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New front-end doesn't use latest version permalink #2035

Open jvillalobos opened 6 years ago

jvillalobos commented 6 years ago

In the new front-end, we're pointing directly to the XPI file. For example, for this add-on, the Add to Firefox button points to:

In the old front-end, the button points to:

This URL is useful for developers to share or use on their own websites, without having to update it every time they upload a new version.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

tofumatt commented 6 years ago

It doesn't look like that URL is surfaced by anything in the API... it would be helpful to know what the URL show look like to create it. It seems like it's /${clientApp}/downloads/latest/${addon.slug}/addon-${}-latest.xpi but I would definitely rather the API surface that link as it's the source of truth and the URL would be useful to other API consumers as well.

I've filed:

bobsilverberg commented 5 years ago

@jvillalobos How important is fixing this in terms of allowing us to shut down the legacy site? Does the priority of need to be increased?

jvillalobos commented 5 years ago

This isn't a blocker for shutting down the legacy site.

KevinMind commented 4 months ago

Old Jira Ticket: