mozilla-mobile / outreachy-UX-2020

INACTIVE - - A place to document UX contributions for the summer 2020 Outreachy program.
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Show the private iconButton onScroll in the homeScreen #116

Closed Gunkev closed 4 months ago

Gunkev commented 4 years ago

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

Showing the private icon button found on Firefox preview home screen when user scroll downward

Why is it a problem?

I consider this a problem because I had many tabs my home page as I wanted to open the private mode I had to scroll far back upward to switch to private mode.

How would you solve the problem? What is your design proposal?

As a solution I propose that when a user has a considerable number of tabs opened, when scrolling to reach the tab downward, at a certain level the icon button should be fixed as shown on the second screen below.

private iconbutton

How would you measure your designs effectiveness?

  1. First I will conduct a survey and records as much user need as possible.
  2. I will do research and read documentations on similar apps.
  3. I will do some prototyping and this within the team and with some group of different user recording each remarks.