mozilla / addon-wr

Looking Glass is a collaboration between Mozilla and the makers of Mr. Robot to provide a shared world experience.
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You're scaring us #36

Closed dessant closed 6 years ago

dessant commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2017-12-13 15-11-24

The first impression of the add-on listing is terrifying 😋, my first thought was that this may be malware.

Here's a thread of scared people:

Please add a proper description, and also a homepage_url in the manifest, so there will be a reference to further details on the add-on details page.

Nefari0uss commented 6 years ago

Yup. I understand I'm using Nightly so stuff will break or randomly appear/disappear but a little bit of a heads up would be nice...

dgilman commented 6 years ago

Trust is hard to gain and easy to lose. This was a bad move.

53245342099 commented 6 years ago

I don't know what the hell you hope to accomplish with this, but I'm turning off EVERYTHING thanks to you. Telemetry, shield studies...everything. I'm hardening up. I don't know how something like this was ever approved.

dtfinch commented 6 years ago

This wasted a half hour of my time, getting installed while I was troubleshooting other problems in Firefox. I had experiments.enabled=false, and 57 re-enabled them without asking. I'm using the release, not nightly.

Persola commented 6 years ago

+1 to what @dessant said. Half the trouble is just the lack of a real description.

imyxh commented 6 years ago

Yep. This would've been fine with a description, and also, Firefox Studies really needs to indicate that an extension is an official study for sure and not just some random extension.

anaran commented 6 years ago

See also

naoliv commented 6 years ago

And that is how you lose your users, Mozilla. I had Shields enabled to test new stuff for you and not to have some stupid useless shit enabled.

Vednier commented 6 years ago

According to meaning of this addon is to "for specific words like privacy and control, they will appear flipped". And there is word "fuck" in this list, for example. So, what exactly peoples smoke at Mozilla to make such addons? I just wanna know.

imyxh commented 6 years ago

@Vednier I think it was testing content parsing or something. Makes no sense to push it out to everyone, though ... it was probably a mistake.

dessant commented 6 years ago

Meanwhile the docs were updated:

This is a Mr. Robot promotion pushed out to mostly all Firefox users, since the setting which enables it to be installed is turned on by default.

SHIELD studies let you try out different features and ideas before they are released to all Firefox users. Using your feedback, we can make more informed decisions based on what you actually need.

SHIELD studies are clearly not meant to be used this way, but it seems to have been a convenient channel for delivering ads. 🥇

The issue is also tracked here:

bogdan-calapod commented 6 years ago

SHIELD studies are clearly not meant to be used this way, but it seems to have been a convenient channel for delivering ads. 🥇

So some "bright mind" from marketing is behind this "brilliant idea" ? No one in Mozilla ever thought "Guys, does doing marketing that has nothing to do with studies using Studies sound bad to you" ?

k32 commented 6 years ago

First Quantum, then this. I uninstalled FF from all my computers lately, and, in retrospect, it was a wise decision. GJ Mozilla :(

supernintendo commented 6 years ago

Has anyone pointed out the irony of Mozilla claiming to support net neutrality while installing spyware on their users' browsers as part of a promotional campaign for Mr. Robot (owned by Universal, a subsidiary of Comcast)? What a joke.

Darkspirit commented 6 years ago