Open Micheletto opened 11 years ago
You should not need a special input for systemd journal. I realize your request was 6 months ago but Heka now has the ProcessInput which should acomodate your needs.
Utilize the ProcessInput with the command "$ journalctl -b" and this should get you what you need to inject systemd journals into Heka.
There's also systemd-journal-gatewayd
which lets you obtain data from a local, or remote systemd host. You could use the HttpInput
to poll the gatewayd service, and use the application/json
or another format, and set the proper decoder.
Closing since the use case can be met w/o trouble using existing inputs.
Okay, further investigation reveals that systemd is a bigger PoS than I even imagined, and it actually will require a custom journalctl input just so we can ensure that we invoke w/ the --show-cursor option, and that we capture and persist the cursor line when we're finished streaming. Although not sure what we're supposed to do if the shutdown isn't clean.
+1 for this request; especially as journald takes over some functions of traditional syslog, a journald input would be really useful.
@rafrombrc Alternatively you can also use systemd-journal-gatewayd
. In any method, you'll need a way to track your position in the logstream, so maybe the cursor/offset tracking logic can be generalized somewhere?
If anyone is interested in a "native" (well...with cgo) Go implementation, I'm happy to help out. I wrote a journald reader for another project with the library and have been running it in production for a few months now. I don't think it would be hard to adapt to Heka. The one headache with of go-systemd is that newer versions of Ubuntu (and potentially others) have the journald library as part of libsystemd. Older versions use libsystemd-journal. So, the binaries become OS distro-specific. Not sure if that's a problem for this project.
I'm not sure to understand the distro-specific part. Has the ".so" filename changed?
I currently have to build different .deb for Debian wheezy and jessie, so it won't change for me.
also of note here: Especially with the --save-state
option, it seems like it ought to be a good tool to use in combination with HttpListenInput. I'll screw around with it and see if I can come up with a working pattern.
@sathieu Yes, different .so files depending on which distro. I'm not totally sure that this was a distro packaging choice--it may be systemd version-dependent. At any rate, it's not impossible to work around and go-systemd works well.
lame, systemd-journal-upload's a no-go for now it seems. it performs the entire upload as one continuous streaming POST, so an HttpListenInput in heka never chunks the messages :/. sooo cloose!
so far, the ways i know of to get journal data at present include:
here's an example heka config i've used for this:
base_dir = '/tmp/heka'
type = "ProcessInput"
ticker_interval = 0
decoder = "JsonDecoder"
splitter = "TokenSplitter"
bin = "/usr/bin/journalctl"
args = ["--boot", "--follow", "--output=json", "--quiet"]
type = "SandboxDecoder"
filename = "lua_decoders/json.lua"
message_matcher = "TRUE"
encoder = "RstEncoder"
which results in heka messages like:
:Timestamp: 2016-03-02 22:01:26 +0000 UTC
:Type: json
:Pid: 28595
:Uuid: bc93a564-dcbf-4e71-af0a-b79ed6f47df6
:Logger: Journalctl
:Severity: 7
| name:"CODE_FILE" type:string value:"src/core/job.c"
| name:"_CMDLINE" type:string value:"/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 22"
| name:"CODE_FUNCTION" type:string value:"job_log_status_message"
| name:"SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER" type:string value:"systemd"
| name:"SYSLOG_FACILITY" type:string value:"3"
| name:"MESSAGE_ID" type:string value:"39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf"
| name:"PRIORITY" type:string value:"6"
| name:"CODE_LINE" type:string value:"774"
| name:"__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP" type:string value:"1456956000657571"
| name:"UNIT" type:string value:"sysstat-collect.service"
| name:"_SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP" type:string value:"1456956000657378"
| name:"__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP" type:string value:"133772980231"
| name:"_PID" type:string value:"1"
| name:"_SELINUX_CONTEXT" type:string value:"system_u:system_r:init_t:s0"
| name:"_GID" type:string value:"0"
| name:"_COMM" type:string value:"systemd"
| name:"_EXE" type:string value:"/usr/lib/systemd/systemd"
| name:"_TRANSPORT" type:string value:"journal"
| name:"_MACHINE_ID" type:string value:"14f2d832739a4500ba270174d9a63529"
| name:"__CURSOR" type:string value:"s=cb5f1f6cad8a4760af865e3c4d8d6a0a;i=17ec8;b=60aba9208674459cabfe0726af1b7ef7;m=1f257db007;t=52d1800df60a3;x=1c6230d0d93e3092"
| name:"_UID" type:string value:"0"
| name:"_HOSTNAME" type:string value:""
| name:"_SYSTEMD_SLICE" type:string value:"-.slice"
| name:"_SYSTEMD_CGROUP" type:string value:"/"
| name:"_CAP_EFFECTIVE" type:string value:"3fffffffff"
| name:"RESULT" type:string value:"done"
| name:"_BOOT_ID" type:string value:"60aba9208674459cabfe0726af1b7ef7"
| name:"MESSAGE" type:string value:"Started system activity accounting tool."
which isn't bad, but still not as nice as a native input that interfaced directly with the journal.
Thanks @nathwill that method of sending logs to kafka is working for me.
Feature Request: Add a systemd journal inputer for Hekad. See for information about systemd.