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Bergamot Logo #232

Closed kdavis-mozilla closed 5 years ago

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago


Creation of a Logo


Mozilla is part of a EU funded, EU based coalition, including 4 universities, tasked with creating an Firefox extension that will allow Firefox to do client based translation between any of the 24 official EU languages.

The project, called Bergamot after the Bergamot orange, will have a website, github repo, host several conferences, and produce several journal articles. This logo will be used for all of these properties.

Style Information:

It would be interesting to include elements that reference the Bergamot orange, translation, and a web browser. (I acknowledge that that seems like an almost impossible task.) Some examples of logos for similar projects can be found here[1][2][3].


Ideally before January 21, but anytime in January is also fine.


[Design Needed]

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Hi, Is this still open ? Would like to work on this one.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

It's still open :-)

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

I would like to take this up.

akshithagrowfitter commented 5 years ago

Hi kelly , I am starting work on this. Are there any specific guidelines I need to consider while working on the logo? Thanks

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Hi @kdavis-mozilla,

Explanation the logos - a) I have tried to represent the Bergamot orange as the main element of the logo with the design inside it representing web (the globe sign is a symbol often used to represent web) b)The second design is a simplified version of the same idea. c) I have tried around with solid colours in this design. d) A design similar to b but swapped the colours round this time. e) In this design I have tried to use colors representing the browser (firefox) to fill the right half of the design. This is my first take on the question, It would be great if you could guide me further on this. mozilla_logos_first_draft

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

I am starting work on this. Are there any specific guidelines I need to consider while working on the logo?

Sorry was traveling back from Edinburgh from the kick-off meeting for this project.

Wow that's a really promising start! Incorporating all these different elements; I didn't think all of them could come together.

Just from my personal take, I like the direction of b and d. I also like the idea of e, trying to tie Firefox into the logo.

On thing, which is strange but true. A Bergamot orange isn't orange, it's almost a lime green


so I'm wondering if you could change the color palate to a "Bergamot orange", which is strangely enough actually lime greenish. (This might make it harder to use Firefox colors, which don't seem to work well with green tones.)

akshithagrowfitter commented 5 years ago

Hi , Glad you liked it! Thanks for the detailed review, that helps me taking it forward. So ill try to get around with colour tone and incorporate the 'Bergamot Orange'. Will post the revised version soon.

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Hi @kdavis-mozilla I have drafted the second version trying to incorporate your suggestions- Explaination- a),b),c),d) I have modified the tone as per the lime green color typical of 'Bergamot Orange' e)As you correctly pointed the earlier version of e would not go well with the lime green. So I tried incorporating the firefox color into the leaf of the orange. This addition also adds colour transition between the leaf and orange. Let me know your feedback on this. mozilla_logos_first_draft2

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

Wow, I'm really liking the e.1, e.2, e.3, and e.4 variations. I must say I like c a lot too. I don't know what to choose!

If you don't mind, I'll send these ideas out to the leaders of the Bergamot project to get their feedback.

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Thanks @kdavis-mozilla. Considering the exact usage that is factors like the website theme will probably make it easier to choose one. You can surely send it out to the leaders of the project. Let me know if any suggestions from their side.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

They have a lot of feedback!

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Okay so we can pick it up from here. I will try incorporating the element of translation. Could you give me a clearer idea about the translation we are speaking in the context of our project? Thanks

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

Oh, sorry I should have explained that in more detail before.

The extension that we will create will be able to do translation of web pages and other documents from one language to another language. So, for example, it would allow you read a web page in Welsh if you can not read Welsh by translating it into English.

In addition, this translation will occur client side. So, in other words, the document you are translating will not be sent to Google's servers, for example. The document will be translated from one language to another locally on your machine. This will enhance the security and privacy of translation.

I hope that helps a bit?

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

I am working on incorporating the suggestions. Will post them soon.

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Hi, I tried implementing translation into the logo. The approach specified to use mosaic of flags in the most obvious ways might end up making the logo a little clumsy. ( I am still brain storming if this can be done in any way ) Another approach I thought of after going through logos often used for translation was the use of two chat boxes or thought bubbles that are intersecting. So on these lines I came up with the following- mozillalogodraft3 Could you please review this and let me know if they are convinced with this direction.

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Hi @kdavis-mozilla , Any updates on the design I had posted ? I would love to reiterate over the design or take up a new direction if needed, surely let me know.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

The feedback I've gotten so far is from two of the coalition members:

I assume more feedback is coming.

To me this seems like a really good direction. I guess my only question was if it's possible to make the speech bubbles make it more clear that translation is occurring? (As to how to do that, I've no idea! Sorry.)

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Will think on that, my only concern is that further adding an element might result in cluttering up the design. Also, is there any tentative date by when we need to finalize the design for the logo ?

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

I share you concern on clutter.

As to when this has to be done, the sooner the better. If I'd had to give a hard date, I'd say middle of February.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

@akshithashetty Got some more, hopefully helpful, feedback from an internal designer on the logo

At a more general level they had some suggestions on other options for the logo

Since it's more about translation than conversation, what might be a more simple way to suggest that something has the same core meaning, but in different formats. This could be an bold, iconic design that doesn't rely on a globe icon (which is pretty universal and not very ownable) and more about the concept of showing two different states of matter at once. For instance, what are the commonalities between ice and water, what are the differences, and how could that be shown? Bergamot could be the name without us needing to show the fruit. This could be very elemental, bold,and successful.

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Yes this seems helpful will reiterate on the designs keeping these in mind. Thanks !

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have tried implementing the initial set of feedback from the last round of feedback. I am not able to add any additional element as it is resulting in creating clutter. These are the results of the initial set of inputs. mozilla_draft4_a mozilla_draft4_b mozilla_draft4_c

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

@akshithashetty Awesome! Thanks for taking all the feedback into account!

One question I have is a follow-on to that of our internal designer. They asked if there were...

other ways can we show different perspectives on the same thing.

By "thing" here they mean translation. In other words, are there any other ways we can represent translation graphically?

I wonder if you've thought about that and have any ideas?

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

I am thinking on this. Will post the drafts again soon. 👍

Ryuno-Ki commented 5 years ago

If you want to get away from the globe... My firsr association with Bergamot is almost always Earl Grey (black tea). Normally served with some sort of cookies I've learned to call scones.

Regarding communication: What about drawing inspiration from sign language translators? For the German Sign Language I know one sign (somewhar similar to stitching something) for the word translator. And another one for Signing with grammar of the spoken language.

Need to look for videos showing them.

As far as I know the EU also has translators for debates in the Parliament.

Ryuno-Ki commented 5 years ago

Hm, doesn't contain the words in mind.

But maybe @kdavis-mozilla can look for some examples of the topics the service will cover (parliament speeches?).

Sadly the URL doesn't update, but you can append ?q=<searchterm> to create a search result.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

It will be a general translation engine. So all subjects!

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

mozzilla_logo_draft3 mozillalogodraft3_1 Hi, Thanks for the direction. So these are two possible interpretations I thought of-
A) The equivalent sign with the idea of how translation promotes equivalence between different languages and cultures in the broader sense. B) The two arrows in opposite directions showing how conversion is taking place

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

I really like the arrows!

What also might be interesting, but I doubt if it will scale to smaller sizes, is to insert before and after the arrows characters for other languages, something like


(excuse the lack of alignment) to strengthen the connection with translation.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

I'll get feedback from the coalition and also the internal designer.

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Yes adding more details might create an issue with scaling. We can still consider this once we have more feedback with us.

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Hi, Any feedbacks on the latest design ? Would love to know so that I can create a final design after incorporating any suggestions.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

Here's what I have so far...

But I've nothing yet from the internal designer.

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot for the update, Surely let me know if there is more coming in so that I can incorporate the finishing details in this week.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

I've got some feedback from our internal designer on the "B" logo....

They mentioned some things to consider...

One final comment on the leaf and stem...

I think the leaf and stem can be refined more - think about how geometric the sphere is, and think about how overlapping spheres of a different size might create a leaf that is equally as geometric, and then use that same curve for the stem.

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Great ! Will work on this and post back soon.

Ryuno-Ki commented 5 years ago

Speaking of arrows... The other day I noticed, that Outlook has an icon for translation:

Translate Message in Microsoft Outlook

Would a curved arrow make sense here as well?

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have tried to work on the latest rounds of feedbacks and come up with these two designs. Let me know if this works. I can provide the .ai files once we are satisfied with the design. Thank you. A) artboard 1 B) artboard 1

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

Wow, that's minimal! I like both of them.

One question I have is how it would look if the arrow lines follow latitude lines? It would be more-or-less like A but the top arrow would have a slight curve up and the bottom arrow a slight curve downward. (But take this with a grain of salt as this is just my question.)

I'll ask the entire team how they feel about the two options.

PS: I feel like we are, or are about to be, finished. "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

PPS: Thanks for putting in all this time and effort on this design.

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Thank you ! It was a great learning experience working and reiterating over the design. Let me see I can add the latitude tweak. Meanwhile, surely let me know about the latest round of updates.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

@akshithashetty Thank you! And great work!

As far as early feedback from the EU based coalition....

Basically looks like option B is by far preferred!

akshithagrowfitter commented 5 years ago

That is great ! Once we are on consensus with B, I can share the source file.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

@akshithagrowfitter Sorry for the current slow feedback loop.

The designer who was taking a look at this just left Mozilla. So, I'm searching for another Mozilla designer to help.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

@akshithashetty @akshithagrowfitter First I want to thank you for your amazing work and your sticktoitiveness. You've had so much patience with the many revisions and feedback we've given. Thanks!

Now, I just found out, after talking to the boss of the designer that just left, several people on the designer's team have left too. So, we will not get any Mozilla internal resources to further review the logo.

That said, as the vast majority of people that have reviewed the logo have loved option B. So, option B it is!

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Thanks. It was great going through the iterations, learnt a lot. Thanks for all the rounds of feedback helped me improve over the design. Glad it worked out! Will send the source file here shortly.

kindavishal commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the issue @kdavis-mozilla! Are there anymore requirements here?

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the help @kindavishal The last thing is the source files from @akshithashetty

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Hi, sorry for the delay on this. Due to some backup issue I could not share the source file earlier. Will do that to the earliest.

kdavis-mozilla commented 5 years ago

@akshithashetty No problem, and thanks again!

akshithashetty commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am really sorry for the delay on this. This is the source file. It was great working on this and would love to see the logo live.