Tap on Confirm Pairing on your mobile device, and Yes, Approve Device on Desktop.
Observe the behavior.
Case 2:
Go to Synced Tabs.
Tap on Sync and Save Data.
Tap Use Email Instead.
Enter the email and password, and tap Sign In.
Expected results:
The page populated with all the synced tabs is displayed.
Actual Results:
Case 1: The user needs to tap Sync and Save Data from the "Approval Now Required" page, then Close on the Sync and Save Data page. Afterward, the user is redirected back to the Firefox Sync page.
Case 2: The user is redirected back to the Firefox Sync page.
Additional Information: Although this is the behavior in Synced Tabs, when accessing the main menu on the homepage, the user appears logged in.
Device & build information
Device: iPhone 14 Pro Max (iOS 16.2), iPhone 15 Pro (18.2), iPhone 13 Pro (17.7), iPhone SE (17.5)
Steps to reproduce:
Case 1:
Case 2:
Expected results:
The page populated with all the synced tabs is displayed.
Actual Results:
Additional Information: Although this is the behavior in Synced Tabs, when accessing the main menu on the homepage, the user appears logged in.
Device & build information
┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug