mozilla / addon-wr

Looking Glass is a collaboration between Mozilla and the makers of Mr. Robot to provide a shared world experience.
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I absolutely did not opt in to this #44

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Are you seriously paying Mozilla to install unasked-for extensions as part of an ARG to promote some TV show I'll never watch?

Have now opted out of their user studies program (being included was on by default), so thanks for possibly making my future browsing experience worse.

Please make the extension's description something descriptive, not an ungrammatical Matrix-esque quote a script kid might think was cool

RhvsW commented 6 years ago

cry cry

adonig commented 6 years ago

You guys absolutely have lost your minds. People are just coming back from Chrome because of privacy concerns and now you piss them off by installing strange tracking add-ons without their consent. That's how you lose their trust. That's how you lose users to other browsers.

supernintendo commented 6 years ago

@MeltedLux Go fuck yourself. Same sentiment goes to Mozilla for pulling this shit.

RhvsW commented 6 years ago

@supernintendo cry cry

htzrd commented 6 years ago

"They won't win. Because one good thing came out of all this. They showed themselves. The top 1% of the 1%. The ones in control. The ones who play god without permission. And now I'm gonna take them down. All of them." Elliot

Firefox direction and marketing departments didn't had seen the tv show an even trampled the development reams that didn't want this.

distransient commented 6 years ago

lmfao you guys need to calm the fuck down

fitojb commented 6 years ago

This kind of shit makes me wonder why am I spending my time volunteering for Mozilla, honestly.

Darkspirit commented 6 years ago

distransient commented 6 years ago

like a bunch of you are -1'ing me but have all of you considered how useless and volatile it is to take out your frustration by harassing the issue tracker of some random folk that probably weren't even involved in the decision process. grow the fuck up

SharpOB commented 6 years ago

The "random folk" in charge of this repo is a Mozilla Employee. Him having to deal with this is a method of raising it to Mozilla's attention, which is good. They need to see this outrage on all fronts.

Grow the fuck up.

distransient commented 6 years ago

...I need to grow up because I'm saying people shouldn't go onto Github and throw tantrums on issue trackers because it makes them feel better. Okay, for sure dude. LOL

SharpOB commented 6 years ago

Reread my comment - it seems you didn't read it, and just looked at the last sentence.

distransient commented 6 years ago

I did read your comment. Did you read mine?

jonhoo commented 6 years ago

@gregglind this thread should probably be locked at this point.

gregglind commented 6 years ago

Alas, probably so.

jonhoo commented 6 years ago

@gregglind closing it is not sufficient as it does not prevent further comments. You'd have to also lock it to prevent that.