mozilla-mobile / mozilla-vpn-client

A fast, secure and easy to use VPN. Built by the makers of Firefox.
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Consider using balrog everywhere #849

Closed bakulf closed 1 year ago

bakulf commented 3 years ago

Right now we have 2 ways to keep track of client updates: the REST API (endpoint: and Balrog. So far we use balrog only for Windows and MacOS.

What I propose here is to use balrog even on Linux, IOS, and Android. Here is a list of reasons:

IOS, Android and Linux will use balrog just to know when there is a new build available. The real update will be done via Google Play, Apple Store, or the PPA repo.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task ┆Reporter: Data Sync

data-sync-user commented 1 year ago

➤ Sarah Bird commented:

Stale. There's good ideas in here. But ok to close as should get picked elsewhere. Closed during bug squashing.