mozilla / addons

☂ Umbrella repository for Mozilla Addons ✨
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Make addons project github labels useful #305

Closed muffinresearch closed 7 years ago

muffinresearch commented 7 years ago

Filing based on feedback in irc from @EnTeQuAk + @diox


Feel free to add suggestions and comments below.

EnTeQuAk commented 7 years ago

Warning: This is long and should probably be a wiki page 😨

Alrighty… I went through all our projects (addons-server, addons-frontend, amo-validator, addons-linter) and tagged / unified labels.

I didn't touch mozilla/addons yet since I wasn't sure we should call it a project or if it needs a more custom label. It should contain the unified list eventually since it's the main point of contact for users though... not so sure.

Also, there are a few nice projects (and probably more to find) project to manage labels:

Some general inspiration came from:

What about projects like web-ext etc? Are there general guidelines from other Mozilla projects that are using GitHub? I'm guessing most are using Bugzilla still... hmm

Suggested Unified Label List (WIP)




Platforms (more AMO, Linter, Validator)



Goals / Project



Marked Labels


+ accessibility
+ add-on ratings
+ admin tools
+ Android
+ blocked by upstream
+ blocks release
- closed by design
+ code quality
+ development environment
+ devhub landing page v1
+ devhub
+ disco pane
- docker
+ documentation
+ duplicate
+ e10s
+ enhancement
+ feedback
+ Firefox Accounts
+ good first bug
+ greenkeeper
+ i18n
+ in progress
+ in testing
+ invalid
+ Legacy switch off
+ linter
+ maybe good first bug
+ needs info
+ needs more qa
+ needs more triage
+ needs no qa
+ needs ux
+ not ready for merge
~ operations
~ perf
+ priority one
+ priority two
+ pull request ready
+ ratings and reviews
+ redesign
+ regression
+ reviewer tools
+ signing
+ style refresh
+ triaged
+ ui tests
- user-generated content (only one issue, or maybe have that as 'Impact'?)
+ verified fixed
+ version channel
+ WebExtensions
+ wont fix


~ accessibility
~ add-on ratings
~ admin tools
~ amo-statistics
- amo (or should that be a component?)
- backlog (that's `triaged`)
+ blocked
~ blocks release
+ bug
~ code quality
~ disco pane
~ documentation
~ duplicate
~ enhancement
- FF50+ (hmm... Project?)
+ firefox-dep
- footgun (doh!)
~ good first bug
+ greenkeeper
... help wanted (how is this being used? Good First Bug?)
~ i18n
~ in progress
~ invalid
~ maybe good first bug
+ mobile pages v1
+ mobile pages v2
+ needs api
+ needs automation
+ needs discussion
+ needs editorial
~ needs info
~ needs more qa
~ needs more triage
~ needs no qa
+ needs ops
~ needs ux
~ ops
~ perf
~ priority one
~ priority two
~ pull request ready
- Q4 (should be more detailed and -> Project: ...)
- question (Type: User Feedback / Discussion?)
~ regression
+ security
+ server
+ testing (Component: Tests)
+ tracking
~ triaged
~ uitests
~ upstream-dep
~ UX (Status: Needs UX?)
~ verified fixed
windows (Platform maybe?)
~ wontfix 


~ needs-info
~ needs more triage
~ pull request ready
~ qa- (Status: Needs No QA)
~ triaged 


~ blocked by upstream
~ blocks release
~ code quality
compatibility ... very unsure, Component, Impact?
+ css
+ deprecated-rule
~ docs
~ duplicate
~ enhancement
~ good first bug
~ greenkeeper
... help wanted (how is this being used? Good First Bug?)
+ html
~ in progress
~ in testing
~ invalid
+ javascript
+ l10n
+ layout 
~ maybe good first bug
+ metadata
~ needs discussion
~ needs info
~ needs more triage
~ needs no qa
needs rule doc
~ priority one
~ priority two
~ pull request ready
~ question
~ regression
~ rule
+ schema
~ security
~ tests
~ triaged
~ verified fixed
web (huh?)
~ wontfix
- yak-shaving (code quality...)
EnTeQuAk commented 7 years ago

Also one thing I recently read about and found to be useful to think about: Get rid of lables like "Invalid" and "wontfix". It's much better to explain why an issue get's closed instead of just marking it and essentially telling people to "shut up, this won't be fixed, ever"

EnTeQuAk commented 7 years ago

Also worth a read:

andymckay commented 7 years ago

Currently since there's no way to assign an issue to an outside contributor, we can't tell easily (from a query) if the bug is assigned to a contributor. Could we get "assigned to contributor" or similar label?

muffinresearch commented 7 years ago

I'm going to work on getting a master list together and then from there we can work out a plan to sync that list out to all the relevant repos.

muffinresearch commented 7 years ago

Here's a first cut of a styleguide for labels based on consolidating and expanding on all the lists @EnTeQuAk put together:

muffinresearch commented 7 years ago

This is done and the triage label update is posted here mozilla/addons-bots#15 closing since there's nothing else to do.

Thanks everyone for your input!