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MySQL Slow Query Log Decoder issue #1993

Open ytc301 opened 6 years ago

ytc301 commented 6 years ago

[hekad] maxprocs = 2

base_dir = "./base_dir"

share_dir = "/usr/share/heka"

log_info_filename = "logs/info.log"

log_error_filename = "logs/error.log"

log_file_max_size = 64

log_file_max_backups = 7

[Sync-1_5-SlowQuery] type = "LogstreamerInput" log_directory = "/data/soft/" file_match = 'mysqlslowq.log' parser_type = "regexp" delimiter = "\n(# User@Host:)" delimiter_location = "start" decoder = "MySqlSlowQueryDecoder"

[MySqlSlowQueryDecoder] type = "SandboxDecoder" filename = "lua_decoders/mysql_slow_query.lua"

truncate_sql = 64

[ESJsonEncoder] index = "%{Type}-%{%Y.%m.%d}" es_index_from_timestamp = true type_name = "%{Type}" [ESJsonEncoder.field_mappings] Timestamp = "@timestamp" Severity = "level"

[output_file] type = "FileOutput" message_matcher = "TRUE" path = "/data/mysql-output.log" perm = "666" flush_count = 100 flush_operator = "OR" encoder = "ESJsonEncoder"


[root@oskey heka]# hekad -config="mysql.toml"

2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [output_file] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [Sync-1_5-SlowQuery] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [MySqlSlowQueryDecoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [ESJsonEncoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [ProtobufDecoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [ProtobufDecoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [ProtobufEncoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [ProtobufEncoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [TokenSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [TokenSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [HekaFramingSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [HekaFramingSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [NullSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [NullSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [MySqlSlowQueryDecoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [ESJsonEncoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [Sync-1_5-SlowQuery] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 unknown config setting for 'Sync-1_5-SlowQuery': parser_type 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [output_file] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Error reading config: 1 errors loading plugins

robison commented 6 years ago

Please read the LogstreamerInput docs - parser_type is not a valid config setting for LogstreamerInput.

Additionally, this project has been deprecated for 18 months.