mozilla / apk-cli

A Command Line Inteface for generating Android native apps from open webapps
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building firebeat fails with "Generator response status code was 504" #7

Open mykmelez opened 9 years ago

mykmelez commented 9 years ago

Per @mwargers in bug 989041, attempting to generate an APK for Firebeat fails with the error "Generator response status code was 504":

07-31 14:40 > git clone Cloning into 'firebeat'... remote: Counting objects: 1037, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. remote: Total 1037 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1035 Receiving objects: 100% (1037/1037), 45.02 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (215/215), done. Checking connectivity... done. 07-31 14:40 > mozilla-apk-cli firebeat firebeat.apk Building with Generator response status code was 504

I note that a ZIP of the files in the repository takes up almost 2MB. Could this be an issue with the amount of data being transmitted?

mykmelez commented 9 years ago

Note that zipping the contents of the firebeat repository and uploading the package to succeeds with "Your app passed validation with no errors and 10 warnings."

mykmelez commented 9 years ago

ozten commented 9 years ago

I am unable to reproduce this locally.

mozilla-apk-cli --endpoint http://localhost:8080 firebeat firebeat.apk

This command completes and I have a properly formatted apk, no 504.

When reproducing using your steps, it's interesting that it takes 1 minute and 46 seconds before it fails.

The 504 could be coming from an nginx gateway timeout issue, perhaps timeouts could be examined and put into this bug. I would set them high as some apks take a long time to build and transmit over the network.

Another piece of the puzzel is S3 which is used in storing and transmitting the app data.

I would look at the server logs for

I don't think this apk is exceptionally large, did anything in the infrastructure change? Perhaps nginx rules were reset, the network topology has a lot more latency now (say moving part of the cluster to another hosting provider), etc.

Also: I've updated the README of apk-factory-service with couple minor updates

mykmelez commented 9 years ago

I don't think this apk is exceptionally large, did anything in the infrastructure change? Perhaps nginx rules were reset, the network topology has a lot more latency now (say moving part of the cluster to another hosting provider), etc.

@andymckay, @dannycoates, @kumar303: Do y'all have any insight into what might be going on here?