Closed piojpub closed 2 years ago
More likely there is a missing QT/QML dependency. You can know more checking the logs. I also have a question: is the app compiled in debug mode? Why do you see the QML debugger enabled?
I have the same issue on the arch based EndeavourOS with i3-gaps.
─λ mozillavpn
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) mozillavpn
Installed the mozillavpn AUR package through yay
The cli works fine.
I would agree with @bakulf that a qt dependency might be missing. I can't find a log file though.
The log file should be in ~/.local/share/mozillavpn.txt
More likely there is a missing QT/QML dependency. You can know more checking the logs. I also have a question: is the app compiled in debug mode? Why do you see the QML debugger enabled?
Honestly I don't have an answer... I installed it via pacman from chaotic-AUR repo.
pacman -Ss mozillavpn
chaotic-aur/mozillavpn 2.9.0-1 [installed]
cat ~/.local/share/mozillavpn.txt
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.044] Debug: (main - LogHandler) Log file: /home/cecca/.local/share/mozillavpn.txt
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.050] Info: (main - Command) MozillaVPN 2.9.0
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.050] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature accountDeletion
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.051] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature addon
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.051] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature appReview
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.051] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature captivePortal
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.051] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature connectionInfo
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.051] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature customDNS
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.052] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature easyProfile
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.052] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature freeTrial
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.052] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature inAppAccountCreate
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.052] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature inAppAuthentication
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.052] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature inAppPurchase
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.052] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature lanAccess
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.053] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature mobileOnboarding
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.053] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature multiAccountContainers
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.053] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature multiHop
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.053] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature notificationControl
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.053] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature serverUnavailableNotification
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.054] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature shareLogs
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.054] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature splitTunnel
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.054] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature startOnBoot
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.054] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature subscriptionManagement
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.054] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature tipsAndTricks
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.054] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature unsecuredNetworkNotification
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.054] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature websocket
[06.10.2022 13:20:51.055] Info: (main - Command) User-Agent: MozillaVPN/2.9.0 (sys:garuda unknown)
[06.10.2022 13:20:52.139] Debug: (main - Localizer) Loading language:
[06.10.2022 13:20:52.203] Debug: (main - CommandUI) UI starting
[06.10.2022 13:20:52.203] Debug: (main - EventListener) Checking other instances
[06.10.2022 13:20:52.203] Warning: (main - EventListener) No other instances found - no unix socket
[06.10.2022 13:20:52.203] Debug: (main - EventListener) event listener created
[06.10.2022 13:20:52.204] Debug: (main - EventListener) Server path: /tmp/mozillavpn.ui.sock
[06.10.2022 13:20:52.281] Debug: QML Debugger: Waiting for connection on port 1234...
[06.10.2022 13:20:52.281] Debug: (main - CommandUI) Started QML Debugging server on
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.535] Debug: (main - LogHandler) Log file: /home/cecca/.local/share/mozillavpn.txt
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.535] Info: (main - Command) MozillaVPN 2.9.0
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.535] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature accountDeletion
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.535] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature addon
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.535] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature appReview
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.535] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature captivePortal
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.535] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature connectionInfo
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.536] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature customDNS
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.536] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature easyProfile
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.536] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature freeTrial
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.536] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature inAppAccountCreate
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.536] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature inAppAuthentication
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.536] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature inAppPurchase
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.536] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature lanAccess
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.536] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature mobileOnboarding
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.536] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature multiAccountContainers
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.536] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature multiHop
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.537] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature notificationControl
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.537] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature serverUnavailableNotification
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.537] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature shareLogs
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.537] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature splitTunnel
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.537] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature startOnBoot
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.537] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature subscriptionManagement
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.537] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature tipsAndTricks
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.537] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature unsecuredNetworkNotification
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.537] Debug: (model - Feature) Initializing feature websocket
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.537] Info: (main - Command) User-Agent: MozillaVPN/2.9.0 (sys:garuda unknown)
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.634] Debug: (main - Localizer) Loading language:
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.644] Debug: (main - CommandUI) UI starting
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.645] Debug: (main - EventListener) Checking other instances
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.645] Debug: (main - EventListener) Try to communicate with the existing instance
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.645] Error: (main - EventListener) Connection failed.
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.645] Debug: (main - EventListener) event listener created
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.645] Debug: (main - EventListener) Server path: /tmp/mozillavpn.ui.sock
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.650] Debug: (main - CommandUI) Started QML Debugging server on
[06.10.2022 13:22:05.650] Debug: QML Debugger: Waiting for connection on port 1234...
Hi @piojpub @Miroito I just fixed it, update it to v2.9.0-3, as @bakulf said it was due to a missing Qt6 dependency:
Well done! Thank you so much. The client UI is back to work again!
Can we close this bug?
The Mozilla VPN client crashes on launch. It was installed without problems via pacman from chaotic-aur repo.
System: Kernel: 5.19.12-zen1-1-zen arch: x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: GNOME/Wayland v: 42.5 tk: GTK v: 3.24.34 wm: gnome-shell dm: GDM v: 42.0 QMake version 3.1 Using Qt version 5.15.6 in /usr/lib Distro: Garuda Linux base: Arch Linux Init: systemd v: 251 default: graphical tool: systemctl Compilers: gcc: 12.2.0 clang: 14.0.6 pm: pacman pkgs: 1695 libs: 403 tools: gnome-software,pamac,paru
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