Open kdavis-mozilla opened 6 years ago
Howdy, I was just linked to this: Could it be used to help in this regard?
@SalvorinFex Thanks!
Currently we're planning on using the CC0 audio from freesound along with using many random samples of the training set, at a lower in volume, to create a cocktail party data set. But, the VOiCES Corpus also might be a nice addition.
Another Mozilla associated noise reduction project created a large noise dataset that might be useful to you. It’s downloadable at the bottom of this page:
Are there plans to run reverb filters on the datasets as well? STT might struggle in this area.
@tilmankamp Thanks! Are the pretrained models trained with reverb and these other augmentations enabled? Also, is the reverb added before or after the audio is mixed with the noise samples?
Models trained on data with such augmentations are in the process of being trained.
@kdavis-mozilla Are the just-released 0.8 models trained with these augmentations? Or are those coming in 0.9/1.0?
@zaptrem They are coming later.
@kdavis-mozilla Would this noise+dataset be useful to this?
Create cocktail party data set where the background noise for training comes only from the training data sets, background noise for validation comes only from the validation data sets, and , background noise for test comes only from the test data sets.