mozilla / MozStumbler

Android Stumbler for Mozilla
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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MozStumbler is silently crashing #1631

Open naoliv opened 9 years ago

naoliv commented 9 years ago

Before traveling I am always starting MozStumbler + GPSLogger + Towe Collector (all the 3 in background) + Mapillary (in foreground). But it's already the second time that I see that MozStumbler wasn't running at the end of the travel. It seems that it crashed somewhere and didn't record anything (because there isn't any report to send) All the others are working fine and capturing data.

What can I do to help in debugging this, please?

Djfe commented 9 years ago

What is your device? do you have enough RAM to run so many apps in the background? It might be that your OS is killing MozStumbler to free RAM.

The other apps might have set their priority higher, but MozStumbler doing so wouldn't help because then maybe one of the other apps gets killed.

the reason could also be a crash, a log for sure would help, but I'm not able to guide you how to record it

naoliv commented 9 years ago

It's a Moto G2, with 1 GB of RAM. After a long travel (4+ hours), if I run a adb logcat, could the problem still be available at the log?

Djfe commented 9 years ago

you should maybe run it while stumbling so that it records everything I'm not sure if you can restore/get the logs after it crashed already

crankycoder commented 9 years ago

How do we know the application is crashing as opposed to Android simply killing the application because it's running in the background? I'm pretty sure mapillary is quite resource intensive - I'd suspect Android is simply killing the stumbler.

naoliv commented 9 years ago

Do you know something that I can keep running to record the logs? I have tried but it's not recording anything.

crankycoder commented 9 years ago

@naoliv I use Catlog

naoliv commented 9 years ago

Good! Just in case somebody needs this too: adb shell pm grant com.nolanlawson.logcat android.permission.READ_LOGS (so CatLog can read the logs) I will let it running on the next time and see what I can see. If CatLog doesn't get killed by Android we will be able to see if MozStumbler is crashing or being killed, right?