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[Bug] Nightly Build 200327 crashing when opening webpage with ublock enabled #9483

Closed VandaLHJ closed 4 years ago

VandaLHJ commented 4 years ago

Steps to reproduce

Build Nightly 200327 enable ublock origin (it's disabled on site in question) open (also on other sites, but on this one it crash all the time)

Expected behavior

webpage opens

Actual behavior


Device information

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 (global) MIUI Global

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

VandaLHJ commented 4 years ago

On 200329 too

VandaLHJ commented 4 years ago

on 200330 also. Moreover, when i click on address bar, keyboard don't appear.

Concerning the crash, it's not instanteous, it fill 1/4 progress bar, then it crash to desktop (with system dialog if i want to report the issue and/or restart firefox).

whole browser is noticeably slower than older firefox

VandaLHJ commented 4 years ago

Version 76.0a1 20200330094747 bp-9e7ef4bc-56cd-41f8-805a-55e830200402

VandaLHJ commented 4 years ago
Name Firefox Nightly

76.0a1 20200330094747 nightly Mozilla/5.0 (Android 6.0.1; Mobile; rv:76.0) Gecko/76.0 Firefox/76.0 Linux 23 0/0 Enabled by default 1 Found Found Found false

kbrosnan commented 4 years ago

Please provide a logcat of the crash. See

If you have any questions ask here or on

VandaLHJ commented 4 years ago

kbrosnan commented 4 years ago

Group triage as I'm not sure how to classify that crash.

boek commented 4 years ago

The crash that you're seeing. Are you getting the "Application is not responding" dialog or the "Application has crashed dialog"?

VandaLHJ commented 4 years ago

Firefox Nightly uległ awarii.. Checkbox Zgłoś awarię organizacji Mozilla And on the bottom is quit or start again.

All in pl PL locale, i guess it's application has crashed rather than application is not responding.

mcarare commented 4 years ago

@VandaLHJ Are you still able to reproduce this?

Amejia481 commented 4 years ago

QA can help us to verify

AndiAJ commented 4 years ago

Hi, didn't manage to reproduce the issue on the latest Nightly 200430 from 4/30 using the following devices: • Google Pixel 3a (Android 10) • Huawei Mate 20 Lite (Android 9)

► Video adding to the uBlock's whitelist 20200430-173101

► Video uBlock disabled manually for the

❗ However, I've bumped today in a native code crash while using OnePlus A3 (Android 6.0.1), logged #10318 And 3 days ago when I've tried to install some Add-ons #10238

Checked @VandaLHJ 's crash log's and seems that he also encountered the same crashes?

► @VandaLHJ 's crashes: 1st log

04-02 21:18:08.700 E/mozac/CrashReporter( 9953): CrashHandlerService received native code crash
04-02 21:18:08.701 I/mozac/CrashReporter( 9953): Received crash: NativeCodeCrash(minidumpPath=/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/files/mozilla/yrknhref.default/minidumps/1df4f9ef-0dfa-17c7-a338-5727c41cbc75.dmp, minidumpSuccess=false, extrasPath=/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/files/mozilla/yrknhref.default/minidumps/1df4f9ef-0dfa-17c7-a338-5727c41cbc75.extra, isFatal=true, breadcrumbs=[])

2nd log

04-02 21:27:15.109 E/mozac/CrashReporter(11850): CrashHandlerService received native code crash
04-02 21:27:15.110 I/mozac/CrashReporter(11850): Received crash: NativeCodeCrash(minidumpPath=/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/files/mozilla/yrknhref.default/minidumps/30456906-b820-e88f-4373-320940883446.dmp, minidumpSuccess=false, extrasPath=/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/files/mozilla/yrknhref.default/minidumps/30456906-b820-e88f-4373-320940883446.extra, isFatal=true, breadcrumbs=[])

► Crashes encountered by me:

Native code crash encountered today #10318

04-30 13:43:34.837 2085-2101/? E/mozac/CrashReporter: CrashHandlerService received native code crash
04-30 13:43:34.838 2085-2101/? I/mozac/CrashReporter: Received crash: NativeCodeCrash(minidumpPath=/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix.nightly/files/mozilla/Crash Reports/pending/2ebc5aa3-0ee0-82a4-0ea9-a54a5d469a51.dmp, minidumpSuccess=false, extrasPath=/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix.nightly/files/mozilla/Crash Reports/pending/2ebc5aa3-0ee0-82a4-0ea9-a54a5d469a51.extra, isFatal=false, breadcrumbs=[], uuid=be0c9b02-d829-47ef-9cf9-6712ceed779f)

Native code crash encountered in #10238

04-27 16:26:47.715 15415-15428/? E/mozac/CrashReporter: CrashHandlerService received native code crash
04-27 16:26:47.715 15415-15428/? I/mozac/CrashReporter: Received crash: NativeCodeCrash(minidumpPath=/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix.nightly/files/mozilla/Crash Reports/pending/0c5f4ce3-bb01-fcb3-b225-861535c89d44.dmp, minidumpSuccess=false, extrasPath=/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix.nightly/files/mozilla/Crash Reports/pending/0c5f4ce3-bb01-fcb3-b225-861535c89d44.extra, isFatal=false, breadcrumbs=[])

@Amejia481 - Please review and share your thoughts. ☺️ I'll remove the QA needed label until further notice.

Amejia481 commented 4 years ago

I think we can close this one, as it's not reproduce anymore, the native crash could be unrelated. @VandaLHJ if you continue seen this issue please reopen!

VandaLHJ commented 4 years ago

It's still happening reliably

Amejia481 commented 4 years ago

Could you go to Settings-> About Firefox Nightly and share a print screen? Please :)

VandaLHJ commented 4 years ago


Here is screencast in zip. Screenshot_2020-04-30-17-56-30-245_org mozilla fenix nightly

Amejia481 commented 4 years ago

Thanks, let's re open and take a look.

VandaLHJ commented 4 years ago

On 200430 same issue. I also have full output of longcat, but it's 378625 lines long.

liuche commented 4 years ago

Added this to the AC top 10, if you have time to look at it @Amejia481 please assign yourself! :)

gh5645 commented 4 years ago

Got the same issue and managed to submit a crash dump. First of all: From the look of the reports here it seems that Android versions 6 and 7 are affected, so to reproduce do not use Android 9, 10 (unsure about Android 8). From all the websites listed in this report and other bug reports, visiting seems to cause the crash most reliably.

I can further confirm that the same stack trace is generated for #10318, #10385, #10517, so they all seem to be the same bug.

Digging a little bit deeper, on 2020-01-28 was the last time a change to was pushed, which is also around the time I first noticed the crashes.

The log does not say anything except it is a native code crash:

05-14 12:39:04.242 E/NotificationService( 1136): Suppressing notification from package by user request.
05-14 12:39:04.244 E/NotificationService( 1136): Suppressing notification from package by user request.
05-14 12:39:04.782 D/wpa_supplicant(12696): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
05-14 12:39:04.783 D/VideoCall_LowBattery( 4794): BatteryIntent received: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-14 12:39:04.783 W/QCNEJ   ( 5806): |CORE| CNE received unexpected action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-14 12:39:04.791 E/NotificationService( 1136): Suppressing notification from package by user request.
05-14 12:39:04.792 D/wpa_supplicant(12696): CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=9 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=49
05-14 12:39:04.805 I/IzatProviderEngine( 1136): LocTech-Label :: OSDC :: Position Report In
05-14 12:39:04.806 I/IzatProviderEngine( 1136): LocTech-Value :: UTC Time: 1589452740200, Elapsed Real Time Nanos: 857066215944662, Latitude: 51.59000015258789, Longitude: 10.390000343322752, Altitude: 0.0, Speed: 0.0, Bearing: 81.0, Accuracy: 256705.44
05-14 12:39:04.811 D/VideoCall_LowBattery( 4794):  allowVideoCallsInLowBattery: true isCarrierOneSupported: false mIsLowbattery: false
05-14 12:39:05.049 D/AndroidRuntime( 2825): >>>>>> START uid 10223 <<<<<<
05-14 12:39:05.054 D/AndroidRuntime( 2825): CheckJNI is OFF
05-14 12:39:05.055 E/cutils-trace( 2825): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-14 12:39:05.115 D/ICU     ( 2825): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
05-14 12:39:05.190 I/Radio-JNI( 2825): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
05-14 12:39:05.218 D/AndroidRuntime( 2825): Calling main entry
05-14 12:39:05.237 I/ActivityManager( 1136): Start proc 2835:org.mozilla.fennec_aurora:mozilla.components.lib.crash.CrashHandler/u0a223 for service org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/mozilla.components.lib.crash.handler.CrashHandlerService
05-14 12:39:05.238 D/AndroidRuntime( 2825): Shutting down VM
05-14 12:39:05.367 I/WindowManager( 1136): WIN DEATH: Window{1a03df1 u0 SurfaceView - org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/org.mozilla.fenix.HomeActivity}
05-14 12:39:05.367 D/ConnectivityService( 1136): ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=1852, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@269c82d)
05-14 12:39:05.367 D/GraphicsStats( 1136): Buffer count: 5
05-14 12:39:05.368 E/ConnectivityService( 1136): RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=1852, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND] ]
05-14 12:39:05.368 I/ActivityManager( 1136): Process org.mozilla.fennec_aurora (pid 2415) has died
05-14 12:39:05.368 D/ActivityManager( 1136): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 2415
05-14 12:39:05.372 I/WindowManager( 1136): WIN DEATH: Window{485767c u0 org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/org.mozilla.fenix.HomeActivity}
05-14 12:39:05.373 I/Gecko   ( 2529): Exiting due to channel error.
05-14 12:39:05.377 I/Zygote  (  563): Process 2415 exited cleanly (11)
05-14 12:39:05.397 W/ActivityManager( 1136): Force removing ActivityRecord{393a420 u0 org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/org.mozilla.fenix.HomeActivity t784}: app died, no saved state
05-14 12:39:05.452 E/mozac/CrashReporter( 2835): CrashHandlerService received native code crash
05-14 12:39:05.455 I/mozac/CrashReporter( 2835): Received crash: NativeCodeCrash(minidumpPath=/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/files/mozilla/93vzu7qg.default/minidumps/64294414-a65a-df8d-92f1-3b3a85df6967.dmp, minidumpSuccess=false, extrasPath=/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/files/mozilla/93vzu7qg.default/minidumps/64294414-a65a-df8d-92f1-3b3a85df6967.extra, isFatal=true, breadcrumbs=[], uuid=f6e8b6f9-2864-4ed7-8bb3-16ab6d3eaf85)
05-14 12:39:05.498 I/ActivityManager( 1136): Process org.mozilla.fennec_aurora:tab0 (pid 2529) has died
05-14 12:39:05.498 D/ActivityManager( 1136): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 2529
05-14 12:39:05.526 I/ActivityManager( 1136): Start proc 2858:org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/u0a223 for service org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/mozilla.components.lib.crash.service.SendCrashTelemetryService
05-14 12:39:05.529 I/mozac/CrashReporter( 2835): Showing prompt

Hope this helps.

Amejia481 commented 4 years ago

I opened an Bugzilla bug for the geckoView team to take a look duped to

liuche commented 4 years ago

The change for this landed in Nightly and should be out to Firefox Beta and Firefox Preview. @gh5645 @VandaLHJ are you still seeing this?

liuche commented 4 years ago

Please reopen if you're still seeing this.

gh7893 commented 4 years ago

@liuche Unfortunately still getting crashes, in a different/new assert.

Crash dump:

ekager commented 4 years ago

@gh7893 to clarify - you're still seeing this in the latest Nightly, but with a slightly different dump you linked?

gh7893 commented 4 years ago

@ekager Yes, exactly.

The assert was added in, which is the Bugzilla entry linked above.

liuche commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing 4 crashes total with this signature in the past 6mo, and the last one was from June 18, so I'm inclined to close this.