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Week #6 & 7 & 8 [Part 1 & 2 & 3] Building for the Open Source Club Ecosystem #438

Closed LucyeoH-zz closed 2 years ago

LucyeoH-zz commented 7 years ago

It's time to build!

Over the next few weeks you'll work on building something that will serve and enhance your club and the clubs around you. This should be something that you can demo on our call in 3 weeks. You can do this with your partner or by yourself.

Don't worry! You're not alone. There is a general mentor @mattbernius and 2 topic specific mentors.

Get started! Choose from the projects below and get building!

Option 1 - Build a Club Activity/Workshop

Having a few workshops or activities up your sleeve that you can run as a club captain is a great way to keep your members engaged. Choose one of the activities or workshop suggestions below and start building something that can be used for club captains around the world.

You can use this this template or create your own. Ping @bacharakis for template problems.



Topic Specific Mentor: @emmairwin

Option 2 - Create A Recruitment Strategy

Marketing your club can be a pain whether you're launching your club for the first time or trying to recruit new members at the start of the year. Come up with a new strategy, slogan, remixable posters, and more to help clubs world wide make their clubs bigger and better.


Topic Specific Mentor: (will be announced soon)

Meet your Mentors!

General mentor:@mattbernius

Matt is an anthropologist specializing in Open Source communities and education efforts. His passion lies in helping people understand the complex interplay between cultures and technology and bridging professional and academic spheres to help make things work better. Matt has been avisiting professor and co-director of the Open Publishing Labat Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), where he was awarded the HP Innovation Grant.

"New Activity Mentor" @emmairwin

Emma is an Open Project & Communities Specialist working at Mozilla. Her background is as a Open Source software developer, contributor, and participation architect who specializes in open education.

LucyeoH-zz commented 7 years ago

Please list your name and what you'll be working on in the comments of this issue!

mirdaki commented 7 years ago

Matthew Booe, and I'll be working on an activity to onboard students to open source. Still brainstorming ideas on the best way to do that (going to talk to my officers about it soon).

I really like the Build a Virtual World activity, because it's relatively quick for students to make something, it's visual, and creative! So I could see doing an extension of that and bringing in Git and GitFlow to show how to collaborate, though that my be a bit too much at once. I'm open to any ideas!

emilydoubletee commented 7 years ago

Emily Tran. I will be creating a fun project that attracts liberal arts students to the world of CS and open source. I think the key is for the activity to be well-rounded so that all students can feel as though they are contributing to an open source project. The main problem with my club is that most students stop attending because a) they have no clue what they are supposed to do and thus feel useless/lost b) CS does not really have a large presence on campus (yet)

Activity-wise, I am still in the brainstorming stage, but I think students will really enjoy making a very simple mobile app or web-app game during drop-in hours in order to understand the fundamentals of CS. Simultaneously, the club can host multiple workshops about open source and how to use Github, etc. to get everyone on the same page After the club members learn the basics of coding/workflow, we can all decide on a main open source project to work on throughout the following semester. We can all decide on how to go about the project that will work for everyone in order to ensure that everyone can contribute.

I know this is all pretty vague and a lot to take on, but I too am open to any suggestions!

jackrosenthal commented 7 years ago

Sorry it's taken me a bit to get to this.

Sam Sartor and myself will be working on the first option (build an activity/workshop).

Many new students arriving at our school are skilled with code but not very familiar with the open source process, so I'm hoping to design an open source (mostly, that is how to use git-scm) bootcamp. Open for suggestions if anyone has any.

JeffreyQ commented 7 years ago

Jeffrey Qiu: I'm taking option 2 and looking to build out the marketing plan for UCLA Open Source!

The idea I have been thinking about in regards to building out our open source group takes advantage of the unique traditional nature of the Computer Science curriculum at UCLA. Given that most of our coursework revolves around low level systems development I find that there is value in leveraging this orthodox Computer Science training to funnel students into a summer "internship" program with Google Summer of Code.

I would argue that this nails three birds with one stone because it puts the minds of students concerned about summer internships at ease, provides legitimate open source organizations with a wider pool of talent, and promotes open source software development by exposing students to real industry standard software contributions!

This is one of the few ideas that my growing team has come up with, and we are actively brainstorming other similar and radically different approaches to building out this organization!

@Mentors, if you find that my direction is completely off, please let me know! We are still in the ideation stage and are in need of extra pairs of eyes.

Thanks everyone, looking forward to touching base in-person in August.

emmairwin commented 7 years ago

Some Feedback! For those proposing Option #1 tasks related to FOSS Onboarding ( @mirdaki @emilydoubletee @jackrosenthal )

emmairwin commented 7 years ago

@JeffreyQ JeffreyQ I like that you are connecting the opportunity to learn FOSS with the things students care about, and are actively trying to solve! It would be valuable to think about this as you have suggested as a pathway. Perhaps think about designing in steps to Internship. Where each step has an outcome, an action. I wrote a little about this concept a couple of years ago - perhaps there's something interesting to think about as you design. Because I think it's very valid to show the potential of where FOSS contribution can take you, beyond building skill. Speaking from experience, it changed my entire career path. Look forward to hearing more!

JeffreyQ commented 7 years ago

@emmairwin Thank you for the validation of my idea! I absolutely love your article and find it a great framework with which to design an engaging program/organization. (I will be referring to it often 😄)

I'd also like to mention that I am actively looking for other approaches and ideas to incorporate into or replace my above idea, as I see drawbacks in my plan as well.

Problem: Specifically engaging the systems and low level software engineers significantly reduces the reach, and subsequently impact, of this organization because it limits the potential participants to a very specific sub group within in computer engineering.

Fix: We could just as easily expand our program to include other kinds of FOSS. GSoC has a wide range of open source groups that are not just limited to low level systems development (I arbitrarily decided to choose that as my starting point because that's what I am most comfortable with). Scrolling through the participating organizations of GSoC 2017 I saw that there were groups looking for graphic designers, UI/UX designers, Front-end, Back-end, and Full-stack developers, etc. I suppose the remedy to this challenge is finding the dedicated mentor to serve as a "project manager" in guiding students new to open source contributions.

Problem: While designing an internship route is along the lines of I would really like to do, it will take a lot of hands on board and countless hours in order to design the program and train students. This naturally will limit our organization to admitting a small class size in order to guarantee the highest chances of success. Doing this would be opposed to assembling a team of content producers that push small projects and demos to outside students in an effort to attracting them and exposing them to the world of FOSS.

Fix: The two approaches don't also necessarily have to be mutually exclusive. We could start small, and once we find a dedicated base of developers, designers, engineers, and creatives we could start scaling by means of mini demos that spur and promote organization growth and outreach, which can ultimately lead to funneling students into internship positions with appropriate open source organizations sponsored by GSoC.

Despite these nitpickings for flaws on my initial idea I strongly believe that there is great value in taking the "GSoC Internship End Goal"-centric approach as it provides a tangible incentive to hungry students when the going will inevitably get tough. That, and the mission statement of GSoC revolves around the promotion of FOSS, an end-goal we are working towards anyway.

~ Jeff

emmairwin commented 7 years ago

Your thinking is important, and long-term a worthwhile goal to help guide students of various backgrounds and interests. My flag is that this would be something that grows as a result of experiments, prototypes and successes/failures and not something to begin with. If I'm right, your superpower is systems/low level engineers focus and that's a worthy starting place - a specialty. Big impact can come from small groups of empowered people - and focusing on that might be worthwhile if you agree. You might be interested in this recent initiative of RUST systems language which seeks to lower the barrier for participation These are just my thoughts though! Keeping going! I'm excited to see where you go with this :)

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Jeff Qiu wrote:

@emmairwin Thank you for the validation of my idea! I absolutely love your article and find it a great framework with which to design an engaging program/organization.

I'd also like to mention that I am actively looking for other approaches and ideas to incorporate into or replace my above idea, as I see drawbacks in my plan as well.

Problem: Specifically engaging the systems and low level software engineers significantly reduces the reach, and subsequently impact, of this organization because it limits the potential participants to a very specific sub group within in computer engineering.

Fix: We could just as easily expand our program to include other kinds of FOSS. GSoC has a wide range of open source groups that are not just limited to low level systems development (I arbitrarily decided to choose that as my starting point because that's what I am most comfortable with). Scrolling through the participating organizations of GSoC 2017 I saw that there were groups looking for graphic designers, UI/UX designers, Front-end, Back-end, and Full-stack developers, etc. I suppose the remedy to this challenge is finding the dedicated mentor to serve as a "project manager" in guiding students new to open source contributions.

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-- -- Emma Irwin

joshua-hew commented 7 years ago

Joshua Hew here, Was thinking about doing a small workshop about Natural Language Processing. The activity would be building a simple chatbot using the popular Open Source Python Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK). I want it to be a hands on experience of a typical Open Source lifestyle and how open source naturally gets involved with a project.

zerminaejaz commented 7 years ago

Zermina Kabir : Diana Ro and I will be doing the first option.

Since we already have a club we will be sending out a email blast to students who previously subscribed to our mailing list. We will also ask all professors to spread the news to their students. We will be having a "Welcome Back " meeting and discuss how our club will now begin to contribute to open source. At this meeting, and through email, we will inform students of workshop dates. One of which will be introducing Open Source to the students, and practicing with Git.

Me and Diana decided on starting on a fresh project on GitHub. Most of the students that have been in our club have taken Android Development Course, and so we will ask a few of them to help lead workshops. We also have an available professor who will be willing to teach us during club hours. These workshops will teach the members how to build applications, and therefore will be able to help put together an application to help students get together and achieve higher grades.

emmairwin commented 7 years ago

@CSugarPrince this sounds great, if you need advice in how to break up learning I am here to help you.
Also can you say more about this : "I want it to be a hands on experience of a typical Open Source lifestyle and how open source naturally gets involved with a project."

emmairwin commented 7 years ago

@zerminakabir I have a question for you. What do you think of this project idea for introducing people to Open Source and git, could there be a repo that everyone practices contributing to? Perhaps the open project is just a JS slideshow for each introductions and reasons why they want to learn open source. Might be an interesting thing to demo at the end at least to have git practice go towards something you can share after.

Can you say more about this: "application to help students get together and achieve higher grades." is this your app idea? Or do you mean the experience will help achieve higher grades?

mirdaki commented 7 years ago

I'm revising my project a little. After talking to my officers and reviewing what other people are doing, I'm going to focus on creating an activity that teaches the open source process (finding existing projects, working with others to improve the project, incremental releases, getting feedback, repeat, etc).

Using code and a Git to do this can add extra barriers, especially if the people are new to programming. Instead of worrying about teaching a language or how to use some framework, I'll be using a story in this activity. Think Mad Libs++. This way it can be a very fun and creative activity, that also demonstrates that open source doesn't just apply to software. Hopefully it could be done both on paper/white board and/or with just the GUI on GitHub.

I'm still putting together a list of parts of the open source process I want to cover. This wikipedia page has some good information on that, but I'd appreciate any suggestions. @emmairwin thoughts?

emilydoubletee commented 7 years ago

@emmairwin Thanks for the feedback and the article! Both were very helpful. Unfortunately, none of my officers are replying to my emails, so it is difficult for me to get any of their feedbacks or ideas. Based on your response though, I think it would be best for my club to focus on fostering an inclusive environment through mannerism and upholding the identity of our group. I think establishing the foundation of the club might be the best way to start. This would probably mean talking to the officers about sounding enthusiastic during club meetings and developing events that cleverly socialize and educate members. Perhaps a Mozilla Thimble party?

joshua-hew commented 7 years ago

@emilydoubletee sure thing. What I meant by "I want it to be a hands on experience of a typical Open Source lifestyle and how open source naturally gets involved with a project" is that I wanted this activity to be close to a real life example of how someone could be interested in a certain field of technology, in this case Natural Language, and could start diving into that field by first learning bits and pieces of an Open Source technology related to it. Basically, my idea is that someone can learn about a field of interest through "progressive building", or building a vast multitude of projects with each one meant to improve understanding in the field and improve programming skills as well. This workshop would would be the theoretical "first step" project that someone could take in order to start the path of building in order to understand Natural Language and Artificial Intelligence but what I hope to really convey through this activity is a methodology for approaching any field that uses any technology that someone would want to become very experienced in. Thanks for asking to clarify, it helped me a bit more with focusing the goals of this workshop. Do you have more feedback/ questions?

hsinlei commented 7 years ago

Linda (@linkhp) and I (@hsinlei) will be working on building a club workshop for Brown.
While CS is the most popular major at Brown, many first & second year students are not familiar with GitHub and open source community. Thus, we plan to kickstart with a crash course on Git and GitFlow and help them apply those skills to open source projects (e.g. Build a Virtual World.) We also plan to coordinate with other open source projects (e.g. at Brown, so that we can collectively contribute and influence our community through our efforts.

AdrianCollado commented 7 years ago

Richie (@Bad-Science) and I (@AdrianCollado) are working on a competition-style event where current and prospective members could work on a fun project in teams. Students would be given points at the end of the event based on some project criteria as well as creativity or other fun and silly metrics. It is meant to be a light-hearted and goofy event to get people interested in RCOS. It would serve the purpose of introducing people to RCOS as well as helping foster internal relationships between students. It would be more focused on fun than the technical challenge.

emmairwin commented 7 years ago

@mirdaki Matthew, I think that sounds great - if you have any chance at all to collaborate with your club, this Paper Prototyping exercise might be helpful (have used myself, and found it was creative and fun for groups - similar to what you're describing I think)

emmairwin commented 7 years ago

@emilydoubletee I'm sorry to hear that they are not getting back to you. Creating a foundation for the club sounds like a good goal. You mention educating members, it might be helpful to write down something like 'the three things every member should know about open source' as an onboarding /foundational challenge, and then to build one or more learning opportunities around that.
So, for example(and I am making this up right now :) you might say 1) collaboration 2) sharing 3) inclusion with activities (and using Thimble since you mentioned it)

1)(Collaboration) Build a Sandwich together using Thimble where each new member adds something to a sandwich (code stored in Github, uploaded to Thimble). Open Source is like a Sandwich everyone builds together (terrible, but fun!) 2) (Sharing) Tweet /blog/ make a poster for campus about your Club's sandwich, and the metaphor for open source 3) Invite someone new to your club that might not know about open source.

So I made these up ^ but a format like this could be reasonably light weight, but create a foundational type of activity, while bringing in people and sharing your work so that your officers might start to respond :)

emmairwin commented 7 years ago

@CSugarPrince Thanks for clarifying (you tagged Emily, rather than me in that comment though, be careful :)
I like: through "progressive building", because leveling-up is a great way to learn. I feel overwhelmed by: or building a vast multitude of projects with each one meant to improve understanding in the field and improve programming skills as well.

I might not understand exactly, but remembering that open projects themselves have some varying levels of difficulty, and that you won't always be able to anticipate where someone might stumble (because we all learn differently) it might be helpful, to write out learning outcomes, and actions that describe the progression you're describing. If those actions are on multiple projects then my only flag is to be mindful of how much you are are putting into each step or progression. if that makes sense.

If you want to do something as I suggest - create chart with learning objective/outcome columns to run by me I would be happy to look.

emmairwin commented 7 years ago

@hsinlei this sounds great! Something that can be fun for github learning is to build something together. Whether it's just adding your name to a list of Club Members in a text file, or actually coding something (like the Hamburger I mentioned in another comment <3 collaborating with other open projects - can't wait to hear how this goes!

emmairwin commented 7 years ago

@AdrianCollado - sounds fun! If you need any help reviewing your outline for this, or brainstorming ideas, do post what you have so far. Look forward to hearing how it goes !

mattBernius commented 7 years ago

Hey all, I haven't been able to participate in this, but I have openings this weekend if anyone would like someone to do a last minute review of their materials. Feel free to reach out to me via email ( or skype (mattBernius)! Looking forward to seeing what everyone come up with!

jwflory commented 7 years ago

Hey all – I know I'm very late to jump into this thread, but I figured better now than ever. Solomon (@Serubin) and I are focusing most of our time planning for the next academic year to build an improved recruiting strategy for our club, with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion. Additionally, we want to build on top of some of the projects on-going from the previous year and find more creative ways on encouraging our club members to get involved with some of these (or to start their own).

Existing projects

There's a few projects that we have on-going currently in the club, some of which are more actively maintained than others. All of this is on our GitHub organization¹.

These are currently the three "big" projects we have in our club, although I think there might be a few other things that people are planning to pursue further in the next academic year. I need to check in with folks when classes spin back up this month. 😀

Proposing new projects

We want to help encourage more people to start projects inside of RITlug instead of working on things alone and by themselves. For lack of a better word, I'd like to create a "project incubator" inside of our club, where we can help support new projects and help provide them with resources and guidance to succeed. Specifically…

As a TL;DNR on this one, I mostly want to help build the idea that people don't have to work on a project alone, and open source is one tangent that helps make that easier. Then adding in the community of our club would be like the icing on top. It's more complicated than just this, but… this is a start.

Building for diversity

Lastly, one thing I want to focus on especially this next academic year is working on finding ways to build a more diverse and inclusive community. Especially with the beginning of the academic year, this is the most important chance we have to attract new people, especially new students who are looking to get involved with something. There's a lot of marketing from our university for various club fairs at the beginning of the semester, and I want to make sure we have our messaging ready at the start of the semester.

I'm hoping to develop this specific point further this coming weekend at the PHL all-hands.

~ ~ ~

This is a little less polished than I'd like it to be, but this is where @Serubin and I mostly are right now and where we want to go a little beyond from now. Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend and collaborating on all of our communities together. 😄

¹ Check out this guide for building your code clubs on GitHub

axk4545 commented 7 years ago

@jflory7 To add to the goals for TigerOS, as lead I would like to work out a way to delegate responsibility for rebuilding certain packages to the team members that maintain them. To this end we will need to grant them access the the build-box which I have done for the current team as well as train them on the process. The process can still stand to be streamlined as it is still difficult to manage the collaborative aspect and have a single point of QA.

mattBernius commented 7 years ago

@jflory7 & @axk4545 -- Great goals. I think you are completely right that fostering inclusion and collaboration go hand in hand. And I suspect that to some degree, while challenging, you need to try and experiment with solving both at the same time. We know from research that near-peer mentoring is a critical part of both.

If you can find time while in Philly, you two should definitely connect with Richie (@Bad-Science) and @AdrianCollado from RCOS to hear about some of the lessons they've learned and things they've experimented with in terms of mentoring.