremely unlikely to re-capture them. And those competitors also supply Lockwise's space, so not only will you lose the 96%, you will lose much if not all of the 4% you potentially already have. Mozilla does great work; I want you to win.

andreicristianpetcu commented 3 years ago

I wanted to look into working on this but I constantly found more high value Mozilla contributions I can make.

I also need a cross browser password manager but since nobody has time to look at this I switched to Bitwarden. It's free software, works in all browsers/platforms so it's a pretty sweet workaround to this issue. I totally recommend it.

ZNackasha commented 3 years ago

last pass has just changed there free model and would very much like to change to lockwise but cant because of this.

PS i would much rather pay mozilla then lastpass for premium content.

MendyBerger commented 3 years ago

Would it be easier to create a Chromium extension that doesn't autofill forms, all it does is give you a small popup when you click on the extension icon with the username/password of the current site you're on?

This would probably be enough for users that primarily use Firefox but need to use other browsers occasionally.

KibSquib48 commented 3 years ago

last pass has just changed there free model and would very much like to change to lockwise but cant because of this.

PS i would much rather pay mozilla then lastpass for premium content.

off topic but man that change is super scummy, I get they need money to stay afloat but I'm pretty sure most users use password managers to sync their passwords from their phone to their pc

apastuszak commented 3 years ago

last pass has just changed there free model and would very much like to change to lockwise but cant because of this. PS i would much rather pay mozilla then lastpass for premium content.

off topic but man that change is super scummy, I get they need money to stay afloat but I'm pretty sure most users use password managers to sync their passwords from their phone to their pc

What's annoying is that before LogMeIn bought LastPass, they would charge $20.00 for all the premium features, which included the mobile app. Mobile was not free. Then LogMeIn bought them. They raised the price, but made a lot of the features part of the free tier. Then they raised the price again. Now they're basically back to their original plans, but with a much higher price tag.

1Dragoon commented 3 years ago

I need to occasionally use Chrome, and I'd pay for lockwise if it supported chrome. I've really been wanting to get off of lastpass. I used to have a paid subscription to lastpass but dropped it once they stopped supporting firefox for Android. Now I REALLY want to get off of lastpass and I'm hoping I will be able to move to lockwise, but I can't because of no Chrome support.

FWIW I'm otherwise all in on Mozilla, including becoming a Rust developer.

pipdibble commented 3 years ago

This would be a great feature for developers that have to use multiple browsers to check for compatibility.

VectorWpl commented 3 years ago

Many users will probably migrate from LastPass in the coming months. Pity that this did not get any traction that would push for the development of chrome extension. Now even M$ is entering the race and it is the other way around - they are missing Firefox addon. I hope this will be picked up sometime in the future but for now, it seems like bitwarden is being endorsed here as a better replacement.

sergioad commented 3 years ago

This is a must have, specially for those using Chromium like the Raspberry OS, now that Google decoupled sync from Chromium more and more people would need a good password manager, specially those who jump often between Ubuntu on their PC or pi and Raspberry OS

kumarharsh commented 3 years ago

At this point in time, I'm really not very hopeful about this issue getting the love it needs sooner. Microsoft launched their own password manager extension rolled into Microsoft Authenticator on mobile and as an extension for desktop browsers. Sadly that doesn't support Firefox, but it's so much more feasible than Firefox's stance of just restricting it to one browser.

That said, I've come to realize that perhaps it's best to use a dedicated password manager company like Bitwarden or 1Password because they act much faster on feedback and have more features.

cadeyrn commented 3 years ago

because they act much faster on feedback

What do you expect? It's clearly stated in the README of this repository:

We may use this repository in the future to bring Lockwise to other browsers via an extension but for now it is unmaintained.

sergioad commented 3 years ago

Yes, that is unfortunate, however I hope someday it gets developed, for the meantime I will stick to Microsoft Authenticator

On Mon, Feb 22, 2021, 6:54 AM Sören Hentzschel wrote:

because they act much faster on feedback

What do you expect? It's clearly stated in the README of this repository:

We may use this repository in the future to bring Lockwise to other browsers via an extension but for now it is unmaintained.

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Necriis commented 3 years ago

Yes, over the last few years, Microsoft has at least learned that rather than trying to force people to come to their solutions, it's better to go where people are. Maybe Mozilla is not ready/mature yet... 😟

martininsulander commented 3 years ago

I think this would be great. And in the long run important to work in as many environments as people use it in. Myself, I'm using keepassxc for that reason. I'm thinking, one way would be support for syncing with other password managers, instead of an app, supposed to work in all kind of environments.

Thanks for all good work, and don't listen too much to the bad comments, most of them don't seem to know what they talk about.

jtagcat commented 3 years ago

GitHub Etiquette