mozilla / PollBot

Robots for checking if things have been delivered
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Unit tests don't mock the network requests #233

Open peterbe opened 5 years ago

peterbe commented 5 years ago

If you switch off your WiFi and run the whole test suite this happens:

Results (11.58s):
     154 passed
      38 failed
         - tests/ test_nightly_archive[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_release_archive[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_candidate_archive[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_candidate_archive_build[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_beta_archive[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_devedition_archive[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_esr_archive[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_release_partner_repacks[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_candidate_partner_repacks_build[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_candidate_partner_repacks[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_beta_partner_repacks[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_release_balrog_rules[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_release_buildhub[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_candidates_buildhub[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_candidates_buildhub_build[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_devedition_buildhub[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_release_bedrock_release_notes[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_devedition_bedrock_release_notes[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_release_bedrock_esr_release_notes[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_release_bedrock_security_advisories[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_release_bedrock_download_links[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_devedition_bedrock_download_links[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_release_bouncer_download_links[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_devedition_bouncer_download_links[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_release_product_details[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_devedition_product_details[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_esr_balrog_rules[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_beta_balrog_rules[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_devedition_balrog_rules[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_nightly_balrog_rules[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_firefox_releases_list[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_devedition_releases_list[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_heartbeat[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_ongoing_versions_view_firefox[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_ongoing_versions_view_devedition[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_endpoint_have_got_cache_control_headers[pyloop-/v1/__heartbeat__]
         - tests/ test_get_buildid_for_version[pyloop]
         - tests/ test_get_buildid_for_nightly_version[pyloop]

That's because those 38 tests depend on actually going out on the network and going to URLs like

That means the test suite (at least those ~38 tests) aren't unit tests really. They're end-to-end tests.

I'm not worried about the traffic burden on and etc. I'm worried that soon those URLs will expire and tests will fail and nobody will understand how or why.

mostlygeek commented 5 years ago

This is fine. IMO we really care if we can go to and see if can scrape out the information we need. We don't really care if we got networking/GET requests right.

Since is not tightly coupled to pollbot, if they change their html or anything that affects our scraping I think the tests should just fail. That'll be a good trigger for us to go fix / change something.

peterbe commented 5 years ago

The point is that the tests are going to stop working soon. In mysterious ways. Considering that PollBot poorly swallows errors it's going to be a pain to comprehend why CI stopped working one day.

peterbe commented 5 years ago

By the way, I think an end-to-end test is quite nice. Every URL that Delivery Dashboard hits should probably be hit too. E.g.

for product in test_config.all_supported_products:
  for api_url_template in test_config.all_api_url_templates:
     url = api_url_template.format(product)
     response = requests.get(url)
     assert response.status_code == 200

Except, this wouldn't work anyway because of this ;)

willkg commented 5 years ago

Just as a thing, redesigned their /firefox/all/ page and the tests now fail. With the existing setup, that's the only signal we got that things changed and PollBot is probably broken.

I'm not sure what "The point is that the tests are going to stop working soon" means. What's going to cause them to stop working? Changes to and other things that PollBot uses? Isn't that a good thing?

I think I want to WONTFIX this.