mozilla / addons-linter

🔍 Firefox Add-ons linter, written in JavaScript. 👁
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Output as list, not table #5423

Open fregante opened 1 month ago

fregante commented 1 month ago

Describe the problem and steps to reproduce it:

I'm not a fan of the table output, it's repetitive and it breaks file names on small terminals.


Code                              Message           Description                      File      
MANIFEST_FIELD_UNSUPPORTED        "/background/s…   "/background/service_worker"     ma
                                  ervice_worker"    is not supported.                          
                                  is not                                                       
KEY_FIREFOX_UNSUPPORTED_BY_MIN…   Manifest key      "strict_min_version" requires    manife
_VERSION                          not supported     Firefox 126, which was                 
                                  by the            released before version 128                
                                  specified         introduced support for                     
                                  minimum Firefox   "optional_host_permissions".               
KEY_FIREFOX_ANDROID_UNSUPPORTE…   Manifest key      "strict_min_version" requires    manife
D_BY_MIN_VERSION                  not supported     Firefox for Android 126, which         
                                  by the            was released before version                
                                  specified         128 introduced support for                 
                                  minimum Firefox   "optional_host_permissions".               
                                  for Android                                                  
UNSAFE_VAR_ASSIGNMENT             Unsafe            Due to both security and         as
                                  assignment to     performance concerns, this may   dules/dom-
                                  innerHTML         not be set using dynamic         /index.js 
                                                    values which have not been                 
                                                    adequately sanitized. This can             
                                                    lead to security issues or                 
                                                    fairly serious performance                 
UNSAFE_VAR_ASSIGNMENT             Unsafe            Due to both security and         as
                                  assignment to     performance concerns, this may   dules/doma
                                  innerHTML         not be set using dynamic         ex.js     
                                                    values which have not been                 
                                                    adequately sanitized. This can             
                                                    lead to security issues or                 
                                                    fairly serious performance                 
UNSAFE_VAR_ASSIGNMENT             Unsafe call to    Due to both security and         as
                                  document.creat…   performance concerns, this may   dules/link
                                  eRange().creat…   not be set using dynamic         issues/ind
                                  eContextualFra…   values which have not been                 
                                  gment for         adequately sanitized. This can             
                                  argument 0        lead to security issues or                 
                                                    fairly serious performance                 
UNSAFE_VAR_ASSIGNMENT             Unsafe call to    Due to both security and         as
                                  document.creat…   performance concerns, this may   dules/link
                                  eRange().creat…   not be set using dynamic         urls/index
                                  eContextualFra…   values which have not been                 
                                  gment for         adequately sanitized. This can             
                                  argument 0        lead to security issues or                 
                                                    fairly serious performance                 


  "/background/service_worker" is not supported.
  "/background/service_worker" is not supported.

  Manifest key not supported by the specified minimum Firefox version
  "strict_min_version" requires Firefox 126, which was released before version 128 introduced support for "optional_host_permissions".

  Manifest key not supported by the specified minimum Firefox for Android version
  "strict_min_version" requires Firefox for Android 126, which was released before version 128 introduced support for "optional_host_permissions".

  Unsafe assignment to innerHTML
  Due to both security and performance concerns, this may not be set using dynamic values which have not been adequately sanitized. This can lead to security issues or fairly serious performance degradation.