mozilla / DeepSpeech

DeepSpeech is an open source embedded (offline, on-device) speech-to-text engine which can run in real time on devices ranging from a Raspberry Pi 4 to high power GPU servers.
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Make model convertible by CoreML #642

Open MatthewWaller opened 7 years ago

MatthewWaller commented 7 years ago

It would be wonderful if DeepSpeech models could be converted to CoreML, for offline use in apps. Here is documentation to do just that. Thanks!

reuben commented 5 years ago

Pass --notrain --nodev --notest to skip the training/testing phases and just do the export.

MatthewWaller commented 5 years ago

Thank you @reuben . I was able to convert to Tensorflow Lite!

So I've got a Jupyter notebook going.

I install dependencies in the terminal first:

# pip install coremltools==3.0b1
# pip install tfcoreml==0.4.0b1
# pip install sympy

And that works well to bring in the new beta versions

Then I import tfcoreml as tf_converter

Then I use this:

tf_converter.convert(tf_model_path = 'path/to/tensorflowlitemodel',
                     mlmodel_path = 'path/to/export/to',
                     output_feature_names = ['logits:0', 'new_state_c:0', 'new_state_h:0'],
                     input_name_shape_dict = { 
                         'input_reshaped:0': [16, 494],
                         'previous_state_c:0': [1,2048],
                         'previous_state_h:0': [1,2048]
                     use_coreml_3 = True)

This starts working, but then dies, apparently because logits:0 may not be right in the output_feature_names

Here is the full output. Ideas about what I might need to have in output_feature_names?

0 assert nodes deleted
0 nodes deleted
0 nodes deleted
0 nodes deleted
0 disconnected nodes deleted
0 identity nodes deleted
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-5b0c391d0611> in <module>()
      7                          'previous_state_h:0': [1,2048]
      8                      },
----> 9                      use_coreml_3 = True)

/anaconda2/envs/CoreMLConversion/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tfcoreml/_tf_coreml_converter.pyc in convert(tf_model_path, mlmodel_path, output_feature_names, input_name_shape_dict, image_input_names, is_bgr, red_bias, green_bias, blue_bias, gray_bias, image_scale, class_labels, predicted_feature_name, predicted_probabilities_output, add_custom_layers, custom_conversion_functions, use_coreml_3)
    592         tf_model_path,
    593         inputs=input_name_shape_dict,
--> 594         outputs=output_feature_names)
    595     if mlmodel_path is not None:

/anaconda2/envs/CoreMLConversion/lib/python2.7/site-packages/coremltools/converters/tensorflow/_tf_converter.pyc in convert(filename, inputs, outputs, **kwargs)
     15     try:
     16         from ..nnssa.coreml.ssa_converter import ssa_convert
---> 17         mlmodelspec = ssa_convert(ssa, top_func='main', inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
     18     except ImportError as err:
     19         raise ImportError("Backend converter not found! Error message:\n%s" % err)

/anaconda2/envs/CoreMLConversion/lib/python2.7/site-packages/coremltools/converters/nnssa/coreml/ssa_converter.pyc in ssa_convert(ssa, top_func, inputs, outputs)
     59         graphviz.Source(dot_string).view(filename='/tmp/ssa_after_passes')
---> 61     converter = SSAConverter(ssa, top_func=top_func, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
     62     converter.convert()
     63     mlmodel_spec = converter.get_spec()

/anaconda2/envs/CoreMLConversion/lib/python2.7/site-packages/coremltools/converters/nnssa/coreml/ssa_converter.pyc in __init__(self, net_ensemble, top_func, inputs, outputs)
    127             for name in outputs:
    128                 if name not in top_output_names:
--> 129                     raise ValueError('Output "%s" is not a nnssa output.' % name)
    131         top_output_features = list(zip(top_output_names, [None] * len(top_output_names)))

ValueError: Output "logits:0" is not a nnssa output.
reuben commented 5 years ago

Can you see what it thinks are the outputs? I.e. print the contents of top_output_names.

MatthewWaller commented 5 years ago

Alright, I met with Apple engineers, and showed them what I have. Apparently it is not possible to convert Tensorflow Lite to CoreML, only full Tensorflow .pb files. This article ( ) is incorrect. I can see the misunderstanding given the official Google linked in it, but no, only full Tensorflow models are convertible.

So I showed them the stack traces and steps I took to convert, and they said it just looks like a bug in the beta software. So at the engineer's request, I both filed a RADAR with Apple, and opened this issue on the converter repository:

Fingers crossed that once it's out of beta, we're in the clear!

reuben commented 5 years ago

Nice, thanks for looking into this!

reuben commented 4 years ago

I'm able to get a CoreML model out of the converter using latest master by removing the MFCC feature computation subgraph as well as the model_metadata node. Here's what I did:

$ cd DeepSpeech
$ cat <<EOF | patch -p1 -
diff --git a/ b/
index 19e16d3..15b4c10 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -597,10 +597,10 @@ def create_inference_graph(batch_size=1, n_steps=16, tflite=False):
     batch_size = batch_size if batch_size > 0 else None

     # Create feature computation graph
-    input_samples = tfv1.placeholder(tf.float32, [Config.audio_window_samples], 'input_samples')
-    samples = tf.expand_dims(input_samples, -1)
-    mfccs, _ = samples_to_mfccs(samples, FLAGS.audio_sample_rate)
-    mfccs = tf.identity(mfccs, name='mfccs')
+    # input_samples = tfv1.placeholder(tf.float32, [Config.audio_window_samples], 'input_samples')
+    # samples = tf.expand_dims(input_samples, -1)
+    # mfccs, _ = samples_to_mfccs(samples, FLAGS.audio_sample_rate)
+    # mfccs = tf.identity(mfccs, name='mfccs')

     # Input tensor will be of shape [batch_size, n_steps, 2*n_context+1, n_input]
     # This shape is read by the native_client in DS_CreateModel to know the
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ def create_inference_graph(batch_size=1, n_steps=16, tflite=False):
         'input': input_tensor,
         'previous_state_c': previous_state_c,
         'previous_state_h': previous_state_h,
-        'input_samples': input_samples,
+        # 'input_samples': input_samples,

     if not FLAGS.export_tflite:
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ def create_inference_graph(batch_size=1, n_steps=16, tflite=False):
         'outputs': logits,
         'new_state_c': new_state_c,
         'new_state_h': new_state_h,
-        'mfccs': mfccs,
+        # 'mfccs': mfccs,

     return inputs, outputs, layers
@@ -699,7 +699,15 @@ def export():
     output_names = ",".join(output_names_tensors + output_names_ops)

     # Create a saver using variables from the above newly created graph
-    saver = tfv1.train.Saver()
+    # Create a saver using variables from the above newly created graph
+    def fixup(name):
+        if name.startswith('cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/'):
+            return name.replace('cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/', 'lstm_fused_cell/')
+        return name
+    mapping = {fixup( v for v in tfv1.global_variables()}
+    import pprint
+    pprint.pprint(mapping)
+    saver = tfv1.train.Saver(mapping)

     # Restore variables from training checkpoint
     checkpoint = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir)
@@ -741,14 +749,14 @@ def export():
             frozen_graph.version = int(file_relative_read('GRAPH_VERSION').strip())

             # Add a no-op node to the graph with metadata information to be loaded by the native client
-            metadata = frozen_graph.node.add()
-   = 'model_metadata'
-            metadata.op = 'NoOp'
-            metadata.attr['sample_rate'].i = FLAGS.audio_sample_rate
-            metadata.attr['feature_win_len'].i = FLAGS.feature_win_len
-            metadata.attr['feature_win_step'].i = FLAGS.feature_win_step
-            if FLAGS.export_language:
-                metadata.attr['language'].s = FLAGS.export_language.encode('ascii')
+            # metadata = frozen_graph.node.add()
+            # = 'model_metadata'
+            # metadata.op = 'NoOp'
+            # metadata.attr['sample_rate'].i = FLAGS.audio_sample_rate
+            # metadata.attr['feature_win_len'].i = FLAGS.feature_win_len
+            # metadata.attr['feature_win_step'].i = FLAGS.feature_win_step
+            # if FLAGS.export_language:
+            #     metadata.attr['language'].s = FLAGS.export_language.encode('ascii')

             with open(output_graph_path, 'wb') as fout:
$ python --checkpoint_dir ~/Downloads/deepspeech-0.5.1-checkpoint --n_hidden 2048 --export_dir ~/Downloads/v0.5.1-reexport-coreml
$ ipython
Python 3.7.4 (default, Jul  9 2019, 18:13:23)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.6.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import tfcoreml as tf_converter

In [2]: tf_converter.convert(tf_model_path='/Users/reubenmorais/Downloads/v0.5.1-reexport-coreml/output_graph.pb', mlmodel_path='/Users/reubenmorais/Downloads/v0.5.1-reexport-coreml/deepspeech.mlmodel', output_feature_names=['logits', 'new_state_c', 'new_state_h'], input_
   ...: name_shape_dict={ 'input_node': [1,16,19,26], 'input_lengths': [1],  'previous_state_c': [1,2048], 'previous_state_h': [1,2048]}, use_coreml_3=True)
W0723 10:22:30.756310 4457440704] From /Users/reubenmorais/.local/share/virtualenvs/DeepSpeech-s4g1Z3_U/lib/python3.7/site-packages/coremltools/converters/nnssa/frontend/tensorflow/ The name tf.gfile.GFile is deprecated. Please use instead.

W0723 10:22:30.756505 4457440704] From /Users/reubenmorais/.local/share/virtualenvs/DeepSpeech-s4g1Z3_U/lib/python3.7/site-packages/coremltools/converters/nnssa/frontend/tensorflow/ The name tf.GraphDef is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.GraphDef instead.

0 assert nodes deleted
W0723 10:22:33.274496 4457440704] From /Users/reubenmorais/.local/share/virtualenvs/DeepSpeech-s4g1Z3_U/lib/python3.7/site-packages/coremltools/converters/nnssa/frontend/tensorflow/graph_pass/ The name tf.Session is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.Session instead.

2019-07-23 10:22:33.274982: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
['cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/Const:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/range_1/limit:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/bias/read:0', 'layer_1/weights/read:0', 'layer_1/bias:0', 'layer_3/weights:0', 'layer_5/bias:0', 'layer_5/weights:0', 'layer_6/weights/read:0', 'layer_5/bias/read:0', 'layer_6/weights:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/transpose/perm:0', 'layer_3/bias:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/range_1:0', 'Minimum_3/y:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/concat_1/axis:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/zeros:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/range/limit:0', 'Reshape_1/shape:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/Const:0', 'layer_6/bias:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/kernel:0', 'layer_3/bias/read:0', 'layer_1/weights:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/Tile/multiples:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/Const_2:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/bias:0', 'raw_logits/shape:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/range/delta:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/ExpandDims_2/dim:0', 'Reshape/shape:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/Range:0', 'Minimum/y:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/concat/axis:0', 'layer_3/weights/read:0', 'layer_6/bias/read:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/ExpandDims/dim:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/range:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/range_1/delta:0', 'layer_5/weights/read:0', 'layer_1/bias/read:0', 'transpose/perm:0', 'Minimum_1/y:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/Const_1:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/zeros/shape_as_tensor:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/ExpandDims_1/dim:0', 'layer_2/bias:0', 'Minimum_2/y:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/range_1/start:0', 'layer_2/bias/read:0', 'layer_2/weights/read:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/kernel/read:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/range/start:0', 'Reshape_2/shape:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/zeros/Const:0', 'layer_2/weights:0', 'cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/ExpandDims/dim:0']
23 nodes deleted
0 nodes deleted
0 nodes deleted
[Op Fusion] fuse_bias_add() deleted 10 nodes.
6 identity nodes deleted
5 disconnected nodes deleted
[SSAConverter] Converting function main ...
[SSAConverter] [1/64] Converting op input_node: Placeholder
[SSAConverter] [2/64] Converting op input_lengths: Placeholder
[SSAConverter] [3/64] Converting op previous_state_c: Placeholder
[SSAConverter] [4/64] Converting op previous_state_h: Placeholder
[SSAConverter] [5/64] Converting op transpose/perm: Const
[SSAConverter] [6/64] Converting op Reshape/shape: Const
[SSAConverter] [7/64] Converting op Minimum/y: Const
[SSAConverter] [8/64] Converting op Minimum_1/y: Const
[SSAConverter] [9/64] Converting op Minimum_2/y: Const
[SSAConverter] [10/64] Converting op Reshape_1/shape: Const
[SSAConverter] [11/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/kernel/read: Const
[SSAConverter] [12/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/bias/read: Const
[SSAConverter] [13/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/Range: Const
[SSAConverter] [14/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/ExpandDims/dim: Const
[SSAConverter] [15/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/transpose/perm: Const
[SSAConverter] [16/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/ExpandDims/dim: Const
[SSAConverter] [17/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/Tile/multiples: Const
[SSAConverter] [18/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/ExpandDims_1/dim: Const
[SSAConverter] [19/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/concat/axis: Const
[SSAConverter] [20/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/ExpandDims_2/dim: Const
[SSAConverter] [21/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/concat_1/axis: Const
[SSAConverter] [22/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/range: Const
[SSAConverter] [23/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/range_1: Const
[SSAConverter] [24/64] Converting op Reshape_2/shape: Const
[SSAConverter] [25/64] Converting op Minimum_3/y: Const
[SSAConverter] [26/64] Converting op raw_logits/shape: Const
[SSAConverter] [27/64] Converting op transpose: Transpose
[SSAConverter] [28/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/ExpandDims: ExpandDims
[SSAConverter] [29/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/ExpandDims_1: ExpandDims
[SSAConverter] [30/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/ExpandDims_2: ExpandDims
[SSAConverter] [31/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/stack: Pack
[SSAConverter] [32/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/stack_1: Pack
[SSAConverter] [33/64] Converting op Reshape: Reshape
[SSAConverter] [34/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/Cast: Cast
[SSAConverter] [35/64] Converting op MatMul: MatMul
[SSAConverter] [36/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/Less: Less
[SSAConverter] [37/64] Converting op Relu: Relu
[SSAConverter] [38/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/SequenceMask/Cast_1: Cast
[SSAConverter] [39/64] Converting op Minimum: Minimum
[SSAConverter] [40/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/transpose: Transpose
[SSAConverter] [41/64] Converting op MatMul_1: MatMul
[SSAConverter] [42/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/ExpandDims: ExpandDims
[SSAConverter] [43/64] Converting op Relu_1: Relu
[SSAConverter] [44/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/Tile: Tile
[SSAConverter] [45/64] Converting op Minimum_1: Minimum
[SSAConverter] [46/64] Converting op MatMul_2: MatMul
[SSAConverter] [47/64] Converting op Relu_2: Relu
[SSAConverter] [48/64] Converting op Minimum_2: Minimum
[SSAConverter] [49/64] Converting op Reshape_1: Reshape
[SSAConverter] [50/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/BlockLSTM/LSTMBlock: LSTMBlock
[SSAConverter] [51/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/BlockLSTM/get_tuple: get_tuple
[SSAConverter] [52/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/BlockLSTM/get_tuple_0: get_tuple
[SSAConverter] [53/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/mul: Mul
[SSAConverter] [54/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/concat: ConcatV2
[SSAConverter] [55/64] Converting op cudnn_lstm/rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/cudnn_compatible_lstm_cell/concat_1: ConcatV2
[SSAConverter] [56/64] Converting op Reshape_2: Reshape
[SSAConverter] [57/64] Converting op new_state_c: GatherNd
[SSAConverter] [58/64] Converting op new_state_h: GatherNd
[SSAConverter] [59/64] Converting op MatMul_3: MatMul
[SSAConverter] [60/64] Converting op Relu_3: Relu
[SSAConverter] [61/64] Converting op Minimum_3: Minimum
[SSAConverter] [62/64] Converting op MatMul_4: MatMul
[SSAConverter] [63/64] Converting op raw_logits: Reshape
[SSAConverter] [64/64] Converting op logits: Softmax
[MLModel Pass] 15 disconnected constants are removed from graph.
/Users/reubenmorais/.local/share/virtualenvs/DeepSpeech-s4g1Z3_U/lib/python3.7/site-packages/coremltools/models/ RuntimeWarning: You will not be able to run predict() on this Core ML model. Underlying exception message was: Error compiling model: "Error reading protobuf spec. validator error: The .mlmodel supplied is of version 4, intended for a newer version of Xcode. This version of Xcode supports model version 3 or earlier.".
input {
  name: "input_lengths"
  type {
    multiArrayType {
      shape: 1
      dataType: DOUBLE
input {
  name: "input_node"
  type {
    multiArrayType {
      shape: 1
      shape: 16
      shape: 19
      shape: 26
      dataType: DOUBLE
input {
  name: "previous_state_c"
  type {
    multiArrayType {
      shape: 1
      shape: 2048
      dataType: DOUBLE
input {
  name: "previous_state_h"
  type {
    multiArrayType {
      shape: 1
      shape: 2048
      dataType: DOUBLE
output {
  name: "logits"
  type {
    multiArrayType {
      dataType: DOUBLE
output {
  name: "new_state_c"
  type {
    multiArrayType {
      dataType: DOUBLE
output {
  name: "new_state_h"
  type {
    multiArrayType {
      dataType: DOUBLE
reuben commented 4 years ago

That was using coremltools==3.0b3 and tfcoreml==0.4b1

khu834 commented 4 years ago

Stupid question, what's the advantage of converting to CoreML? It seems iOS can run TFLite already? Wouldn't we just need to run TFLite then hook it up to a compatible ds_ctcdecoder?

Since there's no support to convert TFLite to CoreML, this seems like the only path left? (without using the full .pb model)

khu834 commented 4 years ago

I'm able to get a CoreML model out of the converter using latest master by removing the MFCC feature computation subgraph as well as the model_metadata node. Here's what I did:

According to this notebook, it seems that it's no longer necessary to remove the mfcc and metadata node?

Even with the CoreML model, there's still work left to do in terms of adding the LM decoder right? What would be the path to get a decoder running on iOS?

lissyx commented 4 years ago

Stupid question, what's the advantage of converting to CoreML? It seems iOS can run TFLite already?

I have no idea of the use of CoreML. I know for sure that getting iOS supported is a bunch of work:

MatthewWaller commented 4 years ago

CoreML makes it so that the device can take advantage of features like Metal for very fast processing. And it works in a more native format. From what I've seen of TFLite, you would have to write interpreter code in C for it to work properly. It's a lot of steps. I'm not sure about how to get the LM decoder working.

This may become moot for for iOS and the Mac because Apple recently added the ability to do on-device speech recognition in several languages, with word-by-word timestamps, which wasn't possible before iOS 13.

kezakool commented 4 years ago

hi, just to share my last exp with coreml, I converted a keras implementation of a CNN RNN with CTC Decoder to coreml last year, using coremltool, it works, but the Coreml LSTM layer as to be run with the CPUOnly =True option (because the GPU implementation is different), so be aware of that, i found that a bit desappointing, it loose many of it interest if it can't run optimized on GPU or NPU... I don't know if it has been corrected since november 2019, but that was the situation

lissyx commented 4 years ago

CoreML makes it so that the device can take advantage of features like Metal

Completely obscure for someone not aware of the macOS/iOS platform details :-).

If someone is able to provide PR / patches that adds that support, it would be very welcome, of course.

MatthewWaller commented 4 years ago

Metal is Apple's version of GPU accelerated programming. It's a shame that kezakool found out that the LSTM layer can only be run with CPUOnly = true. Not sure what that's about. Again, the pro of having CoreML support should be like having a Tensorflow Lite package, but accelerated for Apple's hardware. The idea is being able to run on macOS and iOS very fast.

No need to be mocking @lissyx. Your quote left out the comment "for very fast processing," which is basically the upshot of what Metal is for. I don't think we need to go into the specifics of Metal to explain why it would be a nice feature for DeepSpeech to support it.

Personally, I'm fine if this issue is closed. As I mentioned, there are now native implementations of the kind of features that DeepSpeech offers, which there were not when I made the suggestion.

lissyx commented 4 years ago

You needn't be mocking @lissyx. Your quote left out the comment "for very fast processing," which is basically the upshot of what Metal is for. I don't think we need to go into the specifics of Metal to explain why it would be a nice feature for DeepSpeech to support it.

There was no mocking in my quotation, sorry if you felt it like that. I was truly asking, because I knew vaguely that Metal was some kind of GPU-related stuff, but that's it, and for me it was tailored at rendering, not the kind of use like OpenCL.

Metal is Apple's version of GPU accelerated programming. It's a shame that kezakool found out that the LSTM layer can only be run with CPUOnly = true. Not sure what that's about. Again, the pro of having CoreML support should be like having a Tensorflow Lite package, but accelerated for Apple's hardware. The idea is being able to run on macOS and iOS very fast.

Thanks for the complement. Sadly, it seems to be the same story as usual LSTM unable to run on accelerated hardware, and thus round-trip to the CPU kills the win. We have mostly the same on Android with NNAPI as much as I could investigate.

What I lack of view is how much CoreML is / could be mandatory in the future. Also, on a technical note, this means more Apple hardware to build and run tests, which is problematic, so that adds up to the uncertainties.

Personally, I'm fine if this issue is closed. As I mentioned, there are now native implementations of the kind of features that DeepSpeech offers, which there were not when I made the suggestion.

I'm unsure, there seems to be activity and it looks like bugs that were hitting us were fixed, so I think it's not a waste to keep it open.

MatthewWaller commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your analysis @lissyx. My apologies for taking your comment the wrong way. Hopefully more good comes out of the issue.

dabinat commented 4 years ago

More importantly, Apple has deprecated OpenGL and OpenCL (in addition to macOS no longer supporting NVIDIA graphics chips).

So it seems that in future, Metal will be the ONLY way to do anything with the GPU on a Mac.

lissyx commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your analysis @lissyx. My apologies for taking your comment the wrong way. Hopefully more good comes out of the issue.

That's also why I emphasize we would welcome PR, it's just that there are multiple colliding things. Nothing unfixable, but we have to pick our battles. Now, we had no Windows support, and @carlfm01 contributed and we ensured it was properly tested, so the call to contribution is not a blind one.

reuben commented 4 years ago

FWIW TensorFlow Lite has an experimental CoreML delegate which would be way easier to integrate into our existing TFLite native client than writing a new CoreML implementation from scratch. Could be worth exploring if anyone is interested:

fotiDim commented 4 years ago

@reuben I don't believe that there is a way to write a CoreML implementation from scratch. A CoreML model is meant to be the product of conversion of a model from another framework.

Also Core ML Tools which is the conversion tool from Apple expects a TensorFlow model and not TFLite as input. Then you can convert a TensorFlow to CoreML directly.

The above is at least one path. The other path would be to convert the TensorFlow model to TFLite and then use the Firebase library (I believe MLKit is what is needed) to deploy it on device to do the inference.

reuben commented 4 years ago

@fotiDim I have no idea what you're talking about. If you're replying to my latest message, I understand even less. The model is already converted, see above. I'm talking about the surrounding code that needs to use the CoreML API to perform inference, as well as computing features, managing inputs, outputs, LSTM hidden state, etc. Using the TFLite CoreML delegate would be a way to circumvent all of this work, by reusing our TFLite code.

fotiDim commented 4 years ago

@reuben nevermind then. I though you were still fighting with the conversion. Your approach sounds correct.

reuben commented 4 years ago

With the latest changes to enable using TF 2.2 on the native client side, I was able to build the TFLite version of for iOS. There's still some work to be done to integrate it with our CI before we can land it, and we would probably need to write a basic Objective-C/Swift wrapper for the API. I don't know anything about iOS development though, so if anyone is interested in helping out, it'd be greatly appreciated. I can help set up the development environment to build for iOS (or just send a copy of as well as help with CI changes needed for landing iOS support.

dabinat commented 4 years ago

@reuben I have lots of Mac/iOS experience with Objective-C. I’m a bit tied up with other projects right now but ping me if no-one else takes this.