Closed nsteinmetz closed 10 years ago
Hmm looking as SQLAlchemy doc : :
''' In general, TEXT objects do not have a length; while some databases will accept a length argument here, it will be rejected by others. ''' Googling would show that Postgres would not accept a length.
Thus, you may need to do something like
which would lead to something like (options to be adjusted) and as far as I understand it:
Column("payload", Text(length=256*1024), nullable=False, server_default="").with_variant(postgresql.TEXT(nullable=False, server_default=""), 'postgresql'),
Here we are : :)
Great, thanks!! I''ll try to give it a proper try-out in the next day or so, if I can find the time during pycon.
You're welcome, no urgence and happy pycon !
@rfk any chance to review my PR ? ;-)
I finally got around to merging that PR
Hi, With PGSQL 9.3.4, when running "local/bin/gunicorn_paster syncserver.ini", I got:
File "/srv/datadisk01/home/web/", line 388, in do_execute cursor.execute(statement, parameters) ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) type modifier is not allowed for type "text" LINE 8: payload TEXT(262144) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, ^ "\nCREATE TABLE bso (\n\tuserid INTEGER NOT NULL, \n\tcollection INTEGER NOT NULL, \n\tid VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, \n\tsortindex INTEGER, \n\tmodified BIGINT NOT NULL, \n\tpayload TEXT(262144) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, \n\tpayload_size INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, \n\tttl INTEGER DEFAULT 2100000000, \n\tPRIMARY KEY (userid, collection, id)\n)\n\n" {} 2014-04-10 21:45:10 [19344] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 19344) 2014-04-10 21:45:10 [19338] [INFO] Shutting down: Master 2014-04-10 21:45:10 [19338] [INFO] Reason: Worker failed to boot.
What I have so far in my schema:
[admin@steinmetz syncserver]$ psql -U mozfxsync -d mozfxsync Password for user mozfxsync: psql (9.3.4) Type "help" for help.. mozfxsync=> \dt public | collections | table | mozfxsync public | user_collections | table | mozfxsync
Seems lynked with this line :
And maybe latest commit : ?
Hope it helps, Nicolas