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Dependency Dashboard #14283

Closed renovate[bot] closed 1 year ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


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Detected dependencies

.circleci/config.yml * `codecov 3.2.4` * `cimg/node 16.19` * `cimg/node 18.12` * `cimg/python 3.11-node`
Dockerfile * `node 16-slim` * `node 16-slim`
src/blog-utils/index.html * `normalize 8.0.1@sha512-NhSC1YmyruXifcj/KFRWoC561YpHpc5Jtzgvbuzx5VozKpWvQ+4nXhPdFgmx8xqexRcpAglTj9sIBWINXa8x5w==` * `inter-ui 3.19.3@sha512-8vEtrrc40OAQaCUaqVjNMQtQEPyNtllVG1RYy6bGEuWQkivCBeqOzuDJPPhD+MO6y6QGLuQYPCr8Nlzu9lTYaQ==`
package.json * `@mozilla-protocol/tokens 5.0.5` * `@reduxjs/toolkit 1.9.1` * `@willdurand/isomorphic-formdata 2.1.0` * `addons-moz-compare 1.3.0` * `base62 2.0.1` * `better-npm-run 0.1.1` * `chokidar 3.5.3` * `classnames 2.3.2` * `common-tags 1.8.2` * `compression 1.7.4` * `config 3.3.8` * `core-js 3.27.1` * `deep-eql 4.1.3` * `deepcopy 2.1.0` * `dompurify 2.4.3` * `express 4.18.2` * `express-http-context 1.2.4` * `filesize 10.0.6` * `focus-visible 5.2.0` * `fs-extra 11.1.0` * `full-icu 1.5.0` * `helmet 6.0.1` * `history 4.10.1` * `hot-shots 9.3.0` * `invariant 2.2.4` * `isomorphic-fetch 3.0.0` * `jed 1.1.1` * `join-url 2.0.0` * `jsdom 21.0.0` * `localforage 1.10.0` * `lodash.debounce 4.0.8` * `moment 2.29.4` * `nano-time 1.0.0` * `normalize.css 8.0.1` * `photon-colors 3.3.2` * `photoswipe 4.1.3` * `pino 8.8.0` * `pino-mozlog 2.12.0` * `prop-types 15.8.1` * `qhistory 1.1.0` * `qs 6.11.0` * `rc-tooltip 5.2.2` * `react 18.2.0` * `react-autosuggest 10.1.0` * `react-cookie 4.1.1` * `react-dom 18.2.0` * `react-helmet 6.1.0` * `react-keydown 1.9.12` * `react-nested-status 0.2.1` * `react-onclickoutside 6.12.2` * `react-photoswipe-gallery 1.3.10` * `react-redux 8.0.5` * `react-router 5.3.4` * `react-router-dom 5.3.4` * `react-super-responsive-table 5.2.1` * `react-textarea-autosize 8.4.0` * `react-transition-group 4.4.5` * `redux 4.2.0` * `redux-first-history 5.1.1` * `redux-logger 3.0.6` * `redux-saga 1.2.2` * `response-time 2.3.2` * `schema-utils 4.0.0` * `serialize-javascript 6.0.0` * `touch 3.1.0` * `ua-parser-js 1.0.32` * `universal-base64url 1.1.0` * `universal-cookie-express 4.0.3` * `url 0.11.0` * `uuid 9.0.0` * `web-vitals 3.1.0` * `webpack-isomorphic-tools 4.0.0` * `@babel/core ^7.18.5` * `@babel/eslint-parser ^7.18.2` * `@babel/preset-env ^7.18.2` * `@babel/preset-flow ^7.17.12` * `@babel/preset-react ^7.17.12` * `@babel/register ^7.17.7` * `@emotion/core ^11.0.0` * `@testing-library/jest-dom ^5.16.2` * `@testing-library/react ^13.3.0` * `@testing-library/user-event ^14.2.6` * `autoprefixer ^10.2.4` * `babel-gettext-extractor ^4.1.3` * `babel-loader ^9.0.0` * `babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node ^2.2.0` * `bundlewatch ^0.3.3` * `chalk ^4.0.0` * `characterset ^2.0.0` * `cheerio ^1.0.0-rc.2` * `chokidar-cli ^3.0.0` * `circular-dependency-plugin ^5.0.0` * `concurrently ^7.0.0` * `content-security-policy-parser ^0.4.0` * `cookie ^0.5.0` * `css-loader ^6.0.0` * `css-minimizer-webpack-plugin ^4.0.0` * `eslint ^8.1.0` * `eslint-config-amo ^5.1.0` * `eslint-plugin-amo ^1.13.0` * `eslint-plugin-promise ^6.0.0` * `eslint-plugin-react ^7.30.0` * `eslint-plugin-react-hooks ^4.2.0` * `eslint-plugin-testing-library ^5.0.5` * `file-loader ^6.0.0` * `flow-bin ^0.187.0` * `glob ^8.0.0` * `html-webpack-plugin 5.5.0` * `http-proxy ^1.16.2` * `husky ^8.0.0` * `intl ^1.2.5` * `intl-locales-supported ^1.0.0` * `jest ^29.0.0` * `jest-environment-jsdom ^29.0.0` * `jest-extended ^3.0.0` * `jest-watch-typeahead ^2.0.0` * `lint-staged ^13.0.0` * `mini-css-extract-plugin ^2.0.0` * `mock-express-request ^0.2.0` * `mock-express-response ^0.3.0` * `node-fetch ^3.1.1` * `node-sass ^8.0.0` * `nodemon ^2.0.19` * `pino-devtools ^2.1.0` * `pino-pretty ^9.0.0` * `po2json 51e2310485bbe35e9e57f2eee238185459ca0eab` * `postcss ^8.2.10` * `postcss-loader ^7.0.0` * `prettier 2.8.2` * `pretty-quick 3.1.3` * `qrcode ^1.4.4` * `react-hot-loader ^4.13.1` * `redux-saga-tester ^1.0.372` * `rimraf ^3.0.0` * `sass-loader ^13.0.0` * `semver ^7.0.0` * `shelljs ^0.8.0` * `sinon ^15.0.0` * `style-loader ^3.0.0` * `stylelint ^14.9.1` * `stylelint-config-standard-scss ^6.0.0` * `supertest ^6.0.0` * `terser-webpack-plugin ^4.0.0` * `tmp ^0.2.0` * `tosource ^1.0.0` * `url-loader ^4.1.1` * `webpack ^5.20.0` * `webpack-cli ^4.0.0` * `webpack-dev-middleware ^6.0.0` * `webpack-hot-middleware ^2.24.3` * `webpack-subresource-integrity 5.1.0` * `node >=16.17`

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

KevinMind commented 6 months ago

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