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Update net-neutrality route to have call tool #465

Open alanmoo opened 6 years ago

alanmoo commented 6 years ago

As per @shaghdoosti, we're going to copy the site/call tool into the net-neutrality site. This will effectively be a straight migration and copy change.

One question for @shaghdoosti and @WillatMozFdn is about the donation modal- The ask for EoY was to put a modal on net-neutrality to ask people to donate. Should that still be there, triggered by scroll? Or should we have that appear after someone uses the tool to call? (That would be a feature that doesn't block launch of the page, but is done right after we get this live)

shaghdoosti commented 6 years ago

my instinct is having the popup on the script page but I'll defer to @WillatMozFdn on that decision.

WillatMozFdn commented 6 years ago

I really like Alan's second option, to wit, "... have that appear after someone uses the tool to call?" Seems like if we put it on the script page, it distracts them right when they were about to do what we want them to do. And if we put it onto the main page, we interrupt them with a fundraising ask when the email had a call ask (that dissonance will really confuse people.) So let's do it after they make a call. @alanmoo , can we put custom text on this particular instance? (I.e., "hey, thanks for calling! We'd love to have your support to keep up this fight so could you chip in now?") OR, are we restricted to using the same copy as in modals elsewhere on the site? LMK and I can write up some quick text if needed, thanks.

alanmoo commented 6 years ago

We can put some custom text in that instance.

shaghdoosti commented 6 years ago


WillatMozFdn commented 6 years ago

Not sure exactly how much space we'll have there, but, try this on for size? "THANK YOU so much for speaking out to save Net Neutrality. As a non-profit organization, Mozilla counts on donations from generous people like you to fund our advocacy work to preserve the Internet as a global public resource, open and accessible to all. Could you please chip in a small donation today?"

WillatMozFdn commented 6 years ago

slight edit: "THANK YOU so much for speaking out to save Net Neutrality. As a non-profit organization, Mozilla counts on donations from generous people like you to fund our advocacy work and preserve the Internet as a global public resource, open and accessible to all. Could you please chip in a small donation today?"