mozilla / application-services

Firefox Application Services
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Iterate on our publishing strategy for iOS components #417

Closed rfk closed 5 years ago

rfk commented 5 years ago

We have a couple of different threads going about how to build and publish our components for iOS, so I'm filing an issue to help centralized the discussion.

This repo currently publishes a single component that targets iOS, the FxA iOS SDK. Applications can include this dependency via carthage by including this in their Cartfile:

github "mozilla/application-services" "0.2.2"

Which will download a pre-built binary of FxAClient.framework. IIUC this binary is built and published via travis.

We're soon going to run into issues when we want to publish more than one component for iOS (such as for logins storage) for at least two reasons:

Let's use this issue to hash out what our build-and-publish pipeline for iOS should look like in a multi-component world.

eoger commented 5 years ago

It's probably too early for that as it is not ready for prime time but nevertheless we should keep an eye on the official Apple Swift Package Manager for the future.

rfk commented 5 years ago

My naive first impression after a light read of the Carthage docs, is that we could arrange to publish a pre-built binary distribution for each of our composite build targets, with accompanying frameworks for the swift wrapper code of each of the included components.

garvankeeley commented 5 years ago

Prebuilt binaries are great for convenience for a popular package, but I am not sure they are needed at an early stage of this project. Firefox iOS won't use them, we build our own for the certainty of knowing the exact build environment, avoiding binary incompat issues, and IIRC we get debugging symbols this way also.

The number of dynamic libraries used in an app is also a problem, as they impact cold boot performance. Apple's guideline has been to stick to 6-8 dylibs for boot performance, and Firefox iOS is more than double that. Our solution would be to do a static build or just link to the Carthage sources directly from our project. In the latter case (which we currently do in the project for some items), Carthage becomes a glorified git-external system, the advantage being we continue to use a single dependency management system (avoiding the confusion of having some things in Carthage, some things in git-external).

Overall, my hope is that we are able to KISS on this aspect of the project while it is in the inception stage, having two expert-level consumers (Lockbox and Firefox iOS) who can handle some pain points.

I imagine the first few months of development on Firefox iOS to be:

rfk commented 5 years ago

Would you want/expect to also build the Rust dependencies, or to pull in a precompiled lib with them in it and just build the Swift wrapper as part of the application build process?

garvankeeley commented 5 years ago

Initially we will be ok with the path of least resistance for app-services team. If we need to compile the Rust deps, we would add that to our setup shell script.

What is the approx build time for that?

eoger commented 5 years ago

424 now allows us to publish multiple pre-built binaries in a single Github release.

Using @rfk first comment's example, a developer using: github "mozilla/application-services" "0.X.X" can now pick and choose any framework(s) we maintain in their application.

They can also choose to build from source as @garvankeeley mentioned, which will build every possible framework in our repository (takes ~10 minutes on Travis CI). As there is no way to choose which schemes to build in a Cartfile (see, I believe we can't do better than this for now using Carthage.

rfk commented 5 years ago

I dug this issue out of the backlog, as we now have two active iOS consumers working on integrating our components - Firefox for iOS for bookmarks, and Lockbox for iOS for logins.

@justindarc @garvankeeley do the above comments about building from source reflect the approach you ended up taking for consuming things in Firefox for iOS?

@thomcc you mentioned in triage that you had some concerns about how to do megazording on iOS, please elaborate here when you have a moment.

justindarc commented 5 years ago

I would ideally like to have pre-built binaries for this. The real issue here is that Carthage is very simplistic and will not let us pick and choose which components we want to install.

However, just because Carthage builds or installs a pre-built binary, it doesn't mean your end project will automatically use it. The consumer of the components still needs to configure their Xcode project to pull in the .framework they intend on using.

Therefore, I suggest we build a single ApplicationServices.framework that builds a megazord with all the components for Firefox for iOS. Lockbox can continue using the FxAClient.framework and Logins.framework.

garvankeeley commented 5 years ago

Binary Frameworks

@rfk I foresee Firefox iOS building from sources for the next few months, as we will be staying tightly integrated with the HEAD and not waiting for pre-built binaries (as I assume these aren't being generated automatically).

That said, once things start to stabilize, pre-built binaries are the way to go.

The type of binary supplied is an important consideration. Due to the size of the Megazord as a dylib, and the amount of linking time this will cost on startup, and the fact Firefox iOS suffers from slow startup time due to dylib load, we should be looking to statically link this. A pre-built static archive is what we would want. This will also strip unused code and reduce the binary.

Megazord vs multiple frameworks

IIUC the negative to the Megazord is the size of unused stuff (for Lockbox in this case), as for Firefox iOS a Megazord is fine as we will use the entire thing. I think a static library is the correct solution for reducing the binary size, both for Lockbox and Firefox. (As well as optimizing the startup time). For avoiding the Megazord, getting carthage to build a specific build configuration is something I can help with, so perhaps I should be engaging myself in more discussions on that topic.

garvankeeley commented 5 years ago

I am going to do a quick† PR for a Megazord lib for iOS. For one, it will help me understand the quirks that I may not be considering, but also, it will give us a concrete discussion point.

† quick could be my first false assumption!

rfk commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback everyone. To check if I understand the current plan, here's what I'm hearing:

In all cases, the consumer experience looks like:

Does that sound broad-strokes accurate?

justindarc commented 5 years ago

Yes to all of the above ^^

garvankeeley commented 5 years ago

sgtm. I decided to call the iOS megazord RustAppServices.framework because that seemed the most semantically meaningful indicator of what it contained, rather than including the 'megazord' name which is largely a packaging description. I would change the name rather than bikeshed this :), but until told otherwise I'll keep that name.

rfk commented 5 years ago

👍 I also steadfastly refuse to bikeshed the name at this point, it seems like something we can easily change later. (And also I purposely used awful names in my description above so that nobody would be inclined to take my opinion on the naming too seriously).

joeyg commented 5 years ago

Sounds good to me. The only thing I haven't tried is using Carthage and pointing to a branch or commit instead of a release. Not sure if that is expected to work.

rfk commented 5 years ago

The only thing I haven't tried is using Carthage and pointing to a branch or commit instead of a release. Not sure if that is expected to work.

IIUC this won't work, at least not yet, because we only build the artifacts on release branches.

rfk commented 5 years ago

We got to a good decision here, and our next steps are just to try out the things we've built and see how they work in practice. I'm going to re-title this issue and put it back in "backlog" for now.

garvankeeley commented 5 years ago

I am going to close this as the publishing strategy is decided for the first iteration of this product, and if it needs to be changed a new bug could be filed to specify what the new issue/direction/strategy is. Or re-open if one of the original outstanding issues wasn't addressed.

To summarize for others: Carthage built frameworks for Logins, FxA, and the composite (megazord) are all bundled together in the dependency package. And the client-side gets to choose which one they use (i.e. link against) in their application.

So, in the Cartfile, github "mozilla/application-services" "some.version.num" will pull in a, which will place all the frameworks in your project's Carthage/ dir, and you can choose which one to use.