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[Task]: Add persistent volume for local data #14784

Closed KevinMind closed 2 weeks ago

KevinMind commented 2 weeks ago



By moving our mysql data to a data volume, we decouple the lifecycle of a compose project and it's containers from the data in the mysql database itself.

This means you can restart, recreate or totally reinstantiate your mysql container without destryoing any historical data you may have.

Additionally, this opens the possibility to load a snapshot of the database from one environment in another. There are a multitude of use cases for this such as testing or supporting multiple profiles of initial data


We also need to persist some local data like images and other assets that are associated with data in the DB. Maybe diox can confirm if this data is all located locally at ./storage/** or is there some documentation of where the local data is stored?

Acceptance Criteria

  ### Acceptance Criteria
  - [ ] persistent volume for mysql data
  - [ ] persisten voume (can be same volume) for local assets
  - [ ] make commands to manage importing and exporting data from containers to the host
  - [ ] MAYBE: mount the volume on the host to allow visibility and debugging (if really needed)


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